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单词 Repay
1. When are you going to repay them?
2. If you lend me 2, I'll repay it tomorrow.
3. I'll repay the money I owe them next week.
4. I will repay you tomorrow.
5. The revenue from the farm could repay the initial outlay within three years.
6. When will you repay me the $500 I lent you last week?
7. I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.
8. It took three years to repay my student loan .
9. He had to sell his car to repay the bank loan.
10. You should read this article - it would repay your time.
11. She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months.
12. He didn't have the wherewithal to repay the loan.
13. I can never repay you for your kindness.
14. The company will repay you for your travelling expenses.
15. How can we repay him for everything he's done?
16. You must allow me to repay your hospitality.
17. How can I ever repay you for your generosity?
18. I can never repay your many kindnesses to me.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. I must repay her for her kindness.
20. How can I ever repay your kindness?
21. Don't borrow unless you intend to repay.
22. I can never repay her many kindnesses to me.
23. I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home.
24. They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years.
25. I'd like to buy them something to repay all their kindness.
26. She agreed to repay the loan in monthly payments of £125.
27. Obtain a copy of any form will have to repay that day.
28. He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.
29. The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.
30. We extracted a promise from them that they would repay the money by May.
1. When are you going to repay them?
2. I'll repay the money I owe them next week.
3. I will repay you tomorrow.
4. The revenue from the farm could repay the initial outlay within three years.
5. When will you repay me the $500 I lent you last week?
6. I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.
7. It took three years to repay my student loan .
8. He had to sell his car to repay the bank loan.
9. He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.
10. You should read this article - it would repay your time.
11. The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.
12. She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months.
13. He didn't have the wherewithal to repay the loan.
14. I must repay her for her kindness.
15. They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years.
16. I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
31. The agreement binds her to repay the debt in full within six months.
32. What are you able to provide as a surety that you will repay the loan?
33. The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.
34. Despite repeated assurances he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.
35. How can I ever repay you for all your kindness?
36. They've threatened to beat him to a jelly if he doesn't repay the money.
37. She previsioned herself in a position where she could repay slurs.
38. His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.
39. I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
40. Under the deal, you save money if you repay the loan early.
41. He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him.
42. I tried to think of a way to repay his kindness.
43. It was very kind. I don't know how I can ever repay you.
44. I lent him 5 on the understanding that he would repay me today.
45. I'll repay you the money you lent me next week.
46. It will also repay advance bookings.
47. Default: failure to repay a loan.
48. The discount houses have no option but to repay.
49. They do not have to repay the debts.
50. Salomon was exposed to the homeowners' ability to repay.
51. The bank is asking borrowers to repay their loans.
52. You can't repay a dying woman.
53. The accused took money from his employers, intending to repay.
54. When the short-term note comes due, the funds are still needed and therefore unavailable to repay the note.
55. Net proceeds will be used to repay debt and for working capital and possible acquisitions.
56. Net proceeds will be used to repay short and long-term debt, refinance long term debt and for working capital.
57. The son failed to repay the loan and the finance company sought to enforce the charge.
58. Mr Kerr added that none of the companies that had received the irregular payments had been required to repay money.
59. Immediately afterwards, he set off on a journey into Dorset, determined to repay Wordsworth's visit of two months earlier.
60. At the same time, we cut back on proposed capital expenditure and made plans to repay borrowings.
61. Due to the economy's strong recovery, Mexico will repay ahead of schedule the last installment of a $13.5 billion loan.
62. The credit industry argues that the changes are needed to prevent people who can repay their debts from hiding behind bankruptcy law.
63. Such corporations also tend to maintain credit lines with their banks sufficient to repay all their outstanding commercial paper.
64. If that return failed to materialize, they would have to dip into their own budgets to repay the loan.
65. This will show the maximum amount you can borrow, and over how long you can repay the loan.
66. Failure to repay a student loan can ruin a person's credit rating.
67. You borrow at a fixed rate of interest and repay the loan over a number of years.
68. If they sell them at any time before that, they must repay the full tax credit on the shares.
69. When the warrants are exercised, the issuer can use the proceeds to repay the bonds.
70. Should the monk provide her with this money she will repay him in whatever way he pleases.
71. I was educated at his expense and until I repay his investment, it is illegal to employ me directly.
72. It borrowed so heavily that the greater part of its peacetime revenue was mortgaged to service and repay its debt.
73. Most important historical books are available in paperback and will repay constant reference.
74. If you repay the loan early, the interest outstanding as at the next repayment date is refunded to you. 3.
75. But only if the couple who have 7 children repay the outstanding capital immediately.
76. And since the debt was secured by deeds to their homes, borrowers often lost their houses when they could not repay.
77. Loans allow local authorities to make a profit and will impose commercial considerations on companies having to repay assistance.
