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单词 Maximize
1. The aim was to maximize the machine's productive capacity.
2. The company's main function is to maximize profit.
3. We must maximize profits.
4. In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.
5. We need to maximize the space.
6. Click on the square icon to maximize the window.
7. Maximize the window to full screen.
8. The career center will help you maximize your opportunities.
9. We will actively manage your portfolio to maximize the return on your investment.
10. Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production.
11. Open up the lens aperture to maximize the brightness of the shot.
12. It's probably to maximize revenue.
13. How do they maximize their chances of career development?
14. The objective is to maximize revenue and security.
15. Diamonds are cut to maximize the stone's beauty.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Consumers maximize utility subject to possible quantity constraints.
17. Business, after all, exists to maximize profits.
18. Beyond this, to maximize the voluntary participation, the editor comes to personify the strategy and purposes of the publication.
19. It makes sense to buy at dealer prices so you can maximize your profits if you resell.
20. Some airlines have cancelled less popular routes in an effort to maximize profits.
21. By replacing Candlestick, the 49ers want to reduce cold winds and maximize sunshine for fans and television broadcasts.
22. There is no way to guarantee that any particular group will achieve greatness, but there are ways to maximize the likelihood.
23. Thus economic models of bureaucratic behaviour usually involve a theory of legislative behaviour in which politicians aim to maximize their electoral support.
24. The technicians and experts simply mirror this reality as they squabble over the means to maximize profits for their respective ruling classes.
25. Now the trend is for single-sport facilities designed to maximize revenues from sales of luxury suites, restaurants, shops and advertising.
26. He is meticulous in developing, implementing and maintaining systems which minimize inventory and maximize profit.
27. However, even these barriers would hot prevent for ever a corporation determined to maximize its interests.
28. A major preoccupation of writers on organization has been the design of structures that will maximize efficiency.
29. In general, every household and every firm are motivated to maximize the value associated with the resources and goods they control.
30. Exercise 10-2 A government programme is administered by an agency that aims to maximize the scale of provision.
1. The aim was to maximize the machine's productive capacity.
2. The company's main function is to maximize profit.
3. In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.
31. The aim of everyone, irrespective of weight, should be to modify their eating very slightly to maximize health benefits.
32. Private actors are allowed to make decisions and take actions that maximize their profits and their share of the resources.
33. Such a policy will maximize the value of the firm.
34. The following guides suggest how to maximize the dollars for these products.
35. Dynamic school superintendents and principals use resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness.
36. Apple, which disdained cloning until early 1995, instead chose to maximize profit margins.
37. But it should come as no shock that the oil industry is out to maximize profits.
38. The bank's function is to maximize profits, and that requires some risk-taking.
39. The state / firm attempts to use productive resources optimally to maximize the supply of appropriate goods available for consumers.
40. Rather, production decisions are dominated by actors who produce those goods that they believe will maximize their own resources.
41. Processing is then designed to minimize wastage and maximize data collection.
42. Murphy said fund directors have a duty to maximize the retirement income of city employees.
43. In the second stage, choose the expenditure allocation so as to maximize overall welfare subject to the overall budget constraint.
44. The Ballot itself was carefully constructed to maximize support for the League, and minimize areas of disagreement.
45. Airlines for years have used computers to predict demand and set fares to maximize revenues.
46. An entrepreneur, in other words(/maximize.html), uses resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness.
47. High-performing enterprises maximize as a means of achieving eventual success, then position this success as a rationale for system-wide change.
48. The result is that they are bought up by development companies, insurance companies and pension funds looking to maximize their value.
49. We need to look at how to maximize our cash flow.
50. Keeping wives in work will therefore maximize the chances of their husbands hearing about possible job openings.
51. Strategies that maximize the individual fitness component may be termed selfish.
52. How, then, can a poor country maximize its benefits from such projects?
53. The wage is set by the union executive to maximize the expected utility of the median voter.
54. What she did, however, was to maximize her chances of responding positively.
55. Following this rule will result in choosing the investment that will maximize the value added to the firm.
56. Warehouse stores are a rich shopping resource for the meal manager who must maximize food dollars.
57. Agents maximize, and part of the maximization procedure is the efficient use of all information available at reasonable cost.
