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单词 Predominantly
1. These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.
2. She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.
3. The city's population is predominantly Irish.
4. She works in a predominantly male environment.
5. The workforce is predominantly male.
6. In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.
7. It's predominantly young guys, tattooed(http://), with their shirts off.
8. Later life is predominantly a female experience.
9. The condition predominantly affects middle-aged or elderly females.
10. The statistics show that recorded crime is predominantly working-class.
11. Our economy is predominantly capitalist.
12. The best baseball was in the predominantly white neighborhoods.
13. The auditorium was comfortably full, and predominantly female.
14. You must have predominantly fast-twitch, white fibres in your muscles to generate really fast, explosive action.
15. Not surprisingly, therefore, most marketing efforts concentrate predominantly on satisfying people's wants.
16. Co-workers have always been predominantly female, he promoted women to top levels from the get-go.
17. Predominantly its work is case work, considering whether individual applicants should receive exemptions from examinations and pupillage.
18. It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male, working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.
19. Jenkins complained about alleged voter fraud in predominantly black New Orleans precincts, which made the difference in his narrow loss.
20. A predominantly female race, they have been known to take mortals to be their husbands.
21. During the War, a predominantly green livery was carried, seen here in this 1950 line-up at Fleetwood Ferry. 4.
22. It is predominantly white, with some red markings about the neck and cheeks in particular, and is a dual-purpose type.
23. She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city.
24. According to international multicentre surveys by the Sarles' group, chronic pancreatitis has been found predominantly in two types of countries.
25. Once more the world was treated as a convenience wrapping for Labour's parochial and predominantly internal preoccupations.
26. He said he was a member of the Congress of Racial Equality, a predominantly black civil rights group.
27. Under stable dietary conditions, western populations may be separated into predominantly methanogenic or sulphate reducing subjects.
28. The above discussion may give the impression that this is a predominantly quantitative study.
29. The board had decided on another candidate, an orthodox pathologist with predominantly clinical and descriptive interests and not an experimentalist.
30. They do not voluntarily crawl across sand or mud and most species are predominantly intertidal.
1. These people are predominantly Russian Orthodox by religion.
2. The workforce is predominantly male.
31. The final variant on provision for cyclists occurs in areas where streets are relatively narrow and pass predominantly through housing districts.
32. In predominantly rural areas these discrepancies are most marked, reflecting a low social valuation of education for girls.
33. But the legal system is not predominantly attentive to notions of equality and the rights of the individual.
34. Like feminist psychologists in general, lesbian psychologists are predominantly white and middle class.
35. But none of them carries a show, and there are no drama series and few movies that feature predominantly black casts.
36. The Roscoe-Rathbone circle in Liverpool constituted a somewhat similar predominantly Unitarian intellectual-literary-reformist complex.
37. Although predominantly black, the looters included people of all races.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
38. And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.
39. This was a predominantly Protestant force which soon came to be regarded as repressive and bigoted by the Catholic minority.
40. Wild specimens are known to feed predominantly on insect larvae but will also take algae and detritus.
41. Predominantly affecting young women, the central feature of this disorder is an abnormally low weight achieved by extreme caloric restriction.
42. Bedrooms are comfortably furnished, predominantly in wood, and have private bathrooms and balconies.
43. They do not seem to have noticed that many predominantly market economies suffer from inflation, and often very rapid inflation.
44. The compensatory financing was designed to give temporary support to countries facing short-term fluctuations in export earnings, predominantly primary producing nations.
45. The family lived in a two-room rented flat in a predominantly working-class area.
46. In a clearly stratified society, the interests of this audience were predominantly defined by class.
47. And the predominantly male legal establishment is naturally reluctant to be dispossessed.
48. Searches that predominantly involve specific words or phrases known to have been used in the source material.
49. It is the first to be drawn predominantly from the left, with no fewer than nine ex-communists in the 21-member cabinet.
50. So I became a shoe salesman in a department store that had a predominantly black clientele.
51. They work predominantly in industries such as food-processing, clothing and textiles and in the multinational assembly plants in the industrial free zones.
