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单词 Black hole
1) The term "black hole" is of very recent origin.
2) Thousands of people have been plunged into the black hole of unemployment.
3) The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole .
4) It was like the Black Hole of Calcutta on the underground this morning.
5) If you jump into a black hole you will get torn apart and crushed out of existence.
6) The downtown area is an economic black hole.
7) The term "black hole" was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John Wheeler.
8) Scientists still cannot tell what in the black hole.
9) The black hole restricting it has the negentropy .
10) Where was the "Black Hole of Calcutta?"
11) Path Max Transfer Unit Black Hole Detect.
12) He still proved the area axioms of black hole.
13) Turns out, however, that it takes a little training to use the WCS—including learning to sit in the correct position so that, well, "Uranus" orbits directly above the WCS's "black hole.
14) Into the black hole, the earth lipped fissure in the wall - front.
15) Then, the impact of black hole masses on disk - driven precession model is discussed.
16) Series of cases of a black hole stock market continued to expand.
17) Within just a light-year of the black hole swarm more than 100,000 other stars caught far more firmly in its grip.
18) In compensation, the black hole is a much faster processor.
19) Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
20) I'm worried that the project could become a financial black hole.
21) It's almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually "eclipse" the galaxy's true center, the pointlike radio source marking the Milky Way's central black hole.
22) Instead of appearing self-luminous, as white disks do, blackness seems to generate a void, or a black hole, that absorbs all the light.
23) The scientists assembled their own star clusters on a high-performance supercomputer, and then calculated how they would evolve by tracing the motion of each and every star and black hole within them.
24) This is an illustration of how the night sky might look to a dweller in the core of galaxy NGC 4261, which harbors an 800-light-year-wide disk of dust and 1.2 billion-solar-mass black hole.
25) Form here we infer that the cosmic censorship hypothesis is just the third law of thermodynamics of black hole.
26) This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.
27) The galactic affinity for material in the universe,(http:///black hole.html) the black hole.
28) According to a mind-bending study released in April, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole.
29) Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.
30) For now, all of those details are stuck inside the black hole.
1) The term "black hole" is of very recent origin.
2) Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
31) The black hole, also be favored of Cynthia, deep and serene.
32) The black hole is a special celestial body, predicted on the basis of general relativity theory.
33) There are to primary types of black hole, supermassive and stellar.
34) It was like the black hole of Calcutta down at my factory.
35) Ng has shown that the strange scaling of spacetime fluctuations with the cube root of distances provides a back-door way to derive the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for black hole memory.
36) Like the Black Hole of Calcutta, but a lot wetter, came the reply.
37) Cygnus X -1 is one of the most likely black hole candidates.
38) Red lobes of 40-million-degree gas linger from violent eruptions in the past, when the black hole was consuming matter more voraciously than it is now.
39) A hypervelocity star appears to be the remains of a three-star system, one star of which was digested by the Milky Way's black hole, with the other two being combined and hurled away.
40) I am so pernickety about music that this task can become a black hole that sucks away my day.
41) We live in a nice, quiet suburban galaxy, with a well-behaved black hole at the center.
42) The kids were shining a torch into the black hole.
43) “It feels like being swallowed by the Earth, ” says photographer Carsten Peter of the Black Hole of Calcutta in Claustral Canyon.
44) Astronomers believe that such black hole central engines generate the radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray energy radiated by Centaurus A and other active galaxies.
45) In this paper, using the generalized uncertainty relation, we calculated the numbers of quantum state and further the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole was also obtained.
46) Selecting the advanced Eddington coordinates, and adopting the statistical method, the instantaneous radiant emittance of non-static black hole is calculated out.
47) "The supermassive black hole has thousands of stars nearby, a whole galaxy of matter to push around, " said Joseph Nielson, an astrophysicist at the Harvard University.
48) In the first chapters, the concepts of black hole and the event horizon, black hole radiation , the thermal properties of black hole, and scalar field radiation are introduced briefly.
49) That is crytic feminine, secret feminine with strange and temptation, furthermore it is succumbing to black hole like maze.
50) The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star.
51) These quasar jets are formed when electrons emitted from a black hole impact with cosmic background radiation left by the big bang, giving astronomers clues about the conditions in the early universe.
52) What happens, then, when information is dragged into a black hole?
53) The Treasury is faced with a funding black hole because the initial cost of students' fees is borne by the government. It pays the fee for each student in the form of a loan.
54) A quasar consists of a supermassive black hole surrounded a dusty doughnut - shaped cloud that feeds it.
55) Centaurus A itself is apparently the result of a collision of two galaxies and the left over debris is steadily being consumed by the black hole.
56) Binary X - ray sources are also places to find strong black hole candidates.
57) So matter has to literally squeeze into the black hole.
58) The Hawking effect, event horizon and corresponding temperature of a uniformly accelerating, non stationary ,(http:///black hole.html) charged black hole are given.
59) Typically, a black hole is surrounded by a doughnutshaped region, or torus, of gas.
60) That mystery happens to be that of the even clandestine, black hole.
61) Some major puzzles in black hole theory and General Relativity, including Hawking radiation, information puzzle, singularity theorem and synchronization of clock rate, are presented.
