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单词 Sorting
1. She has a genius for sorting things out.
2. Davina was sorting out scraps of material.
3. He was sorting his foreign stamps .
4. She found the ring while sorting some clothes.
5. The cupboards need sorting out.
6. I've been buzzing around town all day sorting out my trip.
7. Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
8. Don't worry about sorting them out - I'll do it later.
9. Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job.
10. Don't mind me - I'm just sorting out some files here.
11. Many workers in the sorting office lost their jobs when an automatic sorter was introduced.
12. She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends.
13. Most of the job involves sorting customers out who have queries.
14. She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things.
15. I've been sorting out my study all day,[] but it's such a mess I don't feel I'm getting anywhere.
16. I was in the middle of sorting some papers when the phone rang.
17. The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents.
18. Such a large sorting operation can take up a lot of computer time.
19. His agent was sorting out the fine print.
20. He was looking the other way(), sorting mail.
21. That he was sorting George out at last.
22. Sorting through his things was something else entirely.
23. Life has a funny way of sorting itself out.
24. Sorting rubbish is still done largely by hand, often by low-paid or immigrant labour, and is filthy and dangerous work.
25. He eyes you suspiciously before going back to sorting cards.
26. Sadly, most never make it past the sorting stage and instead wind up as fire-lighters at a nearby sugar plantation.
27. Changes at sorting and post offices would affect postmen, sorters, engineers, drivers and managers, they said.
28. Jessica had slammed a drawer open, was sorting knives and forks out, brittle, self-absorbed.
29. To select without sorting, first define the selection condition, then press 5 to select the Action option.
30. Alan's gone off on holiday and I've been landed with the job of sorting out his mistakes.
1. Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
31. However, as Brown admits, there is still much that needs sorting out.
32. Sorting her wildly scattered thoughts into some semblance of order seemed far more imperative ... She wanted Guy.
33. Press 2. the regular sorting prompt line reappears. 7. Press 1 to select Perform Action.
34. He was crouching amidst the emptied-out debris of her possessions, sorting through them with a patience that was deceptively gentle.
35. They constantly expect us to get involved in sorting out their problems. 5.
36. Five similar devices were found in mail at the building's sorting office and defused by the Army.
37. Sorting through the nominees, this is how I rank the top moments in Kings history and why: 1.
38. They marched past us to look through the house, sorting through whatever was left behind.
39. How successful you are in sorting matters out to your satisfaction will depend partly on your bargaining strength.
40. Swiftair items receive priority treatment and separate sorting in this country and in over 140 countries worldwide.
41. Sorting the linen, the towels, the sheets, the red handkerchiefs, such as the navvies use.
42. The automatic sorting machines cannot always cope with colored envelopes.
42. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
43. By representing words in the definitions as integers, storage requirements decrease dramatically and efficient sorting routines become easily applicable.
44. But sorting out the details of his gift has been anything but simple.
45. However, as we went to press they were still sorting out what stays and what goes.
46. Overnight, sorting out the repossession scandal had become the Government's main priority.
47. So many confusing facts battered his brain he didn't know how to start sorting them out.
48. The patient with damage to one frontal lobe catches on to the original sorting strategy and gets the string of yes answers.
49. Or would be busy sorting things out at school with the run-up to half-term.
50. While she started sorting out the lettuce from the spinach I took my leave and went up to my room.
51. Graham smiled and crossed the road to the sorting office, smelling its new coat of paint.
52. Sue Small was sitting in the offices, sorting through files, working late.
53. In the case of household waste, the price rarely covers more than a fraction of the cost of collection and sorting.
54. If you are intent on sorting out the problem, take courage and talk to your boss privately about his/her aggressive behaviour.
55. The money will be invested on upgrading sorting offices and expanding the Post Office vehicle fleet.
56. Childhood problems and anxieties have a habit of sorting themselves out.
57. Sorting by date makes the most sense so you can instantly see what's most recent.
58. I bend down and resume sorting and lifting rocks to the other men and women in the brigade.
59. Not bad, not bad I've been sorting out my council tax George.
60. The Postal Service dictates that all mail leaving the Peninsula go to San Francisco for sorting.
61. On either side sit attractive, dynamic, rather intense young women sorting through heaps of correspondence and submissions.
