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单词 Seventeen
1, He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot.
2, The year 1705 is usually pronounced seventeen o five.
3, The jury returned an acquittal after only seventeen minutes.
4, He had confessed to seventeen murders.
5, There are seventeen days to go till my birthday.
6, I left home when I was seventeen .
7, I got it on seventeen days approval, so if you don't like it we can change it.
8, She's sixteen, going on seventeen.
9, Seventeen years of war left the country bankrupt.
10, Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.
11, Nora thought he was seventeen years old.
12, At the tender age of seventeen I left home.
13, At the age of seventeen she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.
14, I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record.
15, What's seventeen plus nine?
16, Seventeen people were killed when security forces fired on demonstrators.
17, Seventeen prisoners held on death row are to be executed after their pleas for clemency were turned down.
18, You can't get a driving licence till you're seventeen in this country.
19, Is that a seventeen on the front of that bus?
20, She was seventeen and she had no education or employment.
21, He might be nearly seventeen but he's still very immature.
22, I have seventeen cousins.
23, Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-first birthday party.
24, Their children's ages range from twelve to seventeen.
25, I told him,(http:///seventeen.html) Between junctions seventeen and eighteen.
26, Seventeen Florida panthers have been collared.
27, There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
28, Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.
29, In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seventeen civilians.
30, Debbie is the black sheep of the family , having left home at seventeen to live with her boyfriend.
1, He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot.
2, The year 1705 is usually pronounced seventeen o five.
3, The jury returned an acquittal after only seventeen minutes.
4, He had confessed to seventeen murders.
5, There are seventeen days to go till my birthday.
6, I left home when I was seventeen .
7, I got it on seventeen days approval, so if you don't like it we can change it.
8, There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
9, At the tender age of seventeen I left home.
10, In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seventeen civilians.
11, What's seventeen plus nine?
31, But when be was seventeen, he entered the novitiate.
32, The seven children there had seemed more like seventeen.
33, Seventeen kids left for college the first August.
34, Seventeen of those guests were campaign contributors, documents show.
35, Seventeen times, revision after revision, it kept coming back.
36, Jenny is seventeen years old.
37, Seventeen pages of notes support his hypothesis.
38, Their conversations lasted seventeen days and ended in zero.
39, A whole adult life in only seventeen years.
40, I lost my virginity at the age of seventeen.
41, He had joined his present company seventeen years before, with the 124 presidency of the company as his goal.
42, They gave me a bad time - they'd all been in since they were seventeen and they were hard men.
43, Women see their reflections an aver-age of seventeen times a day.
44, The government's already allowed seventeen hospitals to opt out of the control of their local health boards.
45, I was seventeen,() and most of the other students in my year had done military service and were a lot older.
46, Holy Trinity contributed seventeen hundred dollars to shelters and a food bank that year, and that struck most people as plenty.
47, A third passenger, a seventeen year old girl, was not seriously hurt.
48, This couple have four or five kids and their eldest daughter is about seventeen.
49, On bed seventeen there was a man lying on his back with his legs folded up at his knees.
50, By the time I turned seventeen, I had already been married to her father for two years.
51, This son of a bookseller was a fellow at Oxford by the age of seventeen.
52, We had one real live NCO during my first tour, a black sergeant with seventeen years in the Army.
53, New account holders will receive their opening pack immediately, to be followed a few days later by their Route Seventeen Card.
53, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
54, At least seventeen states have been permitted to impose such time limits.
55, Thirty-one cases were tried, many with more than one defendant, resulting in thirty-one convictions and seventeen acquittals.
56, The typical full-term infant can be described as asleep for about seventeen hours out of the twenty-four.
57, Hunt told Hall's Committee that it occupied seventeen different buildings of which seven were requisitioned during the war.
58, In the end, four whites and seventeen blacks were hanged; thirteen blacks were burned-at the stake.
59, Seventeen years ago, after fleeing from Idi Amin's reign of terror, Virani opened a supermarket in south London.
60, They were astonished when they found that he was a lad of no more than seventeen.
61, The seamen are adrift in lifeboats, seventeen hundred miles off the Falkland Islands.
62, The court was told the airman had drunk seventeen pints of beer.
63, He sat for sixteen years on the London school board, and seventeen on the London county council.
64, And seventeen employers were also prosecuted for colluding in the offences.
65, Between 1949 and 1950, he quadrupled the number of regular Vietminh battalions to one hundred and seventeen.
66, Franco had classical piano lessons for eight years until he was sixteen, and was self-taught on trumpet from seventeen.
67, I was so shy and clumsy when I was seventeen.
68, He lived quietly in Nuremberg for a further seventeen years until his death in 1634.
