单词 | Marx |
例句 | 1. Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism. 2. Marx wrote about the political struggles of the working class. 3. Marx points out the potential conflicts below the surface of society. 4. Marx was the progenitor of communism. 5. The life of Marx is remarkably well documented. 6. Marx was the progenitorof Communism. 7. Groucho Marx had a thick black moustache. 8. Marx wrote about the class struggle. 9. Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr. 10. Marx wrote about the exploitation of the workers. 11. Marx wrote of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. 12. Weber parted company with Marx on a number of important issues. 13. Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself. 14. Marx founded a new science: the science of the history of social formations. 15. Marx wrote back to say that Engels'praise had greatly encouraged him. 16. Marx once described religion as the 'opium of the people'. 17. For Marx the material world is the ultimate reality.http:///marx.html 18. Marx to the vagaries of social and economic systems. 19. Even Marx intended that the state should wither away. 20. She worshipped him for worshipping Marx, or appeared to. 21. Ruben Marx, then a security branch warrant officer. 22. Finally, we sketch the evolution of Marxism after Marx. 23. Marx maintained that only labour produces wealth. 24. For Marx, it was an increasingly devastating fact of capitalist life. 25. In their long lives, Marx and Engels faced many different contexts and drew necessarily different tactical conclusions. 26. The question of scale: Marx identified the rise of large-scale industry as one of the progressive features of capitalism. 27. Marx none the less believed that an external reality did exist, and that human consciousness could understand it. 28. In Formen Marx is mainly concerned with other contradictory combinations of incompatible social principles. 29. Marx saw this point of view as legitimizing the institutions on which nineteenth-century capitalist society was built. 30. You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 1. Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism. 2. Marx wrote about the political struggles of the working class. 3. Marx points out the potential conflicts below the surface of society. 31. Accusations of naivety are levelled at all those who struggle to change the world-from Marx to anti-globalisation activists. 32. Marx defined the working class as people who sell their labour to employers. 33. Marx believed that the following aspects of capitalist society would eventually lead to the proletariat developing into a class for itself. 34. Inpart Marx say this task as paralleling what had been done by Darwin for biological evolution. 35. Marx believed that these and other contradictions would eventually lead to the downfall of the capitalist system. 36. Yet Marx and Engels' determination to formulate general theories eventually made Marxism one of the most successful transnational ideologies. 37. The family in early times for Marx belongs to the private domain, rather than to the public and political. 38. Spencer began his speech with a quotation from Karl Marx. 39. It is as if Marx was determined to take all human experience and capture it in three volumes. 40. On that particular day, the feature show was Cocoanuts, the new Marx Brothers comedy set in Florida. 41. For Marx, the state did not represent a general or universal interest, but rather the interests of a dominant class. 42. This is crucial because Marx was to go on to argue that capitalism grew out of one such combination in feudalism. 43. You know how these lefties are, they read Marx and stop seeing reality. 44. He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and for purging members who deviate. 45. Even greater difficulties follow from the way in which Marx identifies production with human essence. 46. An avowed contrarian, Carr, like Groucho Marx, seems to be suspicious of any group that would claim him. 47. You could, as Karl Marx and others did, point to inequities in the distribution of wealth and indict capitalism. 48. All these were heresies from a Marxist standpoint but then Marx had not foreseen the coming of nuclear war. 49. Marx believed that this contradiction would be highlighted by a second: the contradiction between social production and individual ownership. 50. Also, Marx did not write a book about the state and the political level. 51. The rationalist past and the luminaries of Western humanism have been reclaimed, Marx among them. 52. Marx stressed the apparently impersonal nature of this relation in capitalism. 53. A plaque revealed Marx had taught in the philosophy faculty there in 1841. 54. In these ways, argues Marx, capitalist manufacturing exploits workers' labour-power and craft skills. 55. Morgan's work offered to Marx and Engels the early history of the processes which led to the creation of capitalism. 56. Marx and Engels did not foresee the twentieth-century transformation of capitalism as a social, economic and political system. 57. According to Marx, the ability to understand humour in a foreign language is a mark of the highest linguistic skill. 58. Marx clearly did not formally abandon this schema even in his later writings. 59. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals. 60. And third, Marx was single-minded and relentlessly determined to bring about change in his day. 61. The second kind of modern atheism owes its origins to Feuerbach and its most powerful expression to Marx. 62. Marx originally argued that the growth of large-scale industry led to the demise of the peasantry and the development of the proletariat. 63. Marx used a numerical model of simple reproduction, which we have seen in Chapter 3, and suggested that Dept. 64. Thus fortified, the Webbs decried both Owen and Marx for depending on the labour theory of value. 65. Marx maintained that in all class societies, the ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class. 66. One very significant change from Morgan we can attribute to Marx. 67. There were plenty of supporting arguments in the works of Marx and Engels for such an endeavour. 68. The gens was the communal group which Marx, following Morgan, considered as ante-dating all known history. 69. There was a bust of Marx in the local cemetery and a bust of Freud outside the swimming baths. 70. The essential characteristics of those who work to create profit in return for wages have remained the same despite surface changes since Marx. 71. Marx was as insistent on the importance of profit for investment and production as any president of the National Association of Manufacturers. 72. Writing as he did(), Marx left the inevitable impression that he and history were one and the same. 73. Marx was so aggressive in his criticism of capitalism that we have a hard time listening to him. 74. Marx is oft-quoted as having said that people make history, but not under conditions of their own choosing. 75. Secondly much of the research on class has been inspired by ideas and questions raised by Marx. 76. Many aspects of the evolutionary scheme which Marx and Engels present would now be unacceptable to anthropologists. 77. The evening suit was not a good fit and he looked as though he was part of a Marx brothers film. 77. try its best to collect and make good sentences. 78. Marx himself did, however, leave some basic clues as to how we might achieve this kind of understanding of the state. 79. If the Marx Brothers had made a surrealistic comedy while on downers, this would be it. 80. From their historical perspective Marx and Engels could be forgiven for arguing that late-nineteenth-century Britain had a repressive capitalist state. 81. While Marx presents them as constituents of a unified, continuous process, each nevertheless has its specificity. 82. None the less, three views consistent with historical materialism can be found in diverse works by Marx and Engels. 83. Marx, the museum's director, has also contributed an introduction to the catalogue. 84. They sat around and listened with abashed smiles as Carlo Marx read them his apocalyptic, mad poetry. 85. The Norderns looked at Marx who stood before them as if he was quite happy to stand there in silence all day. 86. In order to show this Marx explains the simultaneous growth of both the ideology and the social system of capitalism. 87. Both families had been transformed from what might be called a lumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat. 88. Marx, in his schemas, assumed an organic composition of capital of or, and also that Dept. 89. But the Second International did debate two questions which Marx and Engels left unresolved. 90. Then bring her back inside, complete with Groucho Marx cigar, to run through a repertoire of hoary Borscht-belt gags. 91. It's a hilarious scene with a succession of brilliant one-liners from Groucho Marx. 92. As is well known, Marx himself gave a somewhat ambiguous answer; but Poulantzas' reply is quite clear. 93. For the bureaucracy itself, Marx noted how a Bonapartist regime virtually eliminated the risk of public scrutiny and criticism. 94. Marx, in contrast, saw classes as systematically linked in a particular structure of social relationships. 95. Marx makes three key assumptions in developing the concept of surplus labour. 96. Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class. 97. Marx himself might have viewed these small-scale marketers as resembling petty commodity producers more than petty capitalists. 98. He grips a marble tablet listing the troika Marx, Engels, Lenin, and a fourth, struck out. 99. Marx was clearly the most influential of all the socialist writers. 100. The simple truths according to Marx and Lenin are now crowded by doubts. 101. The crucial difference is that Marx emphasised the first element, while Weber emphasised the second. 102. Marx believed that the basic contradictions contained in a capitalist economic system would lead to its eventual destruction. 103. However, Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system. 104. Neither Marx nor Engels wrote systematically about art, but important theoretical positions were derived from them. 105. Marx's Reproduction Schemas Marx formalised his ideas about simple and extended reproduction in Vol. 106. And the island's dictator was among the 5,000 audience at the Havana's Karl Marx Theatre. 107. The huge crowd proceeded from outside the church to fill the largest square in the city, Karl Marx Square. 108. Marx built a model of simple reproduction upon the following assumptions: Only two departments of production. 109. This does not, of course, mean that Marx avoided the problems of class and the class struggle. 