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单词 Daisy
1. 'Wherever did she find that?' Daisy wondered.
2. This plant belongs to the daisy family.
3. Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy.
4. Daisy was smiling sweetly at him.
5. They sat on the grass making daisy chains .
6. "Listen," said Daisy, digging into her oatmeal.
7. "I'm as fresh as a daisy," he declared brightly.
8. Daisy called her daffy, but goodhearted.
9. He woke up as fresh as a daisy after his long sleep.
10. Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out?
11. Have you ever made a daisy chain?
12. How old was Daisy when she first started walking?
13. Very kindly, they asked Daisy about her financial circumstances.
14. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.
15. Daisy ring-pulls dangle from button-down white sun panels.
16. And anyway, Daisy married the man she loved.
17. I looked over, and Daisy was still under cover.
18. Daisy stayed low even while I cleared the last trees on the way out.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Then it seemed unkind to leave Daisy out, so she was invited too.
20. Daisy already married - but a runaway marriage, a family scandal.
21. On our left, Sherman and Daisy kept lagging back and then lurching forward, sometimes beside and sometimes behind us.
22. Daisy did a lovely picture of a cat at school today.
23. She makes too much of that cat, Daisy thought, for a young woman that is.
24. So just as Daisy had done a year or so earlier, she had made her announcement ... With similar results.
25. This fruit was picked only yesterday,it's as fresh as a daisy.
26. I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feeling as fresh as a daisy.
27. Despite his busy day he arrived looking as fresh as a daisy .
28. Even when it's so hot, she looks as fresh as a daisy. How does she do it?
29. After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a daisy.
30. We were all linked in a vast and rhythmic coincidence, a daisy chain of rumor, suspicion and secret wish.
1. This fruit was picked only yesterday,it's as fresh as a daisy.
2. Daisy was smiling sweetly at him.
31. He sat above Daisy, talking gently to her, as she gradually sank into the bog.
32. Daisy Venables, you naughty girl, have you been telling tales again?
33. Daisy let Arthur pay for the funeral, although she knew he had no money.
34. Tealight candleholders by Design Ideas, for instance, are daisy shaped but colored acid blue, lime green and raspberry.
35. Sheltering her sketch pad under her shirt, Daisy looked helplessly around.
36. In repose, she showed still the strain she had been under, but it was otherwise a new Daisy.
37. "Driving Miss Daisy" is the story of a contrary Southern lady and her wise chauffeur.
38. I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell.
39. Somehow the Girls gave Daisy the slip and went off with them.
40. Smelling the water, Daisy needed no further encouragement and put on a spurt to hurry down to the river.
41. Daisy, ever hopeful and optimistic, however, still made heroic efforts to win Perdita round.
42. I had been thrown off the cricket team at school for making daisy chains on the boundary.
43. Daisy, seeking above all not to betray Aunt Millie, had stood her ground, trembling, white-faced.
44. Daisy had brought her sketch pad, but found it difficult to capture the action and hold on to a straining Ethel.
45. The design utilises the daisy motif in two variations and also an edging.
46. The truth was that Daisy had absolutely, but absolutely, lost her looks.
47. To the Caring Chauvinist's extreme irritation, Daisy took the day off and hired a car.
48. Having thought about Drew Benedict rather too much in the last fortnight, Daisy was fascinated to see what Sukey was like.
48. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
49. Trust me, your husband will never wear little daisy cuff links to match your bouquet again.
50. He got out the cheating stick and clipped the peg, swarming up in a daisy chain of quick-draws.
51. Daisy blew her nose on a piece of blue loo paper.
52. The acid test, of course, was to sit through Driving Miss Daisy without shedding a tear.
53. Daisy finds the party too raucous for her taste.
54. Patty, Roger and Daisy are in a grocery store.
55. Painted Daisy not painting color, color flower has custom.
56. Daisy strode alongside her, breathing heavily but keeping pace.
57. Last daisy of summer , the scarification sorrow.
58. Front daisy chain with Hypalon? reinforcement.
59. I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.
60. It is just a common-or-garden - variety daisy.
61. Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy.
