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单词 Sensibly
1. Try to use your time sensibly.
2. There's a lot to be said for eating sensibly.
3. He sensibly decided to lie low for a while.
4. She's always very sensibly dressed.WHICH WORD?
5. Let's talk sensibly about this.
6. Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.
7. She's always very sensibly dressed.
8. I disapprove of diets; it's better to eat sensibly.
9. She wasn't very sensibly dressed for hiking across the moors.
10. The police praised motorists for driving sensibly in the appalling conditions.
11. She doesn't eat sensibly.
12. He decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired.
13. They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.
14. One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good - tasting alternatives with less alcohol.
15. They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear.
16. The townspeople sensibly stayed indoors and closed their shutters.
17. They were not sensibly dressed.
18. Performances are idiomatic, with well sprung rhythms and sensibly chosen tempi,[sentence dictionary] and benefit from a generally cool and restrained approach.
19. End of the road Quickly and sensibly, Joe found the key decision-makers and talked with them.
20. The aggregation can not be used sensibly as a predictor.
21. The only person who acts sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. Everyone else goes by their old measurements. George Bernard Shaw 
22. Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval, I can not see any strong objection to this.
23. Frame had actually been approached but, sensibly perhaps, declined to involve himself.
24. The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.
25. It is important to slow down, rest, and eat sensibly.
26. Requests for adaptations to classroom lighting or for individual lamps can not sensibly be made until the principles are understood.
27. The issue of real damages for real physical injuries could then be sensibly discussed.
28. So it is also the diet to choose if you have sensibly taken to heart the well-established benefits of reducing fat intake.
29. The relevant passages formed part of the Court of Appeal's ratio decidendi and the case can not sensibly be distinguished.
30. A truly wise man has the ability to see and understand what many do not see and understand, and to arrive at the most appropriate and right judgment sensibly and farsightedly. Dr T.P.Chia 
1. Try to use your time sensibly.
2. There's a lot to be said for eating sensibly.
3. Let's talk sensibly about this.
4. She doesn't eat sensibly.
5. They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.
6. One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good - tasting alternatives with less alcohol.
31. It allows relatively inexpert people to communicate the gravity of the problem to others so teamwork can be handled sensibly.
32. North wanted to have Waite wired to keep track of his movements electronically, but Waite, very sensibly, refused.
33. So there! Other notables have sensibly declined to reveal their sporting fantasies.
34. We all took a large piece of the treasure, and some used it sensibly, and some did not.
35. It was crammed full of good ideas which you couldn't sensibly argue with, but they had been turned upside down.
36. To me, she represents a healthy woman who eats sensibly and exercises. There's nothing wrong with that.
37. It was sensibly decided not to publish the draft White Paper they prepared.
38. After the race, the two men met and sensibly buried the hatchet.
39. To enable them to conduct their private practice economically and sensibly from their viewpoint, pay beds were an imperative.
40. The three levels range from simple letters to complete sentences and the tutorials are sensibly structured.
41. In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
42. Even if used sensibly, capital-budgeting procedures will tend to discourage major initiatives and indicate strategies aimed at short-term returns.
43. If you really want to sell, price your house sensibly and be ready to make a deal.
44. What is unfair can not sensibly be subject to different standards depending on the source of the discretion to exclude it.
45. To me, she represents a healthy woman who eats sensibly and exercises.
46. Of course it was an absurd idea, and very sensibly Rex said nothing.
47. Sarah Freeman sensibly assumes a fairly restricted range of kitchen equipment, and the ingredients are all basic supermarket supplies.
48. She no longer took such an interest in the farm,[/sensibly.html] and very sensibly appointed Gabriel Oak her farm manager.
49. Other notables have sensibly declined to reveal their sporting fantasies.
50. Ships in the night, holiday romance etcetera, he would have sensibly suggested, and of course he would have been right.
51. Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight.
