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单词 Provoked
(1) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion.
(2) The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.
(3) The announcement provoked a storm of protest.
(4) His impudence provoked her into slapping his face.
(5) Mind you. That dog is very dangerous when provoked.
(6) The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
(7) The president's decision provoked public demonstrations.
(8) The judges' decision provoked controversy.
(9) The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders.
(10) The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.
(11) I am not easily provoked, but this behaviour is intolerable!
(12) I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable!
(13) This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.
(14) The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.
(15) The new tax provoked a public outcry.
(16) The decision provoked an angry reaction from local residents.
(17) His actions provoked severe criticism from civil rights groups.
(18) The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.
(19) Most wild animals won't attack unless they are provoked.
(20) Her naive attitude provoked their derision.
(21) The remark provoked an angry response from the crowd.
(22) His behaviour finally provoked her into leaving him.
(23) Be careful what you say-he's easily provoked.
(24) Most dogs will not attack unless provoked.
(25) Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.
(26) He showed admirable restraint, and refused to be provoked.
(27) The head teacher's policies have provoked alarm among parents.
(28) Alice's carelessness provoked her teacher to an outburst.
(29) I provoked him into doing something really stupid.
(30) The decision to close the factory has provoked fury.
(1) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion.
(2) The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.
(3) The announcement provoked a storm of protest.
(4) His impudence provoked her into slapping his face.
(5) Mind you. That dog is very dangerous when provoked.
(6) The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
(7) The president's decision provoked public demonstrations.
(8) The judges' decision provoked controversy.
(9) The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders.
(10) The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.
(11) I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable!
(12) This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.
(13) The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader.
(14) Alice's carelessness provoked her teacher to an outburst.
(31) The decision provoked an angry response from residents.
(32) The announcement provoked howls of outrage.
(33) Their laughter provoked him to anger.
(34) The novel has provoked fierce debate in the US.
(35) His election success has provoked a shocked reaction.
(36) This statement provoked a salvo of accusations.
(37) Green's proposal provoked a firestorm of protests.
(38) Niki's voice provoked a new bout of unreasoning anger.
(39) Her comments provoked uproar from the audience.
(40) I was provoked into the argument.
(41) His speech has provoked a raging debate.
(42) She provoked him into beating her.
(43) He was sensitive and easily provoked.
(44) These murders have provoked outrage across the country.
(45) The new taxes provoked the population to open rebellion.
(46) The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.
(47) The news provoked an angry response.
(48) The higher tax provoked widespread discontent among the poor.
(49) The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.
(50) Government plans for hospital closures provoked a storm of protest.
(51) Her manifest lack of interest in the project has provoked severe criticism.
(52) We have no intention of launching a pre-emptive strike, but we will retaliate if provoked.
(53) The prospect of increased prices has already provoked an outcry.
(54) The government's decision has provoked an attack from leaders of the health service.
(55) I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.
(56) His remarks about her weight provoked her into telling him to shut up.
(57) The release from prison of two of the terrorists has provoked a public outcry.
(57) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(58) He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended.
(59) The proposals have provoked a hostile response from opposition parties.
(60) The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats.
(61) The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.
(62) Her comments provoked an outburst of anger from the boss.
(63) He was clearly trying to get at me but I refused to be provoked.
(64) Emma, though still at school, was provoked to help too.
(65) The dog would not have attacked if it hadn't been provoked.
(66) The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups.
(67) Young people might be provoked into imitative crime by the exploits they see on TV.
(68) The governor said he would not be provoked into intemperate action.
(69) The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant.
(70) He claimed that it was her rudeness that provoked him to strike her.
(71) Nevertheless, the article provoked an avalanche of reaction.
(72) Her constant nagging provoked him.
(73) The leaks provoked angry protests from citizens and environmentalists.
(74) This had provoked Democratic infighting in the Senate.
(75) Dahl's letter to "The Times" provoked controversy.
(76) The clause on state language provoked heated discussion.
(77) Falls in the price of oil had provoked the government four years previously to impose an austerity programme.
(78) That action provoked heavy criticism and deep divisions within the cancer community.
(79) Such non-ending cheeriness provoked the nonconformists into dwelling upon those aspects of the human condition which Socialist Realism refused to acknowledge.
(80) However, Netanyahu seriously underestimated the level of disillusionment his policies, and broken promises, had provoked.
(81) Differences here clearly warrant further investigation, and when revealed to the participating teams provoked considerable discussion.
(82) The new government provoked widespread rebellion by instituting a series of far-reaching reforms in a brutal and disorganised manner.
(83) The idea of an underground garage in the park has provoked a lot of anger.
(84) Perhaps the sight of his footlocker had provoked her-a white man moving in to bombard the local ovaries with blue-eyed imperial genes.
(85) The existence of competing bodies claiming to exercise jurisdiction in the town inevitably provoked violent confrontation.
(86) The announcement of the plan provoked demonstrations from the college's students.
(87) That bright idea, understandably(Sentencedict), provoked howls of protest and is so obviously wrong that Rep.
(88) The government's proposals for legislation on immigration from Hong Kong, for instance, provoked widespread backbench opposition.
(89) Unfortunately the tomb retained an excessive amount of humidity and this provoked the decomposition of most of the body.
(90) Cagney's impact and the thoughts and feelings that he provoked came directly from his own performance before the camera.
(91) The poem is given here in its 1807 version, since this provoked the controversy over it.
(92) The new import laws have provoked furious complaints from business groups.