62) If a core continues collapsing beyond the neutron star stage, it may become a black hole.
63) It also gives a general picture of their origin in the interplanetary dust of gas, their stable evolution in the stage of main-sequence and their end with White Dwarf, Neution Star and Black Hole.
64) Dr. Laura Ferrarese , a Senior Researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Victoria, suggests that a rogue black hole may set its voracious appetite on Earth.
65) After being renormalized with the standard scheme, the thermodynamical entropy of the general stationary axisymmetric black hole is found.
66) An active galaxy is a star system with a humongous black hole at its centre.
67) A low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) is a celestial system in which a relatively normal star is being eaten alive by a nearby stellar corpse, either a neutron star or a black hole.
68) And there's the marvelous shape, which closely resembles the following things: (a)curlicue, (b)pinwheel, (c)conch, (d)black hole.
69) Every respectable galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center -- all except the one galaxy that has now been caught in the act of ejecting its insatiable mass-muncher.
70) If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole.
71) A black hole scarfs gas like a pig at a trough.
72) If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form, which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognizable state.
73) We said there is something in the is interdimensional - a black hole.
74) It is said that a black hole can swallow up everything such as stars around it.
75) The very center of the Sombrero glows across the electromagnetic spectrum, and is thought to house a large black hole.
76) For the first time since you rescued me from the black hole, I'm almost fully combat - ready.
77) This leads the researchers to suspect that a white dwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate-mass black hole and was ripped apart by tidal forces.
78) There was this three-star system. The three linked stars were strolling through the Milky Way but got too close to the giant black hole at the center.
79) It was like the black hole of Calcutta on wheels.
80) It consists of a dusty, doughnut-shaped cloud of gas and dust that feeds a central supermassive black hole.
81) Now, this black hole has been recovered, and began to spray to the civilized world by its long-tongued, to meet the desires of its absorption.
82) Scientists are still unable to tell what happens inside a black hole.
83) In effect, this is something that will generate antigravity to combat the natural tendency of a massive system to implode into a black hole under its intense weight.
84) But compared to a black hole, even this star is a weakling.
85) Moreover, if we consider the tunneling process as a reversible process, the result in Hawking radiation via tunneling is consistent with the first and second law of black hole thermodynamics.
86) So while entire planets could be swallowed by a large black hole after passing its event horizon, mini black holes could gravitationally bind matter around them in orbit.
87) True, an impetuous heart is a black hole, it can swallow up one another garden beauty.
88) Now, there may be a way to make an "eternal" black hole that would act as the ultimate cosmic lockbox.
89) "This may be the first time the common way of making a black hole has been observed," said co-author Abraham Loeb, also of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
90) A spindly path of red and blue panels spidered out above nothing but star-studded space and a yawning black hole.
91) The black hole dreams arising upon land of Trinidad were from the era of the Anu.
92) His best guess is still that the radio source is some kind of dense object accreting surrounding material, perhaps a large black hole or a black hole in an unusual environment.
93) Taking into account the generalized uncertainty principle(GUP), we calculate the density of quantum states near the event horizon of a common stationary black hole in pseudo-Riemannian space-time.
94) The spiral structure of NGC 1068 is shown bythe X-ray and optical data, and a jet powered by the centralsupermassive black hole is shown by the radio data.
95) To enter the black hole: they reflect the feeling of being someone suddenly into a dark space.
96) The energy bursts matched nicely with what you might expect when you "throw a star into a black hole", Dr Levan told BBC News.
97) This lack of dimming suggests the new black hole is gorging on as much matter as it can handle, said Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
98) The flare-up may provide insights into the variability of black hole jets in distant galaxies, which are difficult to study because they are too far away.
99) The entropies of quantum fields on event horizon of a toroidal black hole are brick - wall model.
100) After exposing the mismanagement of the Delphon leader, Kayso, the popular Amaiza ascended to the position of den-mother of the Black Hole Gang.
101) We gave a new equation of state density by the generalized uncertainty relation, studied black hole entropy on degenerate background of sphere symmetry.
102) It is believed that a black hole can swallow up any objects like stars near it.
103) The general event horizon formula of black hole is given from null hypersurface equation.
104) But they have a built-in feeding-control mechanism. Called the Eddington limit[], it kicks in when the massive amount of radiation spawned by the black hole matches the inflow of material.
105) After another 100 million years, the quasar exhausts its fuel and goes dark, becoming just a garden-variety, billion-solar-mass or so black hole.
106) Astronomers think Swift has a dead-on view of the digestive system of a black hole, which is blasting out a jet of energy as it rips apart a star trapped in its gravitational fist.
107) This is an era where a huge bubble is softening our minds, when the black hole of corruption is scarfing down our dreams and our future.
108) Some theories hold that the black hole might quiet down and eventually enter a more dormant state like our Milky Way black hole.
109) Previous estimates of M87's black hole mass registered at some 3 billionsuns, still 1,()000 times the size of the Milky Way's welterweight black hole.
110) Another sign of the presence of a black hole is random variation of emitted X - rays.
111) Galaxy birth and development is a never-ending process, and clues to early black hole evolution are spread throughout our own galaxy and around the universe.




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