58. On the supply side, firms maximize profits and entry occurs until the marginal firm can only just break even.
59. Both, however, exist to maximize the inclusive fitness of breeding in their exponents.
60. By contrast, a recreational paddler in a remote gorge will want to maximize safety and minimize energy expenditure.
61. Those opposed to power-sharing wanted an arrangement to maximize the loyalist vote.
62. Is the goal to maximize corporate profits for the few or to meet all basic human needs and protect the Earth?
63. Coordination and Referral System Referral procedures are essential for continuity of care and to maximize the services available from other sources.
64. Maximize insulation weather strip door openings and seal ducts.
65. Why? Because I want to maximize my financial freedom.
66. Ensure excess cash is managed to maximize earning potential.
67. Their task is to maximize net present value.
68. The stem has fine pitch to maximize mechanical advantage.
69. Maximize button in the normal state.
70. Estimate depth of field, maximize it via hyperfocal technique.
71. Designed to maximize intra-oral exposure for any treatment procedure.
72. Talent and businesses is a community of interests, Talent and enterprise of unilateral development is limited, only common progress, to maximize the value of both sides.
73. We assume that the firm's goal is to maximize profit.
74. In particular the telephone handset design to maximize customer satisfaction.
75. Connect down he almost is very disgustingly will I,(http:///maximize.html) have my wife's son my house still took turns to consumedly maximize some variety of. (He is probably still not remove I relationship with high snow.
76. When a window is maximized, the restore button replaces its maximize button.
77. C. 1. The company follows established guidelines or a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment.
78. However, as the substitutable relationship between liquidity and profitability, the bank should choose a equilibrium point so as to maximize profit, which is analyzed by indifference curve.
79. With no one watching, the managements of the investment banks did exactly what they were incentivized to do: maximize employee compensation, he said.
80. Through analyzing and comparing between social and private profit and cost from internet infrastructure, we draw out the equilibrium condition to maximize the social value of internet infrastructure.
81. To overcome this restriction and to maximize the flexibility of a relational database system, DB2 V9.5 introduces the concept of global variables.
82. How many articles should be produced as to maximize the profit? What is the maximum profit?
83. The purpose for this model is to rationally allocate the capital and other resources and to maximize the profit of investment project portfolio within the risk bearing capability.
84. In other words, malversation has become a mode of behavior to maximize individual benefit, profitable, with more chances and low risks, and widely adopted by governmental officials.
85. We offer the most payment rate to help maximize your revenue stream.
86. Face Thickness VFT technology to maximize the improvement of the ball and club head weight around.
87. The objective of data dissemination in mobile peer-to-peer networks is to maximize the number and timeliness of matched data delivered to the interested users.
88. The chief idea of this project was to maximize profits.
89. Information Technology (IT) companies must be able to forecast and quickly respond to these shifting adoption patterns in order to maximize the return on their research and development investment.
90. In a flat fading channel, system can maximize the average output and lower the BER by adjusting the coding scheme, modulation index and transmission power accordingly with the changes of channel.
91. The results show that the improvement of the intracellularacetyl coenzyme A level can maximize carbon metabolic flow and rapidly guide to a target metabolite.
92. Analyzers minimize risk and maximize profit opportunities by seeking both flexibility and stability.
93. Translated into national terms, this first principle means that our real objective is to maximize production.
94. Its primary engines are located on outrigger pylons and struts to maximize cargo space within the hull.
95. Assist in stock organization to maximize free space and ease access.
96. These drones are also flying, stealthed, and immobile. They may excellent perimeter defenses and can be coupled with Auto Turret raids to maximize the damage.