110. The division within the enterprise: As Marx argues, this division of labour is of a different kind from the others. 111. Marx thought that scholarly contemplation was a waste of time. 112. Changes in the occupational structure Sociologists from Marx and Weber onwards have debated how best to define social classes. 113. He struggled against his fate, yes, exactly, like some one in the social universe of Marx. 114. Marx believed that the class struggle which would transform capitalist society would involve none of these processes. 115. Marx describes how the exploitation of workers' labour is not limited by national boundaries. 116. One thing about which Marx and Engels are quite adamant is the nature of the state. 117. Marx points out the deeper class relations and potential conflicts below the surface of society. 118. Marx was not a humanist, though he fancied himself to be. 119. Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production. 120. Marx argues that a social group only fully becomes a class when it becomes a class for itself. 121. Marx also took from the classical economists the idea that rates of profit are bound to fall in the long term. 122. Much later the method of dialectic clash was polished up by Hegel and adopted by Marx. 123. Perhaps like Groucho Marx they have other views about exclusive clubs. 124. Might it be that Marx faced facts while others sought the dubious shelter of wishful thinking? 125. The necessary order in the historical determinism of Karl Marx is in the contingencies. 126. Marx sought to replace, as a basis for action, Utopian dreams by scientific analysis. 127. Everything about the way Marx presented his ideas to the world conveyed his romantic narcissism. 128. Overall Engels seems to go much further in this enthusiasm for Morgan than the generally vague impression we get from Marx. 129. Class and social change Class struggle Marx believed that the class struggle was the driving force of social change. 130. It was a combo dreamed up by the Marx Brothers. 131. For Marx and Engels the working class had nothing to lose but their chains of false consciousness. 132. Or put them in jail with murderers and hooligans all in the name of Karl Marx and Lenin. 133. Moving at a fair old lick and endlessly inventive, this is the Marx Brothers working near the top of their game. 134. Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie would suffer from the carbuncles that afflicted his buttocks as he composed Das Kapital. 135. Immense carmine portraits of Marx, Engels and Lenin were hoisted as witnesses and validators of the pageant. 136. Another assumption made by Marx throughout his work is that higher technology increases the total leisure time available. 137. First of all,(sentence dictionary) one of the most striking aspects of the notes is the interest Marx shows in detailed ethnographic description. 138. The root of the modern use of the term ideology lies with Marx. 139. Marx and Engels never explicitly defined nor adhered to a static interpretation of the Asiatic mode of production. 140. It incorporates information about pre-literate society into the wider theoretical edifice which Engels and Marx had been building all their lives. 141. In Marx, profit is the consequence of exploitation, not a return to entrepreneurial risk-taking activity. 142. Class relations, for Marx, are the key to all aspects of society. 143. Neither Marx nor Engels nor Lenin was like that. 144. The case of Karl Marx was similar. 145. Marx subscribed to a philosophy of economic determinism. 146. When did Marx work on Das Kapital? 147. Marx and Engels scientifically forecast the collapse of capitalism. 148. On Marx and Engels'Ethnic Political Theory. 149. The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine. 150. We should study foreign languages as Karl Marx did. 151. Karl Marx had tried to harness the German will. 152. Capitalism is a term invented by Karl Marx. 153. The listening text is about Karl Marx. 154. Marx and Engels's natural control thinking are important elements of nature view in Marxism. 155. This thesis t hinks that subject is the joint betwe en marx dialectics and Hegel dialectics. 156. All-round development of human beings is a core statement Marx argues about the(development) of society and that of human beings, which depend on each other. 157. Of pair of implicit this one trend in the interest rate theory of Marx foreknow. 158. The state and political theory of Marx was founded on the objective law of social development. 159. As Veblen said, not unsympathetically, Marx never even deigns to prove his contention. 160. The formation of our constructing a harmonious society is developed from Karl Marx and Lenin, and then sublimed with our socialist practice. 161. Such hypocrisy was not out of character for Karl Marx. 162. Marx treat capitalist industrial organization in the view of Darwinism. 163. Marx was a monist. For him there was one explanation for any social, personal or political problem: the class struggle. 164. The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx. 165. Otherwise, how can one explain why a man who could have nymphs, Bentleys, yachts, and everything money can buy opts for the "illusionary" – to paraphrase Marx – rewards of the hereafter? 166. Friedrich Engels, close comrade - in - arms of Karl Marx, great leader the world proletariat, was born at Barmen. 