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单词 Manpower
1 Manpower will be reduced by an average of 20 per cent.
2 They drew the manpower from those people.
3 The police are seriously short of manpower.
4 The industry has suffered from a lack of manpower.
5 The country was drained of its manpower and wealth by war.
6 There's not enough qualified manpower to staff all the hospitals.
7 It may be objected that not enough manpower is available.
8 Money and skilled manpower are the main constraints.
9 The country has a large pool of skilled manpower.
10 The neighboring kingdoms, in manpower and resources are still overwhelmingly powerful as compared to yourselves.
11 Constraints of finance, manpower and time all conspire to limit what may be achieved, and compromises are inevitable.
12 As such it should be able to supply manpower statistics and other personnel information quickly in response to line management requests.
13 In terms of manpower all three types of decision are constantly being made at all levels of the nursing organisation.
14 There are rumours from other regions of two manpower lists, one for local consumption and one for the Department of Health.
15 Statistical techniques for manpower planning: Development of statistical methods for use in manpower planning.
16 I simply do not have the manpower to make arrests in the teeth of such concerted action.
17 That was fine when manpower was cheap and farming was labour intensive, when families worked in the fields man and boy.
18 By 1979, local-government current spending and manpower was at its highest level.
19 We have undertaken a major review to ensure best use of the available manpower.
20 These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees.
21 The factory's opening hours over the holiday period will depend on the availability of manpower.
22 This has produced savings to date of £24m of which £13m related to manpower.
23 Mr. Lloyd Of course, but decisions on the effective use of manpower are taken by the police authority and the police force.
24 The Commission was set up to look at the management of the manpower resources of the National Health Service.
25 Seeking the assistance of the local job Centre and of the nursing consultant employed by the Manpower Service Commission.
26 Righting the economy demanded major cuts in Defence spending and the release of skilled manpower from the Services to export-orientated industries.
27 Restoration to full running order is dictated by finance and available manpower.
28 But the deployments and continual training may be taking a toll on experienced manpower, officers fear.
29 Winter embarked upon a more systematic approach to the manpower function.
30 The department produces a wide range of reports relating to aspects of company manpower.
1 Manpower will be reduced by an average of 20 per cent.
2 They drew the manpower from those people.
3 The police are seriously short of manpower.
4 It may be objected that not enough manpower is available.
31 Not surprisingly, these expanding missions have been accompanied by increases in manpower and budget.
32 At the time there was a major shortage of trained manpower in computer science in the US.
33 The intensive use of capital for highly automated products leads to a reduction in the importance of manpower.
33 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
34 Typically, indicators currently used relate to science and technology manpower, ReD expenditure, patents, and publications.
35 The universities could coordinate distance learning packages for their graduates in various hospitals, although this would have funding and manpower implications.
36 The introduction of conscription was not only crucial to obtain the manpower resources necessary but also to plan a total war economy.
37 There is also substantial private investment by employers in training for their staff which the Government encourage through the manpower training scheme.
38 A few of my men have volunteered to be stretcher-bearers if manpower gets short.
39 Even if there were no reform of nurse education, a manpower shortage is inevitable and must therefore be addressed.
40 His output measures include completion rates, career profiles, and studies of manpower output.
41 It takes several thousand man-years of highly skilled scientific manpower just to get one drug to the market.
42 They've got the manpower and the facilities to investigate murder, Jett.
43 It massively increased the budget of the Manpower Services Commission, enabling it to play a dominant role in vocational education.
44 In its view, there is not the time, the manpower or even the need to spy in the conventional sense.
45 A small fleet, but no smaller then Siward's will be, considering what manpower he has.
46 The men of Plataia were helping Athens, whose manpower was at full stretch, to man her great fleet.
47 The project manager makes agreements with the heads of functional departments which provide the necessary resources in terms of manpower and equipment.
48 The prospect of a long war with the inevitable increase in demand for service manpower was a critical factor.
49 Mr Hattersley, in Darlington to meet Labour's northern candidates, said he would make extra police manpower a top priority.
50 One of Britain's contributions is the provision of the bulk of the manpower for the supply company.
51 The local authority increase in manpower, particularly ancillary and health workers, could largely be explained by such statutory obligations.
52 A manpower resources' plan summarised the personnel requirements by skill category and headcount, together with the required training programme.
53 Since the federal government began pouring money and manpower into the Border Patrol here, experience also has become an issue.
