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单词 Magma
1. The blazing magma was surging by us.
2. With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.
3. The whole town was swallowed up by the magma.
4. Different minerals in the magma create different structures.
5. Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.
6. Pastures of fresh magma flows known as pillow lavas and the rubble of frequent earthquakes line the floor of this stone trough.
7. The temperature range covers typical values expected in magma chambers.
8. This meant that the magma that fed the fissures of the second phase was almost completely de-gassed, hence its quiet emission.
9. Magma can wedge open and penetrate cracks cutting across the layering of the surrounding rock, forming tabular intrusions called dikes.
10. A single deep connection to the magma supply maintains the heat input by convection.
11. As discussed in the Magma Metals story in Chapter Seven, that demands much more than initial feelings of respect and promises.
12. Volcanicity and magma emplacement, largely in the form of large granite intrusions, characterize the volcanic arc.
13. These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers.
14. We envisage a convecting magma chamber of height H, cooled from above.
15. The magma would then cool and harden, adding to the four-mile-thick slab of moving crust.
16. Igneous intrusions injected as a mobile magma may show sharp contacts with surrounding, or country, rocks.
17. Hot magma from the mantle would rise to the surface to fill in the crack.
18. Hot magma bubbled up through the older parts of Laurentia west of Hudson Bay, signaling the start of continental rifting.
19. As the magma rises towards the surface the confining pressure drops and gas bubbles begin to form and move upwards.
20. Its purpose is to gather sufficient information to answer questions about magma chambers in oceanic crust.
21. Central vent and fissure eruptions represent the two basic ways in which magma can reach the surface.
22. In the process, their commitment to one another and to their vision for Magma grew more profound.
23. But from 1992 until today a critical mass of the people and teams at Magma Metals have delivered unprecedented performance and change.
24. They are a sign, Hoffman believes, of the hot pancake of magma that was warping the crust from underneath.
25. The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. For the next 300 million years, the outpouring of magma built toward a crescendo.
27. Because the shares tendered were below 90 % of all outstanding shares, the acquisition must be approved by Magma shareholders.
28. The shares have climbed 4. 7 % since the proposed Magma acquisition was announced.
29. The south-southeast-trending increase is most probably the result of a shallow magma intrusion.
30. To begin, he formed a council that would act like a board of directors for Magma Metals.
1. The blazing magma was surging by us.
2. With the temprature cool, magma would be hardened into rock.
31. Listening to this subterranean activity has allowed them to make predictions about how and when each pool of magma will erupt.
32. The concepts of crystal settling and convection in magma chambers have a long history r2-6.
33. Some attributed each crater to a bursting giant bubble of gases escaping from a vast ocean of magma.
34. As it cools, over the years, the magma slowly solidifies and forms crystals.
35. Eruptions can occur through either fissures or vents, again depending on magma type.
36. Indeed the feeder pipe almost certainly extends down to a large magma reservoir well below sea level.
37. Crude: Come on, get on! Magma is coming!
38. Dacitic magma is highly viscous.
39. Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.
40. Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface.
41. It is well known that the Syenite-gabbro association may originate from either the evolution of a single magma or two independent magmas which are usually related to intraplate extensional tectonics.
42. The garnet growth zoning was well preserved in the mega-porphyritic garnets, but completely erased due to high-K magma heating and fluid action in the rim and in fine-grained garnets.
43. Some of the most violent past eruptions, like Krakatoa in Java, resulted from magma coming in contact with water.
44. All magma consists basically of a variety of silicate minerals.
45. Magma activity and bolide effect are also announced accounting for the occurrence of PETM.
46. "Magma bodies perturb the gravity field, they change the state of stress in the rocks around them and they can change the system just by their presence," Ebinger told Discovery News.
47. The shoshonitic magma is considered to be the partial melting product of phlogopite -bearing lherzolite in the enriched Mesozoic lithospheric mantle.
48. Their source was like an asthenospheric mantle of ocean-island basalt and geosphere was also involved in the magma rising and eructating process.
49. The meltwater from the glacier on top of the volcano ran down into the crater(), chilling the magma and then the pressure from underneath caused an explosion.
50. Marsili has a hidden but active magma chamber and lies beneath the surface of the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean west of Italy.
51. Ilmenite in Henan kimberlite implies that kimberlitic magma in the area is undifferentiated magma of si...
52. Reasons to worry: Merapi is capable of producing a Plinian eruption (spewing at least 1 cubic kilometer of magma and producing 20 to 50 kilometer-high ash columns)every 1,000 years or so.
53. The rise of plutonic granitic magma was the basic heat source generating strong dynamometamorphism and one of the main factors that influenced dynamic deformation.
