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单词 Fairness
1. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.
2. Americans have an innate sense of fairness.
3. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness.
4. Their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.
5. Fairness demanded an equal division of the winnings.
6. In all fairness, he has been a hard worker.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. They were all treated with strict fairness.
8. A tan emphasized the fairness of her hair.
9. His governorship was marked by fairness and prosperity.
10. Her sunburnt skin accentuates the fairness of her hair.
11. Children have a very strong sense of fairness.
12. In all fairness to him, I should say that most of his story is true.
13. These women are demanding fairness and equality in their pay.
14. As a matter of fairness, he should be allowed to give his version of events.
15. I have in fairness to say that, as yet(), there is no hard evidence to support these charges.
16. Tardelli had a poor match, although in fairness he was playing with a knee injury.
17. In fairness to Diana, she has at least been honest with you.
18. In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.
19. The new system of waiting lists should guarantee fairness to all patients.
20. Any incomes policy must embody the attributes of fairness and flexibility.
21. In all fairness to him, he did try to stop her leaving.
22. Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history.
23. He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice.
24. Finally there is a general duty of procedural fairness.
25. Fairness was a cynical exercise at its inception.
26. "It's a fairness issue," she asserted.
27. The investigation was carried out with scrupulous fairness.
28. Occasionally, they drop all pretence of fairness.
29. Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.
30. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.
1. Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.
2. Americans have an innate sense of fairness.
3. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness.
4. Their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.
5. Fairness demanded an equal division of the winnings.
6. In all fairness, he has been a hard worker.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. These women are demanding fairness and equality in their pay.
8. The new system of waiting lists should guarantee fairness to all patients.
9. Any incomes policy must embody the attributes of fairness and flexibility.
31. Her stories are about fairness and relations between people.
32. The Labour party believes in fairness and justice.
33. This court exemplifies the values of fairness and justice.
34. The judge has a record of fairness and non-discrimination.
35. In fairness to him, he had no choice.
36. I pay tribute to the fairness of the Home Office in dealing with the cases that have come to my attention./fairness.html
37. We felt that there can be no question of fairness when the law effectively endorses unilateral decision.
38. In effect this raises the question, to whom is the duty of fairness owed?
39. Shortly after the conviction of the accused bombers, Al Hayat ran a story raising questions about the fairness of the trial.
40. The courts have also addressed themselves to the question of whether natural justice or fairness applies to matters of a legislative nature.
41. We can test the fairness of the council tax by looking at the bill that the Secretary of State himself will face.
42. They usually argue that consistency is the only way to ensure equality of treatment and fairness for all.
43. Considerations of national security were however held to outweigh those of procedural fairness.
44. The development of fairness within our jurisprudence has not as yet caused us to depart from the adjudicative framework within which we operate.
45. My most fervent hope is that this work has been done with the accuracy and fairness intended.
46. One then posed the question whether fairness required any additional procedural safeguards.
47. And we ought, in fairness, to wonder who else in similar circumstances would have proved so much bolder?
48. If the Government were concerned to arrive at a proper system, they would accept that fairness was the answer.
49. No amount of procedural fairness could compensate for lack of knowledge of the complexities of the law.
50. Parents typically equate fairness with equality, seeking to evenly split the wealth they bequeath among their offspring.
51. At the same time, the report may genuflect toward ensuring fairness.
52. The truth and fairness of an advertising claim can be challenged for a variety of reasons.
53. Some commentators take a different view, seeing a broader significance in the shift from natural justice to fairness.
54. In fairness to the optician, he would think that when you didn't complain again, the problem was solved.
55. Justice consists in righteousness, reasonableness and fairness. The sense of justice influences and controls human behavior. Dr T.P.Chia 
56. In fairness to Principal Montara, the school hasn't received funding to hire better teachers.
57. On this view the distinction between the application of the terms natural justice and fairness is linguistic rather than substantive.
58. Neither is he here, in fairness, just to get women.
59. Fairness demanded that the throne be rotated among the players, usually on a weekly basis.
60. Efficiency arguments, nevertheless, are always accompanied by questions of fairness.
61. One view sees the development of fairness as a correlative of the expansion of procedural rights post Ridge v. Baldwin.