62. Lance Rees was set on as he passed the sorting office in Withernsea, Humberside, on his way to school.
63. A preschooler might get confused by such games as sorting blocks by shape.
64. When I entered our room I found Mum had down two more vases and was sorting out a pile of pawn tickets.
65. Again the permeability is largely dependent upon sediment sorting and the presence of cements, or authigenic growths in the pore throats.
66. The hard part is sorting the good memories from the bad.
67. In this first example we see how a teacher is able to initiate a sorting activity following a child's chance remark.
68. A further sorting amongst the articles on the tray put them into sets of beads, reels, rods and wheels.
69. However when he's not sorting out pest problems in Leeds he is treading the floorboards in many amateur theatrical productions.
70. We began sorting them into different area sizes as we were getting confused with those we had and didn't have.
71. We are witnesses to an obsessive, unwavering process of sorting, labelling, deconstruction and destruction.
72. Many young helpers worked hard sorting, pricing and selling, as well as offering face-painting and a pinball competition.
73. Inside the gulf of Pagasai, the disorganized Persian armament was sorting itself out and re-numbering.
74. In this chapter, you will learn how to use its sorting feature to manipulate the data in tables and lists.
75. This year's investment amounting to £10 million, will focus on the potential of sorting household waste.
76. The others are also understood to have passed through the main sorting office in Crown Street.
77. If all this research leaves you feeling overwhelmed, you can turn to a campus career counselor for help sorting things out.
78. He opened it, after sorting through the kitchen drawers for a corkscrew with an assurance that annoyed Fabio.
79. Sorting machines incorporating microprocessors have been ordered in the past few weeks to upgrade rice, coffee and groundnuts.
80. Ahead of him a morose-looking man in a cardigan was sorting through slabs of meat in plastic containers.
81. Collage Collage work with paper shapes can involve ordering and sorting, especially if different textures, colours or sizes are provided.
82. I helped myself, and when I had finished, I went up on deck and began sorting out the rigging.
83. An hour later John is desperately sorting through his belongings.
84. Stem pulls the box to him and begins sorting through the documents.
85. Repetitive tasks, whether sorting coupons, stitching fabric or entering data(), wear most workers toward early retirement.
86. Selection of quotations for which entries are needed and sorting into senses by senior staff.
87. FitzAlan's brother-in-law sat there, sorting through piles of official-looking documents.
88. The laboratories have extensive tissue culture facilities and there is a flow cytometric unit equipped with both analytical and cell sorting instruments.
89. Many of the matching, sorting and ordering activities can arise incidentally within the periods of tidying away and clearing up.
90. Both grain size and sorting can not, therefore, be measured directly from a thin section and can only be estimated.
91. All the runners are adrift out here, sorting through their thoughts, weighing the reasons to push on.
92. Her grandmother, as usual, was sorting the washing in the scullery.
93. Perhaps he'd simply cancelled whatever social engagements he had when he'd realised that his brother needed sorting out?
94. The latter has no interest in sorting material beyond seeing that items addressed to you arrive at their right destination.
95. The Governor admits there have been teething problems which need sorting out.
96. Teachers can use the sorting feature very practically during examination time.
97. The pianist sits and dabs at his keyboard, as though he were sorting cards for a seance.
98. These include code reduction functions, prefix and suffix operations, scatter operations and data sorting.
99. Which meant sorting out wheat from chaff, and living like a rajah while he did so.
100. We were sorting it out quite nicely until you stuck your oar in.
101. The next day the Tiergarten is invaded by refuse workers in orange jumpsuits, who begin sorting the rubbish.
102. One was occupied by a plump woman in her forties, who was briskly sorting through a pile of letters.
103. They used to be alone among the plastic bags, sorting and grading whatever had been donated.
104. Step 1 involves sorting business transactions into an appropriate number of debits and credits to be entered on the accounting records.
