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单词 Secretion
1. The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.
2. In humans, tubular magnesium, secretion is not important physiologically.
3. Secretion of growth hormone was not assessed.
4. Both are potent known inhibitors of pancreatic secretion.
5. Jejunal secretion is, however, known to occasionally occur in healthy subjects.
6. In the case of pancreatic secretion, stimulation of bicarbonate but not protein output was observed.
7. The timing of active hydrogen ion secretion, however, remains unknown.
8. The secretion of these hormonal peptides, particularly from the colon, is therefore likely to entail other mechanisms.
9. For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables.
10. Excessive secretion of aldosterone will increase renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, therefore, decrease the loss of sodium in the urine.
11. Increased histamine secretion was not, however, associated with increased acid or pepsin output at day 7.
12. Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.
13. Continued secretion of cations into gastrointestinal fluids may therefore be important in influencing the absorption of dietary trace metals.
14. To overcome this problem we have measured gastrin mediated acid secretion after the intravenous infusion of gastrin releasing peptide.
15. There was a positive correlation between the number of months elapsed since a patient's most recent attack and amylase secretion.
16. Experiments were therefore designed to try to show the existence of bicarbonate secretion by the normal human oesophagus.
17. This is shown clinically by the decrease or total loss of secretion of the affected glands.
18. Discussion Duodenal ulcer disease has traditionally been associated with excess secretion of gastric acid.
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19. Thus H pylori infection combined with active ulceration may cause the increased basal acid secretion seen in duodenal ulcer disease.
20. The quantitative effects of the drugs were related to the rate of fluid secretion or absorption.
21. To compare the effect of different substances on gastric acid secretion proper control solutions comparable with the test solution should be used.
22. Early studies by Cooke showed that ethanol in concentrations of 1% to 20% did not stimulate gastric acid secretion.
23. There has been debate as to whether this should be calculated with or without subtraction of basal acid secretion.
24. Sufferers tend to have greasy skin due to an increase in the secretion of sebum, the oily substance from the sebaceous glands.
25. At the same time the enterotoxin also promotes a net secretion of chloride ions into the gut lumen from the epithelial cells.
26. Beverages with higher alcohol content such as whisky and cognac did not stimulate acid secretion.
27. The exact reason why beverages with higher ethanol content do not stimulate acid secretion is also not known.
28. When the insect is ready to mature, juvenile hormone secretion must stop and allatostatin provides the signal.
29. Children who are malnourished with chronic diarrhoea have defective gastric acid secretion.
30. Recent controlled studies have served to clarify the different aspects of the interaction between alcohol and gastric acid secretion.
31. Substances with high osmolarity have been found to inhibit acid secretion.
32. Intrajejunal administration of beer also stimulated acid secretion, although the response was less than that to intragastrically infused beet.
33. There was no correlation between duodenal juice protein, enzyme turnover rates, and enzyme secretion.
34. In experimental animals cholera toxin induces marked secretion of fluid and electrolytes.
35. It also shows that the infection increases both basal and stimulated acid secretion.
36. After premedication with atropine intravenous ethanol failed to stimulate acid secretion.
37. However, a decline in pentagastrin stimulated gastric acid secretion with age was seen in those subjects with superficial gastritis also.
38. Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.
39. This would show that acid secretion is of superior importance compated with H pylori.
40. The demonstration of a central stimulation of alkaline bile flow suggests that bile secretion may be subject to central modulation.
41. The fall in basal acid secretion found may not necessarily be due to the eradication of H pylori.
42. This increase in gastric secretion showed a positive correlation to the total number of cigarettes smoked.
43. The disorder is caused by excessive secretion of certain hormones.
44. This could also explain the difference in biliary lipid secretion rate between the two groups.
45. These pioneering studies suggested that biliary secretion might be regulated by both vagal and non-vagal neural mechanisms.
46. Further characterisation of the non-ethanolic component of beer and wine that stimulates acid and gastrin secretion needs to be carried out.
47. This is because the very low concentrations of these substances present in beer failed to stimulate acid secretion.
48. The difference in baselines between these two groups results from the large degree of individual variation in salivary secretion.
49. Neuropeptide Y has also been reported to increase substantially gastric acid and pancreatic exocrine secretion.
50. There are no studies on the acute effect of alcohol intake on gastric acid secretion in chronic alcoholic patients.
51. Over the years there have been many studies of the effects of smoking on gastric secretion.
52. However, acid secretion in old subjects without atrophy was not different to that in young subjects[http://](), irrespective of H pylori status.
53. One and a half years later gastroscopy showed some slight fasting gastric secretion.
54. Using multiple linear regression analysis, gastritis with atrophy was the only factor that had an independent negative effect on acid secretion.
55. In healthy men without atrophy, gastric acid secretion is preserved with ageing and is independent of H pylori status.