62. How many creepy-crawlies live in Daisy and Jack's garden?
63. Hot plug any computer or any daisy chain connection.
64. As you can see, daisy chaining allows you to concatenate several DOM traversal statements together.
65. "Darling Marguerite daisy," he said to her, "you are the wisest woman of all the flowers.
66. Freddie, a Jack Russell in Gloucestershire, England, has been riding on the back of his friend Daisy, a Shetland pony, for 5 years, the Daily Mail reported.
67. The design, now, has passed the logic simulation successfully in Daisy computer workstation.
68. Thermo baric bombs, daisy cutters, laser bombs, cluster bombs, etc. are being used extensively in Afghanistan, killing and injuring people who already live in stone age conditions.
69. " I adore it, " exclaimed Daisy. " The pompadour!
70. Freddie the Jack Russell is thrilling visitors to a farm by showing off his horse riding skills on Daisy, a Shetland Pony.
71. Daredevil Daisy likes the high wire, but juggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.
72. Even today, her daisy chain necklace symbolize dairy freshness to moms throughout the country.
73. By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
74. Daisy chain -A sling sewn (or tied) with numerous loops, used as an adjustable sling in aid climbing .
75. Daisy : Would you still love me if I were old and saggy?
76. Eventually the Soviets will come back in even more force, but you'll get additional tactical aid abilities to use on them, including carpet bombing and daisy cutters.
77. Floret 1 . An individual small flower of a clustered inflorescence, e . g . daisy ( Bellis ).
78. Reinforced ski carrier, daisy chain gear carrier, detachable rope-fixing strap and 2 removable ice axe attachment points let you lash tools and gear to the outside of the pack.
79. Daisy wheel: The exchangeable impact printing head used on some type - writers and computer printers.
80. Daisy, from a neighbor's sanctuary, wept in shame and fear.
81. However, people who are allergic to ragweed or daisy pollen can have a similar allergic reaction to echinacea.
82. "Tom's getting very profound, " said Daisy, with an expression of unthoughtful sadness.
83. We acquired personal computers or word processors and to print results of our labors, the dot matrix, the daisy wheel, and later the laser printer.
84. Little daisy purple flowers waved at Shandie the bumble bee.
85. The equalizer is a new printing technology based on a combination of daisy wheel and inkjet technology that "prints" the OLED onto a film that is then deposited onto glass.
86. Daisy is a kind of the lovely, which means merriness, happiness, peace and hope.
87. 'sit down, Daisy, " Tom's voice groped unsuccessfully for the paternal note. " What's been going on?
88. He discovered that with Miss Daisy Millar there was no great need of walking on tiptoe.
89. Beautiful young Daisy feels stuck working as a shopgirl by day and caring for her ailing mother by night.
90. She was very dainty but Daisy Suckley was plain and looked like an old - fashioned school teacher.
91. But Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan; and they are'the very rich '.
92. Either of two plants, Chrysanthemum frutescens of the Canary Islands, or C. leucanthemum of Eurasia, having white or pale yellow flowers that resemble those of the common American daisy.
93. So she was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her.
94. Their first performance doesn't go quite to plan, but Daisy, Jack and Sprat the cat discover unexpected talents!
95. At the little picturesque town of Vevey in Switzerland, he came across Daisy Miler, who was the daughter of a rich American businessman.
96. Simply daisy chain the connections, running output from the first (master) subwoofer to the input of the next.
97. I warned Daisy not to believe that man's stories, but and sinker.
98. 'still -- I was married in the middle of June, " Daisy remembered, " Louisville in June!
99. There was a husky tenderness in his tone. " Daisy? ".
100. Ingredients: water, marianum extract, Siberian ginseng, daisy extract, salicylic acid, glyceryl tallate, hydrolyzed wheat protein etc.
101. She looked fresh as a daisy after her short sleep.
102. " I got dressed before luncheon,'said the child, turning eagerly to Daisy.
103. SCSI-2 reduces the number of conflicts among devices in a daisy chain and includes the common command set to enable the devices to work together smoothly.