69, Sometimes she became childlike and you could see her at eight or seventeen or twenty-five.
70, Seventeen Joan settled happily into her new and temporary abode.
71, He was just seventeen when he began experimenting with drugs, shooting heroin into his arm.
72, Seventeen people were convicted of subversion following a coup attempt.
73, According to the 1981 census, 46.5 percent of the population over the age of seventeen was illiterate.
74, During the same period, Eastman Kodak reorganized into seventeen small, autonomous units.
75, She was only about seventeen, with the most beautiful little face I had ever seen.
76, Some twentieth-century vandal had ripped out the latticed windows of number seventeen.
77, When she was seventeen, the family moved to Puerto Rico.
78, Seventeen children failed to achieve remission but had chronic intestinal symptoms despite treatment throughout their course.
79, All the seventeen mosques in the town of Foca either destroyed or severely damaged.
80, In 1989 the town had voted down a petition to close the school and bus the seventeen Granville students to Rochester Elementary.
81, Just seventeen ... she could become the country's youngest pilot.
82, He had first touched female flesh when only seventeen and had recoiled from the possibility it offered.
83, When he was seventeen he lost his driving licence after receiving 27 speeding summonses.
84, And today Fluid transfer at Nailsworth cut seventeen staff ... also blaming the recession.
85, After all, the cynics pointed out, he was the seventeenth person to hold the office in seventeen years.
86, Alistair had graduated private school at seventeen, not brilliantly, but not badly either.
87, Melanide cried in a desert for seventeen years and cries incessantly throughout the five acts of the play.
88, The seventeen volumes of his survey provide a remarkable survey not only of poverty but of employment and religious observance in London.
89, During the next seventeen years Normand presided over massive and almost continuous expansion.
90, It revealed his identity as the estranged son of a wealthy senator, whom he had served for the past seventeen years.
91, She must have been six-teen or seventeen, and looked out at him with a poignancy that gripped his heart.
92, Seventeen and a half thousand species of butterfly have been described-but they are divided into a hundred thousand subspecies.
93, He reminds her that her predecessor kept his job for seventeen years, despite a number of disappointing seasons.
94, Seventeen years after his election, the country accepts his main argument: for lower taxes and smaller, fewer Washington-controlled programs.
95, At seventeen Polly discovered that it is not just the heart that aches when love is lost, but the whole body.
96, It yielded twenty-five whales, seventeen hundred barrels of oil, and three tons of whalebone.
97, Of the twenty-one bedrooms, seventeen are spacious with private facilities, and the remaining four are attic rooms with shared bathrooms.
98, Seventeen infants were enrolled in the regulated group and 19 in the random group.
99, After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied physiology, biology and anatomy.
100, Nathan was seventeen and seriously ill with tuberculosis when he was taken in to Highgate Hospital in January 1942.
101, At the age of seventeen he was playing for Antigua in the Leeward Islands tournament when he was given out caught behind.
102, He had bowled her over when she was seventeen and girls got married.
103, The world of muddle and incoherence, of being seventeen, of home, of unidentified feelings, of unresolved questions.
104, To me, the fact that she hasn't been heard of again in seventeen years puts a different complexion on it.
105, Must have stopped every ten yards between junctions seventeen and eighteen.
106, Three days later the Senate endorsed the Marshall Plan by a vote of sixty-nine to seventeen.
107, The jury has yet to reach verdicts on another seventeen charges.
108, I began to work in steel mills when I was seventeen to support my education.
109, Seventeen Otley seemed to be very cross about something the next day but I didn't bother to ask what.
110, I was propositioned by this absolutely stunning girl who couldn't have been any more than seventeen.
111, Every soldier knew that average life expectancy at the front was seventeen days.
112, In later and easier days he would certainly have studied mathematics at university, but instead left school when he was seventeen.
113, Seventeen years' investment in a relationship and what do I have at the end?
114, Obviously I couldn't mime to a voice of seventeen years ago(http:///seventeen.html), no way on earth!
115, I was awarded seventeen points out of twenty but judging by the worried looks and furrowed brows there were some lower scores.
116, The photograph had been taken in the late twenties, seventeen or eighteen years before.
117, Read in studio Thieves have stolen seventeen rare parrots from a bird sanctuary.
118, Her thoughts drifted to when she herself had been seventeen.
119, Nora herself was just seventeen when I entered the material world.
120, I was seventeen years old, I was a freshman at Brooklyn College.
121, Even prettier was the petite brunette of about seventeen who showed me to my room.
122, At only seventeen, Lonny already had the beginnings of a beer gut.
123, On top of that, you will note that there are seventeen outstanding warrants filed by various state and federal authorities against her.
124, During the last year before her furlough one hundred and seventeen new soldiers had been sworn in at the Howard corps.
