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单词 Repeating
1. Would you mind repeating what you just said?
2. Do say if I'm repeating myself .
3. Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
4. The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats.
5. He's fond of repeating that the company's success is all down to him.
6. There is no point in merely repeating what we've done before.
7. She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.
8. The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation.
9. The joke doesn't bear repeating .
10. Then he started rambling and repeating himself.
11. I find myself endlessly repeating the same phrases.
12. History has a strange way of repeating itself.
13. Her comments don't bear repeating!
14. I make no apology for repeating the question.
15. He has an unfortunate habit of repeating himself.
16. "You fool," she kept repeating.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. He is ever repeating the same old story.
18. She had an irritating habit of repeating everything I said to her.
19. It doesn't bear repeating.
20. In order to avoid repeating all voters have to be registered in the district.
21. His speech was dreadful - he just kept repeating himself.
22. Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite catch on.
23. The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes.
24. You must keep repeating the lines until they are known by heart.
25. What, may I ask, was the point of repeating the tests?
26. Am I repeating myself?
27. The speaker really drove his message home, repeating his main point several times.
28. You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you.
29. Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself.
30. The UN will have to work hard to stop history repeating itself.
1. Would you mind repeating what you just said?
2. Do say if I'm repeating myself .
3. Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
4. He's fond of repeating that the company's success is all down to him.
5. There is no point in merely repeating what we've done before.
6. She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.
7. The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation.
8. Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite catch on.
9. You must keep repeating the lines until they are known by heart.
31. The story is well known, but it certainly bears repeating .
32. She kept repeating it over and over again like a robot.
33. Lieutenant, do you have to keep repeating everything I've just said?
34. What is the best way to stop someone who has offended from repeating the offence?
35. The tape ran in a continuous loop, repeating the same songs over and over.
36. One final warning is worth repeating here.
37. The principle in the Pinochet case bears repeating.
38. He kept repeating: sustained intellectual activity.
39. Martin kept repeating that he was hungry.
40. The news is hardly worth repeating.
41. Or why else would baseball keep repeating them?
42. But that's no reason for repeating the exercise!
43. That's what I keep repeating to myself.
44. It's got a repeating action.
45. Are feminists just repeating old stereotypes?
46. I felt I was repeating myself.
47. But again,[] it bears repeating that you will win a few and lose a few.
48. Repeating these steps produced a plasmid containing two protein A domains, and then by another step to one with three domains.
49. He tried talking but the teachers wouldn't listen and thought he was repeating words like a parrot or just being cheeky.
50. We have tried to avoid repeating the formula of the ubiquitous open-air sculpture exhibition.
51. Henry kept repeating her phone number to himself so he wouldn't forget it.
52. Repeating the title, we muse over what the book will probably be about.
53. The repeating shape of the accompaniment in quavers is designed to recur only at the first beat of the seventh bar.
54. This intense peering into nature had been consciously practiced by Redon and his sagacious words on the subject are worth repeating.
55. Have I told you this before? Please stop me if I'm repeating myself.
56. So what do we do to prevent history repeating itself?
57. It means asking promoting questions and also repeating what seems to have been said in order to ask for clarification.
58. Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
59. Repeating this exercise for inflation forecasts, Morgan Stanley again tops the league.
60. Nor, understandably did he see much point in repeating the Dilizhan exercise which had produced no tangible fruits.
61. In Crete Vincent Scully found a repeating pattern of palaces and towns built in line with horned mountains.
62. There was some return of pain and numbness after 24 hours, but repeating the dose relieved the problem.
63. This kind of experiment, besides sounding a cautionary note, needs repeating, says Smith.
64. She kept repeating that he had to stay in El Salvador.
65. Pause for a few moments before repeating the process to ensure that you are as relaxed as possible.
66. One point that may help you is that the lower the potency the more frequently it is likely to need repeating.
67. The Kings have won back-to-back games only four times this season and had gone 20 games without repeating the feat.
68. The story of the trip is well known, but certainly bears repeating.
69. They are completely regular solids: each has all of its faces repeating a regular polygon, triangle, square or pentagon.
70. A shopkeeper adding up a list of prices makes sure he has it right the first time by simply repeating the task.
71. Paul Barnes has been repeating the same request for two days.
72. The researchers are repeating the studies in older mice and young monkeys to see whether the brain cell growth continues throughout life.