52. And as you would expect in a town of enterprise, some of these buildings have been sensibly adapted to modern use.
53. J happen somewhere, and the spaces must relate sensibly to convenient use.
54. Sadly some customers don't consume their products sensibly and drink-driving is a prime example.
55. Perhaps sensibly, Mr Bush's campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.
56. Icon Make-It goes one step further towards mayhem - it's an integrated package for the sensibly challenged.
57. K-For is holding the line, sensibly reinforcing an ethnic divide that geography has decreed.
58. To avoid danger you must start off sensibly and warm up slowly, says consumer magazine Which?
59. But Jimmy manages to convince Ron to think more sensibly.
60. Sensibly, exemptions may be permitted for essential uses, such as medical aerosols and some fire extinguishers.
61. Eating sensibly is vitally important for health, and good health will help you enjoy life to the full.
62. Sensibly, the 1994 United Nations conference on population and development in Cairo focused on human needs rather than human numbers.
63. Remember to rest, eat sensibly, exercise, and drink enough fluids.
64. Coleridge in such cajoling and overwrought spirits was not to be thwarted, and Poole sensibly gave up all further resistance.
65. Yet the mob somehow aborts the landing and pulls the plane up sensibly.
66. Isolated horses can develop depression, over-excitability or an inability to relate sensibly to other horses.
67. The only way in which that can be addressed sensibly is by putting extra money into the basic state pension.
68. Stirling sensibly argued that it was illogical to form two new battalions when the few men he required were being denied him.
69. None of these more ambitious weapons actually work very well and they are sensibly avoided by the military.
70. But eating sensibly is the biggest challenge of all.
71. They have very sensibly adjusted their diet.
72. At 6,000 feet the density of the air was sensibly dimished.
73. A decision maker - not risk averse , but able to take a sensibly evaluated trading stance.
74. We are disturbed in our slumber only, like the luxurious Montaigne, 'that we may the better and more sensibly relish it.'
75. In such a state the soul does not sensibly differ at all from a simple monad.
76. Maths makes us logical, while Chinese helps us to face life sensibly and to learn the goodliness of life.
77. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.
78. AIM: For the diagnosis of hepatitis E to search for specific and sensibly diagnostic kit.
79. He was " heavier " than of yore and looked older; he stood there very solidly and sensibly.
80. All sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous - looking man,[] chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence(Stephen Hunter.
81. Some officials have sensibly sought to characterise the pull-out as a purely commercial decision of little broader significance.
82. We sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous-looking man, chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence.
83. What follows is a guide to spending and saving , both sensibly and patriotically.
84. All this means that America can sensibly aim for a balance between spending cuts and higher taxes similar to the benchmark set by Britain's coalition government.
85. Able to accurately and sensibly record and present performance data.
86. So the letter-writers have sensibly chosen to concentrate on the conflicts that may arise when economists opine about matters that affect industries or companies with which they have financial links.
87. The Optec 3500 Vision Tester can sensibly accurately and quantitatively examine the monocular and binocular visual functions.
88. She behaves perfectly sensibly with her children, but with her dog she becomes a drooling simpleton.
89. Fertiliser nitrogen must be a sensibly used tool and not an addiction in intensive grassland management.
90. Conclusion PAB, CHE can reflect inflammatory grading sensibly, but TBA cannot. PAB, CHE and TBA can reflect early cirrhosis to some extent.
91. Beneath its wrongheaded, headline goal to slash net immigration, the government has sensibly made sure that a route remains open for entrepreneurs.
92. You see, I'm one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour.
93. In the end, very sensibly, the Venetians signed a commercial treaty with these potential invaders and were thus able to trade with them rather than fight.
94. They are sometimes - sensibly - called rear - dump trucks.
95. Analytical review is an important, helpful and cost-effective approach if applied sensibly.
96. Those people who live sensibly and sanely day after day.
97. She was a lady in her fifties, with sensibly cut white-blonde hair and a pair of plastic-framed spectacles. There was about her a pervading air of kindness and motherliness.
98. Handling affairs with modesty gains you respect. Doing business sensibly teaches you right and wrong.
99. She let her heart rule her head , ie acted according to her emotions, rather than sensibly.




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