52. Ballard counted the number of students qualified to enroll at City in the 1968 graduating classes of two predominantly black high schools.
53. It covered predominantly skilled and organized workers while the casual labour problem and that of juvenile labour was untouched.
54. Recruitment of top management appears to be through two circuits, but with a predominantly one-way flow.
55. The huts are predominantly in valleys near rivers, and invariably the local area was swarming with mosquitos.
56. The character Shylock is a Jew living in a predominantly Christian society.
57. Originally described: 1775 Colour: The body is predominantly yellow and white with black markings reminiscent of an off-centre chevron.
58. Liberal-democracy is found only in countries whose economic system is wholly or predominantly that of capitalist enterprise.
59. The most important powers available to planners are development controls, which operate predominantly at the level of the built environment.
60. We are concerned with the predominantly horizontal mean flow of a fluid whose mean density varies vertically.
61. The largely southern based and predominantly male rambling clubs were bastions of class exclusivity.
62. For example, the predominantly agricultural South was now entirely separated from the heavy industry of the North.
63. Anglicans were still too heavily committed to an organization suited to a predominantly rural society.
64. In the many stomach histamine is stored predominantly in the mast cells.
65. First, they extend its existing range, studying female subjects in areas which have previously been researched using predominantly male samples.
66. This area is predominantly pastoral, often with bocage - fields and hedges.
67. These areas are predominantly used to rear hardy beef cattle and sheep which are sold in the autumn to be finished elsewhere.
68. Powys was an area of intensive agriculture, predominantly sheep breeding.
69. The predominantly middle-class character of the suburbs and the commuting population was to have important social consequences.
70. What is produced is a herd of predominantly submissive and passive humans who are easily managed for the benefit of their overseers.
71. Colour: Its body is predominantly white and has horizontal blue stripes towards the underside which is yellow.
72. The emigrants are predominantly young and skilled: Hong Kong is now losing more graduates each year than it produces.
73. These are the non-renewable sources of energy that have been used predominantly in the past.
74. The Chancellor has taken this on board, despite his predominantly male core of advisers.
75. The predominantly white jury, which ultimately rendered the verdict, was composed of six men and six women.
76. At a local scale, table 5.5 shows differences in tenure within Devon, an example of a predominantly rural county.
77. Soho was predominantly a male environment: women, to be tolerated had to be either very beautiful, girlfriends or wives.
78. The principal feminist challenge to psychology's predominantly male subjects and masculine subject matter is, again, an egalitarian one.
79. It became widely accepted that the attackers were predominantly black, although there was little evidence for this belief.
80. After the 1987 election there was speculation that Britain had moved into an era of one-party politics or a predominantly one-party system.
81. Even affluent blacks are choosing to live together rather than move into predominantly white suburbs.
82. To assess whether this is an accurate picture it is necessary to address the question as to whether crime itself is predominantly working-class.
83. Predominantly a disorder of young people, and especially of women, a psychosomatic element seems involved.
84. They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.
85. It too often produces inferior educational facilities in the predominantly Negro schools.
86. In conclusion, our findings suggest that H pylori infection may have been predominantly acquired at a young age in the past.
87. This model was intended to enhance the practical skills and productivity of predominantly rural populations.
88. However this largely-quantitative work seeks to understand relationships predominantly in terms of economic power, thereby ignoring the importance of emotional bonds.
89. Some structures that are predominantly involved in the input process are political parties, interest groups, and the media of communication.
90. No matter who becomes the nominee, he will face an uphill climb in the predominantly Republican district north of Atlanta.
91. In the 1960s and 1970s, psychologists strongly criticized the discipline's predominantly middle-class constitution.
92. The subject material is predominantly allied to separation technologies on an industrial scale with the likely audience being chemical and process engineers.
93. The most unpopular of the security forces is the Ulster Defence Regiment, the locally-recruited and predominantly Protestant force.
94. These easterly areas cater predominantly for caravans, camping and chalets, offering the tourist many facilities and entertainment.