54 Quite sophisticated equipment and trained manpower is required to make reliable estimates.
55 Manpower training and public employment programs were consolidated in 1973 into the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.
56 In past centuries, shortages of military manpower used to force us into alliances with continental powers.
57 Its volunteer staff of 750, 000 is even bigger than the Manpower workforce.
58 The overall significance of automation for manpower planning in the manufacture of motor vehicles can then be considered.
59 One could not get a dispensation from the mines inspectorate to increase the manpower.
60 Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy.
61 Of course, the capacity of societies with little technology but plentiful manpower to erect impressive structures can be widely illustrated.
62 The police say they don't have sufficient manpower to patrol the area.
63 Once they had made their inferences they tended to use any manpower they had to follow them up.
63 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
64 The principle of counting to ensure pastoral care and effective deployment of manpower is carried over into the New Testament.
65 The Army had no capital ships or aircraft to worry about: manpower was its principal concern.
66 Ball argues that the main engine in the shaping of higher education should be informed student demand, not manpower planning.
67 Although large numbers of staff are not involved, the changes will lead to a reduction in Home Office manpower.
68 Here, the university provides premises for a social centre For the graduates; the Manpower Services Commission provides the running costs.
69 High-tech advance however is not feasible without a highly qualified manpower stock.
70 It is organising the service, delivering high-quality care and using manpower and finance to the best possible effect.
71 Similar incidents occurred all over the Old City and the manpower Owen could command was stretched to its limit.
72 Each patient area manager is asked to make an assessment of manpower needs and required to justify this assessment to other nurses.
73 That man was scarcely a heroic figure, however genial and powerful in manpower, but never ambitious to lead.
74 As the organization has expanded, the demand for manpower related information has increased in terms of volume, range and depth.
75 A set of key service indicators to measure performance. 5 A year-end manpower statement.
76 The main reason, without a doubt, was the over-abundance of manpower.
77 Both National Westminster and Barclays said earlier this year that there would be significant manpower reductions when their annual results were published.
78 Equally, all the machinery in the world would be useless without the skilled manpower to use it.
79 Few countries have satisfactory legislation on pesticides or the trained manpower to enforce it.
80 The neighbourhood police also provide extra manpower for the Community Relations Unit at special events in youth clubs or at camps.
81 By January 1941 a Central Statistical Office was turning out regular reports on production figures, inflation, consumption and manpower resources.
82 Alexander Krekich indicated that manpower problems would continue at current or lower levels for at least the next few months.
83 We have the ability to monitor and control our manpower extremely efficiently be it in terms of numbers, pay or potential or whatever.
84 The very presence of the mines necessitated a large allocation of precious manpower to keep the roads open.
85 But later on, the shortage of manpower reversed the situation.
86 These included providing extra farm machinery and manpower, including 20,000 troops.
87 Some enlightened and forward-thinking employers are already beginning to recognise this potential manpower re-source for both full and part-time staff.
88 Update hotel manpower analysis report by week.
89 This project tied up a great deal of manpower.
90 Is skilled manpower available to carryout machineries maintenance?
91 Who does manpower planning for our company?
92 Evaluate manpower needs and assigns available resources.
93 We were near the limit of German manpower.http:///manpower.html
94 Evaluates manpower needs and assigns available resources.
95 Assists in evaluating manpower needs and assign available resources.
96 Investigated time cost and manpower cost are taller.
97 The capital here includes corporeal capital and manpower capital.
98 I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower.
99 Our company is short of manpower recently, so we need to recruit some part-timer .
100 So, It has an important meaning for the company's economic Benefit to form it's manpower consumption norm, ' material consumption norm And making sure of budget cost reasonably.
101 By comparision with manpower, material and financial resources thrown in mine transport equipment in drifting tunnel, points out the economic benefit of applying micro-belt conveyer.
102 Illogically arranged production lines can lead to semi-finished products piling up and a waste of time and manpower in moving them.
103 The use network airplane ticket predetermined system may also save the manpower cost for the Airline, raises the working efficiency, thus enhancement enterprise's competitive power.
104 Shipwright has the slipway, wood seasoning stores and manpower needed to build ships for a strong fleet.
105 Primary services will include operational on-the-job training, theoretical job knowledge, manpower self-development, seminars and workshops and Business English.
