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单词 Sweeping
1. Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.
2. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
3. He felt a spasm of panic sweeping over him.
4. She is sweeping with a broom.
5. He was sweeping up leaves in his garden.
6. Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?
7. The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.
8. He is making sweeping generalisations to get his point across.
9. Sweeping all others aside ,(Sentencedict) she pushed her way to the front.
10. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.
11. It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
12. They want to make sweeping changes to education policies.
13. Football mania is sweeping the country.
14. Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping.
15. An economic/artistic revival is sweeping the country.
16. We need to make sweeping cuts to our budget.
17. The economic crisis was sweeping the whole of Europe.
18. American minesweepers are sweeping the Arabian sea.
19. The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist.
20. He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide.
21. She made one of her sweeping statements about foreigners.
22. The boy assisted his father in sweeping the floor.
23. His sweeping remarks offended many people.
24. Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.
25. A 1970s fashion revival is sweeping Europe.
26. The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.
27. The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy.
28. The report called for sweeping changes in the education system.
29. "Thanks friend," he said, while sweeping the money into his pocket.
30. Tom pushed his way to the gate of the club by sweeping others aside.
1. Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.
2. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
3. He felt a spasm of panic sweeping over him.
4. She is sweeping with a broom.
5. He was sweeping up leaves in his garden.
6. Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?
7. The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.
8. He is making sweeping generalisations to get his point across.
9. Sweeping all others aside , she pushed her way to the front.
10. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.
11. It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
12. The boy assisted his father in sweeping the floor.
13. His sweeping remarks offended many people.
14. The servant had a lazy habit of sweeping the dust under the edge of the mat.
31. Soccer fever has been sweeping the nation as they prepare for the World Cup.
32. Sacha felt confusion sweeping over her as she read the letter.
33. He started working for a gallery sweeping up and making the tea.
34. The article describes the religious mania which is sweeping the US.
35. The Prime Minister is calling for sweeping reforms of the NHS.
36. Sweeping over the room,he realized at once that he was in danger.
37. Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running.
38. The poor old man was kicked downstairs to a job sweeping the floor.
39. Memories came sweeping back.
40. The committee is being accused of sweeping financial problems under the carpet to avoid embarrassment.
41. "I was very unsure of myself after the divorce," she says,(sentence dictionary) unconsciously sweeping back the curls from her forehead.
42. The janitor was just sweeping up as I left the building.
43. Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines on drivers who park illegally.
44. The author makes several sweeping generalizations about the causes of the crisis.
45. It is obvious that sweeping changes are needed in the legal system.
46. Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.
47. In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms.
48. A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening.
49. The servant had a lazy habit of sweeping the dust under the edge of the mat.
50. Jan was sweeping up the bits of paper and broken glass.
51. He tries to hide his bald patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.
52. She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan.
53. He also advocated sweeping changes in education.
54. In my opinion, that submission was too sweeping.
55. They danced with sweeping gestures and romantic glides.
56. A great exultant joy was sweeping through Grainne.
57. Chris was in a grimy apron, sweeping up.
58. Lottery mania is sweeping the state.
59. Majestic snow-capped peaks towered over sweeping flower-strewn plains.
60. That place with its sweeping cedar trees and juniper.
61. I just finished sweeping the kitchen floor.
62. He is sweeping along on a tide of revisionism.
63. A supposed crime wave is sweeping the land.
64. Meanwhile Vaughan, caught sweeping, failed to score.
65. A couple of inmates were picking up leaves from around the graves, sweeping them into a large black sack.
66. The city eventually decided that ambulance service, street sweeping, and maintenance of median strips were better handled by public employees.
67. You couldn't bear the thought of a chit of a girl sweeping in and scooping the jackpot.
68. State officials say the changes, which were included in the sweeping welfare overhaul law approved by the Legislature and Gov.
69. The greenkeepers were already sweeping the dew off the greens with elongated poles - the final polish to an immaculately groomed course.
70. This is a sweeping statement which makes little obvious sense on first reading(http://), so let us dissect it more carefully.
