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单词 Rhetorical
1. The writer showed great rhetorical skill.
2. She ended her speech with a rhetorical flourish.
3. Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.
4. These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
5. If you tear off the rhetorical top-dressing from his article, you will find there is very little solid content.
6. He could do without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.
7. A rhetorical device with which to disarm his critics?
8. A scientific theory, not just a rhetorical one.
9. She delivered her speech with her usual rhetorical fire.
10. A rhetorical question, but asked with deep feeling.
11. Lucas' speech was full of rhetorical flourishes.
12. That is not a rhetorical question.
13. But his fury was only rhetorical.
14. Republican Congressional leaders have launched a rhetorical assault against the Clinton proposal this week.
15. The rhetorical theorist does not assume that only some societies possess the rhetorical capacity to argue.
16. Its rhetorical character is underlined by a certain vagueness about what the Grid will actually contain.
17. In the first place, the rhetorical perspective advocates understanding attitudes in terms of the wider social context.
18. The power of stylistic analysis to reveal rhetorical strategy in non-fiction has applications beyond de Man and deconstruction.
19. At first glance, this rhetorical approach seems to direct the study of attitudes to that of public argument and controversy.
20. The rhetorical approach links the processes of thinking to those of argumentation, for it suggests that deliberative thought is internalized argumentation.
21. Because of the stress on argumentation, the rhetorical approach warns against assuming the internal consistency of social consciousness or social representations.
22. Above all, the rhetorical approach draws attention to the importance of the capacity to negate.
23. He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.
25. "Why do these things always happen to me?" is a rhetorical question.
26. 'Don't you care what I do?' he asked, but it was a rhetorical question.
27. Of course, this kind of thing can become bombastic and rhetorical.
28. Shades of religious or ideological belief mean that a rhetorical justification is always to hand.
29. However, they are necessary if the similarities between the rhetorical approach and the theory of social representations are to be demonstrated.
30. The connections between environmentalism and AIDS prevention are more than merely rhetorical.
1. The writer showed great rhetorical skill.
2. She ended her speech with a rhetorical flourish.
3. He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.
4. Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.
5. Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.
31. But Browne and others Tuesday suggested that Copps might just be engaging in rhetorical brinkmanship.
32. And, sure, he spent Wednesday in Chicago pumping wind into his rhetorical drive for tougher education standards.
33. Republicans concede that the president has an uncanny rhetorical talent that he has used effectively to put congressional leaders on the defensive.
34. This point is emphasized by social psychologists who stress the rhetorical aspects of attitudes in general.
35. Blairites could take a harder look at a rhetorical vocabulary in which every single item was anticipated by totalitarianism.
36. There is nothing glib or rhetorical about Freeman's way of expressing her beliefs.
37. But rhetorical questions can be over-used, especially where answers to the questions do not follow immediately.
38. He and his handlers say he lacks the rhetorical skill of the president.
39. The report appears content that such rhetorical gaps loom between the concrete evidence it amasses and the maxims it imparts.
40. What does this really mean, and is the current fashion for quality merely rhetorical gloss or does it have more substance?
41. And my point is, this rhetorical strategy is effective because of its shock value.
42. Consider these two rhetorical questions, from an essay on Othello: Does this tell us about Shakespeare?
43. In written language rhetorical organisers of larger stretches of discourse appear, like firstly, more important than and in conclusion.
44. The speech is a good example of formal rhetorical argument by analogy rather than logic.
45. Was there really no more to the pitch than this rhetorical protestation of devotion?
46. By the time they were brown and crisp, his question no longer was quite so rhetorical.
47. The subject never developed much traction so long as it was a rhetorical rather than legislative goal.
48. The rhetorical perspective has explicitly criticized the one-sidedness of much cognitive social psychological theory and its emphasis upon schematic categorization.
49. Suddenly he gave a curious little rapid shake of the head; quizzical, rhetorical, not expecting an answer.
50. However, he does not justify this suggestion by giving the criteria for classifying a mode of expression as a rhetorical device.