73. He sat up on the edge of his bed, tightly clenched together his hands, and began repeating his own name.
74. It might also prevent future weapons scientists from repeating the pioneers' mistakes.
75. One was the poor, he said, repeating his call for people to help former welfare recipients move into work.
76. The electric advertising board has three-sided vertical panels, endlessly rotating to show repeating ads.
76. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
77. Across the room Linda was repeating her apologies, Oliver hovering in the background.
78. Legislation was passed in 1891 which sought to differentiate between first-time and repeating offenders.
79. You think you can damage my reputation by repeating the fantasies of some neurotic schoolteacher?
80. They complained that they were often bored by repeating the same topics during their 11 years of compulsory science lessons.
81. If you are sure he/she understands what is required, don't argue, don't keep repeating yourself.
82. Centuries later, many environmentalists worry that history is repeating itself.
83. This problem of the representativeness of our study can be overcome by repeating our study in other parts of the country.
84. No useful purpose would be served by repeating it here.
85. He mocked her by repeating what she said in a high, childish voice.
86. Rinse collard greens thoroughly in lukewarm water, repeating, if necessary, to remove all dirt and grit.
87. Members of all three shifts were milling about the circular room: repeating rumours, distorting facts and generally hyping themselves up.
88. It bears repeating that the photograph opens up an immense visual field.
89. By repeating the name here, now redundant information, Leon behaves rather as one might in producing a character profile.
90. She could hear him repeating phrases to himself through the thin wall between her room and his.
91. We carried on in a more sober mood, each repeating his own prayers.
92. The history of the continents has moved along a repeating loop of rifting, mountain building and then rifting again.
93. The repeating saving on an annual basis is £156 million, which is used to increase patient care.
94. "He's planning to move," she said, repeating what Bobby had told her.
95. Training methods involve repeating these combinations until the juxtaposition of foot, hip and shoulder becomes automatic.
96. We give him minimal credit if he is simply repeating what another speaker has just said.
97. I wish politicians would tell us the truth, instead of repeating their meaningless prepared answers.
98. I would hear him repeating to himself that silliness, always on the verge of laughter, until he disappeared.
99. Fashions come and fashions go, but one style repeating itself with enormous popularity is that of the Edwardian era.
100. On Mars, the colonists are repeating the errors of Earth.
101. The yearly pattern of brilliant displays clearly reveals a repeating interval of about 33. 2 years.
102. They are all from the contemplative, strict and enclosed Order of the Carmelite in Darlington and are repeating history.
103. Ostinatos Ostinatos occur as a brief recurring motif or as a repeating bass in the form of a chaconne or ground.
104. Cruises depart frequently all year for two-to 12-night trips, with themes repeating several times.
105. She kept repeating to herself that it was an irrational fear, but logic did nothing to quell the lurking terror.
106. They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.
107. He won an Allstar last year and is well on the way to repeating this achievement.
108. He emphasized hey name by repeating it very loudly.
109. His word will not bear repeating.
110. Reload the film by repeating steps as described above.
111. He is ever repeating the same words.
112. What kind of decimal is called a repeating decimal?
113. Repeating a mistake is a neurotic symptom.
114. In an interview with TIME, the engineer in charge of dealing with the fallout from Chernobyl, Andrei Savin, warns that history could indeed be repeating itself in Japan.
115. Vision China 2010 has collected 7725 Primitive audience data, got rid of 96 repeating data and unable identification data , 7629 scenes data by that the reality handling the queen is put in storage.
116. Delay before first repeat: ~~ Adjusts the elapsed time before repeating begins.
117. Carlo Ancelotti is not repeating last season's pledge should Chelsea signa player in the January transfer window.
118. By contrast, both Mnemosyne and SuperMemo hold all of the missed cards at the end, making you view all of the cards for the day before repeating any.
119. Relation between every rotation angle and input angle can be got gradually by repeating the method.
120. Solarize for 3-5 hours every 10-15 days, for improving activeness and function of the product, and increasing frequency of repeating and cycling usage.
121. What has been your charge for repeating this very plausible story?
122. Peacocks attract mates with the repeating patterns in their plumage.
123. He was amazed that in the caravanserai there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage, continually repeating "Freedom!"
124. "What he is saying is probably right, but as finance minister, he shouldn't keep repeating it," said Keio University political science professor Yasunori Sone.
125. The first comprises types with a homogeneous structure of repeating elements; examples include Java arrays and classes implementing java.util.List and java.util.Map.
126. He closes the book, repeating the last passage and reveals a crude shiv. He slips the blade under his wristband and covers it with his sleeve.