125, This girl is seventeen, apparently homeless, living rough, presenting with an ulcerated throat and severe anaemia.
126, Male speaker Seventeen million people died in this war and we should never forget.
127, He was seventeen when he won the Open championship belt for the first time.
128, The deal, which is worth almost seventeen million pounds, depends on Morland winning its fight for survival.
129, So, beneath the site of the office tower, there was rock at seventeen feet.
130, At seventeen, he announces that he wants to spend his whole life in a ruined castle by the sea.
131, Now, at seventeen, I could gambol in the forbidden delights of Elysium with no one tugging at my hand.
132, Near the canal in Hackney two boys of about seventeen are crossing the road.
133, It was when he was seventeen and living for a while at a special needs boarding school.
134, It was seventeen hours later, on Wednesday morning, that Landless held his own press conference.
135, I mean, I was seventeen or eighteen and helping out in deliveries.
136, The representatives from seventeen national parties at the Paris conference were quite plainly non-attenders in the established church of politics.
137, I know I am just an ignorant servant girl, aged seventeen, but I do know some Latin.
138, The meetings ran for seventeen days, and thousands of enthusiastic guests lined up every evening to attend the open sessions.
139, He's already been in prison for seventeen months awaiting trial on drugs charges.
140, Lightning rods, carpentry, and brickwork-all were spelled out, arrayed on legal-sized paper across seventeen numbered sections.
141, For seventeen year olds the equivalent figures are 70 and 44 percent.
142, Throughout his reign of seventeen years, John's empire was constantly threatened from beyond its borders.
143, Galerie de Stael, for example, sold seventeen works,(Sentence dictionary) mainly nineteenth-century watercolours and architectural drawings.
144, In the 1984 Euro-election, when they contested only seventeen seats, they took 0.2 percent.
145, He became a spinner in a Preston cotton-mill, but disliked the restricted life and left at the age of seventeen.
146, So I was there until Sean was seventeen months, which put a strain on all of us, I think.
147, I am seventeen, I had a family just like you do, 1 am a daughter, I am a sister.
148, Route Seventeen Account holders do not require an adult to countersign when opening an account or on any of their transactions.
149, A list of seventeen diverse public interest organizations was drawn up by strong in consultation with the mayor.
150, He's announced that an extra seventeen million pounds is to be pumped into care over the next six years.
151, In the end, seventeen different forms of motive power were on display along with a wide range of other railway related attractions.
152, The party left Boston on July 8 and arrived at its destination seventeen days later.
153, In 1996 a national overtime ban by prison officers sparked off riots in seventeen prisons.
154, The seventeen of June, at Break of Day.
155, At seventeen he underwent an evangelical conversion.
156, He was only seventeen when he joined the army.
157, Ground control to Eastern Seventeen, " a controller intoned.
158, Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call.
159, Most of the Red Memory Literary works published in "the seventeen years" after liberation have experienced republication after being revised.
160, Ethan Allen became a hero of the American Revolution. But Vermont was not among the thirteen colonies that declared their independence from England in seventeen seventy-six.
161, And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.
162, Seventeen feet (five meters) of brute reptilian force, a saltwater crocodile snaps at the camera in Shelburne Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia.
163, Generally speaking, dissonant intervals have ratios such as nine to eight for the whole step or seventeen to sixteen for the half step.
164, She moved, started going to the gym (at thirty-four she was no longer the beauty I had known when I was seventeen), and made new friends.
165, Your cousin Fay is fifteen. Rosemary is older than Fay . She's seventeen.
166, This paper presents an efficient sequential circuit automatic test generation algorithm. The algorithm is based on self- adapting algorithm and uses a seventeen - valued logic model.
167, At the same time our interiorly also makes joint-stock source, to the whole nation seventeen large and medium-sized the city popularizes SSE project.
168, He created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen: no fewer than seventeen military campaigns were conducted, and he conquered lands from Syria to Nubia .
169, Coal seventeen is a tier betoken a coal mining in DongRong two Coalmine.
170, In ninteen eighty , seventeen percent of official development assistance went to agriculture.
171, He was influenced by Thomas Malthus' work, "An Essay on the Principle of Population" written in seventeen ninety-eight.
172, One dark night, Farragut led seventeen Union warships up the river in a line.
173, City's principal marksman was Joe Harvey who scored seventeen goals.
173, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
174, Seventeen states currently devote all lottery funds to education; at least 17 others funnel all or part of their lottery money into the general fund.
175, In the seventeen hundreds, for example, President John Adams supported laws to stop Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Party from criticizing the government.
176, Ten years ago a group of software professionals gathered in Snowbird, Utah. Seventeen people created and signed what we now know as the Agile Manifesto.
