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单词 Electron
1 An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge.
2 Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.
3 He is reading electron physics at Qinghua University.
4 arena, arenas * circus, circuses * electron,[] electrons.
5 The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.
6 This is a consequence of electron spin.
7 How near depends on the electron energy.
8 The school's equipment includes a scanning electron microscope.
9 Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrograph of a diatom.
10 An electron no longer always had a specific location.
11 Alternatively, electron beam machines are used.
12 A neutron decays into a proton, electron and neutrino.
13 Fire a high energy electron beam at a metal target and bremsstrahlung effect produces intense X-rays.
14 Using electron microscopy, Rubin etal showed that the tight junctions appeared morphologically unchanged in untreated coeliac disease patients.
15 If we remove an electron from an anti-bonding orbital, the ion will be more tightly bound than the molecule was.
16 This is needed for electron microprobe or back-scattered Scanning Electron Microscope work where a perfect surface is required.
17 In some ways it is therefore similar to electron microprobe analysis, but it is more sensitive than the latter.
18 Electron microprobe element maps show the distribution and quantity of alkali feldspar in the fine-grained groundmass of the altered basalts.
19 The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope.
20 Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works?
21 Analogy is the only way to start, and the electron and the electromagnetic field the only place.
22 The mass of the proton is 1836 times that of an electron, yet their electrical charges equate.
23 The 1,3,2,4-dithiadiazoles show a 1:1:1 triplet due to the spare electron being largely localised at the nitrogen atom remote from the ring substituent.
24 The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
25 Summerlee had found an electric probe so sensitive it could detect the passage of a single electron.
26 For example, each side of the card may contain an embedded electron whose spin remains correlated with its twin.
27 Intervalence compounds have been classified according to the ease of electron transfer between the distinct sites.
28 We can therefore choose the depth to which we probe by using appropriate electron binding energies.
29 Consider what is involved in measuring the position of an electron.
30 Activator and quencher ions may produce their effects at extremely low concentrations, below the detection limits of the electron microprobe.
1 An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge.
2 The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope.
31 Fantastic electron microscope images of objects looking very suggestively like fossilized living forms again captured the imagination of the world.
32 The non-crystallographic symmetry was established from the electron density and heavy atom sites.
33 Like the electron, the muon acts like a tiny bar magnet.
34 Increasingly U-series dates are being used in conjunction with electron spin resonance dates using the same materials.
35 The mean distance of the electron from the central proton defines the atom's size.
36 When the sheet is examined in the electron microscope filaments are seen to be localized at the upper surface.
37 He saw that if an electron could occupy any orbit round a nucleus then a spiralling collapse was inevitable.
38 When an electron collides with a positron the two particles disappear, or annihilate, to create a high-energy photon.
39 Their electron traps are bleached during transport but after sedimentation and burial they begin to accumulate electrons once more.
40 Negative ions can also be formed when an atom has an extra electron bolted on.
41 The growth rate was established by flow cytometry and the morphological characteristics of the growing cells by electron microscopy.
42 Crystal cleanliness and crystallinity were checked by Auger electron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction,() respectively.
43 I strongly recommend the book to anyone in any field who is interested in using electron microscopy.
44 If we remove an electron from a bonding orbital, the bond in the ion is weaker than that in the molecule.
45 Two phasing methods were used to obtain electron density maps.
46 The vertical bars show the region of H5 that has been built in the electron density map.
47 In fact, breaking one of the bonds, by pulling an electron out of it, requires a lot of energy.
48 In electron sharing, a shared electron can not be considered to have been gained or lost.
49 Advantest jumped 5.4 per cent to 11,520 and Tokyo Electron surged 4.8 per cent to Y7,050.
50 Over the past 10 years Philips Analytical has grown and diversified away from its core technologies of X-ray analysis and electron microscopy.
51 Mike Stewart's morphological methods, however, could go beyond those of light microscopy to that of the electron microscope.
52 The second half of the chapter introduces electron diffraction with a focus on transmission electrons.
53 Electron transfer to or from the node is only through the tunnel junction.
54 It is complementary to low energy electron diffraction, which probes long range order - ie a minimum domain size of 100-200A/9.
55 To take a simple example, the important subatomic particle called the electron has a negative electrical charge.
56 Donor and acceptor compounds are differentiated by the direction of the electron transfer to or from the carbon layers.
