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单词 Cyborg
1. It is ironic that a cyborg invested with collective human intelligence should still be represented in a recognisably human form.
2. Denise: You look like some kind of 11 cyborg!
3. Not a robot, a cyborg, a cyborgnetic organism.
4. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism.
5. A group research blog explores the evolution of cyborg culture through technologies of the body.
6. They took two cyborg bodies and a slightly beat - up Batou back home.
7. It looks like a cyborg trilobite; just the thing you want to caress while scrolling through the next chapter of "Victorians on Venus".
8. He's becoming a cyborg -- part man - child, part machine.
9. Jeffrey Lau's Kungfu Cyborg disappoints much like most of China's sci - fi films have.
10. The cop who'd collected her had been a crowd control unit, the full cyborg.
11. As the drug wore off, I felt like RoboCop, or Terminator(http://), some kind of mutant cyborg.
12. Jeffrey, Leslie and their boy Derek will be America's first cyborg family.
13. Both rely on a combination of flexible rubber with either nanowires or electrodes. And synthetic "skin" would do cyborg double-duty: ultra-sensitive human prosthetics or robot limbs.
14. How does the man seem to feel about becoming a cyborg?
15. But the smart money goes to the low-budget drama of the original: Arnold Schwarzenegger's cyborg killer crashing into a police station after the desk sergeant gives him the runaround.




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