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单词 Riddled
1. The house was riddled with dry rot.
2. The whole house was riddled with damp.
3. The door of the fort was riddled with bullets.
4. The bodies of four people were found riddled with bullets.
5. The bodies of the hostages were found riddled with bullets.
6. By this time her body was riddled with cancer.
7. The car was riddled with bullets.
8. The car was riddled with bullet holes.
9. The body was riddled with bullets.
10. The car was riddled from end to end.
11. His body was riddled with cancer.
12. The roof timbers were riddled with woodworm.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. The cold wind riddled through the worn-out roof.
14. Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire.
15. This article is riddled with errors.
16. The wall was riddled with bullet holes.
17. The local government was riddled with corruption.
18. The woods are riddled with rabbit holes.
19. Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.
20. The anti-aircraft guns riddled the plane's wings with bullets.
21. The topic of birth is riddled with superstition.
22. The beams are riddled with woodworm.
23. Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes.
24. He wore an old jacket riddled with holes.
25. This ladder is riddled with woodworm.
26. The roof was riddled with bullet holes.
27. They were the principal shareholders in a bank riddled with corruption.
28. The argument set forth in his article was riddled violently.
29. The whole government was riddled with graft, bribery, and corruption.
30. Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.
1. The house was riddled with dry rot.
2. The whole house was riddled with damp.
3. The bodies of four people were found riddled with bullets.
4. Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.
5. The bodies of the hostages were found riddled with bullets.
31. The world's most prestigious insurance company was last night squaring up to take on MPs who have accused it of being riddled with corruption.
32. The wall of the fort was riddled with bullet holes.
33. Federal farm subsidies are riddled with hypocrisies.
34. The whole lot was riddled with iron.
35. But it is riddled with unforeseeable pitfalls, too.
36. Some activists fall, riddled with bullets, on the way.
37. The existing law is riddled with loopholes and anomalies.
38. These natives are riddled with superstition.
39. Gunmen riddled the bus with bullets.
40. Her body was riddled with arthritis.
41. The old table was riddled with holes.
42. This is a field riddled with dilemmas.
43. A sudden burst of gunfire from behind the workbench riddled the wall harmlessly behind her.
44. Year in and year out,[http:///riddled.html] this tournament is riddled with injustices.
45. The building trades are also riddled with extortionate practices, but here the influence of the Mafia is probably exaggerated.
46. The history of education in general, and mathematics education in particular, is riddled with attempts to nullify basic tensions.
47. Unfortunately, the resulting shot called for the 2-iron, a club now riddled in dispute.
48. Trauma centers more often are seeing bodies riddled by automatic-fire weapons or multiple stab wounds.
49. The female self, under male domination, is riddled through and through with false or conditioned desires.
50. But those innocent-looking sarnies could be riddled with bacteria, such as listeria, Salmonella and Staphylococcus.
51. Endless pollution from deep within a mountain side Iron Mountain is riddled with abandoned copper mines.
52. The Supercontinent Cycle alone has left the continental crust riddled with the scars of former rifts and mergers.
53. His wife's body was exhumed and found to be riddled with arsenic.
54. The rock is also riddled with tunnels, some of which come out at secret entrances in the forest below.
55. The great Pangaean landmass was now riddled with miles and miles of coastline, and the world was slowly transformed.
56. But the realisation that the refugee community was not riddled with spies and fifth columnists helped to soften official attitudes.
57. Its steep sides are thronged with Goblin strongholds and its rocky slopes overlay caves and tunnels that are riddled with evil creatures.
58. Their policies were riddled with the logical absurdities on pricing of which Gaitskell had earlier been so critical.
59. There was one chair and a narrow desk riddled with graffiti and burn marks.
60. In the United States, most of those earthquakes take place in California, where the land is riddled with faults.
61. Clearly, however, that does not mean that the City is riddled with fraud or that the regulatory system has failed.
62. The Forest of Dean is riddled with underground streams and springs.
63. The ship returned from the war-zone riddled with bullet holes.
64. Jobs in the state sector are allocated by examination, but in reality the system is riddled with nepotism and clientism.
65. However, unconsciously I must have been riddled with remorse for so neglecting my duties.
66. The assessment is riddled with judgements made on the basis of professional experience or political choice.
67. Because corruption thrives where money flows, Customs has been particularly riddled with it.
68. Problems with pay Working out a salary structure for expatriates is riddled with problems.
69. Even if they had the space, the concept is riddled with conflict.
70. Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes, the lay-out eccentric.
71. Jack came from a family which was riddled with alcohol abuse.
72. If life is information and life is riddled with parasites, then information, too,[] should be vulnerable to parasites.
73. The car was riddled with bullets and Mr Nethanel was hit in the shoulder.
74. She must be riddled, her warm juices all spilled for looking upwards too early into the dawn, leafy with parachutes.
75. It terrified her to think that the whole riddled mountain crawled with men like that one.
76. Self - parody and saltiness riddled their core genre.
77. Your supposedly loyal staff is riddled with corruption.
78. They are riddled with capital foreign - exchange and product controls.
79. Working out a salary structure for these people is riddled with problems.
80. We revere our stoic American archetypes, like the Wild West gunslinger riddled by half a dozen slugs of lead who swears, "Aw heck, Doc, it's only a scratch."
81. Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.
82. Their web pages are riddled with misspelled words, incomplete sentences, and phrases that make no sense.
83. Outside the museum, two bullet rattled ( riddled ) cars round out the story.
84. Election campaigns have always been riddled with demagogy and worse.
85. The convention excludes domestic corruption; in theory, a country riddled with sleaze at home could meet the rules by rigorously enjoining its citizens to stay clean in business dealings abroad.
86. His books are so riddled with cliches it's no surprise Newcomb sinks to the bottom of the quality barrel.
87. Born as the Cold War ended, they grew up in a decade that saw massive economic growth, the dawning of the World Wide Web and a culture riddled with cynicism.
88. Nodding in assent, he told me that the nation's police force is riddled with officers that have a thuggish bush mentality.
89. Intriguingly, the patients brains were riddled with tangles, but not amyloid plaques.
90. Outside the museum, two bullet - riddled cars round out the story.
91. Recent experience suggests, as Kaufman foresaw, that are opaque, unmanageable and riddled with conflicts of interest.
92. Riddled with complexities, Shin promises to be a fascinating villainess.
93. The ballon was riddled with antiaircraft fire and sank burning to the ground.
94. Well, Where I get hazy is when the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover riddled with 38 caliber bullets.
95. Where I get hazy, is where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover, riddled with . 38 caliber bullets.
96. The grate is riddled externally so that there is no dust.




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