106 The Government monitors closely the turnover in the Civil Service for manpower planning purposes.
107 We mustn't sit by while our factory is short of manpower.
108 To improve defects of cleaning liquid aluminum lift pot by manpower, the labor strength is big and inefficient.
109 Armed with modern administration theory, rich capital resource, professional scientific research manpower and full sets of equipment, the company possesses a strong development potential.
110 Assist HR manager preparing the annual headcount budget, manpower statistic and analysis.
111 Dibble said that manpower demands caused by the Iraq war are forcing recruiters to work "harder and smarter."
112 This paper describes the amount, direction, effect and tendency of the power energy input from farming machinery manpower and animal power sources into Zhoupu model farm located in Guizhou Plateautl.
113 Manpower resource cost elevatory , RMB appreciates pressure is increased and inside need soft, the industrial investment that causes lukewarm trade is more and more difficult.
114 The enterprises run by local people in China can make use of the internal labour market, reduce the rate of employee turnover, increase the capital accumulation of manpower, and realize the...
115 David Arkless is president of corporate affairs of the Manpower Group, an international labor management and recruiting company.
116 When it comes to the expansion of business, for example the increase of channels, digital system will reduce manpower needed and thus lower the cost of operation.
117 The general said the communist countries had vast resources in manpower and materiel.
118 Here, the rich of value prep above of manpower resource.
119 This system further presses close to information electronization treatment , the accuracy thereby, having reduced manpower physical labour and having increased information's.
120 It is very obvious that, the manpower capital is the principal power for the economic increasing. Now our country is into the acceleration period of the urbanization progress.
121 The method simplifies the debugging steps of the automation system and can effectively shorten the absolute debugging period, save manpower and lower the material and labor costs.
122 The method of pulse signal deinterleaving by plane transformation has a disadvantage of detecting the characteristic lines with manpower.
123 The statesman said the Iron Curtain countries had vast resources in manpower and materiel.
123 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
124 It is impermissible to be optimistic about the present condition of the manpower development.
125 The disorderly manpower market results from the complex social economics.
126 Assists with developing and managing manpower budgets and schemes to ensure optimal utilisation of resources.
127 At present, the control of manpower responsibility cost is a difficult point of enterprise cost management and control in the construction of railway engineering projects.
128 Manpower capital accumulates inadequacy is region economy progress to restrict an element.
129 And the management of manpower resources of suppositional group is facing new challenges:low trust, great different culture, strong isolated feel, difficult evalution and inspiration and so on.
130 No matter how the economy develops in the future, manpower capital is impossible to surpass non-manpower capital, and impossible to change the property right characteristic of non-manpower capital.
131 In the age of knowledge economy, there are three key capitals: credit capital, physical capital and manpower capital that are relate to economical growth of an area.
132 Speak of taxi line of business, often abandon famous work " camel auspicious child " medium manpower 2 rounds of cars (common weighs jinriksha) have to carry.
133 The administration never did achieve comprehensive control over manpower resources.
134 Its advantage includes special policies administered by our government, abundant news and manpower resource and the support from comparative self-contained software and hardware system.
135 Few countries can match the manpower, supply chain or will to work, experts say. But factories like Foxconn have a high rate of turnover.
136 We mustn't sit by while our neighbouring commune is short of manpower.
137 The algorithm saves the manpower and improves the precision level.
138 Experimental results show that it can match two images automatically without manpower intervention and other auxiliary information.
139 The backside that grows naturally, the systematization that is manpower resource management and optimize.
140 In construction, the high mechanical failure rate delays the time limit for a project and causes the waste of material and manpower.
141 Individual proprietorship enterprises have the right to reject any acts meant to force them to provide financial resources, material resources or manpower in violation of law.
142 Implications of the results and suggestions for future manpower planning were also presented.
143 Their assets are highly skilled manpower and superior technical expertise.
144 Unified the unified management of savings manpower and resources to reduce staff expenses.
145 They assigned 30 per cent of their manpower to help the peasants.
146 So introduced the structure of BP nerve net, arithmetic and forecast of food sale forecast based on manpower nerve net.
147 The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected.
148 Manpower capital, a special capital with different characteristics from common material capital, has attracted growing attention.
149 The manpower property obtains the cost account and the manpower property development cost accounts.
150 The enterprises need to adjust the manpower functionally with the business fluctuations to keep the appropriate labor force. The demand of labor flexibility will increase accordingly.
