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单词 Thinker
1. He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
2. He has been feted as a great thinker.
3. Jenner is a profound thinker.
4. Hamilton is a great statesman and political thinker.
5. Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker.
6. He was known for being an original thinker.
7. He is a loose thinker.
8. Sean's a fast thinker[], and he acts on impulse.
9. Robertson was a doer, not a thinker.
10. Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker.
11. He is a shallow thinker whose opinions aren't worth much.
12. He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee.
13. That is what made him a great political thinker.
14. Plant: Innovative, original thinker, creative.
15. He was a world-class thinker, a right-brained adept.
16. I told you he was a deep thinker.
17. Barney was an advanced thinker, a believer in catharsis.
18. Reich is a big thinker and a great writer.
19. She's a clear and logical thinker.
20. Thinker - producing carefully considered ideas and weighing up and improving ideas from other people.
21. The thinker enters the mind of the other as an observer not as an actor.
22. No serious thinker can make a valid argument that to discriminate based on species is acceptable.
23. Elie Wiesel and Elmo, a great thinker and a great tickle, will help President Clinton celebrate his second inauguration.
24. A distinguished and internationally-known writer and thinker, Serfaty was a mining engineer by profession.
25. Alfred Wegener was a keen thinker and a daring pioneer.
26. The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker.
27. Marie is good at making decisions because she's a very clear thinker.
28. Newton was not the first or the only great scientific thinker of the time.
29. Mairs succeeds where many others have failed by being not only an engaging writer, but an engaging thinker.
30. The agnostic who doubts the existence of God, and the free thinker who feels that the existence of God is unnecessary and not justified, constitute a majority of non- believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
1. He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
31. The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution. Bertrand Russell 
32. Binh was a man of ideas, a thinker ahead of his times.
33. No better evidence could be found against classifying Kant as a typical thinker of the Enlightenment.
34. Winnicott was a subtle and original thinker who did much to give new impetus and direction to Freudian psychology.
35. Her strength lay in her role as an interdisciplinary thinker.
36. But even the most abstract thinker does not wholly escape the need to impregnate thought with joy.
36. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
37. Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good. Friedrich Nietzsche 
38. Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood. Friedrich Nietzsche 
39. But, in truth, he is the one management thinker who genuinely deserves the accolade.
40. The thinker, on the other hand, finds purely mechanical explanations inadequate.
41. He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot. Douglas Adams 
42. Bearded and dignified, Aitken was an original thinker who remained outside the mainstream of scientific activity.
43. A concrete thinker is tied to particular data; a formal thinker operates hypothetically.
44. He was considered an original thinker, linking the old twelfth-century theological ideas with the new interests of the thirteenth.
45. But Darwin was a much better biologist and thinker than most of those who have come after him.
46. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. Winston Churchill 
47. Helen Gardner was not a deep thinker, but she saw certain things more clearly than many sharper minds.
48. What made Mr Prahalad such a creative thinker?
49. WILKINS MICAWBER is an unlikely management thinker.
50. James was renowned as a forward thinker.
51. Moreover, Ramsay was no mean thinker himself.
52. You're a solitary gazer , a thinker.
53. I do not want to be a wishful thinker.
54. Cynthia is an independent thinker.
55. Taylor was both a thinker and a doer.
56. This way starts from a simple proposition: Here was a great thinker who still has things to teach us.
57. A new layer model including man thinker layer about NCW based on the theory of the man-machine hybrid control system is proposed.
58. Learning to love pressure is essential to becoming the kind of exceptional thinker for whom overachievement is a way of life.
59. Yan Fu is illuminating thinker who firstly comprehended western culture in deed.
60. The merely syllogistic thinker may deem this starting-point a solid basis and suppose that it remains throughout in the same empirical light, left at last as it was at the first.
61. With his hand on his chin, the crested black macaque sat like Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker.
62. And, in fact, he did make some more strides, he was a brilliant thinker, maybe he put it more articulately than those two younger scientists could have.
63. Gong Zizhen was a prominent enlightened thinker an encyclopedic scholar of modern China.
64. I started work on Simone de Beauvoir because she is the greatest feminist thinker of the twentieth century.
65. Grandin described herself as a visual thinker and a "goofball student" in school until a science teacher helped her learn to study.
66. A transit country from France in recruiting students, is very confident theoretical thinker, very candid.
67. He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom, and Tom is no great thinker.
68. E. B. Du Bois was a distinguished thinker and activist in African-American history.
69. Pierre Bourdieu ( 1930 - 2002 ) was a famous contemporary thinker, sociologist and culture theory critic.
70. The visible _ I _ in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent _ I _.
71. I want to be a thinker, but I even can't be indifference to those trival words. It's a paradoxical thing.
72. Hermann Hesse's, an important writer in the world literature in the 20th century, also a characteristic thinker, was intrigued by China and its culture.
