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单词 No wonder
(1) No wonder the children are excited, - this is the first time they've been abroad.
(2) No wonder you were late!
(3) No wonder my brother wasn't feeling well.
(4) No wonder Josef was feeling a bit flummoxed.
(5) No wonder you're tired(), you've been walking for hours.
(6) No wonder the firm makes a loss; the office is terribly overstaffed.
(7) No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.
(8) We've not had a new car for years.No wonder, as we've hardly any money.
(9) No wonder you've got a headache, the amount you drank last night.
(10) It was no wonder the fans turned out. The matches yielded 259 goals.
(11) Brad was Jane's brother! No wonder he reminded me so much of her!
(12) No wonder that many grown women rebel against them.
(13) No wonder many of us get confused.
(14) No wonder the 49ers brushed this game aside.
(15) No wonder Third World sugar producers feel discriminated against.
(16) No wonder she hadn't wakened till after half-past nine!
(17) No wonder you were driving yourself mad.
(18) No wonder there were pile-ups on the autobahn.
(19) No wonder that the push for priority is enormous.
(20) Your parents are desperately worried, and no wonder.
(21) No wonder he is so calm.
(22) No wonder he then passed with very high marks.
(23) No wonder she was running a temperature!
(24) No wonder their marriage had buckled beneath the strain!
(25) No wonder they are losing patience.
(26) You're only wearing a T-shirt. No wonder you're cold.
(27) No wonder I felt so shitty.
(28) No wonder they take early retirement.
(29) There's nothing to do in this town except mooching around the streets; no wonder young people get into trouble.
(30) "If brutal killers like these two are at work, it is no wonder that so many Kosovans have fled, " he said.
(1) No wonder the children are excited, - this is the first time they've been abroad.
(31) No wonder failure exists on planet Earth.
(32) No wonder your heating bills are so high!
(33) No wonder, it will be a free vote.
(34) No wonder Graham was a bit of a wimp.
(35) No wonder they had opened fire.
(36) No wonder, exhausted and broken-hearted as she was.
(37) No wonder the Bears were fretting.
(38) No wonder you turned into such a weasel-faced guttersnipe.
(39) No wonder my curiosity was aroused.
(40) No wonder he got such spectacular results at business!
(41) No wonder Laimonis was obsessed by her.
(42) No wonder he chooses to remain anonymous.
(43) No wonder they are being abolished.
(44) No wonder country music sounds the way it does.
(45) No wonder they sermonize and embrace.
(46) No wonder he was so conscience-stricken and gentle.
(47) No wonder I had felt so calm.
(48) No wonder, then, that several institutions are hopping mad.
(49) No wonder, perhaps, that Seaman dropped a brick.
(50) It's no wonder Hite is pissed off.
(51) It is no wonder that misunderstandings arose, but they should not have affected our professional relationship.
(52) No wonder that theism is abandoned with such alacrity by so many of these new philosophers.
(53) No wonder the men failed to foresee what a forceful leader she would be.
(54) No wonder the muster takers and subsidy collectors sometimes experienced difficulty in classifying them.
(55) It was perhaps no wonder that he reacted against the spartan, puritanical environment of Potsdam.
(56) No wonder then that these popular industries demanded and even initiated technological improvements.
(57) No wonder Profit ended up sleeping with his drug-addicted stepmother, chaining his father to a bed and setting him on fire.
(58) No wonder this is a subject that veterans do not treat lightly.
(59) No wonder the airlines vie with each other to advertise their copious offerings of wine.
(60) No wonder the prose is not so peerless in our morning newspapers.
(61) No wonder male chauvinists want to reclaim the sole right to do so.
(62) No wonder that the whole process has been referred to as short or medium-term dumping.
(63) But my, what a great body - no wonder Luke's got the hots for you.
(64) Tawno's so good at making love it's no wonder women fall for him like a ton of bricks.
(65) It is no wonder that the emperor thought Albrecht Wallenstein a threat.
(65) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(66) No wonder the high-voiced boys with smooth, hairless cheeks hated her.
(67) No wonder our country seems to be in such a mess.
(68) No wonder six out of 10 consumers are confused by manufacturers' claims about the Greenness of their products.
(69) No wonder Didi couldn't wait to wear it; it was truly magnificent.
(70) No wonder this Government is so despised - Major's double standards smack of deviousness.