95. If you predominantly agree, use the ten new management principles to guide your efforts.
96. Therefore, the police, magistrates and judges, who are all predominantly male, will tend to leniency.
97. As a civil engineer, Susan will be competing in a predominantly male profession.http://
98. Predominantly these are gracious dark oils, some by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
99. The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected.
100. All are from upper-middle-class backgrounds, since their parents are largely professionals, and they attended predominantly white high schools.
101. Psychology is predominantly a written discourse, conducted through the publication of books and papers.
102. The workplaces embrace factors such as a closed shop environment, a multi-union situation and a predominantly female labour force.
103. Haslemere took time to settle down against a predominantly young side, obviously well coached and organised.
104. Areas with predominantly family or part-time farmers would need close consultation in the provision of training.
105. It is predominantly white, but the away strip is even more garish, a mix of red, white and blue.
106. Its predominantly black and brown members have virtually nothing to offer a united body other than themselves and their supporters.
107. They tend to forget these interests when using predominantly middle-class women psychologists' arguments, for example.
108. However, in contrast to magistrates judges are not just predominantly male, they are almost exclusively so.
109. Not surprisingly, the result has been to recruit predominantly middle-class unemployed people into mainstream programmes.
110. Some were outright extensions of traditional hierarchies, while others were predominantly recruited from the new plutocracy and professions.
111. Prior to the middle of this century, the Catholic Church had concerned itself predominantly with spiritual matters.
112. Plumage of drakes predominantly black, of ducks mainly brown; tail short, pointed.
113. This is a view which would accord with the dualistic tradition to which his novels predominantly belong.
114. But whatever the subject, the mood was predominantly one of escape and the medium one of romance.
115. Out-migrants from rural areas are predominantly the younger members of the adult population.
116. They deserve close examination especially by those in predominantly family and part-time farming areas.
117. Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.
118. Bile acids in the rat are predominantly conjugated with taurine.
119. Hutton's predominantly with fellow professionals in other fields who just wanted the best and swiftest way through.
120. The population resides predominantly in areas classed as urban for local government purposes.
121. The lack of social contact between the predominantly local working class and the predominantly newcomer middle class can be particularly marked.
122. Of course, in a predominantly agrarian economy land constituted by far the most important capital asset.
123. Shared a house with other people; was gay but so far reticent about discussing it in such a predominantly heterosexual group.
124. Able-bodied people, he says, believe the problems disabled people have to overcome are predominantly physical.
125. Ciprofloxacin is largely excreted as an unchanged substance and elimination is predominantly via the kidneys.
126. Structures predominantly involved in this process would include bureaucracies and courts.
127. The official criminal statistics present a picture of crime as being predominantly a working-class phenomenon.
128. Price promotions are predominantly used by fast-moving consumer goods producers,() especially in the grocery trade.
129. It occurs predominantly in younger females who are anxious and depressed, although older people also may be affected.
130. They were predominantly small peasant economies, with scarcely any industry.
131. And West Ham was not the only predominantly working-class area that gave rise to a political authority seemingly remote from popular allegiance.
132. His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers.
133. Kawasaki disease predominantly affects children younger than 5 years.
134. In Australia, it is predominantly called the Gouldian Finch.
135. But the protective tariff infuriated the predominantly agricultural South.
136. Nikola Tesla: "Invention is predominantly individualistic.
137. The area is predominantly populated by turkic-speaking Muslim Uighurs.
138. Cyclobutane exists predominantly in a " butterfly " conformation.
139. During the last decade new hydrosilylation catalysts(), predominantly homogenous and heterogenous transition metal complexes have been developed.
140. The regime regards all three predominantly Sunni Muslim towns as hostile and continues to claim that foreign-backed extremists inside them are driving ever-escalating violence.
141. BEIJING-- Rice is the staff of life for 3 billion people, predominantly in Asia.
142. Conclusion VAP is caused predominantly by gram-negative bacteria, and appear multiple antibiotic pathogens.
143. A predominantly liquid diet for a day or two may be helpful.
144. However, some broods possess a few snails of the opposing hand, and in predominantly sinistral broods, the incidence of dextrality is surprisingly high.
145. While you can use PHP to create command-line scripts for such tasks as systems administration and traditional data processing, the language predominantly powers Web applications.
