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单词 With reference to
1 We are writing with reference to your letter of October 21, 1998.
2 I am writing with reference to your job application.
3 I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists.
4 This has nothing to do with reference to any particular dog, or even whether dogs actually exist at all.
5 This can be illustrated with reference to the Cromerian deposits at West Runton in Norfolk.
6 I will now discuss the Chart parsing process with reference to these requirements.
7 Thus corporal punishment is defined in the section with reference to the tort of battery.
8 Discussion of less traditional approaches and concerns continues with reference to social work and citizens' charters, citizenship and participation.
9 These levels can be illustrated with reference to the example of these lectures.
10 Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
11 Other writers have concluded differently, especially with reference to engineering, building, shipbuilding, and printing.
12 With reference to our agents, we have complete confidence in their honesty.
13 I will attempt to do this with reference to the issue of the social consequences of closing primary schools in rural areas.
14 The extent and nature of migration is discussed with reference to the evolution of local labour markets.
15 The studies are being carried out with reference to explanations for criminal acts and educational outcomes and are being explored in an inter-group context.
16 He summed up his philosophy, with reference to Calvin.
17 All the samples were investigated with reference to the requirements and the method for Theophylline extended-release capsules in the twenty-third edition of United States Pharmacopoeia.
18 We can quantify these contributions with reference to Fig . 5.
19 Indeed, in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation.
20 Processes such as population growth, educational expansion, political change and so on, are examined with reference to developed and less developed countries.
21 The overall aim of the project is to evaluate current company practice with reference to marketing management information systems.
22 The divinity of the second person of the trinity is then understood with reference to the other two persons of the trinity.
23 This requires a specific recommendation by Convocation and a subsequent report by the Senate to be submitted to Council with reference to each individual.
24 It should be noted, however, that the problems discussed above with reference to phoneme recognition apply to other units such as syllables as well.
25 This is now widely accepted, but Mr.X, strangely, never pursued it further with reference to the anatomy of the individual golfer.
26 It is often difficult to make the policy implementation distinction with reference to a service operated by professionals.
27 In fact, he was often quite outspoken about people,[] though usually with reference to their harmless foibles.
28 In our study, we are going to examine the process and products of this transformation with reference to first impressions.
29 Proposing a GA based multiple objective optimization for designing interpretable and comprehensible NNTree with reference to achievement of the limited input NNTree.
30 Current Issues: Describe the reasons for your organization claiming the need to participate in the training and dialogue program, with reference to issues or problems to be addressed.
1 We are writing with reference to your letter of October 21, 1998.
31 The caused - motion constructions can be adequately deciphered with reference to conceptual blending theory.
32 HX -2 type deinking agent containing the adduct of epoxide and a mixture of natural fat and polyhydric alcohol was developed with reference to the Japanese patent JP60 - 239585.
33 Unit in a computer which performs the mathematical operation of integration, usually with reference to time.
34 With reference to Systemic Functional Grammar, Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar, Cheng Qilong is constructing a cognitive functional model, which develops Lamb's relational network.
35 What you need to do is just standing right in front of a mirror and counter check your facial features with reference to the above diagram.
36 Accuracy of the 4 methods was compared for sparseness and defect of anterior wall with reference to the results of coronary angiography.
37 With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 to of Co er Wire as per your Offer Sheet No. 8/070/02B.
38 The interpretation of dreams among the Jews has been studied by Amoli, Amram, and Lowinger, and recently, with reference to the psycho- analytic standpoint, by Lauer.
39 With reference to port industry, it becomes extraordinary important to give a new strategic research and orient to a merchant port under such a background.
40 With reference to the research about oil reserve, the meaning of coal emergency reserve is defined, and the functions of coal reserve are analyzed.
41 The equipment, drilling tools, drilling process and technical features of the dry auger boring method are described with reference to the field cases.