56. The gastric mucosa resists the corrosive effects of peptic hydrochloric acid secretion and noxious extrinsic agents.
57. The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist.
58. No data are available on acid secretion by more immature infants.
59. The effect was more pronounced the lower the rate of fluid absorption or the higher the rate of fluid secretion.
60. We conclude from this study that H pylori eradication enhances gastric juice ascorbate secretion, and thus increases intragastric anti-oxidant protection.
61. Ether is irritant to the mouse respiratory tract and can cause excessive mucous secretion.
62. H pylori has variable effects on serum gastrin concentrations and gastric acid secretion.
63. There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.
64. In man, nicotine given parenterally has been shown to have an acute inhibitory action on the gastric secretion.
65. These fluctuations probably result from interaction between phasic gastroduodenal motility and intermittent pancreatic secretion of neutralising bicarbonate.
66. Their secretion seems to be not food but a volatile potion that has a dramatic impact upon the ants' behaviour.
67. Can gastric juice ascorbic acid secretion be restored by eradication of H pylori?
68. This improvement results from more profound inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
69. The relative importance of increased secretion and/or impaired catabolism of circulating triglyceride in causing diabetic lipaemia has yet to be determined.
70. There are reasonable approximations of bicarbonate and alkali secretion for each subject on separate occasions.
71. The by radioimmunoassay and Ti uptake are decreased due to fail tire of adequate secretion of hormones.
72. The decreased secretion of aldosterone will affect body electrolyte balance and extracellular fluid volume.
73. The effect of chronic alcohol abuse on gastric acid secretion is not as predictable.
74. Such alkaline secretion may be important in preventing mucosal injury in some patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
75. Our findings may also have clinical implications concerning longterm treatment of acid related disorders with potent inhibitors of acid secretion.
76. Recent work has focused on the gastrin acid secretion feedback loop and identified a number of potential pathogenetic pathways.
77. Under these circumstances, thirst and antidiuretic hormone secretion would be stimulated or inhibited in parallel.
78. The belief that acid secretion declines with advancing age has been widespread.
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79. The failure of studies to show this clearly is probably related to the technical difficulties involved in measuring meal stimulated acid secretion.
80. The results have varied, showing no effect in some and decreased secretion in others.
81. It is this dual defect that causes their considerable sixfold increase in gastrin mediated acid secretion.
82. Various animal studies have shown inhibition of pancreatic enzyme secretion by pancreatic proteases in the duodenum.
83. We measured circulating gastrin to determine the concentrations of gastrin required to produce half maximal acid secretion.
84. In Brunssons's experiments, hexamethonium often turned fluid secretion into fluid absorption.
85. Atrophy, which is closely related to H pylori infection, is associated with a decline in acid secretion.
86. In the whole gut of course, the reduction of this net sodium secretion by colonic salvage should be considered.
87. Histamine secretion was decreased about sixfold in all groups at day 7 compared with day 3.
88. Hypocapnia causes fewer hydrogen ions to be available for secretion in the renal tubular cell.
89. Whereas swallowed saliva contains bicarbonate, recent experiments have also demonstrated alkali secretion from the mammalian oesophagus.
90. The acute response to nicotine in these chronically treated rats was a significant decrease in gastric secretion.
91. Glucose metabolism and insulin secretion are disturbed; hypoglycemia is common and potentially lethal but usually responds promptly to dietary correction.
92. The mechanism responsible for secretion or intracellular retention of pre-S peptides in chronic hepatitis B virus infection is uncertain.
93. This band sounds like an ulcer, a festering sore, a self-consuming but none the less exhilarating secretion of bile.
94. It is concluded that successful eradication of H pylori improves secretion of vitamin C into gastric juice.
95. We have also shown for the first time such treatment also decreases basal gastric acid secretion significantly.
96. Non-parallel enzyme secretion has been shown in patients with normal pancreatic function under certain stimulatory conditions.
97. The difference between mean rates of secretion of acid and pepsin in control subjects and patients with duodenal ulcer is about 190%.
98. Pepsinogen synthesis has been found closely linked to secretion and depletion of stores by a well regulated feedback mechanism under invitro conditions.
99. The Schirmer and break up time test confirmed a decrease of tear secretion.
100. There are conflicting reports of spontaneous and stimulated growth hormone secretion in childhood Crohn's disease.
101. Cholera toxin reduced absorption of water and electrolytes progressively over four hours and induced secretion in a dose dependent fashion.
102. Certainly smoking stimulates mucin secretion by the respiratory tract mucosa(), probably by a direct irritant effect.
103. Almost all studies show that acid secretion remains at the same rate.
104. Population studies of gastric acid secretion in children at risk from undernutrition are clearly not possible using conventional intubation techniques.
105. Prostaglandins destroy the corpus luteum, as explained above, and thus end the secretion of progesterone.
106. Studies in animals that live in hierarchies have shown that secretion of serotonin responds to changes in status.
107. Cyclical changes in H pylori infection may cause the variations in basal acid secretion that are seen in duodenal ulcer disease.