177, Thaler stayed at J. Walter Thompson for seventeen years, leaving when Wells, Rich, Greene offered her its top creative job.
178, I lost my virginity to a man when I was seventeen.
179, North and South Carolina were one colony until seventeen twenty-nine.
180, Today, the Castillo de San Marcos still seems to protect the city of Saint Augustine. However, no enemy has attacked since the year seventeen forty.
181, The play was in seventeen eighty-seven, after Taylor helped to put down Shay's rebellion.
182, In the twenty-third year of Joash son of Ahaziah king of Judah, Jehoahaz son of Jehu became king of Israel in Samaria , and he reigned seventeen years.
183, In the Hood as day was dawning the enemy was discerned seventeen miles to the northwest.
184, At seventeen, Dennis landed a summer job as a runner ($1.60 an hour) at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
185, You are sixteen, going on seventeen. Fellows will fall in line.
186, Copernicus, like Aristarchus some seventeen centuries earlier, described a world in which the sun was at rest and the planets revolved around it in circular orbits.
187, She looked forward to the next bridge of the Jolly Seventeen.
188, She has began a federal judge for seventeen years. If confirmed, she will be the only one on the court who was a trial judge.
189, Washington gave the shortest one ever -- just one hundred thirty-five words --during his second inauguration in seventeen ninety-three.
190, The clock's hands said seventeen - twenty : it was nineteen - twenty really .
191, In fact(), the American Diner Museum says he was just seventeen.
192, Seventeen US sailors were killed when suicide bombers rammed an explosive-laden boat into the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen in 2000.
193, People started to do some mathematical analysis on the structure and the character of magic square from seventeen century.
194, Born in Lansing , Michigan on April 10,1951, Seagal traveled to Japan at the age of seventeen.
195, Methods Seventeen cases of placental Abruption from March 2003 to the March 2006 were reviewed retrospectively.
196, The collection has been built up over the last seventeen years.
197, Hello, my name is so-and-so, seventeen years old this year.
198, Irving Berlin also wrote the music for seventeen Broadway plays from the nineteen - twenties to nineteen - fifty.
199, The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General in seventeen seventy-five.
200, At seventeen, Daniele was told to leave home by her father.
201, They said that he could move decimal points telekinetically, that he owned the global rights to the number three quintillion seventeen, that he could make a penny feel like a million bucks.
202, In seventeen eighty-four, Junipero Serra died of tuberculosis at mission San Carlos.
203, Containing seventeen minerals and thirteen microelements, thermal spring has important functions of soothing skin,(http:///seventeen.html) anti-allergy and reinforcing the natural protection screen for skin.
204, With the establishment of relative nol pros system in china in 1996, immunity from prosecution system which was adopted seventeen years ago was abolished.
205, Mary McLeod Bethune was the fifteenth child born out of seventeen.
206, Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven.
207, At seventeen he was a big athletic youth, a great wrestler and runner.
208, As a tangle , seventeen insurance broker companies have been founded in China during these years.
209, I now understand what a far-ranging impact the deaths of my father and, seventeen years later, my mother have had on me and my family.
210, That part of the border had been in dispute ever since seventeen eighty-three when Britain recognized the independence of the American states.
211, ELON MUSK: "One hundred seventeen thousand pounds is more than a fully loaded Boeing 737 with one hundred thirty-six passengers, luggage and fuel in orbit."
212, Suppose he had blundered over the line and written, "In the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and seventy-six."
213, Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential.
214, God is charming, quite young, not more than thirty-eight or so; He has a most sweet expression_r. Behind Him a little stands the Son, about seventeen, tall as He and very like Him, but beardless.
215, Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes."
215, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
216, In December of two thousand seven, a bombing at UN offices in the Algerian capital killed seventeen employees.
217, Already it had cost the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola.
218, God is charming, quite young, not more than thirty-eight or so; He has a most sweet expression. Behind Him a little stands the Son, about seventeen, tall as Hevery like Him, beardless .
219, Junipero Serra was born in seventeen thirteen on the island of Mallorca, Spain. After he became a Franciscan priest, he taught at a university in Mallorca.
220, By the age of seventeen I was a full - fledged atheist.
221, Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night... Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes.
222, Irving Berlin also wrote the music for seventeen Broadway plays from the 1920 s to 1950 s.
223, God is charming, quite young, not more than thirty-eight or so; He has a most sweet expression. Behind Him a little stands the Son, about seventeen, tall as He and very like Him, but beardless.
224, The delegates voted ten times, twenty times, thirty times. Finally, on the thirty-fourth ballot, seventeen of the delegates voted for a compromise candidate.
225, Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to England and put to steeple chase racing.




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