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单词 Hindu
1, The dance was based on several Hindu legends.
2, This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu.
3, They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions.
4, Brahmins traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.
5, In the traditional Hindu family, the son is duty-bound to look after his mother.
6, It's part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country.
7, Hindu leaders appealed for calm after a temple was burnt to the ground.
8, Many of my single Hindu friends do wear bindis to parties.
9, Obviously, therefore, untouchables should not enter a Hindu temple.
10, I bet he shaves his head and turns Hindu.
11, Kumar gave the traditional Hindu greeting.
12, All day Ambedkar bargained with the Hindu negotiators.
13, The Hindu Renaissance was also a great literary period.
14, One important focal point is their Hindu temple.
15, Eighty percent of the population is nominally Hindu.
16, Effigy of the Seven-headed Cobra in a Hindu temple.
17, Hindu society, therefore,[http:///hindu.html] has always shown a nervousness about the sexually active woman.
18, His fundamentalist outlook led him to destroy Hindu temples across the empire.
19, Celibacy, or Bramacharya, is encountered frequently in Hindu lore and life.
20, In 1948, Gandhi fell victim to a member of a Hindu gang.
21, The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.
22, You're meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu temple.
23, The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.
24, Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.
25, During Partition they went into hiding, and for a fortnight their good Hindu friends brought them food and water.
26, I said I hoped it wouldn't involve him in being menaced by hoards of vengeful Hindu fundamentalists.
27, Many Nepalis view him as the reincarnation of the Hindu god, Vishnu.
28, As well as illuminating a relatively unexplored area, the research should be useful to educationalists and others working with Hindu children.
29, All this added to the general upheavals in the Hindu population, increasing its social mobility.
30, The king ordered a grand victory parade dedicated to the island's Hindu deities, Natha, Vishnu and Kataragama.
1, The dance was based on several Hindu legends.
2, This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu.
3, In 1948, Gandhi fell victim to a member of a Hindu gang.
4, They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions.
5, You're meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu temple.
31, In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.
32, This double view of the female has repercussions within the lives of Hindu women.
33, One day a telegram arrived from a Hindu warning the Mahatma not to condemn Hindus for what they had done.
34, A chemist, estate agent and travel agent in Bradford were attacked with petrol bombs and three Hindu temples set on fire.
35, It does not encourage religious authorities to sink into meditation, as do the Hindu fakirs.
36, The idea of a place for the dying, so close to a venerated Hindu shrine, upset the temple priests.
37, Once a year worshippers gather at Hindu temples to celebrate the birthday of Murugan, son of the goddess Parvathi.
38, The Arjun tank, named after a mythical Hindu warrior, would eventually compete with products in the Western arms market.
39, The Hindu traditional family has to live with this paradox.
40, Secondly, as mentioned before,[] Hindu society is patrilineal and it follows a rigid system of caste distinction.
41, A Hindu deity with many arms flashes up on the screen.
42, The travellers were guided around the Hindu Kush by local people who had lived there all their lives.
43, Khan lost his seat in the 1991 elections, when a Hindu revivalist wave swept his constituency.
44, The theory is directly related to the Hindu concept of Karma, pre-suggesting a principle of reincarnation.
45, He once wrote Jefferson that Catholicism was Hindu and cabalistic.
46, This is reflected in the religion, which in turn serves as the model for traditional Hindu society.
47, The Hindu of May 20 reported that the death toll in the coastal districts had reached 817 and was expected to rise.
48, In her own writings she went considerably beyond the biblical Song of Songs or even Hindu devotional language in her descriptions.
49, A woman's chastity is considered as her highest virtue and all Hindu traditional literature extols the greatness of a chaste woman.
50, Usually, auspicious times for Hindu weddings are ascertained by Brahmin priests who are paid to consult the stars.
51, They accused the government, which is led by Hindu nationalists, of caving in to foreign pressure.
52, Gandhi applied a technique of combat which turned the traditional docility of the gentle Hindu into heroism.
53, Hindu thought concerning the nature of time is well illustrated by the way in which causal relations were expressed in Sanskrit.
54, Men with feminine propensities might turn to women, and the soul of a blood-thirsty Hindu could be reincarnated in an animal.
55, Demonstrators also pressed the nationalist campaign for a temple on the site of a mosque demolished by a Hindu mob in December.
56, Out goes secularism and economic reform; in comes Hindu nationalism.
57, Without following this Hindu custom, it would be difficult to get the girls married.
58, A special funeral pyre was built in the nearby woods to cremate deceased Hindu servicemen.
