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单词 Preflight
1 Pre-flights complete, Ian lifts crosswind into the hover.
2 Leese and I had done a very careful preflight.
3 Be sure your pre-flight planning is fully comprehensive.
4 The low wing design makes refuelling, fuel drains, and control linkages easy to access during the pre-flight inspection.
5 Connors continued the preflight, showing me what he considered important and felt was often overlooked.
6 Twenty minutes after the first radio signal, Lawton finished his pre-flight checks.
7 The snag was blamed on a shuttle bolt that protruded into the reel mechanism but was overlooked in the pre-flight engineering analysis.
8 Automatically, Vologsky completed his pre-flight check, finishing with a pre-programmed check-test on the on-board computer.
9 Weather conditions can change quickly, making preflight briefings obsolete.
10 Airplanes don't object to a preflight inspection.
11 The crew ran through the preflight procedures.
12 I preflight the seat and hop in.
13 Preflight: the pilot receives the most recent weather information and a fight plan has been filed.
14 I preflight my switches, insert the data transfer card,[] and start the engine.
15 The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in court.
16 Programming this information during preflight operations in the C-130J made such adjustments easy.
17 Preflight -This portion of the flight starts on the ground and includes flight checks, push-back from the gate and taxi to the runway.
18 The control room was orchestrating the preflight test on the new sensor.
19 One of the many important aspects of preflight training will be to make sure that passengers are fully prepared for weightlessness, indeed, perhaps not even too excited about it.
20 Space Center Staff Final preflight check. All stations, go over everything one last time.
21 Today, during an early morning preflight check, I spotted liquid pooling under the aircraft.
22 The troopers watched us as though we might sneak away while we did our preflight inspections.
23 If you have a chronic health problem, the Lancet authors suggest a preflight medical assessment to determine whether it is safe for you to fly and what precautions you should take if you do fly.
24 Before taking off, flight instructors show the students how to perform a preflight safety inspection of the plane outside and in.
25 Truck fractures most often occur at maximum ground loads such as after fueling or during preflight taxi.
26 A flow control system is still needed in the future,() thus how to obtain real time and accurate flight data especially for preflight information will be an important task.
27 Here, in a photo from 2005, a flight instructor (right) and student go over a preflight checklist for a flight in an F/A-18B Hornet.
28 One crew chief stands next to the ladder as the other follows me while I'm performing my walk around the jet, the same preflight checks that any Raptor pilot would do prior to a mission.
29 Most of them are obvious: mandatory training and medical evaluations for passengers and crew, full disclosure of all risk to passengers, and successful preflight testing.




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