105. The items were intercepted in Haverhill by a sorting office worker.
106. There are no orders, no translation of signals from on high, no one sorting out the work into parcels.
107. The most detailed type of sorting consists of carrying out a die study.
108. She realized that she had some confusions of her own that needed sorting out.
109. Many labor can be saved in the sorting phase.
110. Vouchers'control, collection, pooling, sorting and bookbinding.
111. This room needs sorting out , ie tidying.
112. The large tray has the dividers for sorting.
113. Sorting - machine rejects all defective specimens.
114. The new sorting device of floating roller is designed.
115. Comparing with other sorting algorithms - way merge algorithm is the best one to sort two sorted sublists.
116. The general scheme design of automatic sorting machine was firstly carried out on the rechargeable battery.
117. Relieving the hypervisor of packet filtering and sorting improves overall CPU usage and throughput levels.
118. It's proved by algorithm analysis and experimental results that the new sorting algorithm is better than the quick sort when data are in little gap distribution.
119. Remember what you learned about character and numeric sorting back in the Sort and uniq section.
120. Methods Collect and retrieve relative data of various convalescence rehabilitation medical subjects in the whole army on convalescence of border guards, and carry out sorting and analysis and summary.
121. Objective Specification our hospital to the pharmacy intelligence information operation of collections, sorting and deliver etc.
122. Post sorting machine is a kind of large-scale, combinatory equipment with mechanics, electric and computer technologies.
123. John spent a happy weekend sorting out his coins and stamps.
124. The radix sorting takes less time than comparisons and it makes use of the structure of the sorted elements.
125. With adaptive curvature sorting, the subjectiveness in specification of filter's parameters is reduced and is incorporated efficiently in automatic computer processing.
126. Range Queries can be inclusive or exclusive of the upper and lower bounds. Sorting is done lexicographically.
127. Notice that the sorting icon has changed to the ascending sorting icon, indicating the sort direction.
128. This paper is intended to deal with the problem and prove it in terms of merge sorting.
129. In the center tap, sorting, and protection, promote local civil handicrafts theme took an active part in the civil handicrafts explore collation, production and market development work.
130. The drum screen is a sorting machine for urban garbage.
131. The existence of multiple representations for a single character complicates sorting operations.
132. Buss - Twachtmann says that , when sorting out emotions,[http:///sorting.html] it helps to involve your partner.
133. In order to solve the problem, in this paper the maniple sorting and inspection method is summarized.
134. The PRI transfer algorithm and wavelet transfer algorithm is analysed firstly, then a method of radar signal sorting is proposed in this paper based on the advantages of the two algorithms.
135. The latest post office machines can sort letters at 30,000 items an hour, which is much faster than manual sorting.
136. The topological sorting algorithm works on unconnected graphs as well as connected graphs.
137. As examples two C programs sorting some integers using algorithms on Shell sort and Heap sort are implemented.
138. Because deposition is rapid, sorting and stratification are generally not well developed.
139. Also, model of sorting system with this new sorting device is established and intelligent control to the sorting system is realized based on fuzzy logic control.
140. This algorithm employed full-enclosing prediction based on a new high efficient sorting technique and results in a forecast error set after sorting, which could embed data with a low distortion.
141. So when compared to a nested loop join, the merge scan join may incur the cost for sorting the inputs.
142. A binary coded genetic algorithm based on sorting is presented and applied to null steering of linear arrays by controlling only the current phases.
143. In this paper, a logic mode of ISDN is given by analysing the CCITT's conceptional principles, sorting structures of its functional elements, and their service analysis matrixes.
144. Emad Omara's parallel merge sort algorithm assumes that you will have full access to the machine's CPUs for the duration of the sorting operation.
145. Dynamic sorting: Sort and re-sort the backlog so the highest priority stories are on top, or the most current release is displayed first.
146. Note that moving the current record pointer has some interactions with any sorting or filtering that is applied to the collection.
147. The topological sort is an important operation of directed graphs. Th is paper presents a linear algorithm to obtain a more reasonable topological sorting in...