62. I want that sense of fairness and justice to be written into the local government finance legislation.
63. As so often, we have conflict between equity or fairness and efficiency.
64. But the majority of incumbents are afraid to take the risk on a little fairness.
65. But it does distill the issue to the question on which tax policy should stand or fall: fairness.
66. My next and last example draws on our most abstract and widely shared convictions about political justice and fairness.
66. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
67. Crackdown law also undermines the basic fairness and credibility of justice.
68. It is not simply ideas of fairness that move the public, but a desire for representative government.
69. I did say in fairness that most of the fault was my own.
70. She is a woman with an unblemished reputation of fairness and competence.
71. For the present we must return to the adjudicative context within which natural justice and fairness operate.
72. This raises questions of fairness which deserve to be debated publicly.
73. They monitor the fairness and effectiveness of the specialists' deliberations, while also taking part in the decision-making.
74. It is difficult to imagine any costly new initiatives on either energy independence or greater income fairness.
75. The perceived need to ensure stability in society took precedence over fairness and justice.
76. In fairness to Riley,[] he was close to the incident.
77. However, these are not attributes of an individual as such, which for fairness might be viewed as a necessary condition.
78. It appears that the judge must consider the fairness of the proceedings overall, not simply the proceedings in court.
79. We will consider how the term fairness is used in an adjudicative context.
80. In fairness to Robert, I must record that this sounded truthful.
81. It had travelled well and the colour emphasised her astonishing fairness.
82. But how more precisely will the court fix the procedural requirements and what concept of fairness is thereby entailed?
83. In fairness to everyone else in the ground, there did not seem to have been much of an incident.
84. Human rights education programs aim to foster respect for other people, tolerance, fairness and solidarity.
85. Least of all do I recognise the fairness and balance of the current Tory legislation which you claim.
86. There is a particularly important chapter dealing with ethics and values, fairness and power balance.
87. It is whether the pursuit of justice, fairness and efficiency can also deliver belonging, cohesion and community.
88. There is remarkable consensus on the issue of tax fairness.
89. But she has a great sense of fairness and believes Mike has been treated badly by Susan.
90. If this transpires then the emergence of fairness really will have a substantial effect on the whole area of procedural due process.
91. To treat all people with fairness and respect is justice, to bully and oppress the weak and the poor is injustice. Dr T.P.Chia 
92. How significant is the development of fairness, whether it be seen as synonymous with natural justice or in juxtaposition thereto?
93. Honesty is the sum of sincerity, reasonableness, truthfulness, and fairness – honesty is the virtuous strength that overcomes deceit, deception and lying. Dr T.P.Chia 
94. The effect of such an argument is however to view proportionality as a more general concept of fairness.
95. He knew that she was not making much headway with finding the nonce, but in fairness neither was he.
96. In fairness to the smooth running of the place, shouldn't Silas be warned of Ling's prediction of trouble?
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. A general concept of procedural fairness could therefore lead the courts into using and developing procedural forms other than classical adjudication.
98. It also defies basic standards of fairness by discriminating against large numbers of minority students.
99. They, too, decided that they could no longer remain in fairness to their young children.
100. Sam's resentment was, in all fairness, not without a certain justification.
101. Now, in fairness I must add that organized labor, or most of it, wanted the Steelworkers Trilogy.
102. It is the auditor's responsibility to form an opinion on the truth and fairness of the accounts.
103. The Act aimed to boost the fairness of fines, and introduced means-related unit fines as a way of punishing young offenders.
104. News reports should be held to a high standard of accuracy and fairness.
105. In fairness to its selectors one must stress the virtual absence of any important body of writing expressing an alternative Left viewpoint.
106. There has to be fairness and justice for black people before you can achieve a spirit of interracial harmony.
107. David Davis, chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, is campaigning for greater fairness and transparency.
108. In all fairness to him, it was not a happy time.
109. He genuinely tries to bring fairness, goodness and other verities to an endeavor that in many ways militates against such objectives.