51. The two extremes can be expressed in the form of two rhetorical questions.
52. He was also more adept at using his rhetorical skills in the service of theology and asceticism.
53. This chapter explores the points of contact between the theory of social representations and the rhetorical approach.
53. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
54. At one level this statement is clearly metaphorical and rhetorical.
55. What the rhetorical approach points out is that such dialogue expresses the contrary themes of cultural and ideological life.
56. The rhetorical question rightly goes unanswered, and the following paragraph consigns the missio unmourned to the shades.
57. My aim in this chapter will be to straighten out the rhetorical mess.
58. In the case of attitudinal expressions, there are reversals, as rhetorical and historical contexts change.
59. But his half-hour speech alternated rhetorical stick-waving with offers of conciliation.
60. His critics even smile in anticipation of a rhetorical question meeting with a devastating reply.
61. Still others claim that they lack the rhetorical or interpersonal skills to communicate honestly and openly.
62. These and other rhetorical questions are asked in a spirit of humility with no stones clutched, hidden in the hand.
63. It is this component, comprising its symbolic aspects of rhetorical and metaphorical devices, which we refer to as its circumference.
64. It gave the best possible example that could be found for a rhetorical approach to the question of property.
65. Many readers, I suspect, will fall by the wayside as we descend into the realms of indigestible rhetorical terminology.
66. A rhetorical approach would point directly at the argumentative nature of racist discourse.
67. That's not a rhetorical question.
68. Metaphor is traditionally as a particular rhetorical device.
69. It was just a rhetorical question.
70. Euphemism is an important rhetorical device of English.
71. The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.
72. You don't expect me to answer rhetorical questions?
73. In many countries politicians fealty to open markets is already more rhetorical than real.
74. Hyperbole is a very common rhetorical device which is widely used both in English and Chinese.
75. With regard to the study of euphemism, it is limited to the range in related to taboo in English(), while in Chinese euphemism is treated as a kind of rhetorical device.
76. This essay tries to discuss the dialectical relationship between the exact words and exact messages in poetry and forms of reduplication from rhetorical point of view.
77. Assumnptive Rhetorical Complex with Assurance are a kind of assumptive complex that can produce the meaning of assurance by asking.
78. Tear off the rhetorical top - dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content.
79. This paper explores into the theoretical basis of relevance by discussing the usage of four rhetorical devices in collocation variation, namely metaphor, hypallage, zeugma and pun.
80. The results show neither a significant main effect of rhetorical task type nor a significant interaction effect between task type and English proficiency or writing anxiety.
81. English uses word order a worthy substitute for affixes instead of a rhetorical device in Latin.
82. This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God.
83. Many forms are shown in the semantic transition, semantic reconstruction and the use of rhetorical devices of E-C numerals(http:///rhetorical.html), which helps produce large numbers of subaudition and implications.
84. From a multi-dimensional approach this paper explores the rhetorical conditional clause, a peripheral member in the condition category.
85. However, there is no corresponding rhetorical device in Chinese. Therefore, translation loss is inevitable.
86. The rule of the distribution of the nominal and pronominal anaphora based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory is employed in this paper to analyze the texts from FIDIC Contract Conditions.
87. Government officials doubtless were seduced by rhetorical embraces of CSR.
88. Such populism has painted politicians, notably in Germany, into a rhetorical corner.
89. The rhetorical device-pun intentionally uses homophone ( phonogram ) and polysemous words which can possible generate equivocality in order to punningly express what the speaker is really driving at.
90. The first essential characteristic of the rhetorical device-pun, is that the main part of its meaning lies in equivocality .
91. She explains to Comus what would happen should she actually choose to break her silence, should she actually choose to unleash all of the rhetorical powers that she has pent up inside of her.
92. Through the analysis and classification of the data, this thesis finds out that the ways of realizing intentional ambiguity are homonymy, polysemy, syntactic structure, rhetorical devices and so on.
93. No one could have been adequate to so rhetorical a conception.
94. Reiterative locution has been used in different styles of literature in different periods , so its rhetorical function is gradually developed .
95. Scientific wagers date back to Greece in the 5th or 6th century BC and were often a rhetorical device for thinking about a subject.
