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单词 Stand on
(1) Let every tub stand on its own bottom. 
(2) If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground. 
(3) to stand on your head / hands .
(4) That ice is too thin to stand on.
(5) Friendship cannot always stand on one side.
(6) If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground.
(7) He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.
(8) She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.
(9) Don't stand on that chair, it's got a weak leg.
(10) I know where I stand on this issue - I'm against the war.
(11) He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration.
(12) I won't stand on ceremony .
(13) Where do you stand on private education?
(14) Can you stand on your head?
(15) Don't stand on ceremony, dinner's ready, dig in!
(16) Three large globes stand on the floor.
(17) Please don't stand on ceremony with me.
(18) The two teams stand on an equal footing.
(19) A chair will not stand on two legs.
(20) Did I stand on your foot? Sorry!
(21) Be careful,please!The ladder wobbles when you stand on it.
(22) She's never learned to stand on her own feet.
(23) He can't yet stand on his own feet.
(24) What's her stand on sexual equality?
(25) There's a taxi stand on Glen Road.
(26) All claimants stand on an equal legal footing.
(27) Come forward a bit and stand on the line.
(28) She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.
(29) She was never one to stand on her dignity.
(30) I told the boy a story that made his hair stand on end.
(1) to stand on your head / hands .
(2) I told the boy a story that made his hair stand on end.
(3) He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.
(4) She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.
(5) Don't stand on that chair, it's got a weak leg.
(6) I know where I stand on this issue - I'm against the war.
(31) Stand on top and look down.
(32) He tried to stand on his head but couldn't.
(33) Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
(34) It's only my word against his, I know. So I don't have a leg to stand on.
(35) She doesn't stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants.
(36) She was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights.
(37) If you haven't got a witness, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
(38) The Director didn't stand on her dignity; she helped clear up after the party.
(39) Make yourself at home ; there's no reason to stand on ceremony in our home.
(40) It's right to stick to the principles, but not to stand on.
(41) Now that you're growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet.
(42) This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.
(43) When his parents died he had to learn to stand on his own two feet.
(44) Please sit down and make yourself comfortable, we don't stand on ceremony here.
(45) Many birds are able to stand on one leg for hours at a time.
(46) I can just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe.
(47) You've got to decide where you stand on this issue - you're either with me or against me.
(48) His strong stand on the issue could have cost him his job.
(49) If I stand on the tips of my toes, I can just reach the top shelf.
(50) She'll have to get a job and learn to stand on her own two feet sooner or later.
(51) Come on, Mal, don't stand on ceremony here at home.
(52) I can just reach the top shelf if I stand on my toes.
(53) You go ahead, don't stand on her, otherwise you'll be late, too.
(54) The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment.
(55) My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.
(56) She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.
(57) Father has warned me that I must stand on my own legs after leaving school.
(58) The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.
(59) If you didn't sign a contract, you won't have a leg to stand on.
(60) He hasn't a leg to stand on for his behavior.
(61) She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner and wolfed it down.
(62) They babied over you in high school,but you'll have to stand on your own two feet at university.
(63) Without written evidence, we don't have a leg to stand on.
(64) Stand on this side of me so Dad can get a photo.
(65) He could still stand on his story even when the truth was put before him.
(66) Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.
(67) To be honest, the thought of jumping out of a moving aeroplane makes my hair stand on end.
(68) Holloway went over there to stand on the corner.
(69) These others stand on something they said.
(70) Able to stand on her own feet.
(71) Turn around. Stand on the edge.
(72) Stand on the skis with your feet well apart.
(73) He resisted an impulse to stand on a chair.
(74) The work will stand on a 2m plinth.
(75) Don't stand on the box or it'll break.
(76) I stand on the balcony, sniffing the dawn air.
(77) Caravans stand on muddy plots of waste land.
(78) An interlocutory injunction could not stand on its own.
(79) I stand on tiptoe to lift it.
(80) Do not stand on chairs to reach something at ceiling level.