110. An extremist has no love for rationality and fairness. An extremist lives in his own biases and prejudices. Dr T.P.Chia 
111. There is only the fairness of what politically appointed election officials or politically appointed judges decide.
112. And many work units are virtual disaster areas in terms of fairness and worker satisfaction.
113. Questions are sometimes raised about the fairness of procedures adopted by experts.
114. To fight back, PacBell has challenged the fairness of the bid process.
115. An item from the recent corporate survey shows an 8 % decline in employee ratings of supervisor fairness and absence of favoritism.
116. And we also think that fairness and self-determination are things most people believe in.
117. This is a natural impulse, and it often ensures a basic fairness in public systems.
118. We should appreciate their help and give thanks for it but never waste our strength worrying about its fairness.
119. It aims to treat all taxpayers with equal fairness and to settle their tax affairs impartially.
120. Lord Justice Woolf places great emphasis on justice as procedural fairness.
121. The real issue, they predict, will boil down to fairness and simple human dignity.
122. Although in fairness their biggest obstacle wasn't acting live but making the most of flawed storylines.
123. Many people do not believe in fairness and justice and they have different ideas about fairness and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
124. In all fairness, Maskelyne is more an antihero than a villain, probably more hardheaded than hard-hearted.
125. We think these plans represent fairness and value for all Raiders fans.
126. The spirit of fairness, however[Sentencedict], mandates that we should treat all papers equally and with candour.
127. To ensure fairness a waiting list is always in operation.
128. That is the extreme of the idea called justice as fairness.
129. Moreover, landlords were restrained by the knowledge that they would attract good tenants only if they had a reputation for fairness.
130. That the development of procedural fairness does involve the court in a balancing function is undeniable.
131. "Fairness," he said, not government income, was the issue.
132. the fairness of the judicial system.
133. Banlancing justice with mercy and fairness with commonsense.
134. This would offend against the principle of fairness.
135. Your fairness in business dealing unsurpassed.
136. Its theoretical basis is credit and fairness doctrine.
137. The properness and fairness of consumption is its reflection.
138. Your fairness in settling this claim is really unsurpassed.
139. The demonstrators marched to demand fairness in voter registration.
140. Procedural justice and fairness are crucial to democracy-they undergird healthy party competition and help ensure citizens' faith in a democratic system.
141. The disparity of strength between operators and consumers makes their actual statuses unequal(), so to realize social fairness requires the arrangements of inclinable policy to protect consumers.
142. Fairness and efficiency of the tax law should be directly reflected its concrete practice.
143. However the case concerned the law of trusts, a part of the law of equity developed by the Court of Chancery over the centuries on the basis of justice, fairness and good conscience.
144. Therefore, the condemnable standard for tax evasion should be based on objectivism to reach the fairness of condemnation.
145. Colombia ranks first in the category of "fairness in financial contribution."
146. It has the properties of fairness, non - repudiation, secrecy, termination, etc.
147. Assess the degree of trust, honesty and fairness you can expect from each participant and what bearing that will have on the tone of the conversation and achievability of your and others' objectives.
148. Their core tasks include liveness, safety, fairness, termination, invariant, synchronization, asynchronization, exclusion, reachability, duration, stability and so on.
149. But in fairness, when you think of good looking countries, Sweden, Italy, France and Brazil talent all spring to mind before us lazy, pale Brits.
150. Article 7 In fixing prices, business operators should follow the principle of fairness , lawfulness , honesty and trustworthiness.
151. The income gap of our country is caused by the fact that primary distribution attaches too much importance to the efficiency but ignores the fairness.
152. From Publishers Weekly In the biblical Book of Job, an upright man suffers for no apparent reason and later reconciles himself with the God whose fairness he questioned.
153. In addition, the rampancy of such cheating is undermining the principles of social justice and fairness.
154. It is in line with the fairness principle of levying on unearned income to change proportional tax rate to progressive tax rate in excess of specific amount.
155. Calculate the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient and analyse the fairness of health resource by positivism methods with the 2008 date in Gansu Province.
156. Simulation by NS2 is done which proves that DCLASA can obviously improve the network total throughput, reduce link transmission delay,[http:///fairness.html] and take into account fairness among links.
157. The trend of dollarization challenges the international credit currency standard that IMF leads to its stabilization and fairness.