104. Will Daisy win, with her creative counting, or will it be slow and steady Jack?
105. In fact, the above example actually ends up selecting the tr element row-001, so the daisy chain ended up right back where it started!
106. " We've got to beat them down, " whispered Daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.
107. In essence, you are creating a daisy chain of exceptions.
108. The FBI's Daisy Chain and New York City's vertical separation by floor are perfect examples of evolving facilities.
109. He pleased many people by developing new flowers:the big Shasta daisy, the Burbank rose, a gladiolus plant with a double flower, and a poppy with a silver inner part to its flower.
110. Daisy captivates with the luscious freshness of wild strawberry, then blooms with the modern vintage edge of velvety violet petals and finishes with a luminous blend of gardenia and jasmine.
111. When in Serial interface mode the AD7656 has a Daisy Chain feature allowing multiple ADCs to connect to a single serial interface.
112. A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.
113. Daisy , on this occasion , continued to present herself as an inscrutable combination of audacity and innocence.
114. He made a couple of incredible turns of pace and also hit the post with a daisy cutter in the second-half.
115. CRF of CAU 3144 F was the most optimal for petunia, COMPO for pansy and daisy respectively.
116. These sections form a geometric hexagonal system, which together form a daisy.
117. A fresh and light gel-cream, combining Organic Immortelle Essential Oil with Daisy Extract and Vitamin C Derivative, strategically tackles the origin of dark spots by reducing melanin production.
118. The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain.
119. Later, Tom's sweet talk convinces Daisy to desert Gatsby in her heart.
120. She has a 9-year-old shih tzu named Annie Lulu after Mills' grandmother, and two Pekingese — 7-year-old Miss Daisy May and 4-year-old Elmer, whom she sometimes calls Fudd.
121. For reducing the readout time, the daisy chain circuit is used readout the relatively sparce data.
122. I plight again, By every sainted Bee - By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
123. Drag onto the page to add a potted plant for patios or flower boxes, such as daisy, red canna , gardenia or orchid.
124. When the package was wrapped, the woman, who was back in the cab, was blocked by a delivery truck. All the while Daisy was getting dressed.
125. At least three designs are used for centralized controllers:daisy chain, polling with a global counter, and polling with local counters.
126. Contraindications: Do not use if your child has known allergies to plants of the Asteraceae (daisy) family such as calendula, chamomile, echinacea, or yarrow.
127. Daisy Waugh, the author of Bed of Roses, adds: "The best thing to do is to get away from each other as fast as possible.
128. As with centralized control, there are three basic designs: daisy chain , polling, and independent requests.
129. After passing the toll gate, I pulled Miss Daisy to the side of a tree which provided a bit of shade.
130. One evening, Daisy said, 'I'm going to buy a packet of sweets . Does anyone want anything?
131. We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang. 5. Even today(), her daisy chain necklace symbolizes dairy freshness to moms throughout the country.
132. Switches can be connected to each other, a so-called daisy chaining method to add progressively larger number of devices to a LAN.
133. Perennial border such as daffodil, daisy, lily, phlox, iris, etc.
134. a daisy wheel printer.
135. I purchased 2 of these because you can daisy chain them together.
136. Daisy chain - A sling sewn ( or tied ) with numerous loops,[Sentence dictionary] used as an adjustable sling in climbing.
137. Then. You pour new water and put the white daisy in.
138. Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly Williams, the female wrestler.
139. That's why we threw a BLU - 82 [ the bomb daisy cutter ] at him.
140. I bring my Rose. I plight again, By every sainted Bee-By Daisy called from hillside-By Bobolink from lane.
141. If they were daisy wheel printer companies, they think innovation means adding Helvetica in 24 points.
142. In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre.
143. As a result of the Daisy Chain mode of operation, several AD7912/AD7922 can be connected together in Daisy Chain configuration.
144. In theory, once users have moved through the Daisy Chain, they are done for the day.
145. A perennial plant, such as the English daisy , cultivated as a biennial.




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