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单词 Twitter
1. Naomi would waken to the twitter of birds.
2. We were all of a twitter on the wedding day.
3. She's been all of a twitter since her daughter's engagement.
4. She had been all of a twitter since she heard the good news that morning.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Birds twitter outside the open window as the nuns scrutinise each graph and diligently take notes.
6. Usually rather subdued piping or twittering calls, flocks often keeping up a conversational twitter.
7. Everyone was in a twitter over the wedding.
8. He joined Twitter and other business networking sites.
9. Over on Twitter, things aren't much better.
10. Enter Twitter with a solution: no friends, just followers.
11. We were all in a twitter over the coming wedding.
12. Comparatively, Twitter superstar Justin Bieber, with 5.5 million followers (or more than six times Levi's followers), came in ninth with a little over $13,000.
13. Twitter, its leading open source competitor and the high-profile enterprise service Yammer have all made new hires or announced hires coming in the past week.
14. Through Twitter, Widman provided updates on emergency room access and hospital operation status, re-tweeted news from Red Cross and communicated with reporters.
15. Confirm on that the update you entered appears correctly.
16. Twitter attracted 44.5 m visitors in June, about half in the US, according to comScore.
17. On the video footage, which was shot by investigators the spring after the nightmare, birds twitter.
18. All the birds began to hop up and down and twitter, opening and shutting their beaks.
19. Near-by, across the river, a lark had begun to twitter and climb.
20. Little Billy heard him talking to the robin in a kind of curious twitter.
21. 'The sound you just heard was the IPO window slamming shut, ' wrote Geoff Yang, a partner at venture capital firm Redpoint Ventures in Menlo Park, Calif., in a Twitter message Monday.
22. Organizers of the Webby Awards have named their 10 most influential Internet moments of the decade, spanning the emergence of the iPhone to the recent widely used Twitter in Iranian election protests.
23. "I am dreading April fools day tomorrow! Last year the crew got me bad, cream and bustard in hair doesn't go well ." one Twitter user lamented.
24. This image from the MSDN documentation shows unread messages in a Twitter feed.
25. He signed his max contract extension and scooped everyone with a gleeful proclamation on Twitter.
26. Love Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's new website though bit bemused by illustration of me, Brown said in a Twitter posting about the website of the model-singer who married President Nicolas Sarkozy last year.
27. Foursquare users confirm that they want to publish their location on Twitter every time they check-in.
28. One of the main reasons Koobface was able to so easily spread on Twitter was due to its use of the URL shortener, now the default on Twitter.
29. Birdbrain is a simple and great way to track all things Twitter.
30. Specifically, assume that you'd like to use the geocoding information that accompanies Twitter search results to also display a map of the geographical area from which each post originated.
31. But even though the correlation is there, Asur is reluctant to believe that the moods captured on Twitter can cause the stock market to change.
32. What about the impact of the new Twitter on third-party competitors like Brizzly (where a big part of the appeal has been inline video and photos in a Twitter stream on a web page)?
33. But I think there may be something of a cut-off point when it comes to what are called "social networking" websites such as Facebook and, more especially, Twitter.
34. Around 100 youngsters brought together by Twitter feeds and Facebook postings gathered in downtown San Jose,[/twitter.html] California on Sunday - for a pillow fight.
35. Twitter became a facility for direct user comments and interaction.
36. Join a networking group, put up a Twitter page, update your website or raffle off a free lunch to anyone who puts his or her business card in your fishbowl.
37. There's a long list of services that FriendFeed can import data from, from social bookmarking to YouTube favorites, but the majority of what goes on at the site is conversation about Twitter messages.
38. Like most people, I wander into hyperbole from time to time. But it has now been a few days since I first played with Twitter for iPad, and I still think it is hands-down the best iPad app out there.
39. If this criticism of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia had come from an outsider—a dyed-in-the-wool technophobe—then nobody would have paid much attention.
40. This is where Twitter comes in: Any so-called painful Tweets may literally arrive and disappear too fast for our brain to register the appropriate deep-felt emotion.
41. Many professionals have bought into the belief that anyone who can use a Flip camera, build a Facebook page or make a few Twitter updates a day can now do PR.
42. Most people who take Motrin have no idea what Twitter is.
43. "I had someone else, a programmer, look at it and say that's a legit message from twitter," Bandurski said.
44. Philippakis gets into Twitter spats with award-winning authors and chats about the decline of Western civilisation.
45. This brainy blond with the lovable smile and statement glasses may as well be the Twitter poster girl.
46. On the one hand, there are those who lust after success stories involving other social media (eg, Twitter) used to drive high amounts of immediate, short-term traffic to a business blog.
