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单词 Mercury
1. The mercury dived to five below zero.
2. The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.
3. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
4. Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.
5. Mercury is a fluid substance.
6. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature.
7. Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.
8. Mercury is used in batteries, pesticides and thermometers.
9. What's the chemical symbol for mercury?
10. The water is alleged to be polluted with mercury.
11. The liquid we can see in thermometers is mercury.
12. Temperatures on Mercury reach as high as 700 K.
13. Into this aperture a droplet of mercury was poured.
14. The Sunday Mercury accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.
15. That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero.
16. The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
17. Several cases of mercury poisoning have been recorded in the literature.
18. With the mercury climbing to 40 degrees, beaches and pools will be crowded this afternoon.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. These alkaline batteries do not contain mercury.
20. The Mercury space programme was born.
21. His mind seemed to be acting like mercury.
22. The flattening f of Mercury is very slight.
23. But Mercury is making a slow start.
24. It was Debbie, waiting under the mercury lamp.
25. Mercury is a known poison.
26. The shortest arm supports the red globe of Mercury.
27. Mercury Seven astronauts to ride the Redstone into space.
28. Moreover, mercury in the banned products can be absorbed by the skin and lead to hypertension, stroke and heart failure.
29. All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery.
30. This resonant condition permitted Mariner 10 to fly by Mercury at close range at the times of alternate perihelion passages.
1. The mercury dived to five below zero.
2. The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.
3. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
4. Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.
5. Mercury is a fluid substance.
6. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature.
7. All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery.
8. Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.
9. The liquid we can see in thermometers is mercury.
10. Into this aperture a droplet of mercury was poured.
31. The current advert for the Washburn Mercury guitar revolts me to the very depths of my soul.
32. Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron.
33. Now, Venusruled Libra has been sundered from Virgo, whose lord is androgynous Mercury.
34. There are some indications that the interior of Mercury is hot, and other indications that the outer regions have cooled rapidly.
35. Mercury says to expect an announcement in a couple of months.
36. The mercury method, so popular in the Roman period for gilding, can also be used for silvering bronze and brass.
37. From a daytime 70-75F the mercury drops to below freezing.
38. When radar was directed toward Mercury in the early I960s the situation changed overnight.
39. They can be useful for tours of asteroids, bringing samples back from Mars, going to Pluto quickly and to Mercury.
40. The results were wholly unexpected: Mercury has small, reflective polar caps with the distinctive depolarization behavior of ice.
41. Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances.
42. Whatever markings were seen, they did not shift detectably across the face of Mercury in the course of a night.
43. The reservoir would have submerged cedar forests and rapids which attract 10,000 tourists a year, while releasing mercury from submerged ores.
44. The mean density of Mercury indicates that its interior is substantially different from the interiors of the other terrestrial planets.
45. There was a mercury pool for losers to reflect in while they blew their brains out.
46. It is a poisonous heavy metal like lead or mercury, but only slightly radioactive.
47. A small vessel containing mercury is added from which extend two hollow copper wires.
48. The mercury is often discharged into streams, where it accumulates in the form of methyl mercury.
48. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
49. The first signal to arrive back at Earth is the mirror-like reflection of the small area about the sub-Earth point on Mercury.
50. Lead, mercury, cadmium and dioxin levels were to be cut by 70 percent by 1995.
51. Indeed, Mercury is in a form of synchronous rotation around the Sun.
52. The photographic mapping of the accessible half of Mercury was a great success.
53. It is certainly possible that Mercury once had a molten iron core which has since partly or wholly solidified.
54. By a government licence under the Act, Mercury Communications, a private company, was authorized to establish a communications system.
55. Levels of mercury in the Danube are below those in the Thames.
56. When he found that his theory exactly predicted the path of Mercury, he was beside himself with happiness for days.
57. The mercury hovered around ninety, and so did the humidity.
58. That same month, the corporation announced new high-speed cable and satellite services of the kind that Mercury plans to offer.
59. Jezrael could still see the lights of sunflowers strung out like mercury on rose satin.
60. The calculated value is less than the upper limit from Mariner 10, indicating that Mercury is close to hydrostatic equilibrium.
61. They had livelier personalities and danced roles such as Diana, goddess of the hunt, or Mercury, messenger of the gods.
62. They calculate severe leaching of such toxic metals as beryllium, aluminum, mercury, lead, and cadmium.
63. But with ruler Mercury in direct motion from the 1st, you can make headway.
64. A third flyby was carried out two Mercury years later, on March 16, 1975.
65. Mercury had expected to provide a non-profit service with Cable and Wireless like its morale-booster during the Gulf war.