78. In money terms, therefore[sentence dictionary], it is cheaper to repay loans quickly because interest will be saved.
79. The accused will after Allen be guilty if he simply vanishes with no intent to repay.
80. That generated plenty of dollars the government could use to repay debts.
81. Proceeds will be used primarily to repay revolving credit borrowings, to finance new store openings and for working capital.
82. Even these unpretentious, non-vintage champagnes benefit from keeping for a time; the great champagnes repay keeping for years and years.
83. It will use about half of the funds raised from the sale to repay existing debt.
84. At Cornhill Insurance, employees must also repay their disturbance allowance if they leave the company within a year of the move.
85. Every pound you repay on your mortgage offers a guaranteed rate of return of 11.5 per cent.
86. Your money will not be forfeited but you will have to repay any tax relief you have received.
87. Do they return the money to shareholders through higher dividends or repay debt?
88. In adjacent streets, there are disused and even derelict buildings which would far better repay investment.
89. Savings over £1000 will make a difference to the amount you can get as will your ability to repay the loan.
90. Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating.
91. Unfortunately, after he had to sell Painshill in 1773 in order to repay Henry Fox's loan, the dynamic was lost.
92. It wants the cash to repay debt and for capital expenditures and for working capital.
93. The Smiths never forgot the debt they owed to John Peel and promised to repay, some day.
94. He was the changeling of the classic tale, thrust on good people, who was to repay good with evil.
95. Borrowers can chose to repay with 3 or 5 percent pared off their monthly repayments.
96. Council officials say they used the $ 8 million to repay loans and expenses connected with the mifepristone project.
97. He said that he intended to repay the sums by renting out the dwellings or by selling them.
98. Voters rejected the measure, which would have required the group to repay the buyout, by 51 percent to 49 percent.
99. The receivers proceeded with the receivership and managed to repay the bank in full.
100. Do/can we earn an adequate return for the risk involved? and is there a clearly identified ability to repay?
101. Firms raised more external finance than they needed, using the surplus to repay bank debts and build up excess cash.
102. Again, this is an hypothesis which would repay systematic investigation in respect of historical examples with contrasting forms of division of labour.
103. Net proceeds will be used to buy computer equipment, repay debt and for working capital; underwriter is Biltmore Securities Inc.
104. Time spent in acquiring the preliminary concepts will amply repay itself later in terms of understanding, enjoyment and proficiency in mathematics.
105. This would have been exempt from income tax under s188 and could have been used by the director to repay his loan.
106. Roughly half the leading building societies' borrowers repay on budget schemes.
107. You should have been told that an endowment policy is not guaranteed to repay a loan.
108. You've been so kind. I hope I can repay you some day.
109. In many cases it will also repay you, in subsequent work saved, to register the title to the property.
110. There were doubts about the country's ability to repay the debt.
111. Mr Marshall argued that with a strengthened management team, Railtrack intended to repay passengers' patience.
112. He intended to use the cash to repay the money he had stolen from the company.
113. You must be careful not to borrow more money that you can afford to repay.
114. Yet 23 of the world's poorest countries are set to repay twice that amount in debt this year.
115. He did not arrange trips and could not repay the money.
116. For that failure the solicitors offered to repay their conveyancing fee: a staggeringly low £160.
117. The real-estate investment trust said it will use the notes to finance property acquisitions and to repay debt.
118. Investors who paid a premium for their securities also get hurt because consumers repay the debts at 100 cents on the dollar.
119. They also tend to pay the lender a big fat fee if the borrower makes enough money to repay his loans prematurely.
120. Introduce a tax to repay the costs of higher education for those who take courses. 5.
121. They repay your interest and capital together, in monthly instalments which change from time to time, as our interest rates change.
122. Under the reorganization plan, El Paso Electric will repay creditors using proceeds from an underwritten public offering of mortgage bonds.
123. The idea is to repay the bond with cash raised from asset sales.
124. His intention to repay the equivalent amount was relevant to dishonesty, not to the intention permanently to deprive.
125. In spite of their neutrality some one might remember, and might repay the debt.
126. Buoyant earnings in recent years have allowed the company to swiftly repay a mountain of debt.
127. I intend to repay that trust by working tirelessly for all Willington East residents.
128. You repay the money borrowed over a set period of time at a fixed monthly amount, which includes the interest.
129. Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny.
130. Stoke have lodged a counter claim, alleging failure to repay loans.
131. It is like taking out a mortgage: we have to repay the loan many times over.
132. You gon na repay the fines, mend the broken glass?
133. A quarter of its annual budget of $ 800m goes to repay foreign creditors.
134. We'll never be able to repay you for all you've done.
135. The Daguerreotype will be able to repay almost endless attention.
136. You can then borrow, multiples of the amount you agree to repay by regular transfers.
137. If you want to repay your loan early that's fine with us.
138. Is there someway I can repay you for this?
139. It will take 30 years to repay the loan.
140. I eat, two repay a debt,[] additional two leasehold.
141. Can I in no way repay your confidence?
142. You should repay principal and interest.
143. The land is not fertile enough to repay cultivation.
144. We cannot repay the money according to schedule.
145. Please repay principal and interest.
146. We hope to repay your visit betimes.
147. The risk that a debtor or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to repay or may otherwise default on a financial obligation of some kind.