47. The Rainforest Action Network thinks the American Petroleum Institute and its oil lobby allies are behind a slew of fake Twitter accounts designed to prop up public opinion about the pipeline.
48. Does it matter that a satirist tells his 80,000 Twitter followers that he thinks Starbucks stinks?
49. Twitter is a network that is accessed in thousands of ways.
50. Now that Twitter has received Oprah's Midas touch, the real question will be to see how many of these new users will stick around.
51. It is not clear how the new feature will affect, the third-party link shortener Twitter currently uses as its default, but it sounds like that may change soon.
52. For example, Twitter advises that you use the page attribute over the count attribute.
53. People add a lot on links on Twitter posts but space constraints (140 characters per post) require short URLs.
54. All the recent talk about the future of and giving up control over our links on Twitter to third parties made us look into alternative solutions for shortening our links over the last few weeks.
55. Any time you exceed the rate limit, Twitter returns a 400 error message, so you need to think about implementing local caches on your side of things.
56. its Twitter account with the map reference 51.327629, -0.5616088, which eagle-eyed sci-fi fans have identified as the centre of the small town of Horsell in Surrey.
57. Twitter was the ideal format, as its messages are necessarily short and fast.
58. Sean Platt is an author and professional ghostwriter, and part of the crew at the lifestyle design site, Your Life's Blueprint. Life's better when you follow him on Twitter.
59. Because email isn't the all-powerful application it once was, with the advent of texting, Facebook, Twitter and the rest, we tend to forget both how useful email is and how dangerous it can be.
60. It might sound a bit corny but my other mentor is Evan Williams, my Twitter - founder.
61. Now, I am expanding my Twitter life by creating an account just for the developerWorks open source zone.
62. Twitter will help you find unexpired coupons for domain names as well as thousands of other products.
63. Screen shot of a Twitter page, with an overlay, asking the user to deny or allow the MyTtWebClient to access and update data on Twitter.
64. What with tabbing between Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and Google News,[http:///twitter.html] it's a wonder anyone gets their work done.
65. Matt: Matt, which stands for Multi Account Twitter Tweeter, is a colorful and simple Twitter app that just lets you update multiple accounts from the Web.
66. Speculation is running rampant at the 27th Sun Valley conference over which company might want to buy Twitter.
67. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
68. Assuming that a network connection to the public Internet is available when run (and that Twitter hasn't changed its public API), this test should pass with flying colors.
69. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, which keeps information on Nazi war criminals, has more than 2, 000 "fans" on its Facebook page and also uses Twitter.
70. Meme uses the same one-way follow system as Twitter, and items from users you follow will appear in your stream, mixed in with your own items.
71. Mobile is really exciting as our goal is to make Twitter essential to everyone's lives.
72. Robin Goad, a research director at Hitwise who has analysed Twitter growth, said businesses were definitely starting to sign up to the micro-blogging service.
73. Nambu also includes Twitter trends, saved searches, filters, link aggregation, and groups.
74. I don't think that RSS is going away or that Twitter will replace it (as some people are arguing around the web), but I do believe that in someways Twitter will complement RSS.
75. According to new figures released by Microsoft , the computer firm, Facebook and Twitter checks are now as important in the job selection process as a CV or interview.
76. Keith Olbermann demanded a Palin repudiation and the founder of the Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: "Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin."
77. Twitter, Facebook and SMS (Short Message Service) helped Moldovan protesters coordinate and mobilize in a remarkably short time during the 2009 parlimentary elections.
78. He doesn't use Twitter or Facebook ("I suppose I'm a bit of a fuddy-duddy") but his day revolves around breaking news, live business channels and his new iPad 2.
79. It's one of life's great misfortunes that vaunted enemies didn't have Twitter around as a weapon.
80. Such is the fascination with all things Apple that blogs are humming with speculation and a new mention of the tablet crops up on Twitter around every eight minutes.
81. Type: Thirty-second webcam recordings or video uploads that appear in a video bubble over the Twitter web interface.
82. Many different Twitter accounts rank highly in my traffic statistics on this blog.
83. Make no mistake: For hours, thousands of people were able to take control of other people's Twitter accounts with a trick so easy that even the newest Twitterer could execute it.
84. Kazunori Yamauchi Twitter account stated "Be fixed in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience over."
85. Birds had begun to chirp and twitter among the trees.
86. Twitter has become the virtual heart monitor of civil societyactivists across the country; a silence of a few hours is enough to spread the news of a likely arrest by the police.