57 If heat is applied, the electron may be able to escape from the deep trap.
58 This process involves the addition of microorganisms, nutrients and an electron acceptor into the saturation zone of a contaminated aquifer.
59 To the joy of jewellers visible light has too low a frequency to excite an electron in a perfect diamond.
60 Extensive facilities for evaluation of catalytic activity include Auger electron spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance and transmission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
61 A rendezvous also would have permitted researchers to study the effects of electron emissions from the shuttle on the satellite.
62 Miller separated photosynthesis membranes from the purple bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas viridis, and has now determined their 3-D structure by electron microscopy.
63 The single electron then occupies the lower orbital, d z 2, and the overall energy of the system is reduced.
64 What happens is that a matter particle, such as an electron or a quark, emits a force-carrying particle.
65 Massless electron neutrinos playing at being heavy tau neutrinos might help solve either or both.
66 Computer simulated graphics of these species show electron density delocalised across three centres.
67 The radar reveals a number of poleward-moving regions in which the electron temperature is elevated by a factor of 1.5.
68 Specialist image analysis equipment for light and electron microscope images also require interfacing with powerful computers.
69 It was from that programme that the notion of the electron emerged.
70 Either way, when seen through an electron microscope, the result is often one of startling and beautiful variety in miniature.
71 The rules can be divided into those concerned with electron spin and those related to orbital properties.
72 In Class I compounds, electron transfer between the centers is slow, and the sites behave as if they were effectively independent.
73 These bacteria use molecular hydrogen as well as other electron donors, for the dissimilatory reduction of sulphate to sulphide.
74 If none of the light bounced off the electron into the microscope there would be nothing to see.
75 Species that use molecular H 2 as an electron donor in the gut belong to the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus.
76 For scanning electron microscopy, the tissues were left in the fixative for 3 hours at room temperature.
77 Baranowski and his team attribute this to a layered arrangement of atoms - visible in the electron microscope.
78 The chlorophyll traps make up their electron deficiency by grabbing them from water molecules sited close by.
79 Before a virus particle is prepared for the electron microscope it must be made static.
80 The neutrino is produced in the beta decay of nuclei, when a neutron converts into a proton, and an electron.
81 Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphological features of the growing cells.
82 A basic example occurs in an electron beam - so important in television and radio.
83 Even physics does not understand the nature of an electron and electrical charge.
84 Then came that great morning when the newly made electron microscope had been used on polio slides.
85 Electron microscopy showed typical gall bladder epithelia with microvilli, tight junctions, and mucus droplets.
86 For species with more than one d electron, things are much more complicated.
87 The small intestinal mucosa was studied by histology, morphometry, biochemistry, and electron microscopy.
88 The W then decays to an electron and a neutrino.
89 Richman then took the tissues to an electron microscope, which offers powers of magnification great enough to see viruses themselves.
90 Sodium has a strong tendency to lose an electron and become the positively charged ion Na.
91 Of considerable physiological importance are the membrane systems revealed by electron microscopy.
92 Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph showing the distribution of the angular grains of alumina in Inceram.
93 In other words, only certain discrete energies would be permitted, exactly as for an electron confined in a single atom.
94 Scanning electron micrograph showing the distribution of the angular grains of alumina in Inceram.
95 The technique has been extensively used to study vibrations associated with surfaces and thin film samples[Sentence dictionary], usually in an electron microscope.
96 In elements with multiple electron orbits, the smallest orbits correspond with the lowest energy and these fill up first.
97 The radiation would result in an orbiting electron losing energy and collapsing into the nucleus.
98 Electron microscopy showed a striking increase in collagen with minimal fibroblast proliferation.
99 Just before each Geiger counter click we see a flash of light from the illuminated electron.
100 But there is no such thing as a single atom, or single electron, that is superconducting.
101 In atomic physics they are represented as Proton, Neutron, Electron, the three elements of all structure throughout nature.
102 Although small, these single crystals can be studied using an electron microscope.
103 No power station has ever created an electron, the source of our domestic electricity.
104 To evaluate our first impressions we examined transmission electron microscopy findings in 40 H pylori positive cases out of 94 randomised cases.
