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单词 Values
1. We need to reassess our values as a nation.
2. Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.
3. The plumber will fit some new safety values.
4. Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.
5. This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.
6. Carter personifies the values of self-reliance and hard work.
7. Are spiritual or worldly values more important?
8. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
9. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.
11. Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.
12. She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.
13. The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.
14. The range of tog values has been extended to 15 togs.
15. Among people here, traditional values still hold sway.
16. Certain qualities and values underpin good journalism.
17. The older generation have a different set of values.
18. Property values are negatively correlated to the tax rate.
19. People began to reappraise their values.
20. Society has been disoriented by changing values.
21. She values herself on her conversational powers.
22. Social values are not easy to define.
23. He is a firm believer in traditional family values.
24. We need to be guided by our moral values.
25. Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum.
26. They hold very middle-class values.
27. She values her job above her family.
28. Traditional family values are increasingly under assault.
29. In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
30. He had not expected the people so readily to internalize the values of democracy.
1. We need to reassess our values as a nation.
2. Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.
3. The plumber will fit some new safety values.
4. Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.
5. This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.
6. Carter personifies the values of self-reliance and hard work.
7. Are spiritual or worldly values more important?
8. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
9. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.
11. Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.
12. He had not expected the people so readily to internalize the values of democracy.
13. She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.
14. The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.
15. The range of tog values has been extended to 15 togs.
16. She values herself on her conversational powers.
17. A shortage of building land will push property values up.
31. His beliefs and values contrast sharply with his father's.
32. The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence.
33. House values may begin to slide.
34. Property values have suffered another reverse.
35. There has been a deflation in/of property values.
36. Values and morals are independent of religious faith.
37. Your mother values the predictability of your Sunday calls.
38. What caused share values to slump?
39. The party places great emphasis on family values.
40. Western dualism values mind over body.
41. Property values continue to advance rapidly.
42. The two sets of values seemed mutually opposed.
43. Traditional values have been reasserted.
44. Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.
45. Share values have levelled off after yesterday's steep rise.
46. Many young people react against traditional values.
47. Today these values are under assault.
48. What shared values do you have with your friends?
49. Our values and behaviour patterns are different from yours.
50. The medicinal values of garlic are well-documented.
51. She advocated a return to Victorian values .
52. Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values — A equals 1, B equals 2, etc.
53. Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values.
54. Although the curtain has now fallen on the Republican era, many of its values still remain.
55. Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.
56. Property values appreciated yearly.
57. Minority groups tend to internalize the values of the dominant society.
58. He values his independence.
59. I never had any toys, my father thought that they would warp my personal values.
60. They want to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with their own.
61. He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man.
62. We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values.
63. War transvalues all values.
64. I try not to foist my values on the children but it's hard.
65. America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it.
66. Las Vegas became the wellspring of a new style of family values.
67. Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
68. He argues that there is a lack of fit between our system of values and capitalism.
69. It has become fashionable to do down traditional moral values./values.html
70. If society is to exist as a unity, its members must have shared values.
71. The countries of South Asia also share many common values.
72. She considered people to be products of the values and norms of the society they lived in.
73. The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.
74. It should be possible to specify the range of values of X which would satisfy this equation.
75. Harvest festival was the occasion for the collective expression of a community's religious values.
76. The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values.
77. Influences from the outside can undermine the values you want to teach your children.
78. Your attitudes about sex are affected by your religious and moral values .
79. Old values are being grafted onto a new social class.
80. The old values are withering away in a new society.
81. If you've owned property for several years, the probability is that values have increased.
82. The party's election campaign emphasized its belief in family values.
83. She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.
84. A society should be judged on its beliefs and values.
85. The young have a completely different set of values and expectations.
86. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.
87. Becoming a member of a society means adopting its values.
88. They tried to beat the sudden decrease in land values.
89. The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades.
90. Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values.
91. All the petrol pumps have been switched over to show decimal values.
92. Traditional values were drummed into him from an early age.
93. Perhaps the present concern with the values of liberal arts education portends an intellectual anemia.
94. We tend to feel kinship with those who share the same values.
95. By its nature, terrorism is designed to strike at the heart of our democratic values.
96. The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values/customs/beliefs.
97. The religious conservatives are not enamoured of the West and its values.
98. Is it the role of schools to foster spiritual values?
99. She didn't want to impose her values on her family.
99. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
100. Property values have fallen since the plans for the airport were published.
101. In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.
102. A shortage of building land will push property values up.
103. We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others.
104. The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values.
105. She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian.
106. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
107. How much better life would be if we returned to the values of the past!
108. Victorian values are much misunderstood.
109. Since logical values are manipulated in the accumulator used for fixed-point binary arithmetic, no separate load and store instructions are required.