(81) I've been hearing rumours about his methods of taming his crew ... things to make your hair stand on end.
(82) Katina puts out her best potted plant on a stand on the pavement in the summer.
(83) I felt the hairs stand on my head; my legs were fast emptying.
(84) So just where does Bernard stand on the great guitar solo debate?
(85) Look for bits of the programme that could stand on their own.
(86) I'm not sure where I stand on the issue of gun control.
(87) The latter stand on a right of self-determination in matters that touch individual opinion and personal attitude....
(88) Yet now, after 15 years of political agony over the budget, we stand on the verge of success.
(89) One would stand on a chair and cut a piece off at mealtimes.
(90) The sea captain was led down from the wharf to the beach, to stand on the platform beneath the gallows beam.
(91) The city has been content historically to stand on its natural attractions to draw business.
(92) Yet here he was expecting to play a part that would make her hair stand on end.
(93) There is little evidence to suggest voters voting for a particular party because of its stand on a particular issue.
(94) We could, therefore, stand on the threshold of a new age of crisis.
(95) Maybe I have to stand on my head to prove I mean it.
(96) He pulled the ladder into position, climbed two-thirds of its height to stand on eye level with the filing box.
(97) Mr Hanson liked to stand on the platform to keep his feet off damp ground.
(98) Let's both go upstairs and stand on the bathroom stool.
(99) Where do the Democrats stand on the issue of sanctions?
(100) Some of the stories people had told me in that room would make your hair stand on end.
(101) These others stand on something they said. I rest my case on what I did.
(102) She had a washboard stomach, and her boyfriend would stand on his hands on chairs balanced above her.
(103) The most important of these are on huge pots, designed not for use but to stand on graves.
(104) Let us for the time being not take a stand on this issue but address ourselves to the whole phenomenon in its strong sense.
(105) The second task was to stand on some planks of wood which had been set out in a hexagon.
(106) It was difficult to stand on the deck, because the wind was so strong.
(107) From her newspaper stand on High Row, Darlington, Pat reckons she has gained a wealth of experience about human life.
(108) Jean-Claude may have had artistic integrity on his side but he did not have a legal leg to stand on.
(109) Wilson received an injury in the third minute,(Sentence dictionary) but that didn't hamper his stand on the game.
(110) Then you just have to stand on a stool to get it.
(111) George moved to stand on my foot just as Katy discovered a pound coin and Christopher yelled it was his.
(112) In fact, the church will be in collusion with evil if it does not stand on the side of the victim.
(113) The international community has been timid in taking a stand on such principles.
(114) You get a much better view if you stand on a chair.
(115) Many of the dark rocks stand on limestone pedestals, the surrounding rocks having been eroded away.
(116) Sometimes this means taking a very definite stand on certain issues, but it has to be done for both your sakes.
(117) Some industries acquired chairmen with a reputation for cost-cutting and a tough stand on labour relations.
(118) She's very kind, but we ought to stand on our own feet.
(119) When it stops, everyone rushes to stand on the newspapers.
(120) I stand on a lawn across the street, watching the fuchsia flames licking the sky.
(121) He was right, I did have to stand on tiptoe and even then I could hardly reach.
(122) Such beliefs are able to stand on their own feet, without support from others.
(123) But, molly-coddled by the government for years, they may not be equipped to stand on their own two feet.
(124) He will not stand on the stage as the prepackaged candidate of a political marketing team.
(125) We stand on a high sand dune and look out at the sea and the imposing gray sky.
(126) The Michigan economists take no stand on a wealth tax.
(127) For much of the time they stand on one leg, hunched and sentinel-like at the water's edge.
(128) As long as a strong argument or sound reasons are given for your opinions they will stand on their own.
(129) He was so close to her, his arms brushing lightly against hers, making her hairs stand on end.
(130) Her statue used to stand on that ledge of rock, just there above the spring.
(131) For example, written language typically has to express things more explicitly, because it has to stand on its own.
(132) It is also written in a kind of breathless journalese that makes one's nerves stand on end.