146. CICS itself has its own private transactional intersystem communication (ISC) protocol, which is predominantly based upon the LU6.2 SNA formats and protocols.
147. Lateral channel migration, channel lobe switching, but also volcanic pulses generated a predominantly fining-upward high-frequency cyclicity.
148. NPY-IR amacrine cells predominantly received synaptic input from bipolar cell axon terminals (86%), while a few input from other amacrine cell processes (14%).
149. The Formula One team and commercial car maker will predominantly offer technical help to Italians competing in Winter Olympic pursuits such as bobsleigh and the luge.
150. The electrophysiologic and pathologic findings indicate a pattern of axonal loss that predominantly affects large-caliber myelinated fibers.
151. In response, the jet stream, instead of flowing predominantly west to east as usual, meanders more north and south.
152. The results showed that symbiotic algae were found predominantly in the endoderm of the tentacles and were located within vacuoles in host cells.
153. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) predominantly affects the gastrointestinal system but it is associated with a large number of extraintestinal manifestations.
154. It is found that azobenzene photoisomerization occurs predominantly by an out-of-plane rotation mechanism even under a nontrivial resisting force of several tens of piconewtons.
155. He unilaterally enlarged life's scope to include a predominantly mechanical apparatus.
156. Predominantly, as a developing recipient country, China have gained the actual effects since implementing reform and opening policy.
157. Fitzmaurice was Catholic enthusiast and made the Irish cause predominantly a religious one.
158. Most of those ballots came from predominantly black and Democratic precincts.
159. The Haikou Formation of Middle Devonian in Luquan contains coal bearing sediments (predominantly clastic rocks)which are of littoral origin and yield abundant fishes, fossil plants and pelecypods.
160. Fallon also said a largely Iraqi-led security presence along the Syrian border crossing has cut off a major transit route for al-Qaida-linked fighters, who are predominantly Sunni.
161. The way negative feedback is given is predominantly through negative assessments, which represent a socially problematic action according to research on ordinary talk-in-interaction (Pomerantz, 1984).
162. Findings: Head CT: Predominantly cystic lesion in the cerebellum involving deep cerebellar hemisphere and extending to the vermis.
163. A number of diseases can result in the presence of opacities that appear predominantly centrilobular on HRCT.
164. The mud was a blue-gray plastic clay composed predominantly of montmorillonite with some illite.
165. Religion: Predominantly Russian Orthodox , There are also Catholic, Protestant, Moslem , Old Believer , and Jewish minorities.
166. The treatment for OHSS is predominantly supportive, with the correction of electrolyte imbalances and expansion of intravascular volume thereby reducing hemoconcentration and promoting diuresis.
168. So they resist pressure for currency appreciation and recycle the inflow predominantly into US liabilities.
169. Dense, predominantly conifer forests cover these steep hills of the Coast Range of Oregon, fed by abundant rainfall in the winter and dry, moderate summers.
170. Although it may involve any organ, Wegener's granulomatosis predominantly involves the upper and lower respiratory tracts together with glomerulonephritis.
171. Blue Merle : predominantly clear , silvery blue, splashed marbled with black.
172. The tumor is predominantly located subcutaneously or in the deep soft tissue of the extremities and trunk, peritoneum, or retroperitoneum.
173. The coalescence between short cracks leads to crack propagation and the crack path is predominantly transgranular.
174. No effect on arrhythmias could be achieved in the other 5 patients with predominantly intramural scar.
175. The garrison was made up predominantly of eager volunteers from New England, many with antislavery sympathies.
176. This was the first time a pope had visited a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054.
177. Some have sought to make revivalism a purely American and even a predominantly frontier phenomenon.
178. Tana, normally with cup-shaped leaf form, is esp . stunning in autumn for the sprinkled green patches on the predominantly yellow leaf, which indicates that the spring and summer leaf color is green.
179. Predominantly white with black or black-and-tan markings, fox terriers are noted for their bold, energetic nature.
180. PEIPAH is now predominantly steered by the subtropical ridge ENE of it , inducing a WNW movement.
181. Religion: Predominantly Russian Orthodox, There are also Catholic Moslem , Old Believer, and Jewish minorities.
182. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality.