105 In Rutherford's experiment, the u-particles had energies of millions of electron volts.
106 For a decade until the late 1930s, people could do no better than to regard the electron as an empirical fact.
107 Top: Model of a two dimensional electron wave orbiting a nucleus of hydrogen.
108 A detailed analysis of wall sockets will not reveal the true nature of the electron nor the source of the electrical power.
109 For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.
110 This leaves one electron on each carbon atom unaccounted for.
111 The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
112 To excite an electron out of its bond requires high frequency radiation, falling in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum.
113 Indeed, the acoustic microscope complements well the capabilities of optical and electron microscopes, offering important advantages in certain areas.
114 The overall electron transfer from the anion is particularly high and has been calculated at approximately 0.8e.
115 All maps show electron density contoured at 1 standard deviation, with the current model displayed for comparison.
116 The UA1 team has found five occasions on which a single electron with all the right characteristics was produced.
117 It uses a line electron source and so needs only one deflection component.
118 The intensity of scattering is a function of the electron density and therefore of the refractive index.
119 Since we have removed an anti-bonding electron the vibrational frequency of the ion is greater than that of the molecule.
120 We are trying to measure the position and momentum of an electron as accurately as possible.
121 OK, atomic hydrogen, one proton, one electron.
122 But it could also have another application: electron ping-pong.
123 The outermost electron is shielded from the nucleus.
124 Artificial electron acceptors increased the yield of photoactivation.
125 Alternately, electron emission may be by thermionic means.
126 Small molecule atomic particles, atoms extranuclear electron transfer.
127 Some electron donor was oxidized to yield oxygen gas.
128 Freedom, gravity, ego, and electron are constructs.
129 These have low average valence electron energies.
130 Elements 3 is a nonmetal with one valence electron.
131 So this paper proceeds with the introducing of COM's basic concept, end with realizing two dimension electron map display components and doing perfect self-consistent in establishing ComGIS.
132 The lath like carbide free ferrite and retained austenite has been observed by transmission electron microscope.
133 A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.
134 The developmental differences of the flowers between male and female plants of Actinidia chinensis were observed with paraffin section and scanning electron microscope(SEM).
135 Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope.
136 Integrate circuit, the laser and the gyroradiation of relativistic free electron were three important discovers and inventions in 1958.
137 The ultrastructure of Azolla filiculoides was investigated by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy .
138 The structure of the microspheres was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, granulometer and infrared spectrum.
139 Different rayon based carbon fiber precursors are studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), Thermal Mechanical Tester and X-ray diffractometer.
140 Cl We know that because the sulfur and the chlorine in the oxygen have different average valence electron energies, they'll have different electron affinities.
141 Determine the most probable position ( s ) of the electron for each eigenstate.
142 The electron emission film can restrict the field intensity to a low level when it causes an emission current to flow, and has a uniform electron emission characteristic.
143 Purpose: It is used in rubber, coating, glass, cosmetics colorant, electron and food industries.
144 Methods: Injecting cycloheximide to 15 - day - old chick embryos and were observed under transmission electron microscopy.
145 Objective:To study molecule in basement membrane by electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence in patients with inherited epidermolysis bullosa.
146 The formation process of the electron current in a neutron tube is discussed.
147 The electron impact and field desorption mass spectra of 10 2,4-diamino-6-substituted quinazoline sulfonamides were investigated.
148 The European Organization for Nuclear Research said in a statement Monday the atom smasher sent the beams of particles at 1.18 trillion electron volts.
149 The effect of quenching agent on exfoliation corrosion resistance of 2519 alloy was investigated by means of hardness tests and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
150 The utility model provides an electron inductive plug for the diesel motor oil pressure.
151 The morphology and structure of the powders were investigated by scanning electron micrography (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
152 The section and wearing surface of the bearing have been examined by microphotography and scanning electron microscope.
153 Methods: The nature HA films were prepared by electron beam evaporation and rf - magnetron sputtering techniques.
154 The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition,[http:///electron.html] glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
155 A postulated mechanism of the degradation is that sulfate acts as an electron carrier which transfers electrons from aluminum metal to dioxygen.
156 If the electron flow takes place in a vacuum, as in the case of electronic valve, the electrons will travel at considerable speed, since little resistance is offered the medium.