59, It is now sacred to Hindu women because it is thought that offerings at this shrine will cure childlessness.
60, This provoked intense opposition, not least from her own family, in a militantly Hindu city like Kumbbakoman.
61, In Hindu lore, Rama is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
62, Her replacement, Sister Nirmala, was born a Hindu but converted to Catholicism and has been with the order since 1958.
63, Thus, Hindu religious processions often passed Mohammedan mosques at prayer time and that irritated the followers of the Prophet.
64, But from Gujarat east, the urban societies were committed to Hindu and Hindu-Buddhist traditions.
65, Some texts heighten irrational thinking and glorify upper-caste Hindu symbols.
66, Veneration of the images is therefore for the devout Hindu worship of Brahman.
67, It sold ten thousand copies and was followed by my Hindu View of Art.
68, For the Hindu mind, unshakeable in its belief in the transmigration of souls, the ailing body is beside the point.
69, Agelong Hindu cruelty to his unhappy brethren filled Ambedkar with anger and spite.
70, Mr Purohit, a leading figure in the Hindu community, had been murdered[/hindu.html], in a brutal attack.
71, Desirelessness, or Hindu renunciation, it has been argued, leads to personal indifference and passivity and national poverty and stagnation.
72, In the distance smoke rose over the old city, where Hindu mobs were massacring Sikhs in reprisal for Indira's assassination.
73, The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship.
74, One cause of conflict in the plot is the presence of a Mosque on a Hindu holy site.
75, Psycho was a cross-legged Hindu figure, twenty-two inches high, which played whist with the audience.
76, Jainism, a Hindu reform church, prohibits the killing of any living creature.
77, An orthodox Hindu must not touch an untouchable or anything an untouchable touches.
78, The Rabari are not so much hypocritical in their attitudes to breaking the Hindu code of vegetarianism as low-key.
79, She was born on Diwali-the Hindu festival of light-when the goddess of wealth blesses your house.
80, Hindu and Buddhist writings describe a multitude of inner worlds.
81, Festivalgoers leave offerings for the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.
82, They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.
83, Used as a title for the Hindu deity Krishna.
84, A Hindu holy man pauses after praying on Sunday.
85, The Hindu civilization dates back to at least 2000.
86, Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration.
87, The same old crap about Hindu - Sikh amity!
88, one of the great Hindu epics.
89, He had a fine grasp of Hindu law.
90, He came from the highest Hindu caste.
91, Indians mournfully called this the Hindu rate of growth.
92, They overlapped with many meditation systems of his epoch. This included Hindu, Jain and independent systems.
93, Church officials in Orissa today welcomed a proper and fair investigation into the alleged Christian role in the killing of a Hindu religious leader and four associates three years ago.
94, A Hindu holy man stands on the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi, December 3 , 2001.
95, Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.
96, The reason is the healthy food served by ISKCON, or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a Hindu organization.
97, Bihari and 15 associates, many of whom were members of his family, were convicted of killing 4 men after a rival holy man was appointed chief priest of a Hindu temple.
98, Hindu mythology holds that three generations of deceased are in a netherworld called Pitru-loka that exists between heaven and earth.
99, The Hindu people of this 500 year-old city, revere the Hanuman languars.
100, The wedding actually took place at a Hindu temple in Tamil Nadu state,[] with the dog bride wearing an orange sari and flowers.
101, 52Supplies for US Army troops overlook the Hindu Kush mountains at Observation Post Mustang in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.
102, Local attractions include the stone-carved Hindu temples in the Batu Caves, the aboriginal communities at Pulau Carey and international sporting events like Formula One and yacht races.
103, Wedged between two enemies—India with its Hindu majority and Muslim Pakistan—Kashmir has been caught in the cross fire for a half century.
104, It gives in clean and concise terms the past history of Delhi under the Hindu Pathan and Mughal dynasties.
105, The Hindu goddess Laxmi, is also called Padma, Kamia and Kamalasana, all names for the lotus.
106, Adat derives in part from the ancient animist and Hindu belief system of the Minangkabau, which existed before the arrival of Islam to Sumatra.
107, Like all Hindu scriptures, the Rig Veda was passed on primarily in an oral fashion.
108, The same goes for a rock carving in Jammu and Kashmir of the Hindu deity Devi riding a lion; and for the ruins of a copper temple in Arunachal Pradesh on the border with China.
109, Starting in the 1980s, a Hindu religious movement called Swadhyaya Parivar led thousands of farmers in Gujarat to build waterways that direct monsoon runoff into large open wells.
110, He studied the Hindu scriptures under Brahmin priests, but became disillusioned with the teachings of Hinduism.