(71) No wonder then that on the one occasion when television betrays his trust, his world fell apart.
(72) No wonder I was constantly admonished by my father to summon all my meager spiritual resources and be on my best behavior.
(73) No wonder that most people consider a meal to be incomplete without potatoes.
(74) It is no wonder that the United States keeps such a large navy patrolling the trade routes of the world.
(75) No wonder brewers find themselves with unprofitable outlets in such areas, whatever pub concept they apply to them.
(76) No wonder the Twelve made it their priority, and the nameless missionaries of 8:4 took it as their great weapon.
(77) No wonder those gates had opened without a challenge, no wonder he hadn't looked surprised to see her.
(78) I didn't dress it up; no wonder she took it as life letting her down once more.
(79) No wonder she made it clear to Shelley that she was wasting her time.
(80) No wonder he is taking nearly $ 30 million in public funds to underwrite his second campaign.
(81) That husband of hers is bone idle. No wonder the house is such a mess.
(82) No wonder they didn't want to trust her with their children.
(83) No wonder national reports indicate many of the poorest sections are going into debt to pay for food and clothing.
(84) No wonder his theory of evolution remains, today, a visceral point of contention.
(85) No wonder she'd lied when so many terrible things had started happening all around her.
(86) No wonder people sometimes start right off with an official complaint or even a writ.
(87) And no wonder new purchases of bond funds are a pittance compared with what people shovel into stock funds.
(88) No wonder, at her age, and in such extraordinary circumstances.
(89) Amy's treated him really badly - no wonder he's upset.
(90) No wonder the mere reminder of this dehumanizing principle is offensive to many blacks, particularly black women.
(91) No wonder many of the early goalkeepers were men of huge proportions.
(92) Along the side of the lake, a long promenade runs in front of the town; no wonder amateur photographers come back raving!
(93) It was no wonder that he felt heartsick over the purposes to which the glorious ship was perverted.
(94) No wonder that the president was hoarse with excitement on the night.
(95) No wonder he clammed up whenever I asked him about his childhood.
(95) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(96) So it's no wonder that we have heard very little about dental dams.
(97) When the state looks upon such people as second-class, it is no wonder that racists take the same view.
(98) No wonder his feet perspire profusely and are prone to athlete's foot.
(99) They've always seemed so incompatible - no wonder they're getting a divorce.
(100) The valleys are absolute tranquillity and it is no wonder that writers and poets have found inspiration here for many years.
(101) No wonder that the myth of handles being removed from coffins at the time of cremation perpetuates.
(102) No wonder prime ministers treated him as their equal, and lesser mortals on the political scene regarded him with awe.
(103) It was no wonder that from time to time engineering faculty had pro-posed that the school secede from the college.
(104) No wonder people have such little patience with new technology.
(105) No wonder you didn't bother to ask us, you know what we'd have said.
(106) No wonder enclosed nuns had to pray night and day for priests when they were so worldly.
(107) No wonder the girl had stared at her and drawn her own conclusions.
(108) No wonder she was easily distracted and forgetful at school.
(109) No wonder so many biologists have been drawn to embryology.
(110) This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.
(111) It is no wonder that we receive so few complaining letters about electricity prices these days.
(112) It is no wonder that local government finance officers regard the poll tax as a financial nightmare.
(113) No wonder he was short with me over the phone.
(114) No wonder only one in 10 university students studies science.
(115) I know what profession she's in, and no wonder that taxi driver was giving me the big smirk.
(116) No wonder that in that same verse Paul bids us be filled with all joy and peace in believing.
(117) No wonder your plants always die - you don't water them enough.
(118) No wonder he looked as if he wanted to wring her neck.
(119) No wonder I danced my way to oblivion that day.
(120) No wonder people came, and no wonder they went forth to proclaim the message to the world.
(121) It is no wonder that the right hon. Gentleman wants to support elements of the social charter being imposed here.
(122) No wonder they had let the army take over this area; it was worth nothing for farming.
(123) No wonder we are personally repulsed and cynical about public life and those who inhabit it.
(124) No wonder the computer wizards were struck dumb by the place; the narcissistic attraction must have been overwhelming.
(125) It is perhaps no wonder that young botanists and foresters deny its existence.
(125) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(126) No wonder no-one at Siemens Nixdorf wants to hazard when the company might return to profit.
(127) No wonder the main effect of the restrictions is later and riskier abortions for those who can overcome the hurdles.
