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单词 Smelly
1. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
2. I was talking about people having smelly socks, and I'm afraid Mike took it personally.
3. It was a dirty, damp, smelly flat - the usual student squalor.
4. Smelly feet are definitely a turn - off as far as I'm concerned.
5. I don't like pubs. They're noisy, smelly, and what's more, expensive.
6. And you can take that smelly old coat out of here, and all!
7. Don't invite smelly boys from climbing clubs.
8. It's giving off smelly fumes.
9. They were tatty and smelly and lethargic.
10. The hut was dark and smelly.
11. He had extremely smelly feet.
12. It was smelly, acidy, like seminal fluid.
13. They too are given a special smelly identity, for their owners have scent glands in the soles of their feet.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. I find it annoying when people eat smelly foods on public transport.
15. In her mind his smelly overalls and unshaven face had something to do with what she was about to see.
16. Faces contort and organs spurt out a smelly stain, a sticky betrayal.
17. It makes me cringe into the smelly upholstery of his battered armchair.
18. Don't leave your smelly sneakers lying around the living room.
19. Toilet roll, used, in small smelly brown-streaked sheets - both the hard kind and the soft kind.
20. The smelly and difficult business of processing and printing was placed, conveniently out of sight, in the factory.
21. And all the while Shelly's smelly libido was wafting up my nose, calling me to her.
22. No aromatic oils, vapour rubs, smelly nasal decongestants like menthol or eucalyptus etc.
23. How proudly she defined her eccentric self with every smelly bite she took and every word she said!
24. Guy immediately shovelled another sugar lump between its wet, smelly lips.
25. The entrance is a brief concrete patio with three smelly skips about four feet high and full of rubbish.
26. It may be necessary to pre-heat the burner in cool weather and the fumes can be smelly.
27. When she speaks the code of basketball, she could be any guy in sweatpants and smelly sneakers.
28. Take the apartment, up on the top floor of a smelly tenement on Prospect Avenue.
29. Despite suggestions that he should bathe every day, he still suffers from smelly feet and bad breath.
30. In tests at Linkoping University the paint removed around 80 percent of smelly chemicals - absorbing them through tiny pores.
1. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
2. I was talking about people having smelly socks, and I'm afraid Mike took it personally.
3. I don't like pubs. They're noisy, smelly, and what's more, expensive.
31. One resident was, however, noticeably unshaven and smelly and there was evidence, too, of urinary incontinence.
32. It had never occurred to me how smelly the Bath Assembly Rooms probably were, for instance.
33. Next came reddish-brown dry rot that turned quickly into smelly slime.
34. From now on, as he goes about his nocturnal perambulations, he leaves a smelly trail behind him.
35. The lake was rapidly turning brown and smelly from the factory wastes.
36. There was an absence of friends; but the animals with their smelly residues had not kept the friends away.
37. When we stepped on board we found the boat largely occupied by sheep, always very smelly companions in a steamer.
38. All smelly, and then he gets downs on you, and takes it out on you.
39. We can forgive Maxine's snoring and smelly feet, but pouring good beer down the sink?
40. The solid uncooperative bundle was surprisingly heavy; it was like trying to manoeuvre a firm and rather smelly poultice.
41. British informal an airless smoky smelly atmosphere.
42. These are dirty, smelly clothes.
43. The river was smelly today.
44. I like the smelly bean curd there very much.
45. Drop the smelly flesh on the ground to abandon!
46. Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish.
47. At least she had washed smelly socks. I wasn't even able to do that.
48. This is also quite effective for removing blood and it helps to deodorize smelly clothes.
49. An arctic tern on its way from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, for instance, will ignore a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat in Monterey Bay.
50. You, as much as the smelly old bag lady in the street, are a living miracle.
51. Because we got no homes they call us smelly refugees.
52. He has no winning hope, should avoid to take major suit, and make each person Hu cards or smelly village, this is one battle.
53. The barn is smelly because a cow messed in it.
54. All of these are to relieve garlic Kou smelly, more valid method.
55. He studied their odors and then had them sniff others and found women who get a whiff of a man's smelly BO feel less stressed.
56. Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide.
57. Best with Creme Brulee or any other desserts matching with a strong taste of caramel or milk chocolate or with more smelly French cheeses like Pont Levec.
58. But...master, it is a dirty and smelly corpse! If the Milord knew it, he would scold you again!
59. Notice the canals in your community : do they appear healthy or are they smelly and discolored?
60. It is featured smelly, sweet and glutinous and has thick smell of soybean flour.
61. The irradiation technology is applied to the aspect of deodorizing protein, and can deodorize by sterilizing, and meanwhile, the effect of deodorizing is obvious by modifying volatile smelly material.
62. In fourth grade, your idea of a good friend was the person who willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with Nasty Nick or Smelly Susan.
63. Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
64. It was damp and smelly and overgrown with thorns and briars.
65. In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck do-si-doing with Nasty Nicky or Smelly Susan.
66. Translation: I used to think pork is smelly, but now no more. Upon go thru ozonizer's process, the pork doesn't has smell anymore.
67. But Australian residents won't need to hold their noses - the smelly ammonia would have vapourised by the time tank pieces reached the Earth.
68. What we smell with cork taint is mould , smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag - phew!
69. This kinds of coating is had low-cost, avirulent , go to the lavatory without smelly,(http://) construction wait for an advantage.
70. He takes a trip in the tight , smelly night mail - coach for Clavering.
71. Teacher's silent half point at me and lambaste after ring:You are a smelly rascal!
72. The sunlight was too bright and the cabin too smelly - anything could make me retch.
73. The yard was filthy and smelly, without so much as a blade of grass in it.
74. One peculiar thing they do is to roll around in smelly things when they encounter them.
75. Those smelly socks, hard as cowhide, were brought in by salesmen and clerks from the shops.
76. A good dish, either smelly or tasty should be pleasant in gustatory sense, and thus stimulates the appetite.
77. In fourth grade, your idea of good friend was the person willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with Nasty or Smelly Susan.
78. Not, the mice always make the house smelly and disgusting.
79. In fourth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck with Nasty Nicky or Smelly Susan.
80. Farm - raised pigs are dirty, smelly animals that get no respect.
81. Hoping to lock in policies backed by a pro-business administration, poultry farmers are seeking an exemption for the smelly fumes produced by tons of chicken manure.




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