148. Jin Yuelin found Lin Weiyin and exhausted his lifelong solitariness to repay her who had buried him in the last life.
149. Whenever you cancel, we will repay any credit balance outstanding.
150. To repay its debts, AIG has tried to sell off assets; but so far it has raised net proceeds of only $4 billion, hampered by tight credit markets and buyers looking for bargains.
151. They repay me evil for good, To the bereavement of my soul.
152. Downright love vs downright hate and repay and the hatred with the same thoroughness.
153. As for crary spider, the guerdon then attains 1,500 evil jades, only with repay on an equal footing.
154. Big institutions seeking to repay their government capital could add another $48.4 billion to that total in the near term, pushing resources back up to around $154.5 billion.
155. Article 207 A borrower who fails to repay the loan within the contracted time limit shall pay an overdue interest pursuant to the contract or to the relevant regulations of the State.
156. Article 42 Borrowers of loans should repay the principal and interest of the loans on time.
157. You can borrow the money, with the proviso that you repay me within a week.
158. A note payable is a written promise to repay the amount owed by a particular date, and in most cases it calls for the payment of interest (interest-bearing note).
159. "Banks had an incentive to make sure borrowers could repay," said Barbara Roper of the Consumer Federation of America. "With securitization, banks lost that incentive."
160. Some local-government investments will prove “bankable” in the strict sense that the borrower captures a big enough return to repay the loan.
161. Thank you for your compliments. I will try even harder and work against time to repay the company you're your support.
162. They repay him by giving more than their all when they take the field.
163. The genetic bases of such phenomena might well repay investigation.
164. Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.
165. Too many brokers were far more interested in earning fat fees for steering their clients to ruinously priced loans that the borrowers could never hope to repay.
166. Quarterly reports come and go, but Greece will never repay these debts.
167. Money raised by the offerings will be used to repay an outstanding debt under its senior unsecured 364-day revolving credit facility.
168. Your kindness often brings back respondence immediately and the forgiveness is the best repay.
169. How can we ever repay you? Nothing at all the line of duty.
170. Most European policymakers now recognise that Greece cannot possibly repay its debts, and Germany's politics prevent an endless drip-feed of transfers from its taxpayers to Greece's creditors.
171. According to its preliminary prospectus, the company plans to use the proceeds of its offering to open new outlets in China and to repay bank loans.
172. Short term bond is a kind of securities which issuing by non-financing enterprise in inter-banking security market, and promised by the issuer to repay the capital and interests in some fixed date.
173. People-oriented, and create first-class product to repay society" is a learned person wins eternal goal."
174. Express according to Daniel, however, the problem of AMD company is it acquires cash reserve in a bank, repay the ability of funded debt.
175. Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works.
176. In 2011Dubai's state-owned and quasi-sovereign entities are due to repay $18 billionof principal.
177. And at some point it will have to repay the $25 billion of government capital it got last year.
178. If you lend me 2, I'll repay it ( to you ) tomorrow.
179. Likewise, it is essential to reduce public spending and taxes, in order to increase the available income of heavily indebted economic agents who need to repay their loans as soon as possible.
180. First, I went to bank and withdrew my monthly salary to repay my home loan.
181. Two eat to parents, it is repay a debt, is two eat to the child leasehold?
182. When banks cut off lending businessmen went to the high-interest informal lenders figuring that a month or two later they'd get loans again to repay their other debts.
183. "Every time I look at Ava, I know I will never be able to repay the debt that I owe Susan," Gena said.
184. The only way the US can repay its vast borrowings is by debasing the dollar – a process in which China will inevitably be short-changed.
185. For example, Xerox Corporation entered into a restructuring whereby it agreed to repay US$2.8 billion of an outstanding loan.
186. As as financing a current - account shortfall, a country has to repay or roll over existing debts.
187. Though this vintage seems ready to enjoy now, it is a monumental Rubicon that will also repay cellaring.
188. If a borrower fails to repay a fiduciary loan upon maturity, he shall bear liability in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
189. Most lenders insist on Mortgage Life Insurance to repay your mortgage in one lump sum.
190. Warm have never loved me. However he enjoy I serve. This contribution that offers sacrifices to should be, the repay that imprecation wears the absolute being.
191. Certainly, while other competitors may face rising credit losses, or labor to repay government funds, there will be more than enough business for both banks to share.