96. He is remembered as the greatest Roman orator and the innovator of what became known as Ciceronian rhetoric, which remained the foremost rhetorical model for many centuries.
97. Merry notes that it is the record, not rhetorical flimflam, that will count when voters assess Obama.
98. Locke provided English Whigs with rhetorical ammunition against the idea of the Divine Right of Kings in their revolt against James II.
99. Whatever rhetorical device you choose, use it to reinforce your message, not to be cute or to show off.
100. The study is also a rhetorical study emphasizing the meaning generation from the perspective of sematic generation.
101. Metaphor, as an important rhetorical device, is frequently adopted in advertising and turns out to be a distinctive feature of advertising language.
102. As figures of speech at and above the sentence level, asyndeton and polysyndeton so far have not received adequate attention in rhetorical studies and stylistic analyses.
103. Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?
104. It was a set of critical and rhetorical practices that sought to destabilise the modernist touchstones of identity, historical progress and epistemic certainty.
105. Exploring the relationship between literary vision and rhetorical phantasm plays a significant role in the appreciation of literature language from the narrative perspective.
106. Commonly used compound sentence structures, key language points and rhetorical methods are highlighted so that students achieve proficiency level through the comprehensive study.
107. These prices have prompted many people in the industry feats of rhetorical self - flagellation.
108. Her rather rhetorical view of housing and its relation to the shape of society was incomplete.
109. The linguistic context directly influences the effect of rhetorical communication.
110. The diversity of literary vision offers rhetorical phantasm great space in both form and content , while the aesthetic value of rhetorical phantasm extends the expression vision of literary language .
111. Viewed from the rhetorical perspective, a discourse is an organic combination of unity, coherence, and foregrounding.
112. The rhetorical task of the concession speech is to begin healing the wounds and salving the bruises inflicted and suffered by both parties.
113. Stylistic formal markers in this thesis mainly refer to the grammatical and rhetorical deviations that produce the foregrounding effect in literary works.
113. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
114. Rhetoric want to form own service feature, rhetorician should popularize the rhetorical knowledge in the commons, but also offer academic achievement with original significance for other subjects.
115. It was a rhetorical question, but It'sometimes brought swift and harsh answers.
116. From distribution, Chinese and Korean rhetorical mood adverbs are mainly used in rhetorical sentence but they can also be used in interrogative sentence and indicative sentence.
117. This paper attempts to study the features and rhetorical mechanism of the enthymeme, which was, is and will be an important subject in rhetoric.
118. Those are rhetorical questions I'm not supposed to answer, right?
119. Mr Cameron has yet to hit on a rhetorical register between bitter and bumptious.
120. Zeugma, as a rhetorical device, is widely employed for its specific pragmatic functions such as merging situations of context, creating humorous or satirizing effects.
121. Accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested.
122. It is a style which I have deliberately abandoned as too rhetorical.
123. The database shows that Lenin himself adopted a rhetorical stance of aggressive unoriginality.
124. Metaphor in traditional theories is taken only as a rhetorical device, or a figure of speech, which is only a matter of language.
125. Such numerals with semantic fuzziness have the rhetorical function of figuration and exaggeration.
126. This is demonstrated in literary criticism practice of ancient China: subject of literary criticism applies "poetic thinking" to speech, with image as a rhetorical device.
127. How can you sell your story properly without the rhetorical flourishes and punchy vocabulary of headline language?
128. The pun is a common rhetorical device in both Chinese and English.
129. Having often been used in peoples ordinary life as a rhetorical device, synesthesia acquires attention from many scholars, including Joseph Williams.
130. If it causes a positive feedback, it will be an unsuccessful rhetorical device no matter how vivid and concrete it is.
131. The paper makes a contrastive study on different English translations of three rhetorical devices such as repetitive words, antithesis, and enallage adopted in Mao Zedong poems.
132. The paper focuses on faithful representation of the phonetic beauty in the original text and views this issue in terms of rhyming beauty, rhetorical beauty and rhythmical beauty.