97. Its aim is to maximize the difference between their value.
98. It is good to know that managers can all be given one simple instruction:Maximize net present value.
99. The resulting offset voltage is subsequently subtracted from the measured signal to maximize measurement accuracy.
100. Supply Chain Management(SCM)is a system applied to maximize profits for all parties in the whole logistic system and other economic systems.
101. A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits.
102. The telecommunications company also will help AFRTS reduce the number of entry points and fiber connections for its services and maximize efficiencies in the use of the satellites.
103. It's like when you talk on a walkie-talkie; you shout to maximize the chance that what your message gets received over all the noise.
104. The minimize option is -m; however, the default behavior of the script function is to maximize (-M) the output record data and display all fields.
105. By employing the basic sales principles for capturing walk-ins, your front desk team can help your hotel maximize it's market share even in a down market.
105. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
106. Responsible for the quality improvement process to optimize production line balance and human coordination, deployment workshop to maximize the line capacity.
107. Fast frequency hopping avoids interference Adaptive output power minimizes interference Short data packets maximize capacity during interference.
108. A window receives this message when the user chooses a command from the window menu (also known as the System menu or Control menu) or when the user chooses the Maximize button or Minimize button.
109. The upper level problem seeks to maximize the operator's revenue, while the lower level problem is a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model with elastic demand.
110. The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space.
111. And , as always , we will continue to explore ways to maximize shareowner value.
112. Tree models partition space of variables imported in a recursion way, and their aim to maximize evaluation function about purity of sorts.
113. To stabilize the floating roof over the gymnasium and to maximize the effect of the clerestory windows, steel columns were specially designed to provide more lateral bracing than usual.
114. Institutional changes are also necessary to maximize the potential of this new physical and human investment.
115. Ensures front line staff comply with FIT Marketing techniques and maximize sales.
116. In order to break through the oneness of pure wood carving delicate, especially with defects in the painting and maximize the product promotion, aesthetic and noble.
117. To maximize cash flow from trade and other current payables, whilst minimizing capital funds employed assets.
118. Here, the basic assumption is that firms attempt to maximize profits.
119. Backwash - The skid is back washed to remove excess solids and maximize the chemical cleaning efficiency.
120. aero-tuned rear spoiler: Reduces lift, creates vacuum to maximize airflow through helmet.
121. For taxpayers seeking tax planning to maximize after - tax profits generated demand.
122. A problem with multiple solutions has more than one point in its feasible region that either maximize or minimize a problem.
123. The restoration challenge was to maximize functionality while retaining the original character of the structure.
124. Air Force and Army leaders met June 30 to discuss developing a new joint unmanned aerial system concept of operations and maximize the contributions these systems provide to joint forces in the field.
125. These include a floor plan and building materials that maximize natural cooling in the building, which mean that they will forgo any traditional AC.
126. Any product selected should maximize a data mart's potential for amplifying the impact of direct data access by providing the greatest degree of effortlessness.
127. Much of corporate law can be viewed as allocation of risks between shareholders and managers in an attempt to minimize the effects of these conflicts and to maximize the corporation's overall success.
128. Brand managers have long viewed the package as an integral component of the product, and are pushing for personalized on demand packages that maximize the presentation and marketing of their lines.
129. Acquisition strategy is to maximize the use of standard ATS specified by DoD.
130. At the wing tip, the STOL CH 801 design utilizes 'Hoerner' tips to maximize the wing's effective lift area and to minimize wing tips vortices.
131. This corresponds to the basic assumption of demand theory that consumers attempt to maximize utility.
132. What is the difference between hard and soft capital rationing ? Does soft rationing mean the manager should stop trying to maximize NPV? How about hard rationing?
133. Cellular Nutrition is especially formulated to help cleanse and maximize our absorption system.
134. We can establish "underground space rights"by legislation to maximize the equity, so that taking the initiative in nomology .