111, Many Nepalese are ethnic Indians, and both countries have a Hindu religious majority.
112, In 2008, more than 145 people died in a stampede at a remote Hindu temple at the foothill of the.
113, The incarnation a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
114, Samadhi is a term used in Hindu and Buddhist yogic meditation.
115, Only Hindus practice the caste system; it is abandoned if a Hindu becomes a Mohammedan or a Christian.
116, Vivekananda, more than any earlier Hindu reformer, encouraged social service and the uplift of the downtrodden.
117, An idol is seen reflected on a mirror as an artist gives final touches to an idol of Hindu goddess Durga for the forthcoming Durga Puja festival in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009.
118, The Hindu god of friendship and alliances, usually invoked together with Varuna as an upholder of order, punisher of falsehood, supporter of heaven and earth, and bringer of rain.
119, From this came the additional idea that much of what we call Hindu culture was in fact Dravidian, and later borrowed by Aryans who, however, never gave the Dravidians proper credit for it.
120, The Festival of Lights—a Hindu New Year's celebration—doesn't occur until October or November.
121, Land-locked. aside from most modern routes of communication . and broken up by the mighty Hindu Kush mountains and by vast deserts.
122, Despite in-roads made by Hindu and Christian missionaries, many of its 26 main tribes are mostly animist: worshipping the sun and moon, a practise known as "Donyi-Polo".
123, That pogrom followed allegations that a Muslim mob had been responsible for the deaths of Hindu activists.
124, Hindu tradition says that the dead woman becomes a goddess and her family will be blessed for seven generations.
125, That is a statue of the Hindu god, Shiva the destroyer.
126, Imbued with a bureaucratic aversion to nomadism and a Victorian relish for the Hindu caste system, they adjudged many Indian tribesmen, Pardhis included, to be preordained crooks.
127, The riots, however, failed to dent Modi's popularity in Gujarat, which is regarded as a Hindu nationalist stronghold.
128, Lamps are traditionally used during Diwali, the annual Hindu festival of lights, to decorate homes.
129, Allahabad, India: A Hindu holy man performs a ritual by burning dried cow dung cakes in earthen pots on his head during the Magh Mela festival.
130, Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma).
130, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
131, Police searched the alleys of the Hindu holy city of Varanasi in northern India yesterday for a monkey accused of stealing reading glasses from a South Korean tourist.
132, Seventy-seven percent of Kashmiris were Muslim; 20% Hindu; and the rest Sikhs and Buddhists.
133, Hindu woman married to a Parsi, came to ask for my blessings for her three-year-old son who could not speak.
134, But Berlin has just tiptoed over another red line, in the Hindu Kush mountains.
135, Elephants walk past a statue of the Hindu elephant god Ganesh on the grounds of Punnathur Palace in Guruvayur, India, on July 13, 2003.
136, IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods.
137, When they are not sloshing one another with colors, celebrants in Vrindavan spend much of their time in Banke Bihari, which is considered the favorite temple of the Hindu figure, Lord Krishna.
138, The results will determine the fate of the world's last Hindu kingdom.
139, Accompanying himself on a hand-made drum, a tube of mango-wood covered with goat-skin at both ends, Mr Abbas sings Hindu, Muslim and folk songs in pukka Hindi and its local dialect.
140, The sacred Hindu scripture Bhagavata Purana explains how Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead from whom everything emanates .
141, Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to hindu ritual purity.
142, The Wuqia earthquake occurred only 25 days after the Hindu Kush earthquake.
143, Kalam, who became a national hero after overseeing successful tests in 1998 that turned India into a nuclear power, had been nominated to the office by the previous Hindu nationalist government.
144, The incarnation of a hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
145, To avoid the Pamirs, you might choose a longer road through the Hindu Kush.
146, Lacy tree branches cast their shadows on the Five Raths, seventh century Dravidian shrines to Hindu gods each carved from a single, massive granite boulder.
147, Mandala is a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism.
148, The classical Western world directly affected Hindu religious art, and several features of Hinduism can be traced to Zoroastrianism .
149, In 100AD, a Greek speaker could travel from Spain to the Hindu Kush, finding people who spoke his language all along the way, Nicholas Ostler writes in The Last Lingua Franca.
150, These seventh and eighth century Dravidian relics with Buddhist elements are temples to the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva.
151, Pic.10 A Hindu holy man ties a turban on the banks of "Sangam, " the confluence of rivers Ganges and Yamuna during the annual month long fair "Magh Mela" in Allahabad, India, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010.