(93) Even if he had not gained her confidence by constant restimulation of late-life areas he would have provoked her tears.
(94) I understand why he chose this country, where the governing party is never rude, even when provoked, and unfailingly considerate.
(95) The announcement provoked a storm of criticism and anxious residents voiced concern over their uncertain future.
(96) Provoked beyond control, Satan bayed in fury and launched himself at his tormentor's face.
(97) Read in studio Well, the sentence imposed on Andrew Hayton has also provoked anger in parliament.
(98) True, bolder challenges to orthodoxy, especially when they touched upon the role played by the party, provoked fierce resistance.
(99) Although accommodation between the two cultural traditions is often achieved, the conflicts provoked have also been intense.
(100) The Thatcher government's policy, effected in the Broadcasting Act of 1990, provoked intense debate.
(101) There was generally a fist fight in Hard Class after lunch, and Vassily provoked quarrels at every meal.
(102) Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths. Criss Jami 
(103) For the physician, it is a demand to identify the objective source of the tissue damage which provoked the subjective awareness.
(104) This action provoked further disturbances on the streets of Karachi and in other towns and cities.
(105) The change depended upon changes in the wider context of controversy, which provoked the development of formerly implicit attitudinal aspects.
(106) Such detailed planning would have provoked snorts of derision from Sir Keith.
(107) But what followed was usually at least embarrassing for the firms, and quite often the disclosures provoked international action.
(108) Which meant that something else, apart from the defence of Silvia, had provoked her own furious outburst yesterday evening.
(109) Gradually as he described similar episodes in which he was attacked or provoked, Deborah saw two patterns emerging.
(110) Another planned golf course in the Central Highlands has also provoked anger among locals.
(111) To be firm and remain courteous is the great art, especially when you feel threatened or are greatly provoked.
(112) His detention has provoked the anger of his supporters, who include the radical state senator Tom Hayden.
(113) As it was Britain's shift to protectionism and Imperial Preference provoked much criticism from Washington.
(114) The resulting deep distrust provoked by social surfaces leaves Chandler unimpressed by anything as literal as an economic recovery.
(115) This act of gross indecency provoked stern disapproval from the tour guide.
(116) George Pataki have felt it necessary to lend the dignity of their offices to the national swoon this incident has provoked.
(117) The story of its ill-fated Paris premiere in 1913, which provoked fighting in the audience(/provoked.html), is well known.
(118) This provoked intense opposition, not least from her own family, in a militantly Hindu city like Kumbbakoman.
(119) The move provoked a prolonged debate about the pricing of audits.
(120) His deceptively simple judgments dealt only with the essential points, stated the law tersely and clearly, and rarely provoked dissent.
(121) The campaign provoked great interest and virtually no adverse comment.
(122) Doubts over Bush's health, however, provoked renewed public debate over Quayle's competence.
(123) It is a powerful argument, as was demonstrated by the heated responses it provoked.
(124) Some examples of the kinds of events and difficulties which provoked depressive illnesses in the sample are given in the Appendix.
(125) Certainly it provoked wide media interest which continues today, and it remains a highly emotive issue.
(126) A proposed resolution to oppose voucher plans and charter schools provoked a spirited debate on the convention floor.
(127) The result provoked deep concern within the Ulster Unionists, long riven with divisions.
(128) The announcement of a further pay increase for politicians provoked disapproving comments from the leader of the opposition party.
(129) At the time of its publication this collection of essays provoked markedly differing critical responses.
(130) Stanley's government proposals on emancipation in mid-May provoked hostility amongst delegates on the grounds of compensation and the apprenticeship scheme.
(131) In cotton-harvesting, the use of pesticides has provoked severe or fatal cases of poisoning.
(132) In the roar of laughter it provoked, he felt himself falling swiftly towards the ground.
(133) Magistrates declined to order compensation because they said he had been provoked.
(134) This had provoked hostility in some quarters towards him - a hostility that lingered still in the family-orientated Marsh End.
(135) The proposal provoked a storm of criticism that it was racist from immigration groups and campaigners on behalf of ethnic minorities.
(136) In the 1830s this provoked significant tension between antislavery parliamentarians and activists in the country.
(137) One slide about careless talk and spies immediately provoked comments about an episode from Dad's Army.
(138) This clause provoked considerable anger amongst the gay community and some concern amongst local authorities.
(139) And it provoked larger forces that transformed the demand for affirmative action into a demographic free-for-all.
(140) This provoked disorders in which one person died and sixty were injured.
(141) Certainly the struggle for overseas investment opportunities provoked tensions; and small colonial wars could yield large profits.
(142) It has also provoked extensive networks of defensive alliances, as we indicate later on.
(143) These results indicate that platelet activating factor may be an important factor in the progression of acute pancreatitis provoked by caerulein.
(144) And it provoked a furious backlash from Labour and union leaders.
(145) The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest.
(146) Such a disruption is provoked in two ways.
(147) His criticism was so shrill that it provoked resentment.
(148) This form of recall provoked strenuous opposition from conservatives.
(149) The takeover provoked a tempest of criticism.
(150) The destruction of the mosque has provoked anger throughout the Muslim world.
(151) The radicalisation also provoked by repressive measures taken by the republican governments.
(152) While this letter provoked speculation, it did not arouse any suspicions.
(153) By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people.
(154) Mark was well aware of the scepticism which he continually provoked.
(155) The outcry the software plan has provoked is a cautionary tale for the fastest - growing major economy.
(156) The constable kept his temper, and would not be provoked.




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