110. Positive thoughts give birth to our good values and beliefs, and increase our thinking power positively. Negative thoughts impact our values and beliefs negatively, and reduce our abilities to think clearly, rationally and optimistically. Dr T.P.Chia 
111. Negative beliefs - lacking a strong belief in yourself, being ruled by bad values and habits- - pollute and worsen your character. Dr T.P.Chia 
112. If there are no absolutes or eternal values, then the moral imperative behind such movements evaporates into thin air.
113. Most people neglect or underestimate the values of smiling, and some people view smiling as a sign of weakness or self-depreciating - to their own disadvantage. Dr T.P.Chia 
114. These dividends have provided most of the return on shares, if capital values are adjusted for inflation.
115. Twelve patients with clinically active disease had normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate values; all of these had raised scan score.
116. Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Robert F. Kennedy 
117. Your character is the master of your destiny. The combined weight of a steadfast character, positive values and human strengths contributes to a great destiny. The influence of a defective character, negative values and human weaknesses leads to a messy destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
118. Labelling is acknowledged as a complex process involving social norms and values.
119. The proposed acquisition, which must be approved by shareholders, values the two networks at about $ 16 a share.
120. Love is our response to our highest values, and can be nothing else. Ayn Rand 
121. These attribute values will need to be adjusted following the event.
122. The attitude is we live and let live. This is actually an amazing change in values in a rather short time and it's an example of freedom from religion. Thomas Wolfe 
123. People rarely succeed unless they are believers of positive values and good habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
124. Our point here is that at an abstract level, every organization values pretty much the same things.
125. The managed mixed economy and a highly developed system of collective social provision were the means for achieving these values.
126. Such thoughts were not purely abstract, but directed towards Eliot's own values and to London.
127. Prove your values when you are confronted with difficulties. Prove your determination when you are knocked down by obstacles. Dr T.P.Chia 
128. But this creates difficult administrative problems about how often official valuations of property values are revised.
129. Leavis, Lewis, and Gardner shared traditional values, even though Cambridge and Oxford spoke with different accents.
129. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130. If you are determined not to let your character make you an inferior person, or stop you from being an achieving person, fight your negative values and habits tooth and nail, it is possible for you to win the battle. Dr T.P.Chia 
131. Smiling adds values to the face, making people look sweeter, more handsome or beautiful, younger, friendlier and approachable. Dr T.P.Chia 
132. For many circuits, practical values will need to be derived by scaling: but be cautious about accuracy.
133. Your character is the son of your values and habits. You are the teacher of your character. Good values and habits contributor to a positive character. Bad values and habits leads to a negative character. If you want to have a better life, you need to discipline and control your character. Dr T.P.Chia 
134. Wicked people and criminals are victims of their negative beliefs, bad values and habits, and defective characters. Dr T.P.Chia 
135. To recapitulate, all development rights and values were vested in the state.
136. Neither abstinence from drugs nor blind adherence to unjust laws are necessarily consistent with those values.
137. To see how men began to entertain values and engage in the pursuit of excellence we need additional sources of information.
138. Good things come with positive thoughts, values, judgments and choices! Dr T.P.Chia 
139. Men do not give much thought to virtuous values, and are less interested in treating others fairly and justly. Dr T.P.Chia 
140. They found only one parent objected to schools dealing with values, as this would harm academic work.
141. Moreover, social values and structures have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
142. People are more than likely to fail in life, if they are enslaved by negative beliefs disregarding positive values and habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
143. Go on a journey of self- discovery - examine your values, attitudes, habits and behaviors, and find out your strengths and weaknesses. Dr T.P.Chia 
144. The abstract idea of the Rechtsstaat must not be set above the values which it is designed to defend.
145. Program evaluation is concerned specifically with determining the worth or values of efforts expended to achieve a given purpose or objective.
146. To love is to see myself in you and to wish to celebrate myself with you. What I love is the embodiment of my values in another person. Love is an act of self-assertion, self-expression and a celebration of being alive. Nathaniel Branden 
147. In the rest of the world inflation accelerates when currency values fall.
148. The best religion is a strong belief or faith in yourself, good values and the moral feelings of your conscience. Dr T.P.Chia 
149. Perhaps young people perceive that our current values of the pursuit of wealth and power are hollow and react accordingly.
150. The values of books are often neglected, and the bookstore is far less interested by the majority of people. Dr T.P.Chia 
151. The values of amylase and lipase activity are significantly elevated in acute pancreatitis and obstruction of the pancreatic duct.
152. Usually, they are intermediate values to allow for later additions.
153. Great men and successful people are products of their positive beliefs, good values and habits, and steadfast characters. Dr T.P.Chia 




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