157 So, in contrast, if it has a low electronegativity, this then is going to be an electron donor.
158 The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E 0.
159 The electric dipole of the electron due to spin-orbit coupling plays an essential role in spintronics theory.
160 As with the electron transport system, electrons are passed from one carrier to another and protons are passed across the membrane.
161 Typic ultrastructure of apoptosis cells was found under electron microscope after the cells were treated with DCI.
162 The Bioassay of rotenone and Tephrosia vogelii extracts aerosols to Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Blattellagermanica were researched with electron sprayer.
163 Use the way with peak data taken by stepped processing to get more exact and scientific results during data processing for evaluating electron charge and charge mass ratio.
164 The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
165 The effects of hexanolactam as electron donor on graft reaction was investigated.
166 In addition, the parameters such as Femi energy and electron concentration in the CNT films have been calculated.
167 With the development of the spermatocyte the electron density in the chromatin showed a steady increase.
168 A transmission electron micrograph ( TEM ) showing filamentous Marburg virus, magnified 100,000 times.
169 A morphological observation on seed coat of Brassica and Sinapis using scanning electron microscope.
170 Pollen grains of 20 species of 5 subgenera in the genus Rhododendron L. were observed by scanning electron microscope(SEM). Most of them(16 species)were examined for the first time.
171 Such quantities as the velocity of light, c, Newton's constant of gravitation, G, and the mass of the electron, me, are assumed to be the same at all places and times in the universe.
172 We introduce principles and characteristics of different bunch length monitors for electron Linac in this paper.
173 The zeolite HZSM-12 was synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron micrography and adsorption.
174 The results show that the low energy electron precipitation not only has the great effects on the F region electron density but is one of the reasons to cause the increase in the height of peak.
175 Grand factory of thermal resistor of bright electron Inc. is grand bright subordinate thermistor and manufacturer of temperature sensor major.
176 The structure identification and the element content analysis were investigated with scanning electron microscope, plasma spectral analysis, TG analysis, 13C NMR and FTIR spectral analysis.
177 The development and ultrastructure of aleurone layer transfer cell in buckwheat( Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)were studied by using electron microscopy.
178 After this, I have conducted the independent research in the CMOS electron integrated circuit feeble-minded design domain.
179 Army teams scoured Europe for scientific experimental apparatus such as pressure chambers, compressors, G-force machines, giant centrifuges , and electron microscopes.
180 Based on the theory of electron current collected by probe, that the maximum derivative of electron current with respect to probe potential corresponds with the plasma potential is presented.
181 The ultrastructure of nutrient cells in horseshoe crab(Tachypleus tridentatus)was observed with transmission electron microscope (TEM ).
182 Morevoer, using the lifetime of free photoelectrons, the optimal doping amount of shallow electron trap dopants was found by analyzing the distribution condition of electron traps in silver halide.
183 A electron dense ring-shaped structure present at the neck of dumbbell shaped amyloplast during division.
184 In aprotic acids,[http:///electron.html] it is some other electron - deficient element.
185 All the alkali metals have a single s - electron outside a closed shell.
186 A high-amplitude laser wakefield, which is an electron plasma wave, can be excited by an ultrashort intense laser pulse.
187 The micro-holes in alumite film anodized in oxalic acid are investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
188 The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei.
189 Scientific instruments are necessary to make quantum phenomena intuitive, and the probability amplitude as a scientific jargon is indispensable for describing electron itself.
190 Scanning electron microscope is used to examine the tegumental structure of the Chinese strain of Schistosoma japonicum adults in mainland.
191 The existence of nitrate had an inhibitory effect on p-NCB reduction because of competition for electron donor between nitrate and p-NCB.
192 The reverse breakdown voltage is influenced by change of electric field after electron irradiation.
193 Observing the low temperature brittle fracture face of PE/NBR by electron scanning microscope(), the compatibilization of PE-MAH was reflected clearly.
194 In this study, cryogenic electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and spin trapping techniques were used to detect the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in stroke rat brain.
195 The present study have observed the fine structure of the neuroglial and neuronal processes of the hippocampal neuropil in the rats by using the technique of electron microscopy.
196 This article is related to a calculating method of atomic ionization cross section on K-shell when bombarding a nuclear target with electron.