73. You are a creative thinker and if your educational training is too restrictive, then your full potential will become most evident in your adult years.
74. At a 50th birthday party Hormel gave for itself in 1987, one celebrant carved a SPAM model of Auguste Rodin's The Thinker.
75. So easily into the whirlpool of knowledge and action being out of touch...Wang Yangming is a famous philosopher, thinker, "parapsychology" synthesizer.
76. If The Thinker concerns artistic creation, The Kiss is about human procreation.
77. It's an innate characteristic of human psychology to desire certainty, but it's the creative thinker who rejects the false comfort of clarity when it's not really appropriate.
78. Mozi is a famous thinker, scientist, military scientist, logician, and military engineer during pre- Qin Dynasty.
79. Michel Foucault ( 1926—1984 ) is probably one of the greatest thinker after J - P . Sartre in France.
80. I decided that Pontius Pilate was a typical grade-two thinker.
81. Paul Tillich is a great thinker who made great contributions in both philosophy and theology.
82. Born in Basra, al-Haytham was a preeminent thinker of his age.
83. Yan Yuan is a well - famed Chinese educationalist and great thinker.
84. The great thinker who interprets the Christian religion in terms of eros is St. Augustine.
85. With all the technological innovation in our society, if you are a creative thinker, you may be able to think of a product that will be needed in the future.
86. Li Zhi was a well - Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty.
87. The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker.
88. A thinker's writing consists of borrowings from ideas in his own intestines, and the greater thinker a man is, the more he depends on his own intestinal juice.
89. The styles covered in the volume range from traditional to cutting edge and will enable any designer to become a more creative thinker and produce fantastic work.
90. He was a very important thinker who had very low regard for the financial community, I think, unfortunately.
91. Krishnamurti: We separate it because the rememberer, the experiencer, the thinker, becomes permanent by separation.
92. Each was an original thinker in her own right. But each also made a markas a great popularizer of liberal ideas.
93. Luo Jinxi, a most preeminent thinker of Taizhou School, can be regarded as an intermediator between Wang Yangming and Li Zhuowu.
94. Henry David Thoreau was a famous American nature writer and preservation thinker of the 19~ ( th ) century.
95. He's a very original and creative thinker who looks at things from a unique perspective and I find it very interesting talking with him.
96. Confucius: lived in the period of telophase Chunqiu, is the great thinker, educator and politician in our country.
96. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
97. Montesquieu was a famous enlightenment thinker of France in the 18 th century.
98. An intelligent and independent thinker, he displays determination and sense of purpose while at work.
99. As a great thinker of the chinese ancientry, Confucius had constituted a big and intensive system info.
100. Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities.
101. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a great Dutch jurist and thinker, was not only one of the fathers of modern international law , but also the author of an influential natural law philosophy.
102. The Confucius is the thinker, educator, founder of the Confucianism.
103. You can't be a wishful thinker. Youhave to know what you know and don't know, and what your airplanecan and can't do in every situation.'
104. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a great thinker, philosopher in the 18th century France Enlightenment period and also the thought pioneer of French capitalist resolution.
105. CaiYuanpei is a great democratic revolutionist, educationist, thinker in Chinese modern history.
106. She a sceptic and deeper thinker and likes to judge by intuition.
107. Derek Bok is a famous American educational thinker and activist.
108. Thomas Paine is an outstanding Enlightenment thinker in later 18 centuries, a radical propertied class democrat.
109. If you are now idly imagining dozens of usesfora brick orthenovelties of a sleepless world, then you are probably a divergent thinker.
110. Xenophanes was also the first known thinker to anticipate Socrates' caution regarding claims of certain knowledge.
111. The great Tory thinker Edmund Burke wrote a book about the appeal of the "sublime" in art, arguing that a public execution will always draw a bigger crowd than a play.
112. We live forwards, a Danish thinker has said, but we understand backwards.
113. "He thinks as he goes along" – very charming, charming indeed, as Borowski would say, but really very painful, particularly when the thinker is nothing but a spavined horse.
114. As an important cultural icon of Silver Age in Russia, D. Merezhkovsky is an influential religious philosophy thinker and founder of poetic symbolism.
115. Adversity makes a noble-minded man; Loneliness makes a deep-munded thinker.
116. And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
117. The site will require that you are an ace in FLASH and very creative thinker.
118. If The Thinker concerns artistic creation Kiss is about human procreation.
119. Because of the double identity of a thinker and a revolutionary, the research of Condorcet"s thought and its practical meanings had special theoretical and realistic value."