42 The old world species of Sanicula with reference to the new world species.
43 The dissertation focuses six aspects with reference to the perfection of the matrimonial regime in China.
44 There is a proverb with reference to the killing of cats.
45 We can be conviniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or Iceland spar.
46 Objective:To investigate the vascular anatomy of flaps based on the descending branch of the supracarpal cutaneous brach of ulnar artery with reference to its clinical application.
47 The paper discusses problems arising in college capital construction project audit and their solutions with reference to the reality of college capital construction project audit work.
48 With reference to its physico-mechanical property indexes, load tests and soaking load tests at natural temperatures indicate that the salt lick soil has medium compressibility and wet depressibility.
49 In order to improve the work efficiency of protocol, with reference to the implementing method of HDLC protocol, the software model and the design concept of VDL M2 protocol stack were proposed.
50 A total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount.
51 The future orientation of function oriented urban management, with reference to successful experiences of foreign urban management and based on the review of domestic practices.
52 With reference to the site quality quantitative score table, the site difference coefficient can be figured out according to the present marking.
53 The present study compares their features, then makes a thorough discussion of context-dependent expressions and their inferences in communication with reference to relevance theory, w...
54 Let us begin by working out the case with reference to the problem in hand.
55 However, the LT-TMD needs higher optimum tuning frequency ratio and lesser optimum damping ratio with reference to the TMD.
56 This paper deals with the mechanisms of the treatment with reference to cytobiology and molecular biology and the effect of Chinese medicine on immunity,[/with reference to.html] the blood system and pathological changes.
57 Methods: The interference test was conducted with reference to Chinese Pharmacopoeia ( 2000 ed ) on BET.
58 The LBF is looking in some names to replace Jackson Vroman who didnt help too much the national team in the past 2 years with reference to the new coach and the LBF.
59 Fourth, learners'psychological proximity differentiates with reference to the concreteness of target word of learning.
60 Limestone bearing dolomite and calcitic dolomite are the main reservoir rocks with reference to the component of dolomite.
61 This paper analyses soil and water conservation of tillage measures, with reference to rainfall influences.
62 Pollen morphology of Craigia with reference to its systematic position.
63 Node of a network where the phase of the node voltage in the complex plane is arbitrarily fixed, and with reference to which the phases of the system state variables are measured.
64 This article researches many main aspects of the analyzing instrument of legal modernization with reference to typological methodology.
65 Article 51. The review proceedings shall be conducted with reference to the relevant provisions of these Regulations on anti-dumping investigation.
66 However, LT-TMD needs higher optimum tuning frequency ratio and lesser optimum damper ratio with reference to traditional TMD.
67 Methods A comprehensive report was written with reference to related literatures.
68 With reference to the statistical method of biological assay inthe Chinese Pharmacopoeia 1985, a micro-computer program of statistical calculation for assay of antibiotics(two-dose assay)was designed.
69 The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission.
70 With reference to the construction of contemporary natural law, evolutionist rationalism is more preferable while for a backward- modernised China, we'd better adopt construction rationalism.
71 The distribution of the lumbar plexus with reference to the markers at each lumbar segment was analyzed.
72 Thus,() an image displayed on the image display region is enlarged and projected on a position that is eccentric with reference to the reference axis.
73 A rare case of pulmonary carcinosarcoma presenting with hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is reported and discussed, herein with reference to the literature.
74 It is deduced that Shifa represents the final quietism of substantial life with reference to the theory "Shifa", which means the final substance as Buddhism says.
75 Survey standards for multibeam echo sounding will be developed with reference to worldwide specifications.
76 With reference to above test results, which gas os the most unreactive?
77 Overdue accounts receivable bear interest with reference to the Hong Kong dollar prime rate.
78 With reference to your letter of August 31 regarding my application fro admission, I wish to inform you that I agree to have my application considered for spring semester 1998.
79 With reference to practical project, the article introduces a new model of remote control system for OCS switch in railway junction based on optical fiber site highway.




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