197 Self - assembled monolayer provides an ideal platform to study electron transfer in electrochemistry.
198 The pileus ultrastructure of Pleurotus ostreatus was investigated with transmission electron microscope.
199 The gas porosity of section plane was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
200 The infusible matters in the center of 45AgCuZn solder are one of the primary defects that affected seriously the usability, so the scanning electron microscope is used to analyze them.
201 The deep levels in electron irradiated CZ silicon single crystal grown in pure nitrogen protective atmosphere has been studied.
202 And if the plasma have high density and electron collision frequency, the influence of magnetic can be neglected.
203 The extra electron fills up the lower-energy state in the conduction band, causing excited electrons to, effectively, spill over into the higher-energy, photon-emitting state.
204 The new type DC solid state relay is a kind of new contactless switching device, with the new type IGBT and power field effect tube as the core and composed completely by solid state electron devices.
205 The diluting mechanism of organic and inorganic diluents for porcelain clay containing montmorillonite slip have been explored by X-Ray Diffractometer and Transmission Electron Microscope.
206 The polymer structure was investigated by using FTIR, X - ray diffraction, electron diffraction and contact angle measurements.
207 Nowadays there are many methods to observe the magnetic domain structure, including powder-pattern method, magneto-optical effect method and electron holography method, etc.
208 In the present study, an aberration theory for both wide and narrow electron beams in a combined electromagnetic focusing spherical cathode lens system is discussed.
209 It is shown that for the same system, under different bias voltages, the spectra of the electron transmissivity change obviously within a certain energy range.
210 A proton positive charge and electron a negative charge but a neutron has neither.
211 The scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) is employed to study sandstone fractography under thermo mechanical coupling effects.
212 A free radical is a molecular fragment having an unpaired electron.
213 Metallographic examination of borided 45 steel sample was made by transmission electron microscopy.
214 The finite difference technique is used to simulate the electric field and the electron trajectories in a field-emission display device (FED) with flat form cathode.
215 This paper describes the measurement of coherent harmonic emission, the synchronization of seed laser with electron beam, and the gap control of the optical klystron.
216 When a nuclear physicist try to increase energy of electron, the electron immediately pleased transition immediately from low energy level to high level.
217 Methods Osteoblast were obtained from rat calvaria bone and cultured with PLGA material, cells were observed under inverted microscope and environmental scanning electron microscope and recorded.
218 Zr-Al Getter developed by our institute has been Widely used in lamps, electron tubes, purifying rare gases, Getter ion pumps, alkaline metal releasers etc.
219 The magnetic field measurement on the electron storage ring of HERA Proton-Electron Collider in Germany is described.
220 Scanning electron micrograph of human immunodeficiency virus budding from a cultured lymphocyte.
221 The low energy range spectrum at the VLF electron belt rised several days before the earthquake.
222 The production of various electron tubes has been increased four times as against 1958.
223 A new indexing method on the spots of high order Lane zone in electron diffraction pattern has been developed.
224 Cell morphology of bacterial ghost of Pasteurella multocida was observed by scanning electron microscopy and inactivation ratio was estimated by CFU analysi.
225 Cone-shaped tongue papillae, seen here in a colored scanning electron micrograph, contain nerve endings that receive and transmit touch sensations to the brain.
226 The microstructure and fracture surface of the two ultrahigh strength steels are analyzed by metalloscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
227 METHODS By using transmission electron, image-manipulation system techniques, the volume density, mean diameter of the granules and numerical density of the atrial specific granules were studied.
228 In - situ field electron emission measurement has been conducted on individual zinc oxide nanowire.
229 An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.
230 This avoids ion bombardment on an electron emitter (111) of the X-ray tube (100).
231 When we put an electron in an electric field, we say it is " pulled " .
232 Three dimensional perturbed motion of relativistic electron in an ion channel electron cyclotron maser(ICECM) is investigated by using the fluid theory.
233 The structural changes of leaf surface in acclimatization and growth in field of in vitro plantlets of Sophora japonica were studied using scanning electron microscope.
234 The investigation in this paper shows fur ther the difference between the radiation mechanism of obitron and that of electro static electron cyclotron resonance masers.
235 X - ray diffraction ( XRD ) and transmission electron microscopy ( SEM ) to characterization.
236 Phases constitution, microstructure and element distribution of the coating were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and electron probe microanalysis(EPMA).
