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单词 Nuclear weapon
1. Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.
2. Even outside a nuclear weapon it is a highly dangerous substance - fatal to humans if ingested in even minute quantities.
3. Three days later, a second nuclear weapon, of different design, was dropped on Nagasaki.
4. It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
5. Could there be an accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon?
6. With regard to the nuclear weapon issue, China is a trustworthy and responsible country.
7. A nuclear weapon above 50 kilo tons is considered high yield.
8. A nuclear weapon, he added, is'the ultimate and prized goal.'
9. Nuclear weapon tests were again conducted even after the conclusion of the CTBT.
10. If existing nuclear weapon states do not reduce their arsenals, key non-nuclear weapon states will likely resist stronger nonproliferation rules.
11. Under no condition do we use the nuclear weapon first.
12. Sixthly , nuclear weapon states should conclude an international legal instrument on complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons as early as possible.
13. China shared shares our about Iran becoming a nuclear weapon weapons state.
14. It was reported that they detonated a small nuclear weapon.
15. India, I think, will give up continuous nuclear weapon tests.
15. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
16. It is true that a country does not need a nuclear power programme to be able to build a nuclear weapon.
17. Others, however, suggested that it was already capable of manufacturing a small and relatively crude nuclear weapon.
18. Non-nuclear weapon states criticized insufficient progress toward disarmament by the nuclear weapon states.
19. McCain also says Iraq must be prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
20. Sources in Japanese military intelligence have also proven that the nuclear weapon was drilled into the seabed by the commandeered Japanese deep drilling ship the Chikyu Maru.
21. Weapon-grade plutonium constitutes the primary fission material for India's nuclear weapon and it has plutonium enough to make 70 to 100 nuclear weapons.
22. The effective injury ranges of these two kinds of nuclear weapon radiations may differ widely.
23. That is the great paradox of nuclear deterrence: if you don't have it and dream of a nuclear weapon free world, there actually may be a hot war.
24. Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapon.
25. Let us all work together for the ultimate realization of a nuclear weapon - free world.
26. At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapon.
27. But we have never detected any differences over the fund ament al strategic objective of getting a deliver able nuclear weapon.
28. He was right. In June 1964, China successfully created its first medium- and short-range missile, marking the start of the country's first missile defense system nuclear weapon.
29. Einstein's colleagues convinced him to write to President Franklin D . Roosevelt about building a nuclear weapon.
1. Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:39:04