71. He found sweeping the floor too boring and manoeuvred himself into a role making electrical control panels.
72. He didn't speak as he led her through a stone-floored hallway to a sweeping staircase.
73. Quietly, slowly and significantly, sustainable agriculture is sweeping the farming systems of the world.
74. But now a new outlook is sweeping large segments of the academic community.
75. There were a few people around, polishing and sweeping, and maybe spreading incense for all I knew.
76. Sweeping thou-shalt-not rules also overlook the different costs of complying.
77. However, the strong current carried her away, sweeping her over a weir where the boat overturned.
78. You try to thumb a lift from the cars as they approach from either direction, sweeping you with their headlights.
79. A small revolving brush on the front was sweeping dust into a slot.
80. Clinton, sweeping smoothly over the recent nastiness, this week presented his friend as the visionary of a new Middle East.
81. Departmental localism paralyzes our capacity to apprehend a sweeping panorama.
82. He got a job sweeping out a saloon and was allowed to sleep in the carriage house behind it.
83. The road climbed, kinked back on itself and started a sweeping curve around a nearly bare hill.
84. River ice in springtime, breaking, a force of nature coming alive, rising, sweeping everything before it.
85. The whole of Centaurus is very rich, and well worth sweeping with a low magnification.
86. To be applied to everything from religious observance to sweeping the kitchen floor.
87. The concept of a north-south divide was always too simplistic and sweeping.
88. Economic reforms On Nov. 16 sweeping reforms were announced in a step towards a free-market economy.
89. She was sweeping out the yard while Bella cooked the lunch and sang to the baby.
90. While the keen amateurs struggle with maggots and nets on the bank ... these professionals cruise by sweeping up.
91. She tried to hold on to the heady rapture that was sweeping her along like a river in flood.
92. The dust is diabolical - at one stage you could be fired for using a sweeping brush and not a vacuum.
93. He made a sweeping gesture at the microphones, cameras and reporters.
94. His mutterings might have been prayers, his long gown a monk's habit, sweeping over the rough paving.
95. It does not need research to show that no such sweeping condemnation can be passed upon the statute before us.
96. Searchlights played on the water, sweeping the line of palms on the far shore.
97. Gordon said the last sweeping school reform in 1983 was accompanied by a $ 1 billion increase in funding for schools.
98. His top priority is survival, not the mandate for sweeping change his followers won in recent parliamentary elections.
99. The Government has announced a sweeping review of the centuries-old coroners' system following Lord Clarke's criticisms.
100. After sweeping the Oregon schools last month, Knight predicted no worse than a split in the remaining road trips this season.
101. In addition to the daily little worries, these were the sweeping imponderables that held their attention.
102. I watch this man with a red face and a little black hat sweeping all the rubbish up.
103. Milan is usually still, the wind rarely sweeping full tilt across the Plain.
104. Make gentle sweeping movements across the hedge so that the blade can cut on both sides.
105. The music is marked by sweeping melodies and rhythmic hand clapping.
106. Yet the most sweeping changes and the most fertile inventions have in the last decade come from New York.
107. Huge semi-circular feathers in dazzling hues sprang vertically before sweeping in wide arcs to the ground.
108. The referee made a sweeping gesture with his arm over the prostrate figure of the white fighter.
109. This option allows you to make more sweeping changes - for example you can go from a bar chart to a line chart.
110. Now Congress is primed to repeal the Housing Act of 1937 by enacting a series of sweeping reforms.
111. Officials see a role for sophisticated eco-technology to help eradicate pollution sweeping across the region.
112. The frisson that he caused was still sweeping through the gallery when it paused and then redoubled.
113. In writing his sweeping historical overview of the region, Shoumatoff relies heavily on other published histories.
114. The mainsail was still swinging back and forth, sweeping the cabin top, so it was lowered and tied down.
115. A sweeping attack peaked when Greenwood played a one-two with Healey before pounding in for his hat-trick.
116. At the age of eighty-six, she occupied the largest house in the village, with the most sweeping view.
117. No other professional in the school, save the principal, is given such a sweeping mandate to carry out.
118. It was the official uniform of motherhood and she looked like the angel of terror and memory sweeping down from the sky.