87. "Man I love Twitter ... I've always been at the mercy of the press but no more ... The media tried to demonize me, " he tweeted Saturday.
88. A number of people on twitter and elsewhere (including my grad student, Austen) alerted me to an interesting story making its way across the interwebs.
89. Instantly, Twitter was atwitter with speculation about whether the show of emotion by the "weeper of the House" was genuine.
90. Ginx appears to be a people and news recommendation service built out of a Twitter publishing tool and a URL shortener.
91. A look at a long side by side, warm, listen to birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers.
92. When Google's real - time search launched earlier this month, its results were primarily filled with Twitter updates.
93. Rather, he said, at about 10:30 a.m. E.S.T., millions of people worldwide received spam e-mail messages containing links to Twitter and other sites.
94. Click here for the NDS RSS feed or follow us on Twitter.
94. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
95. Some musicians get into Twitter spats with rival bands and chat about the contents of their riders.
96. Meanwhile, Twitter Chief Revenue Officer Adam Bain — speaking at the Ad Age Digital conference earlier this week — said that Twitter users are more engaged with tweets on Fridays.
97. Frequent: a minimum of two and maximum of 10 tweets per working day, with a minimum gap of 30 minutes between tweets to avoid flooding followers' Twitter streams.
98. Password security is in the news again, as it is revealed that hackers had managed to break into the accounts of many Twitter users.
99. LulzSec said on Monday in a Twitter message that it was seeking to hack government websites to leak "classified government information."
100. And people talk about where they are on Twitter all the time without the help of third-party apps like Foursquare.
101. Rumours spread on Twitter and satellite channels that Mr Mubarak was headed for Dubai, Manama or Sharm al-Sheikh.
102. Never pick a major just because your parent, older sibling, partner, spouse, best friend, or person you're following on Twitter thinks it'd be a bang-up idea to major in that.
103. Even on the Web, retailers are connecting on customers on Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare, hoping to win their loyalty by offering discounts and invitations to special events.
104. Additional Opera 10 features include web mail and web feed reader integration and an inline spell-checker for blogs, Twitter and Facebook posts.
105. If you are following me on Twitter over the past week, you've no doubt been inundated with my live play-by-play of the entire experience.
106. The Twitter Search API allows geocoding information to restrict its results.
107. Other revenue channels include creating a revenue-sharing scheme that would let Twitter share the profits generated by third-party applications.
108. We love Twitter and with some serious clean-up it may provide big search companies a handy little bundle of high-interest links to advertise against.
109. At times it seems Twitter is useful for literally two things only: pathetic self-affirmation and regime change.
110. Among those being touted are services such as Yammer, which produces a corporate version of Twitter, and Chatter, a social-networking service that has been developed by
111. Twitter spokesperson Carolyn Penner aptly pointed out in response to our inquiry about the landmark, "If only I had a nickel for every Tweet. I'd be a billionaire."
112. Ideal for the lazy Twitterer, Twitter Photo Zoom will super-size anyone's avatar from the home screen or sidebar lists when you run your cursor over the thumbnail.
113. It's far too easy to use's website or a third-party Twitter client to shorten a URL before it ever hits Twitter's web interface to be checked.
114. A for a person, for example, typically pulls out useful listings from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
115. That brings up another similarity between Greece and America: that the necessary may be impossible, that baby boomer politicians in the age of Twitter may not be up to addressing problems this big.
116. When I arrived in the city, I told Twitter that I was hungry, and within minutes I was gorging on corned-beef hash thanks to a recommendation from a fellow Tweeter.
117. 'If your bank accounts are common, why not your Twitter and Facebook accounts?' asks Clemson Smith Muniz, a Spanish-language sports announcer in New York.
118. It's not officially measured in China at all, which explains the popularity of an unauthorized monitor on top of the U.S.Embassy, which sends out its usually alarming readings in a Twitter stream.
119. Accordingly, the tid variable (holding the Twitter name) is associated with the username parameter.
120. While it can't be said to be completely production ready, Scitter is certainly good enough to be used to implement a simple text-based Twitter client, which means it's ready to be cast loose.
121. Sociologist and ethnographer, Liz Pullen, spent a month tracking the top 500 Twitter users (as ranked by number of followers) as well as the much-contested suggested users list.
122. On Saturday, hackers hijacked North Korea's official Twitter account and YouTube channel to upbraid the country's leadership.
123. Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has banned his players from wearing them, with club captain Rio Ferdinand saying on his Twitter account: "You won't see a Man Utd player wearing a snood."