151 But face the updating and upgrading of a product, the horizontal competition is fierce, the challenge of a large amount of outflow of manpower resources.
152 The article also narrates operational process of work evaluation in DFR. It not only uses the method of general evaluation, but also considers the requirements of reducing manpower and cost.
153 The function of education in advance of individual manpower should be paid attention to pressingly.
153 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
154 Supply chain is a structural mode connecting the supplier, manufacturer, distributor, retail dealer and users to one body by the flow of material, financing, manpower and information.
155 Taking manpower resource management problems of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry as background, the concrete design method of Manpower Resource Intelligent Management System (MRIMS) is given.
156 It will be useful for picking of machine with manpower controlling, but the impact of defoliant will influence the machine picking.
157 The typical fogyism of bright and beautiful city from a burgeoning industrial district is owed into develop city, a crucial reason is manpower resource develops serious lag.
158 Piezoelectric ceramic electron flame, ignition convenient, saves time and manpower.
159 To maximize the utilization of resources, including the organization, equipment and manpower, reduce production costs.
160 Conventional manpower endowment source control maintains its target humanness power natural resources.
161 Most online brokerages come from traditional brokerages. Online trading can't fully be replace by manpower, because the success of online trading is related to the acceptability of sales person.
162 Through the analysis optimization and combination queue system can improve service quality and sys tem efficiency even though there is no increase of manpower and equipment.
163 This paper addresses the annual and long - term manpower planning for on - call center under uncertain information environment.
164 Your resources here revolve around manpower , munitions, and fuel.
165 Especially for the buried cable, if the fault point can't be located quickly and precisely, it would expend a lot of time, funds and manpower.
166 Most of our defense budget goes for conventional forces and manpower.
167 The Second Agricultural Education Project constitutes the second phase of the Government's long-term strategy to improve the quality and supply of high- and middle-level agricultural manpower.
168 Only diversified forms of education and training, the road to intension type manpower capital enlarged reproduction, could offer manpower for building the well-off society in an all-round way.
169 They haven't enough manpower.
170 Compared with full scall test, simulation appears to be more convenient and safer and saves manpower, material and time.
171 Manpower capital investment and corporeal capital invest, it is the main impetus that economy grows.
172 Enterprise annuity is a plan of sweeping manpower capital investment.
173 In view of this, we suggest that the government should advocate a concept of manpower and social investment in the conceptual dimension and outline an effective scheme of job training in action.
174 The trend of machine equipment replacing the animal power and manpower is obvious.
175 Manage the manpower resource. Training, promoting and evaluating maintenance staff.
176 Accordingly, to administer unemployment to must increase manpower capital investment.
177 Harvesting grain in the 19 th century required plenty of horsepower and manpower.
178 Highway construction is periodic strong, involve manpower, material resources and capital amount rife project.
179 For the manpower, financial resources and military strength of a base area do not allow protractedness.
180 Summary: Data of LIS safe, realize laboratory manpower resources management, sample manage, daily transaction management, network management, examine data management.
181 It also mainly discussed how to do the experimental teaching reform under the condition of manpower, materials and common resource sharing using a concurrent mode.
182 Therefore, the most important issue for speech and hearing manpower planning is to establish licensure in speech pathology and audiology .
183 This research focuses on assembly line balancing and manpower allocation problem in automobile manufacturing industry(), which is one type of combinatorial problem.
184 Does not nowadays the society inflation of prices, but the manpower go up , is live but vexed ?
185 Contemporary company is the extraordinary agreement of manpower capital and corporeal capital.
186 Although this process took more manpower, and made in rotating multicolour printing machine than overprinter precision.
187 Manpower Inc. , with 560 000 workers, is the world's largest temporary employment agency.
188 A kind of circumstance of empress, need more energies and manpower, but the common school usually can't pay so many energies of for 12 childs.
189 The latest development and application prospect of Inonotus obliquus is summarized in following aspects: taxology, bionomy, cultivation on manpower and development tendency in medicine.
190 Assist HRD to consolidate the manpower planning, and get them well implemented.
191 The capital input of manpower is the key to the development of an enterprise.
192 We are faced with a shortage in manpower, not in raw material.
193 Through channels of emulation, flow of manpower capital and related effects, the in-China direct investment of transnational enterprises can produce technology overflow effect.
194 The result of experiment showed that forecast of manpower nerve net is feasible.
195 A true epic needs more than the grandeur of its landscapes, the lavishness of its sets and the sheer manpower of its battle scenes: It needs a truly epic story.