54. Leucite basalt was solidified by secondary magma, which was produced by fractional crystallization of a small amount (14%) of accumulative rock from primitive magma and assimilation of granite(28%).
55. The magma of porphyritic moyite -monzogranite series in the middle stage mainly originated from the lower crust, being the product of collision-orogeny.
56. The Pacific trench lies deeper under the water and its characteristics differ in composition from the newer magma that has arisen during continental drift.
57. The directly sign of deposits is that the contact-belt of magma with stratums , the areas where have been had the mineralization such as molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, silicon, limonite and so on.
58. The decompression melting fluid system of asthenosphere provides the driving force for magma emplacement and metallogenic material.
59. The active form of second term magma is intruding from many centers with developed liquation and differentiation for deep magma together with favourable metallogenic condition for copper and nickel.
60. Hence, for the minerals to be analyzed in some rocks, when there are all sorts of genesis with xenolith, magma, mantle and so on in them, the age of a certain single event can be respectively got.
61. Igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma.
62. The REE enriched residual melt penetrated into the top of intrusion would be the products of nepheline syenite magma produced in the process of differentiation.
63. The magma belongs to the crust mantle mixed type of Archeozoic crystalline basement remelted and recomposed.
64. Thus, if the majority of the small amounts of water in a planetesimal reaches a planetary surface as its magma solidifies, this would be enough to form oceans that are similar to Earth's.
65. Mesozoic Era complex plutonic masses from Shangyong area are composed of the plutones that are formed by Indosinian and Yanshanian cycle of structural magma and have different combination types.
66. The stable element ratio of compatible and incompatible elements implies that they are liquid immiscible congeners coming from a primitive magma consisting of mixed carbonatites and silicates.
67. A pocket of magma deep below the lake bed leaks carbon dioxide into the lake above.
68. Geysers spout up where a column of underground water is heated to boiling by "magma, " or molten rock. Like a pan boiling over on your kitchen stove, this boiling pushes the water upward.
69. It's difficult to decide the position of the unit in evolutional tertiary of magma.
70. Mantle plumes induced asthenosphere upwelling and development of magma chambers along deep-sited faults, and thus resulted in fracture eruption of flood basalts on large scale.
71. The metallogenic material is from strata and deep-seated magma, it has undergone many metallizing stages.
72. The authors concluded that differentiation, liquation and self-metasomatism of granitic magma are main factors for tin-polymetallic mineralization in the area.
73. It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage, while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism.
74. At deeper levels, the volcanic deposits were intruded by molten magma, which slowly crystallised to form granite.
75. Uraninite in this type of deposit is crystallized by U-rich magma which is differentiated from granitic magma.
76. Conclusion Compound fentanyl magma analgesia is a safe and efficient method for artificial abortion.
77. The ore controlling condition is mainly composed of strata, magma, and structure.
78. Igneous Rock , rock formed when molten or partially molten material, called magma, cools and solidifies.
79. The system error of infrared photometric measurement on the saturation temperature and supersaturation of crystal magma were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed.
80. Dyke swarms are products of typhonic magma which may provide important information about the crust mantle evolution.
81. The parental magma for pyroxenite xenoliths could be derived from the partial melting of the asthenosphere with continental crust material involvement and of the upper lithospheric mantle.
82. The alkalic basaltic magma of this stage may be derived from asthenosphere.
83. The QPG's magma is mainly originated from argillyte and slight amount arenaceous rock, is the result for partial melt of mature continental continental segment.
84. Beside fractional crystallization model, liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit.
85. Meanwhile, magma pushing up from beneath the surface tilted the cake up toward the west,(http://) reexposing the long-buried sediments and the often datable ash.
86. The impactor slammed into the mostly molten proto-Earth, splashing a goodly glop of magma into space where it first became a Saturn-like ring before coalescing into the moon.
87. The primary beryl crystals were crystallized early from the pegmatitic magma in association with rock forming minerals such as quartz, muscovite, albite and spodumene.
88. Scientists had long known that magma chambers must lie in the vicinity of the drill site.
89. Magma churns and gushes in the lava lake of Mount Nyiragongo, one of Africa's most active volcanos, in Goma, Congo.
90. The Fanshan phosphorus-rich magma experienced unmixing and hence produced three sorts of immiscible liquids:pyroxenitic magma, syenitic magma and phosphate melt.
91. The last remain fluid of lamprophyre magma is similar to metallogenetic fluid in composition and precipitating sequence, showing their genetic relationship.
92. Preliminary study suggests that the greisen magma was formed by evolution of quasi-greisenic magmas resulting from liquid immiscibility of fluorine-and lithium-rich granitic magmas.