124. Playing a computer game, mindlessly surfing the Web, checking twitter, ch email,[http:///twitter.html] and so on.
125. We're logged on, " wrote Melissa Chan, a correspondent for Al Jazeera, in a Twitter message.
126. FuelFrog is a helpful Twitter application that lets you log mileage between fill ups, how much gas cost, and how many gallons or liters you added to your tank.
127. Up until now, when you do so, all that really happens is that Twitter stores that tweet under your Favorites history and it just sits there for either you or others to stumble upon.
128. Ambitious, fleet-footed companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Groupon have begun to make Google look like a wallflower.
129. So, new users of Twitter should be prepared to receive tweets that have nothing to do with the tweeter's current task.
130. Some of the young backpackers living near the Chabad House, also known as Nariman House, said they used Twitter to send minute-by-minute updates of what was happening to relatives and friends.
131. So then why won't the powers that dominate the tech and business press admit that this demographic exists and that they use Twitter as much, if not more, than the stereotypical power user?
132. Across the globe, in Brooklyn, N.Y., some Hasidic Jews used Twitter to track the fate of a rabbi held hostage in the building.
133. It also adds a new Twitter address field to your Contacts application.
134. According to the UPI on February 14, around 100 youngsters brought together by Twitter feeds and Facebook postings gathered in downtown San Jose, California on Sunday - for a pillow fight.
135. Twitter, with its free - speaking , democratic tendencies, is still forbidden fruit inside the DPRK.
136. Up until now, it was possible to run unit tests against your personal Twitter account without anybody knowing what you were up to.
137. Now Williams, a self-confessed web geek, has turned his template into an official Whitehall Twitter guide and posted it on the Cabinet Office's digital engagement blog.
138. He also credits Twitter for the resurgence of terms like heigh-ho and hey-ho —exclamations of happiness, disappointment or surprise —that had fallen into disuse.
139. Britain's High Court ordered its first injunction via Twitter to stop an anonymous Tweeter impersonating someone else.
140. To communicate this way – either on Twitter or on Yammer, which is a similar service aimed at companies – would have another advantage.
141. The ads will appear at the top of search results for searches users conduct on Twitter, a model similar to Google Inc.'s wildly successful search advertising system.
142. You can easily record voice notes and then copy and paste them into other applications or post them to Facebook or Twitter.
143. Hipster staffers who blog, chat on Twitter and care little about the Dewey Decimal System are edging out old-school librarians.
144. When you've got to keep an eye on your Twitter, an eye on your girlfriend, and an eye on your work, even your third eye is working overtime just to keep even keel.
145. It might sound a bit corny but my other mentor is Evan Williams, my Twitter co - founder.
146. The U.S. intelligence community is concerned that terrorists might use micro-blogging tool Twitter to coordinate attacks, according to a purported draft Army intelligence report posted on the Web.
147. With little fanfare , Bill Gates joined the ranks of celebrities on Twitter this week.
148. He even hinted a major future product area: capitalizing on the commerce currently being conducted by others on Twitter.
149. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said his network had originally been built to accommodate text messaging but the company hadn't been promoting that basic access much until recently.
150. Next Level has no plans to make Twitter a formal part of each week's service, but Hahn advises parishioners that "if God leads you to continue this as a form of worship by all means do it."
151. New Hotness: A new search field added to Twitter sidebar.
152. Twitter began as a research and development project inside San Francisco start-up company Obvious, LLC in March 2006.
153. In Shawnee, Oklahoma, residents can follow the police and fire departments on Twitter.
154. The Texas congressman echoed his message from Fox Business in a twitter post early Friday.
155. Your hash is then indexed by Twitter screen name, and the associated value is the user's follower count.
156. The VoiceofIran Twitter feed has provided up-to-the-minute accounts of demonstrations, attacks by basij vigilantes, helicopters descending over the protests, and the latest arrests.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
157. Baroness Greenfield, former director of research body the Royal Institution, said: 'What concerns me is the banality of so much that goes out on Twitter.
158. As Twitter continued to grow over the year, the popular microblogging site had more and more sightings of the infamous Fail Whale.
159. One local took note of the tumult in a Twitter post: "Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1 AM (is a rare event)."
160. From his vantage point aboard the International Space Station, Noguchi captured the moon as it rose over Earth's dark horizon, later dedicating the shot to all "moon lovers" via his Twitter feed.
161. Picture living rent free, learning the intricacies of making the perfect wine, and capturing and sharing the entire experience for your network of Twitter followers.
162. In his writing online, especially on Twitter, Assange is quick to lash out at perceived enemies.
163. A few minutes later, I had JavaScript from a URL query parameter falling through the escaping routines and running in the main body of




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