120. 'You can't recognise original thinkers by the way they look, ' says Ian Freeman. An apparently ordinary exterior can conceal a very creative thinker.
121. From this significance we can say that the most representative thinker of France Enlightenment in 18th century is Diderot.
122. Able to be a creative thinker with minimal direction and close supervision.
123. As the earliest thinker and educationist, Coufucius had deepest influence in Ancient times in China.
124. Anewlayermodel including man thinker layer about NCW based on the theory of the man- machine hybrid control system is proposed. And the core command and control system of NCW is analyzed.
125. Methodical thinker able to translate standards requirements into meaningsful business requirements.
126. Chinese pre-qin thinker Mozi had designed "loves not having inferiorly" the harmonious social landscape.
126. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
127. "Thinker" is rather an ironic moniker for someone as doltish as you?
128. Herbert Marcuse ( 1898—1979 ) was a great thinker of Frankford Theory.
129. Albert Einstein was a great physicist and a scientific thinker.
130. Mencius was a thinker and educationalist in the Chinese ancient times .
131. Here I was, mingling with the great(), and yet helpless as the veriest grade-three thinker.
132. A leading American religious thinker of that time called Dr. Spock "the father of permissiveness."
133. Gu Yanwu is a famous thinker, and he regards himself as adherent of the Ming Dynasty.
134. Cai Yuanpei is an outstanding revolutionist and democratic soldier, as well as a great thinker.
135. I love your wisdom as a almsgiver less than that you have now, as a thinker.
136. Thomas · Jefferson ( 1743 - 1826 ) , American renowned statesmen , thinker and educationa.
137. French utopian socialism thinker Charles Fourier was born on April 7 th.
138. Gaidar, a diminutive and tubby figure with a mordant and self-deprecating sense of humour, emerged as the dominant thinker and natural leader of his group.
139. She's a doer, not just a thinker or a talker.
140. Affection is a tremendous strength, just as the 18th century French enlightenment thinker diderot pointed out: "have no feelings the quality, any style are impossible to impress heart".
141. He was a professor of architecture at Specialed'Architecture in Paris between 1969 and 1999, and has generally tended to describe himself as being an urbanist or a thinker of the city.
142. From the point of view of ontology, this essay expounds the original thought of Martin Buber, a famous Jewish thinker of this century.
143. John Stuart Mill was the famous utilitarian economist, ethicist and educational thinker in the 19th century in England.
144. In the popular imagination, Socrates may be the first deep thinker in Western civilization, but in Mr. Johnson's view he was also an anti-intellectual.
145. Rousseau was a famous naturalism education thinker of France in the 18 th century.
146. We should situate a thinker and his thought in their proper place.
147. The natural scientist and the thinker first realized that the seriousness of the problem, they actively promoted environmental protection; John Muir is one of them.
148. As well as the obvious technical skills, you need to be a creative thinker who is able to solve problems and work according to tight deadlines, all whilst maintaining a good sense of humour.
149. All you have to realize is that they're the same thing to a creative thinker.
150. The principle of "free living" made Lu Xun's thought closer to the liberation of man's nature, thus he became the deepest thinker in modern China.
151. As a prominent political thinker and historian in nineteenth—century France, Alexis de Tocqueville has been extensively studied internationally in diverse research fields after the Second World War.
152. Daniel Ellsberg – An endlessly loquacious mathematical genius, strategic thinker, and unlikely peacenik.
153. As a critical thinker, Frye insisted specially on criticism's independent position. "
154. Aquarius: the water bearer is the sign of the thinker.
155. From the perspective of the autography of the individual thinker, this book conducted a detailed study of "the thought of Mao Zedong", its essence, historical stage and research methods.
156. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great thinker, essayist and poet in the American literary history.
157. Indeed, no less a thinker than Pythagoras , he of hypotenuse fame , logged some impressive early results.
158. He was the greatest metaphysical genius whom the world has seen; and in him, more than in any other ancient thinker, the germs of future knowledge are contained.
159. As a great theologist and thinker in Middle Ages, St. Aquinas by and large accepted the thesis that the just price is equal to the current market price.
160. Masterly I call it,[http:///thinker.html] and such it must appear to any dispassionate thinker.
161. Charles Robert Darwin is not only an extremely important thinker in the history of evolution thoughts but also a famous urger before the ecology revolutionary.
162. In my earlier years , I found even the statuette of the Thinker confusing.
163. James Frazer of Britain was a thinker and writer born in 1854.
164. You may receive this dogma of one great thinker, or that dream of another profound reasoner, but what the chaff is to the wheat, that will these be to the pure word of God.




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