237 The development of a broadly tunable excimer laser source by exploiting bound-free transitions of electron beam-pumped diatomic and triatomic are gas halides is described.
238 The electron arc welding power source without sampling of arc voltage is introduced in this paper.
239 The three-phase AC self-regulating speed motor do not use high-power electron device, has non exterior additional speed-regulating equipment and does not bring pollution.
240 New radioisotopes and accelerators spurred radiobiology . Electron microscopes were turned on cells and viruses.
241 In the preceding section we discussed the valence bond ( VB ) or electron - pair theory of bonding.
242 The mechanism of electron field emission from CVD diamond films is investigated while analyzing its structure.
243 As each electron crosses the 1-0 domain wall, its magnetism will tend to flip to the 0 direction.
244 Methods Cell structures of fresh leaves of L. were observed by transmission electron microscope.
245 With light and electron microscopic autoradiography, the origination and distribution of the newborn neurons in adult "critical-period" songbird,[http:///electron.html] Striated Mannikin were studied.
246 A spectrophotometer has been used to measure the mass thickness of B targets prepared by electron bombardment.
247 The dynamic strain is an important mechanic parameter of the structural response produced in the target structure bombarded by electron beam.
248 The evolution of deformation dislocation structure during the tensile loading was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the tempered martensite of low and middle carbon alloy steels.
249 This Paper studies interface effect of avalanche hot electron in MOS structures.
250 The wavelength of these electron beams is much shorter, allowing scientists to see structures as small as 1 nanometre (1 millionth of a millimetre).
251 The changes of outer hair cells(OHC) were observed by scanning electron microscope.
252 When the magnetic moments are antiparallel, the spin affect on the electron is vanished, and the conductance decrease obviously.
253 In aerobic systems, oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor and is reduced.
254 The fine structure of natural alkali feldspar selected from the basalt in the Hannuoba district, China was investigated by means of high resolution electron microscopy(HREM).
255 The fracture characteristics of refractory material composited with steel fibres have been studied using Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA-8705).
256 An example is the ratio of two masses, such as the proton mass to the electron mass.
257 Transmission electron micrographs confirmed the actual continuity of cytoplasm in these networks.
258 Taking graphite cathode as an example, the transverse discharge characteristics of a self heated cathode are described. It is indicated that the cathode mechanism is hot electron emission.
259 An electron in the innermost orbit has the least energy.
260 Sand culture experiment, electron microscopy technique were used to investigate the compound effects of nitrogen and zinc on nodule development and ultrastructure of white clover.
261 Considering the electron-electron interactions, the configurations of electron and spin in an interchain coupled quasi-one-dimensional organic polymer ferromag(?)et are studies.
262 For SMPDP, the structure of discharge cell is very important to the focus of the ions as an electron lens.
263 Field properties of magnetic quadrupole lenses and electron beam transport are studied in this paper.
264 The simplest is the hydrogen atom, which has only one electron.
265 We present trial wavefunctions in few - electron quantum rings to describe the spin - dependent rotating Wigner molecule states.
266 The topological properties were investigated by the topological analysis of electron density.
267 And when we do that we can see this curve, this probability curve, where we have a maximum probability of finding the electron this far away from the nucleus.
268 Stress way of this kind of study SamSung electron, Shi Le and General Electric Company.
269 The thickness of basal lamina of the alveolar septa in diabetic rats was examined by transmission electron microscopy, image analysis, and morphometry methods.
270 Influences of laser ellipticity on the ionization parameters of Ni-like Kr(NLK) system based on electron collisional scheme of optical-field ionization(OFI) were investigated.
271 To observe the ultrastructures of adult worms and eggs of Armillifer agkistrodontis by scanning and transmission electron microscope.
272 RESULTS: Many electron dense toxic granulation and vacuolus in mitochondria were observed in the rat brain of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
273 EB inks is the electron beam energy to curing the WGT.
274 An axial electron pair meets at right angles with 3 neighboring pairs.
275 Getting the plasma potential, floating potential, energy distribution and density of electron takes no more than two minute...
276 The radiation is produced by the coherent motion of electron streams.
277 The crystalline structure and morphology were characterized by powder X - ray diffraction and transmission electron micro - scope.




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