(133) Susan was teaching Wyatt how to stand on his hands.
(134) The Composite Order is used; the columns stand on sculptured pedestals.
(135) The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end.
(136) He would stand on the corner and chat with those passing by.
(137) I stroll down the street and stand on the corner of Haight and Ashbury.
(138) Never use wicker chairs to stand on for odd jobs around the house.
(139) All parties involved in the budget fiasco stand on a slippery slope.
(140) Lord Lane said: Oppression does not stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush moustache and a swastika armband.
(141) Visitors to Lyle on a factory tour stand on the final inspection platform.
(142) We who stand on the touchline are glad that you are happy.
(143) I did not know as yet that ogres stand on guard before the portal of an heiress.
(144) They stand on nearly every Cairo street corner,(http:///stand on.html) watching the traffic and staring into space.
(145) I watch it stand on its hind legs with its snout on the worktop.
(146) Nobody is seriously being invited to stand on top of the mountain of verbiage and get an overview.
(147) Priscilla came to stand on the threshold of the room, her eyes downcast, her hands straight at her sides.
(148) I guess I shall have to learn to stand on my own feet.
(149) Using the market price means that each division must stand on its own feet, as though it were an independent company.
(150) Mr Hashimoto has played it safe by taking a fuzzy stand on issues such as electoral reforms.
(151) This morning we stand on the threshold of the season of Lent.
(152) There are two teams and each one chooses a good catcher who will then stand on one of the benches.
(153) We stand on the brink of two momentous decisions at Maastricht.
(154) Habit of appearing to stand on tiptoe, stretching the neck.
(155) Don't stand on ceremony. I'm no stranger.
(156) His kamikaze driving made my hair stand on end.
(157) No, Mama didn't stand on ceremony.
(158) Gabriel's parents have a souvenir stand on the beach.
(159) The voice made Ah Duo's hair stand on end.
(160) The hostess asked us not to stand on ceremony.
(161) Don't stand on ceremony, make yourself at home.
(162) Don't stand on ceremony, I've already finished eating. "
(163) Don't stand on ceremony -- dig in!
(164) Every tub must stand on its own bottom.
(165) I do not stand on scruple with him.
(166) As we are old friends, it is totally unnecessary to stand on ceremony.
(167) We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France.
(168) Next to a stand on an ordinary kraft paper bags.
(169) I couldn't stand on my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground.
(170) You can't stand on the side of life and stick your toe in----either wade in waist-deep or don't go in at all----it's really your choice.
(171) To stand on that make-shift podium constructed from milk crates and old school doors.
(172) But are not enough to stand on the trees . A woodpecker needs help from its tail.
(173) In particular last week's sharp rise to its stand on the important points of 180 yuan.
(174) The government decided to take a firm stand on admitting more foreigners to do business in the country.
(175) See stand on small stool flatly, there is magnifier in the hand,(http:///stand on.html) looking at carefully.
(176) I was a good student in the classroom, but in the vehicle itself I had to stand on my tiptoes just to try and reach the gunsight .
(177) We stand on the by the lake, the damp water spirit rushes toward noodles since then, everyone of lane is a spirit one earthquake.
(178) In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence.
(179) A duck. If varmint cannot be restrained tongscorn - on - the - cob holders, stand on it.
(180) They stand on the top layer of butter cream frosting.
(181) Residents stand on electric wires to stay on high ground while others wade in neck-deep flood waters caused by Typhoon Ketsana in Cainta Rizal, east of Manila September 27, 2009.
(182) She had trained her dog to do tricks, eg to stand on its hind legs.
(183) Politics and Pickets - Hear where some presidential candidates stand on a recent work stoppage.
(184) Maybe you would like to stand on a living moss bath mat when you get out from the bath?
(185) They stand on their own accumulated faeces, which quickly become disease - ridden.
(186) The old man could hardly stand on his feet in the flaw.
(187) That autumn has come, I stand on street, autumn, only felt scantily clad, empty, not by himself: Autumn in? He Laiqiu? How do not see autumn now?