196 Simulating 300 beds in hospital ship, the manpower distribution of nurses is 66 (except operation room nurse).
197 If the method of outer trajectory is adopted, the period of flight-test is long and a great of manpower and resource are used.
198 An integrated accounting talents market can gather the manpower capital, appropriately distribute the resources.
199 Finally, opening the flood diversion work's gate is through blasting or manpower, and the open order influences the discharge and elevation of water in main river.
200 As a main department of manpower capital that produces manpower capital, the group of university presidents plays a very important part in the development of modern society and economy.
201 Allied Paradrop AT-Gun cost increased to 350 manpower from 320.
202 Many characters of manpower nerve net can deal with the problems in food sale forecast well.
203 The manpower resources should bring into the statement of assets and liabilities to confirm and meter.
204 To adapt to the service demands, we adjusted and fit out special manpower, redistributed the service point, enhance the principle of giving priority to prevention.
205 To avoid waste of manpower, material and time for optimization of logistics warehousing system, the only solution to it is the system simulation.
206 In the areas under his occupation the enemy has been rapaciously plundering manpower and material resources.
207 All special schools and skills opportunity schools receive subvention from the Education and Manpower Bureau ("EMB" thereafter) under the Code of Aid for Special Schools.
208 Inevitability, it is a large waste of manpower and material resources if the vibration data acquisition still depends on the traditional wire transmission.
209 The internal labour market plays a very important role in the management of enterprises' manpower resources.
210 If we get the manpower, we weselves open up even lot lor.
211 To develop students'creativity potential is to identify spirituality with manpower.
212 For replacing the block-wheel cylinder frequently and inconveniently, it wastes of the manpower and material resource massively, and influences seriously the role of block-wheel device and gyral kiln.
213 According to requirements to plan the daily grind for warehouse, controls the manpower and physical resource.
214 Keeping all these information up to date require significant amount of manpower.
215 There are essential differences between traditional personnel management and manpower resources management.
216 A good carriage maintenance manpower supply plan for the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) plants can help maintenance plant deal with their maintenance efficiently.
217 Reviews and approves cost control reports, cost estimates,() and manpower and facilities requirements forecasts.
218 Traditional means of land use survey at county level costs a great quantity of manpower and material resource, but with low effectiveness.
219 Unfortunately, often the arms and manpower fueling these conflicts are tied to transnational criminal activity through illicit trade in drugs, diamonds, and people.
220 Planner will arrange pilot run schedule based on manpower and material, will coordinate with MFG to finish pilot on time.
221 Practiced at cabaret manpower resource department, mainly in charger of translating its agendum documents and preparing demo manuscripts for cabaret internal activities.
222 Methods Objective system of nursing management practice was constructed from five essentials such as time resource, information resource, manpower resource, financial resource, material resource.
223 Meanwhile, police organization manpower, search and rescue survivors in the rubble.
224 By 1923 Carl Zeiss Jena manpower was up to about 5000 employees.
225 The movement of young men from the country to the cities leaves the farms short of manpower.
226 Fixed a calculation error with maximum manpower needed for reinforcement.
227 Conclusion: the nursing manpower resource is a direct factor to influent service quality, nursing general quality and nursing safety. Directors should pay more attention on the lack of nurser.
228 The existing manpower, material resources, technological resource and project construction technology of our company are summarized.
229 Method: The dynamic change data of distract-based manpower resource of NCD prevention and control during 1999-2003 was collected by questionnaire and evaluated by dynamic series.
230 Both in Europe and U. S. , the day nursery movement received great impetus during the First World War, when shortage of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women.
231 Work with department manager to make manpower plan and control headcount.
232 The trailer for cable drum can be conveniently used for loading and unloading cable drums by manpower without the need of a crane for loading and unloading.
233 Results:Nurse Byelaw have important effect on ensuring the nurse manpower resource, incarnate the authorization of our country on nurse specialty, advance the new request to us.
234 In order to increase competitiveness, individual nations will further deregulate and globalize the flow of manpower, resources, and information.
235 The civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth.
236 A preeminent property management company is sure the manpower resource system that owns to perfect.
237 The war drained away the manpower and wealth of the country.
238 The field of manpower planning and labour economics is a complex one, influenced by the many social, technological and economic changes evident in our world today.




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