135. Maximize plant availability and improve equipment stability by effective mechanical maintenance service.
136. Be sure you mix up your arsenal as you press forward to maximize your unit's effectiveness.
137. In order to maximize the use of the counterfoils page(), the counterfoils will also be printed on both sides with dotted lines separating each counterfoil.
138. Someone believed that firms should seek to maximize the value of future net cash flows.
139. People are expected to act so as to maximize their well - being.
140. Won't some people say that you have a fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders to maximize profit?
141. To maximize reliability, we want to ensure that the database spaces are in a consistent state so their use can be resumed on the target.
142. In order to maximize the utilization of mash cake, the extraction of oil, dietary fiber, phospholipids or flavones from mash cake should attract more attentions in...
143. Mature technology is adopted for the objective to maximize energy utilization and minimize hazardousness to environment.
144. Scarlett Johansson (left) and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches.
145. Fast matching procedure was tuned to maximize the probability of automatic panorama creation from any series of overlapping photos.
146. Drug trading enterprise is belonging to commercial enterprise, and its objective is to make maximize profits.
147. Only grasp the principles of planning, tax planning can maximize the benefits.
148. The whole scheme design is discussed in detail in order to maximize the measurement space as large as possible and reduce the number of unreached areas.
149. Against the limitation of traditional methods for transit network optimization, a mathematical model is presented aiming to maximize the direct passenger flow density.
150. Aero - tuned rear spoiler: Reduces lift, creates vacuum to maximize airflow through helmet.
151. Just in maximize of her- a minge drops severing papers.
152. The objective of IPP is to provide prompt services and maximize profit at meantime.
153. Eager to maximize output today, we are borrowing from tomorrow.
154. The reduction of agency cost to minimum is to maximize the residual income of the firm.
155. Those highlight the need to maximize the genetic diversity in base population, and to control the rate of inbreeding in selective breeding programs and wild resource protection.
156. Maximize the Layout window by clicking the window's Maximize button.
157. The M 2002 provides the trickle - charge and the optional top - off charge to maximize the battery capacity.
158. It needs to maximize the strengths of interconnecting actors, public and private, profit-making and civil society NGOs.
159. The precondition of realizing the profit is to maximize the avail of the product consumption of BOI from production to exchange of sport service.
160. The type of traps can maximize the use of condensation water was hot or prevent product overheating.
161. Utilize bluffing ; bluff with the best - balanced frequency to maximize its usefulness.
162. The objective of internal control is to maximize enterprise's value and internal control helps the realization of incremental value of enterprise's value chain as a whole.
163. At present, China's grids regulation policy has gradually been converted to a more incentive mode of the cost-plus regulation which core issue is how to maximize the regulated asset.
164. The optimization performance index is to maximize the orbital plane change, and the optimal lift and bank control law are obtained.
165. Material feeder system: adopt force feeder, maximize extruder functional performance and stabilize motor load.
166. The MNC(Multinational Corporation) pursues its market value to maximize, chooses the suitable financing way and the best debt-to-equity ratio, and searches the best capital structure.
167. Effective communication across all internal functions to maximize effectiveness and productivity.
168. To maximize the profit,[sentence dictionary] firm needs to invest its capital in the long-term asset which can bring high return.
169. In addition, extensive documentation is available for changing your processor settings to maximize the benefits of dynamic frequency scaling based on your current power source.
170. A mathematical model of subchannel allocation in a single cell of WRAN is established which target is maximize the data transmission rate for downlink of system.
171. The primary objective of long-range planning is to develop the best strategy to maximize the company's performance over an extended future period.
172. C. Maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize negative impacts.
173. The paper proposes a model to maximize the profits in the self-employed mode and a mixed integer programming model of multi-enterprise's joint return for multi-products in the joint venture model.
174. The Eclipse workbench can become crowded with toolbars and views, so if you want more space for the editor, click the Maximize button at upper right.
175. New systems must maximize the role of ecological mechanisms and emphasize the use of renewable resources.




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