183. Results: Salivary duct carcinoma predominantly influenced old male patients and mainly occurred in the parotid gland.
184. The positive cells were predominantly scattered among the epithelium cells of lung alveolus or bronchia and monocytes of alveoli interval.
185. North American bird ( Cyanocitta cristata ) a crested head, predominantly blue plumage a harsh, noisy cry.
186. In humans, arginase is expressed predominantly in the liver, and to lesser degrees in breast, kidney, testes, salivary glands, epidermis and erythrocytes.
187. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus ( LS & A ) is a chronic inflammatory disease predominantly occurring in external genital area.http://
188. The Aye-aye is the world's largest nocturnal primate, and dwells predominantly in forest canopies.
189. If your thoughts are predominantly self - directed, a discourteous person is what you will be.
190. On the East Coast, "the big waves come in from the northeast, and they drive the littoral drift predominantly from north to south, " Dr. Holman said, referring to the longshore movement of sand.
191. Any of several small, plump North American birds of the genus Parus, having predominantly gray plumage and a dark-crowned head.
192. Ravagers - This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a predominantly anti-infantry weapon, though it fares well against vehicles as well.
193. These spalls occur in work rolls with flake graphite iron core used in highly loaded 4-Hi hot mill stands and are predominantly located in the centre of the barrel.
194. Because a red giant is so large, its heat spreads out and the surface temperatures are predominantly cool, but its core remains red-hot.
195. Some allowances were given to Quebec because it was a predominantly French-speaking Catholic province and had special needs, unlike other provinces.
196. Aflatoxin B _ 1 ( AFB _ 1 ) is a highly toxic secondary metabolite produced predominantly by some fungal strains.
197. Cerebral angiography showed a right ventricular hypervascular tumor predominantly supplied by the right anterior and posterior choroidal arteries.
198. A sedimentary rock consisting predominantly of apatite and other phosphates.
199. Essential hypertension, which is common in population anetiology and the medical therapy is predominantly used.
200. In foreign language writing assessment field, human rater has been predominantly used to evaluate writing samples both in large-scale test (such as College Entrance Exam) and classroom test.
201. These ancient creatures are predominantly extinct ancestors of today's cockroaches, ants, termites , caddis flies, centipedes, crickets, scorpions and millipedes.
202. “I told the Realtor, ‘Don't put us in a predominantly white or black neighborhood,’ ” Mrs. Peeples recalled. “And sure enough, we have a biracial kid next door.”
203. The objective of a predominantly passive system has been realized , the only moving elements being the blinds operated by room occupants.
204. BACKGROUND: Dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA) predominantly occurs in the osteoarticular structures, but it also systemically appears in the extra-articular tissues as well.
205. Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist , with 1 4 % Muslim minority.
206. Furthermore, the liquid is cooled such that the individual portions are present in a predominantly solid state of aggregation.
207. A senior Chinese official has warned that Uighurs agitating for an independent "East Turkestan" in the predominantly Muslim region were plotting attacks on the Games.
208. Metallothionein - 3 ( MT - 3 ), also known as growth inhibitory factor ( GIF ), is predominantly expressed in central nervous system ( CNS ) .
209. The producing technology we adopted is predominantly the chloroacetic acid ammonolysis process.
210. Mesoblastic nephroma, also known as fetal mesenchymal hamartoma or leiomyomatous hamartoma, is predominantly seen in infancy.
211. My theory is that the female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy, and that the male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems.
212. The marine species occur predominantly in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, but several also range far poleward in these waters.
213. The area currently experiencing the most sustained incidences of piratical activity is the Horn of Africa, where piracy originates predominantly from Somalia.
214. The predominantly Flemish provinces are in the northern half of Belgium, called Flanders (Flemish Region), and the predominantly Walloon provinces are in the southern half, called Wallonia.
215. OTA occurs predominantly in cereal grains, cereal products, spices, coffee beans and legumes. Ochratoxin A seriously threats human and animal healthy and life safety.