158. The increase of unharmonious factors in the society is mainly due to the absence of fairness system.
159. The principle of openness, impartiality and fairness shall be followed in the granting of concessionary right.
160. Justice, fairness and openess are its standard value and basic dimension that reflect publicity.
161. In the interest of fairness, JBoss is undergoing a change to a more modular architecture for the 5.0 version of the application server.
162. There is an exact conceptional difference between judicial formality and judicial fairness, the former is the issue of norm, and the latter is that of value.
163. The students abroad are seemed as educable and with the highest potential by their teachers for the basic believe of the fairness of education.
164. The invention raises throughput and fairness of satellite network, and reduces transmission delay.
165. Despite its judicial ratification, all was not well with the Fairness Doctrine.
166. In fairness to Bates, he always made it very clear that Webb was only on trial until the end of the season.
167. Yet, the 2001 general election raised the issue of fairness on the Group Representation Constituency, giving more opportunity to discuss the disputed electoral system.
168. An independent federal judiciary is considered essential to ensure fairness and equal justice for all citizens.
169. Article 3 The issuance and trading of shares shall comply with the principles of openness, fairness, and credit-worthiness.
170. The article includes four parts. In the first part, it interprets the harmony and fairness from philosophy and exposit their relations.
171. Article 39 The principles of lawfulness, good faith, fairness and openness shall be observed in intermediary activities for employment.
172. Of course, the implication is that foreigners would run scared if they lost confidence in the transparency and fairness of Wall Street.
173. Fairness means that judges in deciding a case should be equal treatment of parties, the parties to respect the right of action, so that they remain a neutral position.
174. What I want to say to David Cameron is that if you decentralise power you risk getting rid of a basic level of fairness and equality.
175. Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils.
176. They will use strong insistent strategy for self-interested purpose, but not for seeking fairness goal.
177. Article 5 The principles of fairness, impartiality, promptitude and effectiveness shall be followed in legal aid.
178. Based on the rate allocation achieved by the outer loop, the inner loop allocated power to guarantee the maximum system utility. Outer loop should be controlled by inner loop. The fairness among diff...
179. To improve farmer worker perceived pay fairness, the employers must ensure their interests and treat them considerately.
180. Fairness doctrine is a basic principle in China's tax law.
181. Article 2 The customs houses shall observe the principles of objectiveness , fairness and unification when assessing and determining the dutiable value of import and export goods.
182. You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
183. Tone in an encyclopedic context has many meanings, as does objectivity ( impartiality, neutrality, and fairness ).
184. The third section explores to rebuild a modern system of renvoi under the basic concept of fairness and justice.
185. The participation degree and justice of this appraisal guarantees the truth, fairness and validness of the activity.
186. In the field of health[sentence dictionary], fairness matters in life-and-death ways.
187. And the results show that fairness is an optimum strategy aiming at mutual benefit under the mechanism of reciprocal social exchange.
188. The priority assignment problem was formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem which was targeted to achieve maximal fairness, and a solution was also provided.
189. For every sin that he committed, astain would fleck and wreck its fairness.
190. When granting permission for port operation, the port administration authority shall follow the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness.
191. We've always believed that the IMF should continue to push forward for reform(), and should choose up a senior official for the IMF based on fairness and transparency.
192. The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity.
193. The salary system meet the fairness, competitive, incentive compensation management what is emphasis in modern enterprises.
194. Article 3. When issuing and dealing in securities, all concerned must abide by the principles of openness and fairness.
195. To pursue fairness and efficiency is the pattern of value objective in administratively legislative procedure.
196. There are some goals of Certified E - mail Protocol : confidentiality non - repudiation and fairness.
197. When conducting transactions, producers and consumers shall follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility.
198. The target mode of individual income tax law generally classified into fairness mode and efficiency mode.
199. If it was difficult to examine entity fairness, the assumed justice is Rawls, "the pure procedure justice" manifested in juridical practice.
200. It is absolutely true that the theory of Real Right Act damages the seller 's interest and the fairness of trade by transforming the seller' s claim for ownership into claim for illegal profit.
201. Giving consideration of the fairness doctrine is of great significance to establish the concept of the equity and efficiency in China's socialist economy.
202. Although the novels violated the reality principle, they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from the evidence and fairness.