(188) Senator Lee's stand on the tax bill misrepresents the wishes of the voters in his state.
(189) So saying, he took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love[], the other to repel it.
(190) It may merely be a case of removing rough edges or tossing away molding to expose irregularities, in some cases to remove a prop and stand on one's own feet.
(191) My English teacher is very yong. He always teaches us in a humous way and encourages us to stand on the platform and teach on ourselves , as well show a short play.
(192) These three orders stand on an equal footing in the ascension career.
(193) Flowing English speech should stand on awareness and building of coordinated legato enveloping stress timed rhythm and step down of pitches.
(194) Objective To investigate the effect of self-designed hip bath stand on the compliance of patients with postanorectal operation.
(195) Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
(196) She likes to stand on the headland to watch the ships.
(197) This stylised representation shows man's ability to stand on his feet, extending his arms egotistically.
(198) Who will let China stand on top of the world?
(199) This stylised representation shows man's ability to stand on his feet(http://), extending arms egotistically.
(200) The stepped-up White House campaign for health care reform comes at a time when public support for the president's stand on the issue appears to be slipping.
(201) You and I are compeer . There is no need to stand on ceremony.
(202) I stand on the rise near what was once the baseball diamond.
(203) To sit or stand on with the legs astride; straddle.
(204) I stand on my front feet and do handstand to warn my enemies.
(205) There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to.
(206) One person as easily sits on the back seat and other person can stand on the rear footboard .
(207) The barracks stand on the site of the old castle.
(208) Use Method:Hold the handrail firmly and stand on the round footboard to move your body from left to right with the power of the waist, repeat the movement.
(209) Tell these chickenhearted dunces why you alone among them stand on right side of the hall.
(210) Is more cantonal age tiny to all curiously stand on the wayside, looking at a that baton grand troops, hand over a head to join an ear every additional.
(211) We are all good friends ; why stand on ceremony?
(212) I stand on their balcony, quietly watching the rain fall down, gently dripping on the floor, and the ground water confluence, and make no reply to flow downhill.
(213) Tears roll down my face as I stand on the fragrant plains.
(214) The Lord said, 'Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord' "(I Kings 19:11).
(215) Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off.
(216) I can ( only ) just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe.
(217) Overwhelming. A rare level of greatness for wines that knock your socks off with their massiveness or make your hair stand on end with their elegance.
(218) If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. - ---- Henrik Ibsen.
(219) Now we stand on the moral high ground. We can defend ethically and morally everything we stand for.
(220) Promise me, promise me you'll never let nobody turn you into no cripple. You won't become no charity case. You'll stand on your own two feet.
(221) Zhang Fei saw also stand on the doorway in the classroom full person,(Sentencedict) is not interrogatively said by ground.
(222) Why the statue of liberty stand on the New York s harbor?
(223) Cooper is thus able to stand on neutral ground, though making it plain that his patriotic sympathies are with the Americans.
(224) Cordia Harrington doesn't have to stand on her feet all day anymore.
(225) Your cap is on the table, Tom. Stand on tiptoe and get it.
(226) Beside the operating table was a stand on which the instruments and antiseptics had been placed.
(227) She sells vegetables fish at wooden stand on a dirt road near Dakar, Senegal's capital.
(228) The"wedding car"is coming:Bridegroom, groomsman had to stand on the"car". They all have make-up in the town which is fairly fashionable.
(229) This is just one more fast food legend without a drumstick to stand on.
(230) Tell these chickenhearted dunces why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.
(231) In Lao-Tsze, what kinds of establishment that " ens " or "nonexistence" can stand on is not very clear(), but its basic trend is "have form" and "nonexistent form".
(232) Cross new century, we stand on new scratch line, welcomed new opportunity and challenge.
(233) I'll pay the bill, you don't need to stand on ceremony.
(234) The discrepancies between them in terms of stage effect and narrative modes demonstrate the fact that Chinese and western drama take a different stand on alienation effect.




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