127. In this case, you have repeating elements within repeating elements, so the aggregation is two-fold and nested.
128. ConcluSion MIT is significantly better in rehabilitation treatment for severe sensory aphasia patients in improving their ability of comprehension, verbal repeating, name calling and writing.
129. Fractions such as 1/5 and 7/50 that can be represented exactly in decimal (0.2 and 0.14, respectively) become repeating fractions when expressed in binary notation.
130. Cracking due to repeating and fluctuating stresses a corrosive environment.
131. A repeating pattern is substring of a sequence , which repeats several times in the sequence.
132. I have to reprove you for repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
133. Microsoft seems to be repeating this same blunder as its own network of sites becomes more and more deponent on Silverlight.
134. Timer has a number of schedule() overloads, indicating whether a given task is to be one-shot or a repeating, and takes a TimerTask instance to fire.
135. Nested aggregation: This pattern is useful if the scenario is the basic batch processing pattern described in the second pattern, but the repeating elements themselves contain repeating elements.
136. Because the target XML document structure contains a nested hierarchy with repeating elements, you must customize this XML Output stage to aggregate information for each account.
136. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
137. This method has reduced the cost of repeating of BF algorithm , KMP algorithm and BM algorithm.
138. By repeating technological tests and batch production tests for over a year, the fused silica was successfully used in the production of silica sol shell for low temperature wax precision casting.
139. His language won't bear repeating, eg because it's too obscene.
140. It looked like history repeating itself upon a larger stage.
141. The eagerness to cut spending now risks repeating the ill-timed fiscal and monetary tightening of 1937 that pushed the economy back into recession.
142. Unlike other compression techniques that scan only a portion of each row for repeating patterns, Storage Optimization scans the entire row, regardless of how many columns it intersects.
143. Let us take a template of this stereogram and paste it on repeating wallpaper made of columns of dots.
144. So when Molnar went missing last Friday, there was a terrible foreboding of history repeating itself.
145. For a Data Table control, the Binds to multi-valued option would be selected, and Attribute for repeating values would be set to var.
146. Most of us have at least one or two on a constant loop, repeating the same negative —and often untrue— drivel day in and day out.
147. Enhancement arm muscle: Erectness, grasping dumb bells with right hand, repeating several times, then changing left hand.
148. I hope your not repeating the same crap your commie govt is telling you.
149. The reasons of hair crack in the soft shaft and the effect on shaft fracture are analyzed. The hair crack can be eliminated by repeating upsetting and drawing operation in forging process.
150. In the second experiment, both groups were given another portion of pork pie to chew 15 times then swallow, before repeating the exercise but chewing 40 times instead.
151. Am I repeating myself ? ie Did I say this before?
152. Sequencing refers to the delineation of the order of the repeating units in DNA and protein.
153. Submarine endures repeating stochastic loading by outer hydraulic pressure in the course of floating and submerging.
154. Having studied meticulously the mistakes of their predecessors, they take care to avoid repeating them—and make the opposite ones. They fortify Maginot lines.
155. In other words, row 9 in the table is the first row of the repeating group for columns 1 and 2.
156. I have active social and business life, and I worry about repeating outfits.
157. Crystallizing water forms repeating patterns in snowflakes and on frosty surfaces.
158. Tried a few acts that also repeating the first counterjumper at the same time continuously, language.
159. The citation of relative address, single goal seeking and repeating operating are used to calculate: the questions in chemical engineering technoolgy.
160. This sounds like a no-brainer, but it still bears repeating.
161. In 1862, Sarah married William Wirt Winchester, son of Oliver Fisher Winchester, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the famous Winchester repeating rifle.
162. Said PricewaterhouseCooper's Silverman, "There will be boom and bust again, I'm sure. But I don't see what happened in the first go-around repeating itself.
163. Would you mind repeating that, I didn't quite latch on.
164. It should be more scientific for the upper limit standard paid to repeating the insurance premium within the limit of insurance value.
165. He was hypersensitive in tactility and smell, and he was inappropriate socially, repeating questions and comments.
166. "Time Flies" Time and Fate seem to be repeating themselves, but secretively a new life emerges.Sentence dictionary
167. A new way to fine steel structure has been developed. It is the austenite - ferrite - repeating deformation.
168. The major ap-plications of ultrasonic in medicine are diagnosis and therapy, and its main character is timeliness, continuousness and repeating.
169. Perhaps history is repeating itself, as everyone goes wild with another case of gold fever, and we'll lose the plot again.
170. After repeating his medical, Aly Cissokho has signed a pre-contract with Milan – solving the dental problems which could have jeopardised his transfer.