93. However, the temperatures and oxygen fugacity of magmas at high level magma chamber decreased along with fractional crystallization.
94. The forming mechanism of the magma is partly melting of deep material, multiple activity of magma, emplacing along regional great fault forming E- W trending linear batholith.
95. These factors include magma composition, convection, diffusion, thermal gradient, oxygen fugacity, temperature, pressure, the shape of magma chamber etc.
96. Thehigh thermal fluid which was brought during the magma activity might increase the paleogeothermal gradient, and accelerate the thermel evolution of source rocks.
97. H-O isotopes constitute reflects the characteristics of magma flow and metamorphic water interfusion.
98. Petrochemistry analysis of pumice component indicates that the magma can be assigned to trachytic magma.
99. The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water.
100. On this basis, combining the distribution feature of sulfide in mantle and the model of mantle diapir uprising, the model of formation and evolution of second stage magma has been advanced.
101. Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
102. The study authors propose another, more radical, explanation: The crustal rock they analyzed, called ferroan anorthosite, is not linked to magma dynamics at all.
103. This paper has proposed a hypothesis of magma tides in the asthenosphere to interpret 18.6 year earthquake cycles in major seismic regions of the world which was discovered by the author.
104. It immediately after is a branch road which spreads all over magma.
105. The Lower Paleozoic carbonates of Tarim Basin were marbleized locally due to the thermal effects of magma intrusions.
106. The element-geochemical features reflect that the magma comes from enriched mantle and that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area.
107. At this time Vesuvio ejected a large amount of magma in less than 24 hours, buried and annihilated the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum located to the southeast of the volcano.
108. They will use the data to create a 3D computer model of how magma moves through the Earth's crust to make and break continents.
109. The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.
110. And they detected hydroxyl HO that's left behind when a rock crystallizes from magma containing water.
111. I saw yellow-white explosions in my gut, and it seemed as if magma seeped through my bowels.
112. Derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earth's surface.
113. The study of REE shows that the magma type related to copper deposits is syntectic type, and that to silver polymetallic deposits is mainly re-melting type.
114. Their petrological and geochemical characters suggest that the host rock of the xenoliths is basanite, and the magma has not experienced obvious differentiation and assimilatory contamination.
115. Large scale granitic magma during Mesozoic was the major carrier for gold.
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116. Therefore, the magmas were the product of low partial melting of mafic eclogite at the base of the thickened crust, and their magma sources were affected by fluids.
117. Their rock-forming substances are predominantly derived from syntectic magma of the deep crust with the addition of some assimilationary-remelting substances of volcanic-sedimentary rocks.
118. According to Gerard Kuiper, of the University of Chicago, the escape of gases from the moon's magma may have given the satellite a light, porous consistency, like that of a pumice stone.
119. Basaltic magma is fluid.
120. Earthquakes commonly accompany volcanic activity on movement of magma deep in the earth.
121. This rock type originates in the magma chambers that underlie volcanoes.
122. Beneath the sediment, along the accretionary front, the sinking Arabian plate heats up under extreme pressure and rock melts into magma.
123. The addition of the crustal materials into the magma played an important role in promoting the liquation processes.
124. The magma mingling between mafic magma and felsic magma is the primary mechanism responsible for the granitoids of crust-mantle mixed source.
125. Some times in the process there was reworking of diapir of mantle-sourced magma on the crust or lithosphere.
126. The metallogenic material was from deep alkalic basaltic magma , and the pulsatory invasion was the necessary metallogenic condition of the ore deposit.
127. The Jurassic volcanic rocks are belong to K alkaline and came from shallow crust with weak repartition of magma.
128. The magma falls as volcanic bombs which accumulate around the vent and form steep-sided cones.
129. The intrusion of magma affected the orogenesis and deformation and it is an important geological process and factor leading nonlinear deformation.
130. Eruptions begin with an upwelling of magma from earths hot interior.
131. Augite monzonite crystallized at high-temperature and over-hypabyssal conditions. The water-deficient, highly viscous magma was favourable to the formation of the volcanic dome.
132. Besides,[] we also find that there are magma thermal actions during the Carboniferous period and early Permian period.
133. Granitoid composition is controlled by tectonic settings, magma sources, initiation and evolution processes.
134. The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma.
135. Abstract: The Lower Paleozoic carbonates of Tarim Basin were marbleized locally due to the thermal effects of magma intrusions.
136. In many places surface rocks have been melted, baked by the heat of magma beneath.
137. I am a volcano quiet in many years, i wish one day the magma burry in my mind will spout to the sky!




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