203. Performance study reveals that the proposed MAC protocol not only avoids the collision problem in the data transmission but also maintains the end-to-end throughput and fairness.
204. Group scheduling is another way to bring fairness to scheduling, particularly in the face of tasks that spawn many other tasks.
205. The amendment prohibited funds to be used to so-called czars on health care, climate change, global warming, green jobs, automobiles, Guantanamo Bay Closure, Pay and Fairness Doctrine.
206. Based on various specific problems, the author points out that the moral principles of information announcement should be decided properly between the fairness doctrine an...
207. In this thesis, discuss the safety and fairness in concurrent system, and point out its importance when multithreading accessing the critical resources.
208. Since eminent domain prevails the exclusivism of property right, the transaction rule in the market is hardly plausible to assess the fairness of the compensation.
209. However the fairness and the cell relay capability are rarely analyzed, which will introduce the problem of networks in-stable and limitation of the system performance enhancement.
210. There are no rules about the withdrawal of members of the adjudicatory committee in our country's three major procedure laws, which brings a lot of unfavorable influence to cases' fairness.
211. Article 2 The Customs shall observe the assessment principles of objectiveness , fairness and unification, and assess the dutiable value of import and export goods in accordance with these Measures.
212. I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law, and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage .
213. Today, even our best designers seldom produce a great golf hole, because they apply so many standards of fairness that all their holes begin to look and play alike.
214. In our special audit circumstance, we must reestablish CPA audit goal, which should be disclosing falsehood and errors as much as identifying the truth and fairness in a company.
215. The original credit of human society is the credit between friendship and fairness. The credit being economic meaning appeared afterwards.
216. Under certain fairness criteria, the closer the data throughput cumulative distribution functions to the fairness criteria,[] the higher the data throughput.
217. The MDUPC only needs the local information to coordinate intercell interference and achieves the best tradeoff between the fairness of users and the spectral efficiency.
218. Relegate agency system solving fairness and efficiency problem to go up to still have drawback.
219. Different from such the basic traditional rights as fairness and freedom, its realization more often needs national assistance, rather than no infringement only.
220. The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for Carrie.
221. For this, must solve a few outstanding issues perplex market fairness to compete currently hard.
222. Fairness of DQDB MAN with large files transfer is analyzed in this paper.
223. Fairness is the category of a history, neither one extend is ancient changeless fairness.
224. The principal has to pay additional fairness rents ( FR) to compensate the disutility of agents with fairness preferences, which results from unfair allocation of material payoff.
225. In this study the authors propose that norms of fairness are salient to top decision makers and show that over- or underpayment of the CEO cascades down to lower organizational levels.
226. The non - repudiation and fairness betweenand receiver is essential in - commerce and information security field.
227. We compare several performance including the Capacity, Packet Call Delay and user fairness by theory analyzing and computer simulation.
228. According to the criterion of proportional fairness, MC - PFS searches subcarrier allocation scheme on basis of GA.
229. A series of new offsets and a fairness curve may be gained after fairing.
230. Afterwards, Fujiyama has become a Ronin - a wandering samurai - he helped those poor and needy and made did good in the name of fairness, traveling between villages and towns.
231. Article 4 The forward transactions shall comply with the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.
232. In all fairness, the Runtime Spy adds overhead, especially if stack traces are captured, so true uninstrumented elapsed time is closer to 37 seconds overall from a warm start.
233. Judged from the types of fairness, there still exist many problems concerning the fairness doctrine of tax in China exposed both in its guiding principle and its specific system.
234. A quasi contract created by courts and imposed on parties in the interests of fairness and justice.
235. The simulation results show that the UF based algorithm can guarantee the proportional fairness of the throughput between every users, and evidently increase the total throughput of the system.
236. Kids judge the fairness and effectiveness of their parents'approaches to punishing misbehavior, for example.
237. Fairness is different to justice, impartiality and equality in the meanings.
238. He says the new document will guar-antee fairness for blacks in Georgia.
239. Acting border fairness is one of important connotation that can develop continuously.
240. In the primary stage of socialism, the interrelation between fairness and efficiency appears the double feature of unity of opposites.
241. The principle with which the educational institv undertakes responsibilities should apply to the principle of fault instead of the principle of faultlessness or fairness.