(128) No wonder he has turned the Newtslaying mission over to his deputy, David Bonior.
(129) No wonder they didn't need lights, the alarm system was warning enough.
(130) It was no wonder that Gary found the atmosphere irresistible.
(131) No wonder the rights of citizenship were granted only grudgingly,() except when the town urgently needed to increase its population.
(132) It was no wonder that Dad went back over that day so often, especially in the light of present circumstances.
(133) No wonder the others felt he was not one hundred percent reliable anymore.
(134) No wonder Rouke had made no move to stop her.
(135) With hips at 44.5 inches and thighs at 25 inches, it was no wonder Rudolph had been complaining about excess baggage.
(136) No wonder our clergymen look anxious, and their congregations confused!
(137) No wonder the first doctor had given me something to help me sleep.
(138) No wonder the technique assumed an air of planet-wide importance.
(139) No wonder he is keen on quantity of mates, and she on quality.
(140) No wonder calls are growing for the show to be put out of its misery once and for all.
(141) No wonder Mosley was smiling as he stood in the cast council chamber.
(142) No wonder so many sports fans blame television and corporate cash for the erosion of amateurism and the endless drug scandals.
(143) And yet it is no wonder that Lear, with all his knights, is becoming a nuisance.
(144) No wonder she hadn't been able to find the door handle.
(145) No easy task and no wonder that Charlotte Knox, who painted them, receives equal billing with Davidson for the book.
(146) No wonder he could take time off whenever he pleased.
(147) No wonder that independent experts and local authority treasurers are in despair about the timetable that is being forced upon them.
(148) No wonder the population lost faith in the national currency.
(149) No wonder the new managers found it difficult to make sense of and define their new role.
(150) When the truth was devastating, no wonder physicians avoided saying the words and patients refused to accept them.
(151) No wonder the World Bank is targeting the popular-education movement for special attention.
(152) No wonder the train eventually became the focus of bandits, thieves and pickpockets.
(153) No wonder Clyde is a little disengaged from his own reality.
(154) No wonder, then, that when he finally told his board, the directors resigned on the spot.
(155) No wonder the guy came up with the most revolutionary scientific discovery of a good 500-year period.
(156) No wonder inflation is going through the roof and our environment ends up choked with litter.
(157) No wonder Adam had seemed at times to hate her, certainly to despise her.
(158) No wonder you got headaches, living with a crime like that for all these years.
(159) It was no wonder, on reflection, that Lorimer had been so eager to spend time in Cleo's irreverent company.
(160) It's no wonder the counter isn't manned half the time.
(161) This is serious shit, and it's no wonder some people are freaking out and saying reading will be it.
(162) No wonder the days were so short and the nights so long.
(163) No wonder customers come upstairs with a smile on their faces and their heads full of quotes.
(164) No wonder she had never got further than teaching in a one-roomed schoolhouse.
(165) No wonder it is one of the chief pigments in the artist's palette of painters(), authors and composers.
(166) No wonder we prefer the simplicity of morality tales with comforting villains.
(167) No wonder our passengers are often reluctant to mix business with pleasure.
(168) No wonder they reckon the beer's on the turn in here.
(169) No wonder they were now paying consultants to figure out how to fix the environment which that mind-set had created.
(170) No wonder that she and Charles felt that they led a charmed life, that the times were on their side.
(171) No wonder princes had so long reserved the right to murder with impunity.
(172) No wonder; in her entire career in the Civil Service she has never typed out anything remotely like it.
(173) And it was no wonder that she hadn't touched his lips with hers.
(174) No wonder Great Groups engage in water fights, drink copious amounts of beer, and arm wrestle.
(175) No wonder, then, that so many candidates are competing to fill the vacancy in DeKalb.
(176) No wonder the scribblers on the hustings have so much stale garbage blowing around their brains.
(177) It is no wonder that in March 1943 he was suffering from fatigue which again brought on influenza.
(178) It was so cold in that studio, no wonder that painter put a torch to the Champs Elysees.
(179) No wonder some of the gloss on the original Barcelona Declaration seems to have worn thin!
(180) No wonder the government sought to protect private sector interests transitionally.
(181) No wonder viewers often get the two Jennys muddled and call me Jenny Seagrove.
(182) Jane: No wonder you're livid.
(183) No wonder these people are feeling testy.