152, The association of dedicated prostitutes with certain Hindu shrines can be traced back to before the Christian era.
153, In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow" the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable .
154, Coming through in flying colors, Hindu devotees celebrate Holi, the festival of color, dance, and crowds, at the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan, about 87 miles from New Delhi, on March 18.
155, Himself a Moslem, he married a Hindu girl and appointed Hindus to government posts.
156, Hardline Hindu organizations have been accused of carrying out deadly attacks on Christians.
157, According to the Hindu calendar, each year is ruled by a particular planet.
158, LUCKNOW, India (Reuters) - Thousands of people flocked to temples across India on Monday following reports that idols of Hindu gods were drinking milk given by devotees as sacred offerings.
159, He thinks the poorish showing of Muslim businessmen reflects Hindu practices that allow the build-up of family wealth, while Islam dissipates it by mandating legacies to distant kin.
160, Sometimes, such paintings depict not only Buddha but Hindu deities such as Shiva,[] Ganesha and Surya.
161, It can replace the idolatrous and immoral Hindu rites with its own imposing liturgy, and substitute the Cross for the abominable linga.
162, Her parents had decided that after the Hindu festival of Akha Teej, in April, she would return to live with her husband and his family.
163, Ramanujan's "Three Hundred Ramayanas, " is considered by Indologists to be a classic study of Hindu diversity and a discussion of the hundreds of different tellings of the epic story of Rama and Sita.
164, According to the Daily Mail of November 22, Newsweek magazine depicted President Obama as the Hindu deity Lord Shiva on its recent cover of the same day, which arouses Indian-American group's outrage.
165, The Hindu Kush - Baikal zone is an important seismic active belt of east - north in Asian continent.
166, A sculptor applies finishing touches to an idol of the Hindu goddess Durga as his son looks on him in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata September 25, 2006.
167, The Hindu caste system forces 15 percent of India's population to do jobs deemed "unclean"—anything that involves contact with bodily fluids, such as leatherwork and laundry or burying the dead.
168, The Bundeswehr's recent offensive in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush mountains is too timid for Washington, yet too bold for many in Germany.
169, One afternoon I turned up at the campsite to learn that the Lohar had been visited the day before by followers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, India's main Hindu nationalist group.
170, Our most famous painter, M. F. Husain, who lives in exile under threats from extremists for daring to paint Hindu deities in the nude, knows that we have yet to secure the right to free expression.
171, As the Hindu temple is not meant for congregational worship, the garba-griha is small in scale when compared to the whole temple complex.
172, Festival of Lights On this day, Hindu temples throughout the country is particularly exciting, a sea of people.
173, Kashmir was an independent princely state ruled by a Hindu maharajah.
174, Hundreds of thousands of people had gathered at the shrine for an annual Hindu religious festival.
175, After trying vainly to turn himself into an English gentleman, he was initiated into Hindu philosophy by a Russian Theosophist.
176, I guess it may be similar to the Hindu culture.
177, Many Muslims, however, see the transfer as an act of majoritarian aggression by Hindu chauvinists.
178, Hardline Hindu nationalist party Shiv Sena, a dominant political force in Maharashtra, is backing the protests.
179, You should try our Slimming Series, where the combination of Hindu Lotus, Roselle and Hawthorn Fruit gives you a light sour but nice finishing taste.
180, A hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance.
181, Jyotisha is the Hindu system of astrology, one of the six disciplines of Vedanga.
182, While the Republic of India has adopted the Gregorian calendar for its secular life, its Hindu religious life continues to be governed by the traditional Hindu calendar.
183, Language: Dutch is the official language. Other languages include English , Surinamese , Hindu Suriname Hindustani , and Javanese.
184, We didn't know that a good Hindu, and a member of our family, could sink so low. Gold Teeth beat her breast and pulled ineffectually at her long hair and begged to be forgiven.
185, The body is transcended and the soul is made pure by mortification of the flesh—including piercings with these needles—in the annual Hindu fire-walking ceremony on Viti Levu Island in Fiji.
186, Moonstone is a sacred Hindu diamond at the forehead of the Moon - God .
187, K. Radhakrishnan, the head of the Indian Space Research Organisation, learned of his appointment while stripped to the waist, performing rituals as a pilgrim at a Hindu temple.
188, Some reckon the government is unlikely to prosecute any politicians over the Babri Masjid incident, lest the Hindu right make martyrs of them.
189, Amritaalsoamreeta: The ambrosia , prepared by the hindu gods , that bestows immortality.
190, , physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer thought of a linefrom the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita: "I am become Death, thedestroyer of worlds."