119. From left to right, a spinning maelstrom of snow and rain was sweeping around the block like a tornado.
120. But she was not taken out of herself by the sweeping cosmic changes of light and colour.
121. For a minute he watched her at work out back, sweeping twigs from the iron lawn furniture.
122. Student protests, sweeping through the nation's campuses, gave a lead to the opponents of the war.
123. The vote came on an amendment to a sweeping farm bill aimed at weaning farmers from federal subsidies.
124. Soldiers dispersed the peasants with rifle butts, and by nightfall, violence was sweeping through the province.
125. Accelerating down Goodwood's pit straight and sweeping into Madgwick Corner in this car is enough to convince you of that.
126. Only two texts make sweeping pronouncements about the role of voluntas in trusts.
127. Past his eyes exploded the boots and ankles and shins of the big man sweeping towards the doorway of the compartment.
128. In recent months, Musharraf has narrowed the focus of his sweeping reform agenda as it encountered resistance from various interest groups.
129. This sweeping view of our species makes it clear that we must urgently learn from our past to plan for our future.
130. This radical and sweeping blueprint for Britain's peacetime civil aviation industry was considered by the War Cabinet on 25 February 1943.
131. Accelerating down Goodoood's pit straight and sweeping into Madgwick Corner in this car is enough to convince you of that.
132. The politicians,() promoters and sweeping sentiment converged to conspire against his constitutional right to work: stated barred him from fighting.
133. Anxiety and chill combined and John began to shiver as he leaned over the wall, eyes sweeping the coast.
134. I pondered pouring the cappuccinos on the floor and sweeping out but figured he might just shoot me in the foot.
135. Weary now that the excitement of the film was no longer sweeping her along, she pulled herself to her feet.
136. Hundreds of local Dayaks have been sweeping through the city of Palangkaraya looking for settlers from the island of Madura.
137. It is this convergence of class, gender, and race that makes a sweeping attack on one segment of society possible.
138. More old ladies were sweeping the passage with brushwood brooms a nation of stooping, laboring grannies.
139. A sweeping investigation by national tyre company Superdrive spotlighted a huge number of drivers breaking the law.
140. Dole is expected to emphasize his economic plan, which calls for sweeping tax cuts as well as balancing the budget.
141. The foreground is also strengthened with the same sweeping strokes.
142. All he needed was a sweeping black cloak ... She hauled herself back to reality.
143. Some people would like to see load-shedding trigger a sweeping change in New York's whole relationship with the surrounding region.
144. Iris was discoursing with animation, her hands describing sweeping patterns in the air, her whole attention focused on her subject.
145. Mr Gysi has spoken out for sweeping political and economic reforms and has acted as lawyer for the opposition New Forum.
146. And I was a new broom with a reputation for sweeping clean.
147. Smoothly, Karlheinz Pintsch panned round as the aircraft passed him, sweeping down the runway.
148. Reeve exiting first ball, bowled round his legs; and Botham, after a hesitant stay, departing sweeping.
149. Richard Illingworth chipped in with the next wicket - Stephenson trapped leg before sweeping.
150. Jen said, sweeping aside the shower curtain and sitting down on the edge of the tub.
151. E1 was in the kitchen, sweeping borax into a dustpan.
152. Great herds of horses thunder across the sweeping plains of Ellyrion.
153. Of course, this is usually so, but I am having little niggling doubts about such a sweeping statement.
154. As it exits Waipio the circuit climbs a dizzying 1, 200 feet in less than a mile and offers sweeping vistas.
155. Privacy advocates called it the most sweeping privacy law in decades and said it would have a major impact on health care.
156. Paul Zahl in his book Deliver us from Evil gives a graphic illustration of a bush fire sweeping towards two duck hunters.
157. However, rapid changes are sweeping the sector and trends remain flexible.
158. He asked for approval of a constitution with sweeping new presidential powers in the failed referendum last week.
159. These rather sweeping generalisations are now giving way to a more mature analysis of the contradictions of science and technology.
159. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
160. She went very still, the sensation of being poised too near the edge of a precipice sweeping over her again.
161. That looks a pretty good job, sweeping the floor, though I'd rather have a go on the sweeping machine.
162. He came to power promising a sweeping economic revolution in the name of social justice.
163. The soft broom is used for light sweeping on smooth surfaces and the hard type for rough or wet work.
164. Start at your feet and use long sweeping movements and even pressure, from knees to thighs. then brush up towards armpit.
165. Sweeping a nervous glance around the dark garden, Loretta joined them in Puddephat's sitting-room.
166. The official excuse for a sudden wave sweeping every column inch of coverage is that a genuine revelation has occurred.
167. Sheep browsed on the foothills sweeping down to the river.
168. But new measures have been taken, and sweeping machines constantly ply the main streets collecting rubbish.
169. And almost immediately she'd felt the forceful beam of Ross's hard grey eyes sweeping over her slender figure.
170. Nearly two decades of aggressive reforestation and street sweeping has done away with much of the dust.
171. The third prong was at once the simplest and the most sweeping.
172. The second was a sweeping victory, and the Athenians followed it up by landing troops on Aigina and besieging the town.
173. He widened it, evened out the gradients and put in sweeping curves.
174. At the same time, however, Pozarevac has not been immune from the political upheavals sweeping the rest of the country.
175. Those with suspicious minds may wonder why such sweeping action has been taken.
176. On the southeastern corner of the property, one final slim reminder: a sweeping curve of railroad track.
177. In the face of an epidemic which was sweeping away our friends and lovers, we sought help where we could.
178. It is no good writing about these things or sweeping them under the carpet.
179. The bold declarations of liberation were framed as sweeping and uncompromising rejections.
180. She was taking a broom and carefully sweeping a path, but Glover cautioned her anyway.
181. Dickinson sailed down in slow, sweeping curves, feeling strangely innocent.
182. A plague of uniformity is sweeping the world, numbing the taste buds and reducing the gene pool.
183. The thought of Miss Coldharbour's cool glance sweeping her face to detect any sign of tears aided her self-control.
184. Sweeping views of the South Bay, incredible birdwatching, and an easy ride along a stream.
185. By half past six, he was sweeping the floor of the shop.
186. Little Nemo was a little boy with a sweeping imagination, Tank Girl is a big girl steeped in harsh reality.
187. Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines and tow away caravans illegally parked on private land.
188. Returning to his senses, Theseus flung himself down flat beneath the sweeping horns.
189. We watched the gardeners sweeping them into piles and the children swept up the leaves too.
190. It was Gerald Kaufman, shadow foreign secretary, who did that for him, in a speech of vast sweeping grasp.
191. It was 1964, the civil rights movement was sweeping across the land, all the way into the halls of Congress.
192. The latest craze sweeping high schools and college dorms across the States is True Crime trading cards.
193. I was day-dreaming when the phone rang, looking at an old woman sweeping the courtyard with deliberate rhythmic strokes.
194. Transnational links were shattered by closing frontiers and the tide of nationalist sentiment sweeping through society.
195. Such a sweeping interpretation can be challenged by distinguishing between the formal acceptance of reform institutions from their operation in practice.
196. Whilst belaying you can look across a sweeping valley covered by vineyards and broken up by lines of cyprus trees.
197. At seven-thirty Paige descended the grand sweeping staircase to the hall.
198. He clapped me on the shoulder, proclaiming I was a great fellow, before sweeping away to join the dancers.
199. Tall trees and sweeping branches suddenly appeared from nowhere and vanished mysteriously into the all-encompassing darkness.
200. After a tour and a few interviews with convicts, she was in favour of sweeping reforms.
201. But the harshest rhetoric and most sweeping policy changes have been reserved for the poor, particularly poor women.
202. Shielding the flame carefully from the draught sweeping in through the open door, Isabel glanced about the single room.
203. It is a sweeping blow and only one who has seen them in action knows how tremendous it is.
204. Bill is sweeping up the leaves with a broom.
205. Cover each part of the body with long sweeping strokes or circular motions.
206. Additionally, some sweeping statements were made in some published reports.
207. The current was sweeping her inexorably closer to the fall's jagged rim.
208. Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.
209. The cleaners were sprinkling water on the floor and sweeping up the cigarette - ends.




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