(184) No wonder it is like a gratis supper.
(185) No wonder that on media island they are downcast.
(185) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(186) No wonder! Miss Brill nearly laughed out loud.
(187) Rajesh: Oh, great. No Superman, no Wonder Woman?
(188) No wonder the taxi fare is so expensive.
(189) No wonder the loudest applause came from the claque.
(190) No wonder kids grow up disregarding the rules.
(191) " No wonder Miss O'Hara is faint.
(192) No wonder our bus driver is mumbling to himself.
(193) No wonder his noodle broth tasted lide chicden stock!
(194) It's no wonder that we've lost that community feeling.
(195) No wonder! Look! That thunderhead is right overhead now.
(196) No wonder you see yourself as a bad person.
(197) No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity.
(198) Faced with all this, no wonder Americans are glum.
(199) No wonder he looked so dour.
(200) No wonder you're such a renowned diagnostician.
(201) He speaks a Creole language. No wonder It'sounds strange.
(202) And no wonder if, as she said, she lived untouched these last twelve years.
(203) Oh...No wonder he always looks tired, dog-tired. I don't think the news is that shocking.
(204) It is no wonder that there will be fruit Durian King's name.
(205) No wonder they drink, smoke , fright , carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior.
(206) South Caroline State University boasts a 60% internship rate for its 2010 undergrad class and it's no wonder why: the historically black college has great resources for students.
(207) No wonder no one's here – it's not a working day!
(208) Shelby: No wonder the TV reporter is standing in a boat talking to the camera.
(209) No wonder those forces are so often held to be untrammelled, unfettered or merely triumphant from Seattle to Shanghai.
(210) Juvenile tyrannosaurs looked and behaved differently than adults did, so it's no wonder that paleontologists at first thought they belonged to an entirely new species.
(211) It was no wonder that so long as the foundation had to be relaid in the full truth of conversion and faith, there was delay in the building itself on the true foundation —a life of sanctification.
(212) "It's no wonder that their residents often tolerate extreme commutes in order to find affordable housing, " it said.
(213) No wonder Hollywood studios and broadcasters are hell-bent not to hand similar power to anyone else—and particularly not Jobs.
(214) Given this tension, it is no wonder that some people chicken out entirely.
(215) The service at this restaurant is crummy. No wonder there aren't many customers.
(216) Look at you . How obtrusive . It is no wonder you make mistakes.
(217) Add this to the bucolic scenery of Pennsylvania's green valleys, rich farmland, and mountain ranges, and it's no wonder that it's the fifth most populated state in the nation.
(218) No wonder that many people decided to try fire insurance after that.
(219) No wonder that to everything, is also the case with written text.
(220) No wonder you're such a renowned diagnostician. You don't need to actually know anything to figure out what's wrong.
(221) It is no wonder that Cast Away earned him nominations once again.
(222) Mum : No wonder the officials at Guantanamo Bay play them when they question the prisoner.
(223) The starter of the fluorescent lamp has broken, no wonder the lamp failed.
(224) Colin: It's no wonder they never kill the good guys. They can't shoot straight.
(225) Brazil. They are a cut above the other teams. No wonder they are the defending champions.
(226) No wonder that Alexander carried the Iliad with him on his expeditions in a precious casket.
(227) Organizations rarely provide enough training and skill-building to their internal auditors, so it's no wonder that they aren't prepared to carry out their duties to the fullest.
(228) And no wonder , for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
(229) It's no wonder suicide rates skyrocket this time of year.
(230) No wonder parents agonise over what names to give their babies.
(231) Fang Hung - chien wished he could have said, No wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge.
(232) It's no wonder that East Asian capitals are uneasy about China's growing maritime clout.
(233) It was no wonder the men were in a good humour now.
(234) It is no wonder, then, that visual cues such as diagrams and flow charts are so effective when it comes to technical software documentation.
(235) No wonder Australia's Big Four banks are among the's best performers, with AA credit ratings.
(236) No wonder there is a tension between habitat and inhabitant.
(237) It's no wonder that I have always been fascinated by red blood cells, or erythrocytes.
(238) It's no wonder she didn't want to hear about my hard day at work when she'd been home alone with a colicky baby.
(239) No wonder that the attention of the world is directed toward this attempt to lead a successful bloodless revolution.
(240) It's no wonder that, over the last decade, even in a time of renewed interest in urban centers, low-density suburbs grew at three times the rate of the cities they surround.