148. Note: You can assign the sorting order and the sorting type parameters after each array. If you don't, each array parameter uses the default values.
149. Sorting options to sort your image list alphabetically, ascending or descending.
150. The system is applied in spring sorting machine successfully, which can control spring sorting wel1.
151. Drag and drop the "Sortable Column Title" to the title cell of a column that you want to have sorting capabilities.
152. Development of the first near - infra - red - based waste - sorting systems began in the early 1990 s.
153. These definitions are justified by an analysis with the new internal sorting and the testing and comparing between the new internal sorting and the classical internal sorting.
154. Blank sorting machine can monitor quality by HP E 5100 B Network Analyzer.
155. Note that sorting by $artist/lastName before $artist/firstName is redundant, since the results all have the same last name value.
156. A new practical "in-place" sorting algorithm, called super quick sort, is obtained by merging some characteristics of radix sort and quick sort.
157. It was an integral part of the political sorting out.
158. It's sorting things based on the light frequencies, but it doesn't have the experience of seeing red.
159. You can click the heading again to toggle the sorting order between ascending and descending.
160. The results indicate that mean grain size, sorting coefficient, skewness and kurtosis are respectively significantly correlative. Their correlation coefficients are depressed in turn.
161. Through a comparison and an evaluation of the three sorting algorithms of the selection sort, the bubble sort and the insertion sort, we can see which is the best.
162. Danny was in the back of the post office, sorting packages./sorting.html
163. Based on analyzing on the primary structural parameters of sorting machine, we determined that the parameters in orthorhombic test and uniform experiment are obliquity of cylinder and rev of cylinder.
164. Under the condition of given data statistical distribution, a new algorithm for statistical classification and quick sorting was implemented.
165. It's necessary to make an overall and systematic analysis on the function, history, sorting, preparation, restoration and application of commercial account book .
166. It is proven that this sorting device has a high recognition ability and this new algorithm has a...
167. The sorting specification could be realized through changing different hole size screen mesh.
168. As a shortcut for sorting the list containing the selected cells in ascending order, click the Sort Ascending button.
169. In this case, you can set the server option COLLATING_SEQUENCE to ?Y? for sources with ASCII encoding and identity sorting order.
170. This paper introduces two mature sorting methods: bubble sort and selection sort, and points out that these sorting methods could be used to realize the two-direction sort.
171. A detailed investigation is given on the method of the general radar signal and the jam signal sorting and identification of ARRS in the complicated spatial signal environment with the aid of .
172. Another common operation related to loops is sorting information, particularly keys in a hash.
173. It is proven that this sorting device has a high recognition ability and this new algorithm has a fast speed.
174. Godliman's brain was in gear again, sorting permutations and possibilities.
175. It proposed the improvement Bayesian sorting algorithm by the foundation of the empirical data.
176. The most accessible (and alliterative) source of finer-grained parallelism in mainstream server applications is sorting, searching, selection, and summarizing of data sets.
177. In this article, you learned how to use E4X to implement a bubble sorting routine in the form of a game of Twenty Questions.
178. The problem of perfect sorting by reversals and deletions was considered, and one kind of polynomial algorithm was given.
179. This article introduces you various sorting algorithms and do some researches on their implementation improvement and complexness of time.
180. The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the ORDER BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.
181. This lets an application get a consolidated data view of the data and therefore does not have to perform its own joins, filtering, sorting, and so on.
182. So I propose this as a new algorithm for sorting N elements and being 8 in this case or really a thousand in the case of the phonebook, or anything of larger size.
183. The boy was sorting the foreign stamps he had collected.
184. Some rigid definitions about the algorithm complexity of the internal sorting under certain conditions is given.
185. These operator choices provide further sorting control and accompany a given column in the ORDER BY clause.
186. The date air drier is suitable for sorting and surface air drying of dates after they are cleaned.
187. All other things being equal, sorting an exabyte on the same cluster would take about 1000 times longer, or almost two years.