216. The most notable include some male bighorn sheep that have been observed to predominantly mount other males throughout their lives, and female Laysan albatrosses - more of which later.
217. Endodeme is a deme composed of predominantly closely inbreeding but dioecious individuals.
218. These results suggest that opioid pep -- tides predominantly reduce synaptic transmission in NAcc.
219. Any of various small North American birds of the genus Junco, having predominantly gray plumage, a gray or black head,(http:///predominantly.html) and white outer tail feathers .
220. The annual Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race is much the same: a slugfest between predominantly non-British mercenaries.
221. Adamantane and bicyclo ( 222 ) octane are predominantly Chlorinated at the bridge heads by this procedure.
222. By SEM it has been found that, with the increase of aging time, the fracture model changes from predominantly transgranular at underaged condition to intergranular at overaged condition.
223. Warren was also a seminarian and a devout Christian, and eHarmony started out as a predominantly Christian site.
224. Aversive events produce different, mostly slower, electrophysiological dopamine responses that consist predominantly of depressions.
225. The predominantly Muslim north has progressively ushered in a stricter enforcement of sharia law since 2000.
226. Are predominantly rural, township enterprises such as bamboo and wood products, specialty tea, chestnut, kiwi fruit.
227. They are in fact metamorphosed rocks , predominantly schist , amphibolites, granites and sand stones and Muruwa Precambrian.
228. Are more recent films, such as Chicken Run and the new Wallace and Gromit becoming reliant on GCI, or are viewers still seeing predominantly hand-crafted scenes?
229. Their rock-forming substances are predominantly derived from syntectic magma of the deep crust with the addition of some assimilationary-remelting substances of volcanic-sedimentary rocks.
230. Coke is used predominantly as a fuel reluctant in the blast furnace.
231. Although it is predominantly a teenage problem, acne can occur in early childhood.
232. Existing predominantly, in the Very Low Frequency part of the radio spectrum that corresponds with the audio frequency range, we can experience this activity as audible sound.
233. Unlike Kant's categorical imperative procedure, the original position is designed to represent the predominantly social bases of justice.
234. But at one time, handedness (twist direction of the shell) was equally distributed within some snail species that have become predominantly dextral or, in a few species, predominantly sinistral.
235. Blue Merle: predominantly clear , silvery blue , splashed and marbled with black.
236. In comparison with 40 healthy controls, the blood viscosity and erythero-cystic agglutination index were predominantly higher in 44 cases with primary pigmentary degeneration.
237. Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a severe inflammatory CNS disorder of putative autoimmune aetiology, which predominantly affects the spinal cord and optic nerves.
238. The assumed symbolic role of red ocher, said Dr. Henshilwood, comes from the large amounts of the predominantly red material found at a number of African sites as old as 160, 000 years.
239. But historical baggage, particularly over predominantly Melanesian Timor and Papua, fears of Islam and negative media attitudes on both sides, will keep the two more distant than they should be.
240. The direct online sales approach is utilized match Blue Nile's target market, which is predominantly web - savvy.
241. But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas.
242. Results MNTI occurred predominantly in infants under 1 year of age. The tumor sat in the maxilla, mandible and skull. Aggressive behavior and osteolytic destruction were observed.
243. Where Domino Web applications rely on design elements within the primary application database, Domino Web Access predominantly uses design elements within the forms file.
244. Carbonate rocks are predominantly composed of intra - clastic dolostone, chert dolostone and sand - bearing dolostone.
245. As structural chromosome changes is concerned, the duration of culture predominantly uncreased the frequency of cells with telocentric chromosomes.
246. Granulomatous periorificial dermatitis is a skin disease presenting predominantly in prepubertal black - skinned children.
247. Both audience and player alike were predominantly Black for that gestation period.
248. Continued distribution, long life, predominantly outcrossing , strong reproduction and high flow gene might be the main causes of low genetic differentiation of T.
249. In our study, only infratentorial tumours were associated with headache location, and predominantly with occipital but rarely frontal pain.
250. Conclusions: Orthodontic tooth movement promotes the differentiation of transplanted cells, and the differentiation occurs predominantly in the paravascular areas of the periodontium.




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