192. The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness.
193. Repayment of long-term debt. Working capital is decreased when current assets are used to repay long-term debts.
194. One day an evil thought came to C's mind. "Hey, what if the land price stop going up, how could B repay my loan.
195. We plan to use the proceeds from the sale-leaseback to repay some of the long-term debt we currently have.
196. When market interest rates lower than the coupon rate , the borrower will repay the loan early, thereby facilitating IO bond prices.
197. Just as a drawn-out bankruptcy dissipates the value of a firm's assets, a default in which a country faces legal battles with squabbling groups of creditors weakens its capacity to repay debt.
198. Debasing the currency allows the Treasury to repay its debt with cheaper dollars.
199. Only pay out loves disregarding repay can wa get real happiness in the heart.
200. The Hirer shall repay to the Council the cost of reinstating or replacing any property damaged, destroyed or stolen during the period of hire.
201. You authorize us at any time to instruct or request any bank with which you may have an account to deduct from such account and repay us any amount due from you to us.
202. He said himself that he could find no words for it that were adequate, and that if he should ever be able he would repay me a thousandfold.
203. Fear can not repay the debt of Portugal, the Portuguese international credit rating agencies to reduce and improve the repayment rate has aggravated the economic difficulties of Portugal.
204. I wouldn't choose to operate a enterprise without desire to repay an obligation to society; I wouldn't promote health service to all over the world without the aim to do human health service.
205. Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement.
206. "Until they repay me, " he said, "I keep their ration card. "
207. To get a credit card, they will need a parent or other adult over 21 to accept joint responsibility. Or they will need to show they can repay their debts independently.
208. Many trainee truckers 0drop out before completing their first year of work, even though this means they must repay the trucking company their training costs, which run into thousands of dollars.
209. Tiomin, which will retain 30 percent interest in TKL, said net cash flow generated by Kwale will be initially used to repay project debt and thereafter distributed between the two companies.
210. Insolvent An individual or company unable to repay their outstanding debts.
211. First, it emphasized slaves repay an obligation to the master; Second, it is emphasize of that one should pay a debt of gratitude when received favors from friends or ordinary people.
212. I will try even harder and work against time to repay the company you're your support.
213. Two a financial standing namely the business enterprise repay debt, operate, accrual ability.
214. Of course, a high interest rate was charged, the tenant could not repay his debt, and lost his own small plot of ground.
215. Only pay our loves disregarding repay can we get real happiness in the heart.
216. The vendor was Hammerson, one of Britain's largest real estate investment trusts, which needed urgently to repay debt.
217. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.
218. The forex transferred into the enterprises may be used to repay capital with interest, buy equipment and raw materials, remit profits out of the country and pay the legitimate income of foreign staff.
219. Article 7 The securities company issuing short - term financing bills shall repay principal and interests on schedule.
220. Don't lend him any money; he's a bad hat and will never repay you.
221. My eye will show no pity nor will I spare. I will repay you according to your ways, while your abominations are in your midst; then you will know that I, the LORD,[] do the smiting .
222. Third the lender encourage the borrowers to repay the credit.
223. As the controlling shareowner, the government says its aim is to make the company strong enough to someday repay the roughly $90 billion it owes the government.
224. After all, young adults accept student loans and credit cards gladly and most repay dutifully.
225. Portugal has completed its bond issuance program for 2010 and its next bond redemption is not due until April, when it has to repay 4.5 billion euros.
226. He had failed to repay a large amount of the dirty money.
227. If the ship's owner fails to repay the loans the bank can exercise bottomry and dispose of the ship.
228. The affirmation to every project from customers will be the best repay to Silver Star person.
229. To repay a mortgage with regular payments that cover both principal and interest.
230. Car finance or guarantee company is the text - and have sufficient capacity to compensate the third person as a principal and interest and repay the loan guarantor jointly and severally liable.
231. When your paying the labor of didn't get the money and material up of repay room, can certainly get the spirit of the equivalent to dulcify .
232. Thanks for the loan, but you ought to know that I'll be hard put to it to repay you before the end of the month .
233. A borrower should undertake liabilities in accordance with the contract if cannot repay the credit loan on time.
234. He was saving as much as passable in order to repay Jenner eventually.
235. For this reason we acknowledge history without bias, but would never repay unkindnessunkindness.
236. To repay Fuxi and Nuwa for their part in the rescue, the Thunder God pulled a long canine tooth from his mouth and gave it to them saying.
237. When the local police station, Xiaowen Xing can not hide in the circumstances, the active account of his own son sold to repay gambling debts of the fact that.
238. I owe you a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay.
239. Because the spoiler is come upon her, that is, upon Babylon, and her valiant men are taken, and their bow is weakened, because the Lord, who is a strong revenger, will surely repay.
240. Let me repay this debt by mending the rift with you and your corn - fed farm boy, hmm?
241. Now all uses the energy in the study, future will repay the parents to raise graciousness.




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