(241) With all this technology available, it's no wonder that bowlers have a bad rep.
(242) As basketball equipment is minimal and inexpensive, it is no wonder that the game has become more and more popular around the world.
(243) The head teacher and her staff find it commonplace too and no wonder.
(244) No wonder people are looking at Melton Mowbray to learn how to survive in a recession.
(245) Indeed, at a time when airplanes are often packed to capacity with travelers from around the world,(http:///no wonder.html) it's no wonder that travelers start to worry about their exposure to germs and disease.
(246) No wonder the Karbarrans had been against the Sentinels' simply leaping into the attack with both feet and a roundhouse swing!
(247) No wonder they drink, smoke, fight, carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior.
(248) No wonder she's always lazily climbing on the eucalyptus tree .
(249) With all of ATM's sophistication, it's no wonder that people want to deploy it.
(250) Every day is exciting to us; no wonder we tap-dance to work.
(251) The running dogs clapped and no wonder: China is good for profits.
(252) When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into matrimony.
(253) These are rip-off brand sneakers. No wonder they are worn out so quickly.
(254) And it's no wonder she hasn't wanted to leave — she's just a block from the Presidio and a short walk to the Crissy Field beach.
(255) No wonder the flu still so serious and furious. But why did they underreport?
(256) It's no wonder that, in trying to do all this, many innovators (and companies) get twisted up in knots.
(257) It's no wonder that geeks now have their own consumer category — geek chic — with merchants gearing products toward them and advertisers courting them.
(258) This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school.
(259) No wonder, information is sometimes called the lifeblood of a control system.
(260) It's no wonder that the Chinese public is angry about inflation, and that China's leaders want to stop it.
(261) With just the neck probably doing most of the maneuvering and work, it's no wonder that these dinosaurs wound up so fat, save for their long skinny necks.
(262) Ivory remains a favorite among consumers, too , and no wonder.
(263) Adrian : No wonder the sunrise today was so 1 spectacular.
(264) Audibility of no wonder everywhere complains sound to be in.
(265) No wonder the family is getting twitchy: things could get much worse before they get better.
(266) No wonder people say Lushun is an excellent natural harbor.
(267) It's no wonder, then, that the tag line for Microsoft's (MSFT) new Windows 7 mobile devices is, "a phone to save us from our phones."
(268) It is no wonder that despite Pisces being an opposite sign, in terms of element, both Sagittarians and Pisceans make a deadly combination, in terms of intellect.
(269) He's behind time as usual. No wonder the teacher criticized him again.
(270) In a world where technology can be used to incite civil unrest, and take down a government, it's no wonder that governments around the world are looking at ways to 'manage' electronic communications.
(271) Being from a family that produced great actors, it's no wonder that she quickly found her way into the spotlight.
(272) And no wonder, since most Web 2.0 sites do not have official Chinese versions. So enterprising start-ups simply copy the ideas and graphics, and localise them to suit Chinese tastes.
(273) It's no wonder that the Chinese politburo feels free to further tighten control over the country's economic machine.
(274) No wonder they have been as baffled by the crisis and incoherent in addressing it as Herbert Hoover and his advisers in 1929.
(275) With all this choice it's no wonder we get sucked in hour after hour.
(276) Break up to pork sell for pigskin of lean lean, chop, fat no wonder perhaps.
(277) It was no wonder that Melchior's son, Christophe, should be a musician.
(278) No wonder the government kowtowed to the City as the Treasury reaped tax revenues from their fairy money.
(279) No wonder the dow Jones industrial average stock price index in early August day plummet 513 points.
(280) But we must face facts: it's no wonder that single people are miserable.
(281) When blind lead the blind[/no wonder.html], no wonder they both fall into matrimony. - --- George Farguhar.
(282) No wonder Charles had been a sissy, coming from a home like this.
(283) No wonder: Hewes is an ice-eyed trial lawyer and serpentine liar who disdains white-collar violence in favor of open sadism.
(284) No wonder he had soon been hustled away to centaur school.
(285) No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world.
(286) So it was no wonder that Strippy was so high-strung, lacking freedom and exercise.
(287) No wonder then that Arabic calligraphy is considered a true art form.
(288) Jun: No wonder there are so many Mormons! I had no idea.
(289) No wonder he will many the widow, she is a millionairess.




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