167. In fact(Sentencedict), even the early Marx on disassimilation is also fundamentally different to Existentialism. 168. For all the face-saving intellectual contortions , everyone knows it's Adam Smith and not Karl Marx at the rudder of this communist economy. 169. There are both the inevitable contact and the hypostatic differences between the theory of harmonious society of Marx and Engels and utopian socialism. 170. These had been reflected most obvious in Kawakami's economic study, which is just the process of his study from Adam Smith to Marx. 171. Marx et al have described this process. One hundred and fifty milliliters of whole blood is drawn into a citrated container. 172. According to Marx, the communist society will substitute a new thesis of "the free development of everyone" for the outworn thesis of "the value of man". 173. Marx exceeds rationalistic metaphysics and Political Economy and realizes the ontological transform of production. 174. Plenty of noteworthy folks sat in on the action -- including director George S. Kauffman, humorist Robert Benchley, and actors Harpo Marx and Talulah Bankhead. 175. Adam Smith and Marx expound respectively the issue of primitive accumulation from different angles. 176. The dissert, Marx on labor force of two basic conditions becomes commodity, is very incisive and penetrating, it's the abstract science theory of the history given rise to society economy appearance. 177. Marx and Post - modernist both subvert traditional concept of subject. 178. At the polling place at the Karl Marx primary school in downtown Bobigny, a working-class suburb of Paris, by contrast, there was no sense that Europe's future hinged on the constitution. 179. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had never advocated the democratic centndism. 180. In recent centuries, there are three viewpoints on the argument about how Feuerbach affected Marx. They are "the equation theory", "the irrelevancy theory" and "the link theory". 181. Some economists believed what Marx said the average rate of profit does not exist, especially develops after the monopoly stage in the capitalism. 182. Marx and Engels were swiftly replaced by Marks and Spencer. 183. Marx interpreted class the agent of class relations and the sum of interrelations among class members. 184. To define ideology as"false consciousness"was not an accidental error made by Engels as said by some scholars, but the consistent idea possessed by both Marx and Engels self. 185. The young Karl Marx , prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry. 186. For Marx, social class was determined by and coterminous with, economic class. 187. The ethnical spirit of Marx includes the rethinking of ethnical living condition of modern society. 188. Marx established his about human on the base of criticizing and inheriting early modern western humanism. 189. In the words of Groucho Marx, "Home is where you hang your head." 190. Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history. 191. While in Samara, Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels. 192. Sokeen was Marx on this point that the philosopher Hannah Arendt once describedthe opening pages of the Communist Manifesto as ‘‘the greatest praise of capitalism you ever saw. 193. Marx and Engel stated clearly the falsity of the ideology. 194. This wealth of humanity has commanded the admiration of Marx, Engels, Pushkin and many other critics. 195. Could Marx predict that the October Revolution would take place in backward Russia? 196. The Marx - Engles - Lenin cooperative economy thought is rich in content. 197. The scientific method of Marx labor theory of value is materialist dialectics and historical materialism. 198. Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels. 199. Marx believed that, the main condition the labor force becomes the commodity and assignment according to the value of labor is that the worker has the personal freedom and has not the producer goods. 200. By contrast, Alfred Marshall was everything that Marx was not: the embodiment of all that was best in Victorian high-mindedness. 201. The Monster [ Karl Marx ] joins the battle flexing all his limbs. 202. In 1848, the Communist Manifesto was published by Karl Marx and , citing the principles and ideas of communism. 203. Thus it was that Soviet scientists discovered Marx for world psychological science. 204. He traveled across the country with other well - known performers, including the Marx Brothers. 205. Today, when we are commemorating the 190th birthday anniversary of Karl Marx in this historic place, it is for me a great privilege to speak to you. 206. Marx scientifically revealed that abstract labor creates commodity value, and Knowledge Value Theory can not replace Labor Value Theory. 207. After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice. 208. In Oulanem Marx does what the Devil does: he consigns the entire human race to damnation. 209. Marx didn't discuss modernity on the level of rational critique and reconstruction. 210. She next won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy. " It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers. 211. WHEN the financial crisis took off last autumn, Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”, originally published in 1867, whooshed up bestseller lists. 