242. The system of intellectual property can form certain restriction itself, the owner of IP rights can seek to the counterplea of abuse from fairness, justice and honesty principle of the civil law too.
243. All persons taking part in an orienteering event shall behave with fairness and honesty. They shall have a sporting attitude and a spirit of friendship.
244. These changes were a matter of fairness. An American in Peoria can't exclude any salary or housing costs from taxable income. Why should an American in Paris not face reasonable limits?
245. The in-depth analyses on fairness of health financial contribution focus on the influential factors of Catastrophic Health Expenditure (CHE).
246. To reconstruct the criminal adjudicatory supervision procedure,[] fairness and efficiency should be laid equal stress on and the value conflicts between them should be coordinated.
247. But Fru Ndi says his opposition SDF has gathered evidence that challenges the fairness and accuracy of last week's vote.
248. If bosses treat employees and customers with fairness and respect, this, too, will reverberate.
249. Meanwhile, in accordance with the principle of honesty and fairness, the doctrine of prosecution history estoppels and plea known technology shall be taken as the exclusion principle.
250. After simply introducing the principle of RPR, this paper mainly discusses the key techniques of RPR, such as RPR priority scheme, fairness algorithm and topology discriminating mechanism.
251. Fairness and efficiency are to measure a society the important measure of balanced development.
252. The scope of the liability of the bailee in our country holds the autonomous principle of the viewpoint of the person concerned, which does not violate the principle of fairness.
253. The core of revenue quality is the equipoise between revenue efficiency and revenue fairness.
254. In this paper, we have developed primary bandwidth model of RPR and analysed its bandwidth utilization factor and fairness policy.
255. You can see that fairness in the example provided in this article, where all processes are given access to the processor—even the lowest priority.
256. The principle of fairness belongs to the discipline of distribution, and it must be observed all through the process of income distribution regardless of primary distribution or redistribution.
257. Article 4 In civil activities, the principles of voluntariness, fairness, making compensation for equal value, honesty and credibility shall be observed.
258. Roughly speaking, we associated the ex post perspective with fairness and rights.
259. Standard process of disciplinary punishment can assure disciplinary punishment lawfulness , reasonable, justice, fairness and so on.
260. I think fairness shows income level is adjacent between people namely, had not appeared big gap.
261. The CFS scheduler module does fairness testing before actually preempting the running task.
262. The starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections.
263. In order to analyze the non-repudiation and fairness properties under one frame, a set of first-order logic syntax and semantics for non-repudiation protocols was proposed, and a model was built.
264. They shared the character of fairness, industry, goodness, adamancy and without any effeminacy .
265. The patent law of our country chooses the benefit value mode of regarding the benefit at first and considering the fairness at the same time.
266. In fairness, all three were preciously young at the time and ill-equipped to handle the maniacal mess that is Larry Brown under coaching duress.
267. The worship of Mammon blatantly overrode any questions of justice, fairness or human kindness.
268. Beijing is industrial and commercial disappear of bureau, city assist pointed out yesterday, this kind of behavior belongs to limitative consumer own option and fairness trade authority.
269. Setting up a basic cost of living allowance system for all urban and rural residents has great and far-reaching significance for promoting social fairness and building a harmonious society.
270. Fairness can have incentive effect, inequity can have negative effect.
271. Teachers extremely concern the fairness and objectivity of teacher evaluation system.
272. "curriculum of physical education and health" especially values the cultivation of sports experiences such as student's competitiveness, independency, fairness, and cooperativeness.
273. Income allocation has a lot of planting principle but abide, approbatory of placeofa society any allocationtheprinciple is OKthebasisthatfinds its fairness from ethics.
274. Official is the judge in basketball game. Fairness is most important.
275. He summarizes libertarianism, the meritocratic system, and the egalitarian theory. This leads to a discussion of the fairness of pay differentials in today's society.
276. Efficiency and fairness are the problem with past dynasties economist and vexed sociologist all the time.
277. Primary distribution has the function of improving efficiency as well as of promoting fairness.
278. Belief in fairness - a fair trade a fair society and a fair world.
279. Next, we analyze the dimension of institution fairness from the internal dimension and external dimension.




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