171. Change the value of the Premium Loan Provider Base Limit business variable to 55000 by repeating steps 1-12.
172. Both vegetables and quadratic polynomials are made more interesting with the Mandelbrot set. The formula explains the repeating complexity of broccoli heads like this one.
173. Iran is repeating charges three young American hikers entered the country illegally last year and should stand trial for doing so.
174. You should automatically be able to blurt out a sentence correctly after repeating it ten times.
175. The protein-DNA nucleosome complexes, in turn, are packed into repeating units called chromatin, which is the building block of chromosomes.
176. It hath great power against poverty, if thou considerest it with devotion, repeating the versicle.
177. The Attribute for repeating values is normally used in conjunction with the Binds to multi-valued data check box.
178. Subject repeating technique is an important creative feature of Grieg s Lyric Piano Opusculum.
179. Use a mirror to practice making difficult English sounds by repeating after a English audio recording.
180. The man who is in business is the same as the man who is occupied, a sannyasi, with repeating his mantras and thinking, thinking, thinking.
181. For a composition based on this atonal system, the composer arranges the 12 chromatic scale tones in a selected order, repeating no tone until all 12 have been used.
182. There are so many quotable lines and I think that's what stands the test of time; a great movie that you find yourself repeating constantly.
183. Like DNA, RNA is a complex molecule made of repeating units of thousands of smaller molecules called nucleotides that link together in very specific, patterned ways.
184. Starting from a core molecule possessing alkenyl groups and repeating the hydrosilylation step and alkenylation step, a carbosilane dendrimer with Si-atoms as branching pointing was obtained.
185. I'm sure that you've heard this before, but it bears repeating... When you're getting your financial house in order, the first step should be to build up an emergency fund .
186. The decimal form of an irrational number is a non - repeating and non - terminating decimal number.
187. The generalized pattern across the table is that each column contains a repeating group of cells.
188. The indefiniteness increases risk and costs for peasants to develop, and may cause repeating invest and resource waste.
189. Now, Varney was suggesting that Google was repeating Microsoft's expansionist behavior.
190. Many difficulties cause the module stability to be possible repeating and carry out the digressive performance.
191. The method of designing special elliptic orbit which was critical inclined, sun synchronous and repeating ground trace was expounded, and the calculation process of this method was summarized.
192. You can go there after death by repeating the name of either Avalokiteshvara or Amitabha.
193. Gorbachev snapped that the man was just repeating American provocations.
194. For example, dividing 1 by 9 yields the infinite repeating decimal .111111...
195. At the Mind/Body Medical Institute, participants elicit a "relaxation response," repeating a word - anything from "om" to "Hail Mary"--silently as they exhale.
196. As you might recall from the design phase in Part 1, JavaScript provides two types of timers, one-shot timeouts and repeating timetick,[http:///repeating.html] and the finite state machine needs both.
197. He walked up and down, softly repeating their names to himself.
198. And he kept repeating this nonsense insistently that finally they grew alarmed.
199. An eerie, moonlit pianissimo, ever repeating the same figure slightly changed, slowly grows a ff sonoramente.
200. We show how to express simple and more complex datasets using RDFa, and in particular how to turn the existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content.
201. This may be ensured by repeating each phase step for a period extending the mean duration of the cardiac cycle and causing a corresponding extension in the acquisition time.
202. After a time he kept repeating a jingle to himself.
203. The well-established KM circle denotes continuous improvement by repeating the basic cycle of Knowledge industrialize and Industry Intellectualize.
204. You may continue repeating steps 3 and 4 to copy the installation CDs for these optional features into your temporary directory.
205. In contrast, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating the information over and over.
206. The result of the first national spot-check for Speech Repeating Players was introduced. The existing problems in the industry were analyzed and the relevant solutions were recommended.
207. The spiral is repeating, so when you get to the end, the symbol that was first in line will seamlessly follow the last symbol.
208. It's a truism but worth repeating: Most middle - class household budgets can be cut.
209. Q: I have active social and business life, and I worry about repeating outfits.
210. Each repeating group contains two competitors, the cells between the two competitors and the cells before and after the two competitors.
211. Bullies: (repeating what the victim said) Then? It's better if you don't touch him. Okie ? And you don't tell your headmaster about it?
212. A graphene sheet is a single layer of carbon atoms enmeshed in a honeycomb-like, repeating hexagon pattern.
213. Repeating the segment staccato is merely an introduction of an interruptive mechanism to the reed (not the air!




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