212. According to Marx, the communist society will substitute a new thesis "the free development of everyone"for the outworn thesis"t... 213. Communism would be the cooperative society based on common ownership of the means of production (Marx, 1974; p. 345). In the first phase of communist society, (p. 214. The theory of Marx, Engels,[] Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. 215. Marx and Engels have proven the importance of such qualities as theories and aesthesis in the course of testing and affirming truth. 216. Britain's center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried. 217. When he published “Das Kapital” in 1867, Marx claimed that he was revealing society’s “law of motion.” Yet he had never bothered to visit a single factory. 218. What was this mysterious matter? No biographer of Marx has explained these strange sentences. 219. Marx thought that the factory system would create unemployment and poverty as an antithesis. 220. So, you take a sentence like -This is a classic line from Groucho Marx: "I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. 221. A hundred years ago the literary foundation of Marxism was laid by the publication of the first volume of Das Kapital, the only volume published by Marx himself. 222. Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 223. Marx was influenced by Darwin and mentioned him in his book, " Das Kapital. " 224. But if Pope Benedict XVI's latest encyclical, "Spe Salvi," is any indication, the spirit of Karl Marx is still alive and well in the halls of the Vatican. 225. When Marx analysed the primitive accumulation of capital, he pointed out:"Violence itself is a kind of power." 226. Marx foresaw constant internecine warfare among capitalists, resulting in and fewer controlling vaster and vaster empires. 227. In the period of Hegel and Feuerbach and young Marx(http://), the theory of Estrangemen has three forms:Alienation and Estrangement and Objectification . 228. This study is about the 'Temporal Dynamics of Smiling' and I also came across one titled 'Spontaneous vs. posed facial behavior: automatic analysis of brow actions' (think Groucho Marx). 229. But when you try to go out and learn something about Marx, you will quickly discover that it is precisely this tenacious revolutionism that is discarded by mainstream treatments of him. 230. The duality of the state interest is consistent with the prediction of Carl Marx, i. e. to reconstruct the, individual ownership system on the basis o... 231. Moreover, Marx points out the only way for the working class to free themselves is to sublate labor alienation, that is to say, to achieve the good prospects of communism. 232. Marx and Engles's understanding of youth is of the feature including clear character of time, class, and revolution. 233. Marx pointed out that the origin of capital is its primitive accumulation, namely primitive deprivation. 234. The second chapter analyzed Marx to circulate the economic thought bare bone. 235. In the course of setting up the value of labour theory, Marx made a detailed study of the relationship between supply and demand from various angles. 236. Marx haunt capital theory basically includes haunt capital is total theory, capitalist credence is talked, fictitious capital is talked, credit system consequence talks 4 big logistic connotation. 237. At Trier 150 Nazis broke into Marx House, where Karl Marx was born, and hoisted on it the Swastika flag. 238. Contrary to Karl Marx, the author of the paper does not think of abstract labor in itself as scalar but as vector. 239. Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx? 240. It seems like a Marx Brothers movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, but it's very real, as newly declassified MI5 documents revealed today. 241. The characteristic feature of all utopian plans from that of Plato down to that of Marx is the rigid petrification of all human conditions. 242. Arnold Kunzli, in his book Karl Marx - A Psychogram, writes about Marx's life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition. 243. The paper reveals that the theory of laboring axiology discovered by Marx can be used to the theoretical basis of the price making in our country. 244. Their claim, rather, is that the system has altered almost unrecognizably since the days of Marx, andthat this is why his ideas are no longer relevant. 245. When the police arrived, my hand was caught in the machinery as it roared uncontrollably, reprinting large passages of Marx down my bare back. 246. The process gets thrown off if we can't believe that another persons finds us attractive — like the Groucho Marx joke where we don't want to belong to a club that would have us for a member. 247. Three influential philosophers in this field have been Plato, John Locke and Karl Marx. 248. As thinkers in the same era, Simone Weil and Erich Fromm have many common points, they have been devoted to do research on philosophy of Karl Marx, and have vivid backgrounds in faith. 249. Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature. 250. Freud and Marx expounded the social development respectively from man's subjective life and the objective law of economic development. 251. Marx and Engels set forth the theory of Party - building. 252. Marx, in the introduction of Introduction to the Political Economy, put forward the theory of unbalance of material production and artistic production with explanations about unbalance. 