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单词 Thorny
1) This thorny problem on the environmental protection floored the new mayor.
2) The young captain is pondering over a thorny problem.
3) We still haven't sorted out the thorny problem of where exactly the money is going to come from.
4) He has now raised the thorny issue of taxation within the European Union.
5) Scritch, scratch, scramble,(http:///thorny.html) through the thorny bushes!
6) The third text, c, offers more thorny problems.
7) Intellectualproperty issues are another thorny problem.
8) Finally, there's that thorny question of price.
9) Moreover, the thorny question of additionality will have to be solved.
10) Witchcraft thus disposes of the thorny problem of the existence of evil.
11) Imposing answers to thorny moral quandaries ought to be an option of last resort in a democracy.
12) The three still have to sort out the thorny question of who will run the centre and where it will be.
13) A particular thorny dilemma arises should the caring situation present demands beyond the level of endurance.
14) These are not tremendously forceful answers to the thorny questions posed.
15) The thorny issue is rather cutting the workforce-not an easy task for a leftwing party.
16) The other thorny issue to be addressed is that of course funding.
17) This was the thorny question of what would happen eventually to the reactor's residue of radioactive waste.
18) Thorny presents sugar lumps in a plastic bowl and smiles; she expects something sinister in the smile but it is guileless.
19) But once again the thorny issue of bolts in West Penwith is raised.
20) But the thorny issues that divided the main trading powers at Seattle appear to be largely unresolved.
21) The dog hurt one of its pad when it stepped upon a thorny path.
22) Unlike many top executives, he doesn't believe in committing thorny issues to paper.
23) In addition, sending encrypted data over international boundaries represents a thorny issue: it is still illegal in some countries.
24) Single-brooded, some nightingales start the flight south - to tropical Savannah, or thorny scrub - at the end of July.
25) It was left to us alcoholics to sort out the thorny problem.
26) Another theory was that the tusks protect the eyes when the babirusa is hunting for food among thorny undergrowth.
27) It spread the length of the long spit, a thorny barrier and shelter for birds.
28) Much would depend on Dulles's mission and how he handled the thorny matters confronting him.
29) None of these struck me as particularly penetrating answers to a thorny problem.
30) Before me lay a deep gulley choked with oleanders and thorny scrub, which descended precipitously down to the private beach.
1) This thorny problem on the environmental protection floored the new mayor.
2) The dog hurt one of its pad when it stepped upon a thorny path.
31) He may touch on several thorny border issues, such as immigration, sewage management and economic development.
32) Her hands thrust into the darkness in front of her where they touched a thorny vine covered with young cucumbers.
33) This is the really thorny question, but only relatively recently has it begun to receive the attention it merits.
34) I ent doin' no fancy theatricals with ole corny thorny.
35) That thorny subject, if he but knew it, was as painful to her as it was to him.
36) It was matted, thorny stuff that would tear unprotected flesh to ribbons.
37) With the emergence of a global community, however, thorny problems appear.
38) Chapter 5 focuses particularly on the thorny question of idealism.
39) The ongoing success of his department validated his approach to the thorny problem of appraising individual effectiveness.
40) My babies had become thorny bully boys, and I found that my garden was not so large after all.
41) Which just leaves us with the thorny question of prices.
42) The high savanna lowered into a lower, drier savanna, dark with thorny, tangled thickets.
43) Melding the top managements also would be a thorny issue.
44) Compensation and betterment proved thorny issues and were not totally resolved until 1948, and then only temporarily.
45) The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem.
46) The question is, how shall I say, quite thorny.
47) The thorny mesquite is undoubtedly another fair conditioningtor.
48) We have touched a thorny difficult problem.
49) The new path was a thorny one.
50) It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem.
51) The unique fieldwork and " ethnographical " methods of modern anthropology provide an approach to solving this thorny aesthetic problem.
52) Be colourful Xing Qiaodan to choose ring is quite thorny issue, what kind of ring ability the look media from her attract before surfy bosom go up in one's hand?
53) If you've experienced a similar professional crisis, please weigh in with your suggestions for dealing with these thorny issues.
54) Using IOCP - The disadvantage of this approach is that there are many practical thorny programming problems that must be solved.
55) The Japanese quince is invaluable for early spring color when its bright orange-flame flowers stud the bare thorny stems for weeks.
56) Race relations in the USA continue to be a thorny problem.
57) Therefore, human capital value assessment of professional managers has become hot and thorny issue in the constructing professional manager procession in our country.
58) The so puppy love problem is a thorny issue for all teachers.
59) Many species had tomentum and lepidoste usually covering leaves, and some species had devoloped thorny shoots or leaves, so as to adapted to dry habitat.
60) The Thorny Devil, or Moloch horridus, gathers all its water through channels in its skin.
61) Technical measures taken for the Zaohe 3rd lock chamber are discussed in view of the construction characteristics and thorny problems and according to the construction procedure.
62) In the second part of her essay Driver tackles the thorny philosophical question of whether one can behave immorally when in "non-veridical" (illusory) circumstances.
63) The Leopard Tortoise Stigmochelys (Geochelone) pardalis is a large grazing species that favors semi-arid (not dry), thorny to grassland habitats.
63) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
64) Technical thorny problems met during construction of cast-in-situ piles at riprap backfilling area and corresponding countermeasures are expounded to serve as a reference for similar engineering.
65) Chaparejos, or chaps, served a valuable purpose when a cowboy had to chase after a steer into a patch of thorny mesquite.
66) Sikhism Do as you desire goodness for yourself, as you cannot expect tasty fruit if you sow thorny trees.
67) The roses are thorny. Take care not to prick your hands.
68) The great difference between Chinese and English intertextual networks makes intertextuality one of the most thorny problems in E-C / C-E literary translation.
69) Ever since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the Iranian MEK (short for Mujahedeen-e Khalge) has been a thorny spoil of war for the United States.
70) More recently, he has had to contend with thorny personnel issues.
71) Blackthorn is cold, hard, and thorny - it will not be killed, either by fire or frost.
72) As I went along the deeply shaded lane, with its close thorny seora hedges, by the side of the tank covered with green water weeds, I rapturously took in picture after picture.
73) Find out that the sisters of the most holy thorny crown are involved in the cover - up?
74) Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces.
75) In this article, we will briefly present the IOCP technology provided by Winsock API 2.0, and also explain the thorny problems that arise while coding and the solution to each one of them.
76) It includes the up and down rolling wheel , thorny roller, groovy roller, reducing gears.
77) Despite the two sides'progress on economic ties, more thorny political and military issues remain unresolved.
78) With that thorny issue out of the way the rest followed easily.
79) Biometrics may raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.
80) This thorny problem on the invironmental protection floored the new mayor.
81) The dog hurt one of its pad when It'stepped upon a thorny path.
82) Privatisation remains a thorny issue in a country where private property became a constitutional right only in 2004 and where the right to own productive assets remains unclear.
83) Imagine trying to walk down a narrow path that is hemmed in by thorny vines and low hanging branches and you're wearing a backpack overstuffed with the many things you think you need.
84) The current local vegetation is the degraded secondary vegetation: savanna and succulent thorny shrub.
85) Biometrics raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.
86) I really don't believe he's able to deal with this thorny problem.
87) The boys argued over the thorny points in the lesson.
88) The effect of atmospheric refraction error on observed value is a very thorny problem in EDM trigonometric leveling.
89) Eurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange - red berries.
90) As the WEEE EU directive enacted in 2003, the thorny problems on the recycle and reuse of WEEE emerge thoroughly and make a great impact on the global electronic industries.




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