133. The fourth part is the Kirgiz proverb rhetoric feature. The common rhetoric forms are simile , analogy, hyperbole, metonymy, comparison, dualization and rhetorical question.
134. Alliteration, assonance and consonance are three main rhetorical devices, and literal translation, interpretation and naturalization are the main translation approach.
135. Meanwhile, it points out, from a rhetorical angle, that deliberately applying the change of the word order will create unique rhetor...
136. By 2000 B . C , Babylonian arithmetic had evolved into a well - developed rhetorical, or prose, algebra.
137. Hyperbole and understatement are two chief rhetorical figures in English language.
138. I assumed this was rhetorical waggery so offered that obligatory journalistic reply: the sycophantic laugh.
139. Notice that the relationship between the rhetorical is and the grammatical is is basically the relationship between what Jakobson calls the "poetic function" and the "metalingual function."
140. He made no answer to the Commandante's question, which had been rhetorical in any case.
141. Besides I"m discussing that notional means configurable characteristic phraseological function and rhetorical characteristic of word of description."
142. Cognitive linguistics assumes that metaphor serves not only as a rhetorical device in literary works but also as a mode of cognition which plays an important role in people's thinking and speaking.
143. Foregrounding at the semantic level lies in the employment of a number of rhetorical devices, i. e. , simile, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, personification and pun.
143. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
144. These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.
145. " may seem like a rhetorical one, especially coming from the former "RUP Curmudgeon," my nickname inside the Rational organization before I left to pursue an academic career.
146. Onomatopoeic words, as a special language sign, has special form, sound and meaning, special grammatical function and rhetorical function.
147. This research will attempt to show that cognitive semantics and pragmatics are basically complementary to each other and that other traditional rhetorical devices can also be thus studied.
148. This paper is a study of antonymy in English from linguistic and rhetorical perspectives, specifically its semantic features and its rhetorical use.
149. Besides I notional means configurable characteristic phraseological function and rhetorical characteristic of word of description.
150. This thesis mainly analyzes the rhetorical characteristics of proverbs in Shanxi dialects from the perspective of rhyming, rhetorical device and the comprehensive use of figures of speech.
151. Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.
152. In the normal expression situation, we must avoid equivocality in the communication as much as possible, but the key point of the rhetorical device-pun is just equivocality .
153. A rhetorical device used to dupe buyers into purchasing securities backed by shacks dressed as houses, and to secure the highest possible spot in telephone directories.
154. Alliteration and consonance are three main rhetorical devices , and literaland naturalization are the main translation approach.
155. It also explores doublespeak in terms of rhetorical devices, namely, personification, dehumanization, metaphor,() understatement and inflation.
156. Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but also a cognitive means.
157. Tear off the rhetorical topdressing from his speech and you find there's very little solid content.
158. The second is the sentences in paragraphs, the translator could successfully used such as alliteration and assonance rhetorical reproduction of the original artistic expression.
159. Specific heuristic teaching techniques contain questioning , rhetorical question, inquiring , contrasting, discussing and debating techniques.
160. This is for the splendours of the recent past, and for rhetorical and ornamental language.
161. An unusual rhetorical device, hendiadys, appears in several places in the play.
162. I'm sorry, I did not reply because I thought it was a rhetorical question!
163. Irony, once chiefly used as a rhetorical device in modem society,(http:///rhetorical.html) has generally become a genuine lot of all the people in their life.
164. Is mainly reflected in the choice of words, sentence structure and rhetorical instruments.
165. In Miguel Street, irony goes far beyond a rhetorical device. Instead, it's the narrative strategy of the whole novel.
166. The rhetorical function of Chinese words is very abundant, the affixation rhetorical function is one of them.
167. Liu, Yameng. 2002. "Invention and Inventiveness: A Postmodern Redaction. " In Perspectives on Rhetorical Invention. Eds. Janet Atwill and Janice Lauer. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
168. That was for the splendours of the recent past ; and for rhetorical and ornamental language.
169. Commonly used compound sentence structures, grammar points and rhetorical methods are highlighted so that students achieve proficiency level through the intensive study.
170. If I am rhetorical it was because Stroeve was rhetorical.




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