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单词 Prejudiced
1. He fermented prejudiced crowds to riot.
2. What has prejudiced you against modern music?
3. Some officers were racially prejudiced .
4. Environmentalists are prejudiced against the dam.
5. You know that I am not a prejudiced man.
6. Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.
7. Newspaper gossip had prejudiced her against him.
8. Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.
9. My own schooldays prejudiced me against all formal education.
10. The early Christian church was prejudiced against the Jews.
11. He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation.
12. She regarded her critics as ignorant and prejudiced.
13. His comments may have prejudiced the voters against her.
14. They are prejudiced against older applicants.
15. He's deeply prejudiced against women.
16. Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success.
17. Some landlords and landladies are racially prejudiced.
18. Few people will admit to being racially prejudiced.
19. I think your South American youth has prejudiced you.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. The media has been accused of presenting a prejudiced view of people with disabilities.
21. Some companies are prejudiced against taking on employees who are over the age of 40.
22. Early in my life, I was prejudiced against living in the country by some unfortunate experiences with farm animals.
23. Reading newspaper reports had unfairly prejudiced the jury in her favour.
24. The campaign is designed to make people less prejudiced about AIDS.
25. He claimed his case would be prejudiced if it became known he was refusing to answer questions.
26. Many of them admitted being prejudiced against white people.
27. Perhaps Boniface was also prejudiced by one particular episode.
28. The prejudiced parents get exactly what they wanted.
29. The council must provide housing for young people whose welfare is seriously prejudiced.
30. Since I am his mother, my opinion of him is naturally a prejudiced one.
1. He fermented prejudiced crowds to riot.
2. What has prejudiced you against modern music?
3. Some officers were racially prejudiced .
31. It is obviously a prejudiced system.
32. People around here are sometimes prejudiced against Catholics.
33. He was too narrow-minded and prejudiced - and bigoted.
34. I hate people that are prejudiced against any races.
35. She was not prejudiced against any race.
36. He denies that he is prejudiced against women.
37. She's the most prejudiced person I've ever known.
38. The oceans To the prejudiced eyes of land-bound humans the oceans seem like one continuous mass, homogeneous as outer space.
39. Over the last two decades people have become increasingly adventurous, less prejudiced and more knowledgeable about travel.
40. He claimed players applying for reinstatement should not be prejudiced by the amount of money they received from rugby league.
41. Do more prejudiced children differ in their popularity and self esteem?
42. In view of their greater interest in Jarrad, the plaintiffs contended that they had been unfairly prejudiced.
43. Those who argue against black interests or against non-white immigration typically deny that they are prejudiced.
44. People accuse the whites of being prejudiced, but blacks can be just as bad.
45. Atheists and secular people are more liberal and less prejudiced and dogmatic, whereas theists and religious people are more conservative and less rational and tolerant. Dr T.P.Chia 
46. They said the case was prejudiced by a campaign by the Communist party to mount a political attack on Fiat.
47. I could take you as my wife here the people are prejudiced against blacks they were happy martin luther king was killed.
48. It arose out of genuine social issues, not because there was a disproportionate number of prejudiced personalities living in the locality.
49. The author was keen that neither himself nor his readership should be considered prejudiced.
50. You argue with one another and put it down to the fact that people who are prejudiced are ignorant.
51. Religious people are more likely to be prejudiced, dogmatic and closed-mind(), and not all believers are faithful to the moral percepts and principles taught by religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
52. Instead they show to my prejudiced eyes that the sea changes were very rapid indeed.
53. Unless the opinion is totally misconceived, an applicant should not be prejudiced merely because it was wrong.
54. Some of the older employees are prejudiced against using e-mail.
55. They see social security staff as biased and prejudiced against the poor and only too ready to evade their responsibility to help.
56. Either way, the prejudiced persons are attempting to justify their position by adopting either a theoretical or empirical perspective.
57. Where the courts were open to criticism was in that they were prejudiced - in favour of Athens and in favour of democracy.
58. Even today Southern states are seen as being more racially prejudiced than other states.
59. For instance, it has been suggested that the prejudiced themes exist at a psychologically deeper level than the denial of prejudice.
60. I stress this in order to underline that the view which I express is idiosyncratic, prejudiced and probably heretical.
61. Subsequently, the three were to be released on the grounds that the statements of King and others had prejudiced their case.
62. His attempted escape seriously prejudiced any hopes for parole.
63. The old man became increasingly prejudiced, arbitrary, and senile.
63. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
64. The laws have changed, but some people - on all sides of the color spectrum - remain prejudiced.
65. Basically prejudiced book calculated to make White Liberals feel comfortably indignant.
66. They claim the council has prejudiced their health by failing to deal with asbestos.
67. The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase.
68. And in later life these same children manifest conservation, domineering, rigid and prejudiced attitudes.
69. The analysis of abnormal events and certain statistical survey in recent years show that, the crux of matter of service abroad in China is prejudiced determination of nature and inefficiency.
70. There is a class of men in Bristol monstrously prejudiced against Blandly.
71. His bravado carried him too far and prejudiced his case.
72. " You are so obnoxious! " fumed Miss Su. " You're completely prejudiced. You shouldn't be discussing poetry. "
73. However, having a strong culture shall not mean to refuse or to be prejudiced about universalist approaches.
74. Where notice of abandonment is properly given, the rights of the assured are not prejudiced by the fact that the insurer refuses to accept the abandonment.
75. This model illustrates that the prejudiced policies against peasant laborers are not only harmful to speed up urbanization but very inutile to relax the pressure caused by poor urban population.




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