191, In Hindu mythology, Durga is a symbol for power and the triumph of good over evil.
192, Until about 1450 spherical trigonometry consisted of loose rules based on Greek, Hindu and Arabic versions.
193, Gandhi also studied the Christian Bible and Buddhism. Although Gandhi was a devout Hindu, he believed all religions had a valuable message to offer.
194, The Sikh festival coincides with the Hindu festival of Diwali , the "Festival of Lights" this year.
195, Oppenheimer famously said that witnessing the incredible violence of the test recalled to him lines from Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
196, Vedanta is a branch of Hindu philosophy which gives this matter a greater focus.
197, As be fair to everyone, I queries Hindraf on the issue of Hindu temple being backout by Klang city council.
198, The Greeks called the western part this region Parapamisos , which may be derived from the old Old Persian name of the Hindu Kush mountain range, Upairisaena (mentioned in the Avesta , Yasna 10).
199, Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed this evening by a Hindu fanatic.
200, A Hindu devotee prays at the Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan on March 19.
201, Father Davis Chiramel, founder of the Kidney Federation of India(), made headlines two years ago by donating one of his kidneys to a Hindu casual laborer.
202, You are a Mussulman, I am a hindu, another is a Christian or a Buddhist - and we are wrangling, butchering each other.
203, Its origins lie in a worship of Surya, the Hindu solar deity.
204, A Hindu priest throws color onto Hindu devotees during Holi celebrations at the Bankey Bihari Temple on February 28, 2010 in Vrindavan, India.
205, Two weeks ago The Hindu reported that the ISI's Pasha had invited Indian diplomats to deal with him directly, bypassing President Asif Ali Zardari's government.
206, Buddhist and Hindu doctrine of nonviolence expressing belief in the sacredness of all living creatures.
207, In recent years the cult of Rama has become associated with Hindu Nationalism.
208, To Hindus I say come out of your Hindu tradition of laziness and lousiness, and to Jews, Christians and Mohammedans I say come out of your tradition of remaining in a constant hurry and tension.
209, The Hindu civilization dates back to at least 2000 B.C.
210, Villagers attempt to catch offerings thrown by worshippers giving thanks to the Hindu gods into a volcanic crater during the annual Kasada festival at Mount Bromo in Indonesia's East Java province.
211, According to the strict rules of Hindu iconography, Ganesha figures with only two hands are taboo.
212, This is a traditional Hindu funeral pyre -- an ancient ritual that goes back thousands of years in which devotees cremate bodies by burning firewood in an open ground.
213, Students from economically backward families whose income is less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum will be considered, " said Hindu College hostel warden Chandrachur Singh."
214, Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu.
215, The Hindu rate of economic growth was in large part thanks for the persistence of the Nehruian policies under Ghanian dynasty.
216, The inner panels show scenes from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
217, Kathmandu's Durbar Square a Hindu temple sits silently amongst ancient historical monuments of old.
218, No Jaina can make shoes – some Hindu sudra has to make the shoes.
219, Dressed as the Hindu deity Shiva and his consort, Parvati, children beg for money from tourists in Pushkar.
220, Brij Bihari Pandey, a Hindu priest, was serving a life sentence for the murder of four people in 1987, when he was 84.
221, Seven Hindu pilgrims were killed Thursday in a stampede at a religious festival on the river Ganges in eastern Indian, AFP reported.
222, Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall.
223, She is five years older than him. Other than that, more significant, perhaps, is that they're an interfaith couple—her family is Catholic and his is Hindu.
224, Over time, some segments of the population embraced vegetarianism, due to ancient Hindu philosophy of ahimsa.
225, A Hindu ascetic, or sadhu, wrapped in a bright-red cloth, smokes underneath a vad (banyan) tree outside a temple in Mumbai (Bombay), India.
226, That any should coexist here among nearly 900 million people shows the Hindu reverence for all life—a concept known as ahimsa—and for elephants in particular.
227, In his hands, the Hindu goddess Kali is potbellied and squat. Her arms are flailing and her mouth is a terrifyingly gorgeous gash of red.
228, It can take a secular form, take a Christian form, Judaic form, Hindu Form, with Gandhi and so forth.
229, Hare Krishna is a popular name for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness,(http:///hindu.html) a Hindu movement founded (1965) in the United States by AC Bhaktivedanta.
230, These divine descents are the well - known avatar as of the Hindu tradition.
231, Sati was a Hindu funeral custom, now very rare and a serious criminal act in India, in which the dead man's widow would throw herself on her husband's funeral pyre in order to commit suicide.




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