253. This relationship was his terminus a quo when Marx researched in economics and wrote . 254. Marx took the liberation and happiness of mankind as his responsibility all his lifetime, and regarded the social harmony as the superordinate goals of human. 255. Modern radical economics grew from Ricardo ( and the labor theory of value ) and found its canon on Marx. 256. The dissimilation labor theory of Marx is had 2 heavy features and 2 serious effect. 257. Karl Marx left behind him a great revolutionary theory for us. 258. And, as every biography of Marx makes clear(/marx.html), he was an anti-Semite . 259. The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised. 260. Marx initiated the theory of world history, but it was Lenin who had completed the development of Marxist theory of world history from uniline logic to double line logic. 261. Karl Marx is our hierophant both in study and in conducting-oneself. 262. Marx, here is a good man - a goddam hero. 263. In German Ideology, Marx and Engels point out that occasionality unveils the passivism of subject. 264. At this point the second stage of anarchism begins, that which arises from the thought of Bakunin, the contemporary of Marx. 265. The researches on Rosa Luxemburg's thought have undergone the diagrammatical transformation from "Return to Marx" to "Marxism" in 20th century. 266. Friedrich Engels used some of the profits of his successful textile business to support Karl Marx, the self-proclaimed gravedigger of capitalism. 267. "Marriage is a wonderful institution, " Groucho Marx once observed, "but who wants to live in an institution? 268. We will focus on practical activities of Marx, to find evolution of individuals. At first, Marx criticized the feudal autocracy and religious mysticism. 269. In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian. 270. Then walk down past the giant statues of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, over the Spree river onto the "Museum Island." 271. Indeed, classical sociology debated with Kant as much as Marx. 272. Marx had solved this contradiction in his manuscript for his " CRITIQUE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. " 273. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin are honest, men of science are honest. 274. The few unfrequented bookshops left in China offered little else but the writings of Mao and Marx and Lenin. 275. Since the middle of 19th century, the capitalism world has experienced four economic fluctuations. The total tendency of profit rate has declined, which partly proved the judgment from Karl Marx. 276. Marx here compares the animal-like shouts of the landlords to the ox, at the same time implies that the landlords tore off their mask and treaded on the rules. 277. Karl Marx was born in Trier , Germany in May 5, 1818. 278. Engels had been brought up in a pietistic family. In fact, in his youth he had composed beautiful Christian poems. After meeting Marx, he wrote about him. 279. Selected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Vol. 4. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1972. 280. The theory of credit and fictitious capital is an important component of Marxist economic theory, which Marx put forward during his researches on the general process of capitalist production. 281. Theory of Marx labor value is the economic theory of proletarian revolution. 282. This is not to say that Marx learnt nothingfrom utopian thinkers like Fourier, Saint-Simon and Robert Owen. 283. The social class theory have three sources, Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim all have contributed in these. 284. The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable. 285. In his reading, Marx takes man, civil society, practice, the Thing-in-itself, historical consciousness and liberty as the basic positive elements of classical German philosophy. 286. In 1981 archeologist Robert Marx discovered thousands of pottery fragments in the same locality, including 200 necks from amphorae. 287. It is coincident that both Marx and Heidegger found these aftermaths, according to which Mankind would be between the beetle and the block in the era of technology. 288. Karl Marx endowed burgher society with economical basis, and there is no burgher society which always pursues individualism in a more general sense. 289. The irony here is that so did Marx. Marx was a real anti-Semite. 290. Surplus value theory is the cornerstone of Marx economy theory. 291. And a curious crowd it is: Marilyn Monroe is there, so are Karl Marx, Edgar Allan Poe, Albert Einstein, Lawrence of Arabia, Mae West, Sonny Listen, and eight Beatles. 292. Leaping over Caudine Forks is a theoretical viewpoint put forth by Marx in his remaining years. 293. Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al. 294. Marx concentrates on the alienation of labour and emphasizes the invidious aspects. 295. However, neither Marx nor Bakunin described a social mechanism for moving from one phase to the other. 296. More than 100 years ago, Marx has researched on credit theory, he systematically explained the reasons for credit expansion and credit contraction based on previous, and put on his own views. 297. They have put forward such view as " human-center theory ", " ecology-center theory " and " human ecology" about the worth view of Marx ecology. |
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