108. In eight of 26 animals a net fluid secretion was seen on days 6-9.
109. In man and other species,[Sentencedict] there is accumulating evidence that gastrin stimulates acid secretion by releasing histamine.
110. Thus, alterations of either uric acid filtration, reabsorption or secretion may result in clinical disorders.
111. Negative feedback inhibition would therefore explain the greater sensitivity of amylase secretion for the detection of pancreatic disease.
112. Pernicious anemia is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction against gastric parietal cells resulting in impaired secretion of intrinsic factor.
113. Many studies can be discounted since they have used unnatural smoking protocols, or basal or maximal gastric secretion as a plateau.
114. Cisapride does not affect gastric secretion either in animals or man.
115. We tried to find out whether reactivation of T gondii in AIDS patients induces similar antibody secretion.
116. Another group has published preliminary findings on alkaline secretion in a balloon occluded segment of human oesophagus.
117. Despite this reduction in plasma gastrin, no consistent changes in rates of acid secretion have been documented after eradication treatment.
118. the secretion of bile by the liver.
119. Is there much secretion from your eyes ?
120. Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating.
121. Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland.
122. Regulate sebum secretion, prevent acne outbreaks; suitable for combination and oily skin.
123. Objective: To assess the effects of free fatty acids on adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol secretion in healthy adults.
124. The function of AAP in kidney may related to the secretion and reabsorption of renal tubules and collecting tubules.
125. It can regulate specific gene expression, cellular secretion and membrane permeability.
126. Is a group of immunoglobulin antibody activity of the protein, mainly in the organism of blood, tissue fluid and the outer secretion in humoral immune function is to check an important indicator.
127. Drills the urine sickness is one kind of internal secretion metabolic disorder disease.
128. It performs both an exocrine ( egg release ) and endocrine ( estrogen and progesterone secretion ) function.
129. My duodenum produces a substance called secretion, which empties into Joe's bloodstream.
130. The control of pancreatic secretion is performed mainly through 2 hormones.
131. AIM: To investigate the effect of HCV persistent infection on synthesis and secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 of human placental syncytiotrophoblast in vitro.
132. Primary culture of human embryonic hepatocytes was employed to study the effects of catecholamine and thrombin on the secretion of histidine rich glycoprotein(HRG).
133. Efficiency:Penetrate into corium , replenish water and nutrition , repair damaged cells, make skin tissue soft and smooth, moisturize skin , balance oil secretion and whiten skin .
134. Conclusion: Hypoxia induces elevated secretion of VEGF and the changes of VEGF may be related to hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, hypoxic adaptative regulation and complications of HAPC.
135. Conclusion: "Qingfei Quzhi Decoction" can improve acne and reduce seborrhea secretion, with fewer side reactions and lower cost.
136. The large secretory type 2 cell is responsible for the secretion of the surfactant.
137. While olfaction means smelling the patient's odor of the secretion and excretion.
138. The nearly all stimulation island of langerhans B cell secretion thrusts out the island element to be able to stimulate the island of langerhans D cell growth chalone secretion.
138. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
139. A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.
140. Music, sports, drawing, and calligraphy can enhance our secretion of endorphin and make us feel good.
141. Nerve or chemical stimulation can make the normal adult male prostatic fluid secretion increased significantly.
142. Body temperature and the secretion of the hormone melatonin follow the daily cycle.
143. It fever can stimulate the pituitary hormone secretion and promote long high.
144. Lymphocytosis occurs in some species, especially the cat, as a response to epinephrine secretion.
145. URPOSE To study whether or not the umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) can secrete thromboxane and the effect of sera from patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) on its secretion.
146. The secretion of 33 healthy volunteers as control also collected and cultivated.
147. Objective: To know one week's high volume training affects the metabolism, internal secretion and immunity of male and female junior judo athletes differently.
148. Additionally , the mechanism of secretion of HPO was determined.
149. ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of glucose and insulin on the synthesis and secretion of adrenomedullin (ADM) by rat aortas in vitro.
150. Exchange skin cell moisture intensively, balance oil secretion and improve inflammation of acne - prone skin.
151. Turn at least every 2 hours to encourage secretion drainage.
152. Changtuoning has longer inhibition time for salivary gland secretion than scopolamine ( P & lt ; 0.05 ), especially after extubation ( P & lt; < ...
153. Dinitropheol exerted its effect on sucrose uptake or secretion into the sieve tubes.
154. DDR enhance the proliferation of KFb and increase the collagen protein secretion.
155. In addition, excessive secretion of oil, water scarcity are also major factors.
156. Gastric secretion is reduced in volume and total acid content.
157. In chronical experiments on dogs provided with gastric pouches, we showed that the gastric secretion stimulated by histamine can be reflexly inhibited by electrical stimulation on the skin.
158. Causing telangiectasia, permeability, smooth muscle spasm, glandular secretion and so on.




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