188. Comparing with other sorting algorithms, the 2-way merge algorithm is the best one to sort two sorted sublists.
189. Topological sorting is another operation that can be modeled with graphs.
190. The mail clerk was sorting some of the letters that had been misaddressed.
191. Then, through the task analysis, card sorting and focus group, a design sample of IA is put forward based on the target user research, and the design process and method of IA are explored.
192. This is a topological sorting example, the data structure of the students will have a great help!
192. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
193. The sorting operations related to addresses have disadvantageous affections to the entry updating speed and lookup continuity.
194. And while you're sorting through me, I'll re-form into another pile .
195. Sorting algorithm based on PRI is one of the key technologies to sort and recognize the intercept signal from the current radar countermeasure systems.
196. A new type of Chinese chestnut sorting system by machine vision was designed.
197. Dad's as happy as a sandboy since he retired, pottering in the garden or sorting out his collection of stamps.
198. Therefore, using control break logic, DB2 can return distinct DEPTNO, LASTNAME combinations without sorting.
199. In application code, sorting operations tend to be used less frequently than equality comparisons and therefore are less likely to create problems.
200. After BSP re - sorting apple will be still farther than table from the root.
201. Can automatic testing ground will volt-ampere characteristics curve traced, save manual pressure regulation, artificial records, sorting, tracing curves, and so cumbersome labor.
202. Signal sorting and identification in ELINT is an important topic in the domain of ECM, the research on which is significant in theory and practice.
203. Then as an application of this method, it introduces a parallel sorting algorithm on CUBE.
204. They are sequenced by a sorting machine that puts them into alphabetical order.
205. Shelton did not look, breathless, with wildly beating heart, he went on sorting out the flowers.
206. To sort items, right-click on the items in the content window, and select the sorting method that you prefer.
207. His bookmaking including learning works, teaching materials, ancient books sorting has been more than ten written by himself or cooperated with others. His thesis has been tens.
208. A best teaching sequence can be generated by topological sorting to directed graph with weight and be adjusted in time according to the student's learning circumstances.
209. At the same time, idea of this algorithm is also applicable to the sorting of such types of data as double precision number, integer and character string.
210. LISP provides two primitives for sorting: sort and stable - sort.
211. It is the foundations of numerous researches and development of dealing with utensil of coins, such as sorting machine, counting machine, packer, destroying machine of the coin, etc...
212. The template uses a Template Toolkit FOR loop to iterate over the images, unsorted (if you need sorting, it's better to have the Perl code do it outside the Template Toolkit environment).
213. The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines.
214. The third part mainly discusses the historiography contribution of Jiang Ting-fu from two aspects: sorting historical file and historical education.
215. Perhaps just as important are fundamental algorithms like binary search, graph searching algorithms, sorting algorithms, and tree-based searches such as minimax.
216. Knuth's reference describes plenty of other tactics, such as "Boyer-Moore" or "Rabin-Karp" for accelerating sorting operations in specific situations.
217. In this paper a fast parallel merge sorting algorithm based on LARPBS is presented.
218. Results The problem of losing efficacy of the model of weighted sum and synthetic evaluation, was scientifically solved with the help of the system state power sorting of connection number.
219. On the basis of studying the current linear and nonlinear filters for identifying potential field structure, an adaptive curvature sorting filter is designed.
220. The processing of data in random order, not subject to preliminary editing or sorting.
221. The sand is separated from the silt and clay by wave sorting.
222. Compared with topological sorting, new arithmetic's time - complexity is highly reduced.
223. In the field of Computer Graphics and CAD/CAPP/CAM system, the application of sorting order is extensive.
224. A red-black tree is a data structure and open technology that can be used for predefined priority-based sorting operations.
225. The process of sorting out units and providing the mobile reserves started before Christmas.
226. The boy kept on sorting his mail and answered absently, " He's not here. ".
226. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
227. The sorting mechanism of vibration sorting machine was probed and discussed.
228. Sorting is very important when dealing with data. The sorting algorithm has great influence on the complexness of your program.




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