66. Lighting is by two Floraset mercury vapour lamps which were originally set on a timer to give 11 hours of light.
67. Finally, Mercury and the Moon may be much less thoroughly outgassed than the other terrestrial planets.
68. The planet Mercury orbits the Sun more closely than do any of the others.
69. This is clearly a result of the higher surface gravity on Mercury, a little over double that on the Moon.
70. The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure.
71. Mars and Mercury were hidden in the sun's glare and Pluto was too small and distant to appear.
72. The lunar surface is also depleted in moderately volatile substances, and the same is probably true of Mercury.
73. The monostable is an edge-triggered device which resets the timer every time the mercury rolls on to the switch contacts.
74. The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant.
75. His squinting eyes slithered and shifted like mercury on a plate.
76. The most dire forecasts say rising mercury on Earth could bring about both devastating floods and droughts.
77. However, the recent lunar eclipse and Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain.
78. As the flooded forests decompose, insoluble mercury in the soil and vegetation turns into soluble methyl mercury.
78. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
79. The restaurant is amply air-conditioned, since the mercury often creeps north in South Bay.
80. Mercury will then let customers know when they have reached that limit, so that users can choose whether or not to make further calls.
81. The 11 metals concerned include copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium and mercury.
82. The cold of the riverside steps was rising up her spine like mercury in a glass.
83. A similar service is offered via e-mail by a company called Mercury Mail.
84. In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.
85. The line on Mercury is fixed to its surface at the equator.
86. The radiation, which comes From the arc in the mercury vapour, is mainly ultraviolet with a wavelength of 253-7 nanometres.
87. It is this microwave link, rather than a fibre, that Mercury will extend in stages toward Birmingham later this year.
88. With its warhead replaced by a Mercury capsule, the rocket had an alarming tendency to fail during flight.
89. Radar mapping of Mercury reveals a Moonlike cratered surface and no evidence of an atmosphere or oceans.
90. Rockwell not only built the space shuttle but constructed key components for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs of the 1960s.
91. The silvery substance clung to his skin, looking like tiny beads of mercury, as slippery as graphite between his fingers.
92. The inert gas argon is added to help to start the discharge because the vapour pressure of the mercury is very low.
93. A significant fraction of their water content can emerge from the explosion at a speed below the escape velocity of Mercury.
94. Test flights of the Redstone and Atlas rockets carrying unmanned Mercury capsules were taking place with varying degrees of success.
95. Mercury prepares to expand at the double WALLASEY-based same-day courier service Mercury Express has embarked on a national expansion.
96. The only option may be a single mercury vapour or metal halide spotlight, with no option for extra support lighting.
97. Temperatures on Mercury reach as high as 700 K at the equator.
98. As the foil plating was thicker it may have been found more durable than mercury plating.
99. The new Mountaineer is an Explorer in Mercury trim with the 5. 0-liter engine and a distinct grille with Mercury emblem.
100. Warning: Mercury is very toxic and the switch must not be cut open in any circumstances.
101. He dispatched Mercury to Carthage with a stinging message for Aeneas.
102. The waters are being polluted by mercury, oil and silt as a result of the mining.
103. Mercury in Aries will give you insight - and the wit to negotiate some advantageous deals.
104. Mercury is one exception, offering only its managed portfolio, which operates in the style of a private client service.
105. It's time, while Mercury is forming a sharp link to Jupiter, to find out how smart you really are.
106. For four hundred years after this formulation, mercury was the main drug of choice in the treatment of syphilis.
107. Increased urinary levels of arsenic and mercury will coat the copper with black and silvery deposits, respectively.
108. Breadboard managers found an abandoned cylinder left over from the Mercury space shots.
109. Before his untimely death in 1991,[] Freddie Mercury was a brilliant singer and perfomer.
110. This astonishing discovery of polar ice on Mercury makes it clear that impacts play a major role on all the terrestrial planets.
111. The analysis of Mercury's motion commences with the statement that Mercury follows a geodesic in the Schwarzschild space-time around the Sun.
112. Prosecutors contend that McVeigh used the Mercury as a getaway car to flee the scene of the bombing five days later.
113. Observations by Mariner 10 have demonstrated that Mercury does have an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment.
114. The mercury is dumped into the rivers of the region by miners who use it to extract gold from silt.
115. Ford said every 1998 Ford, Mercury and Lincoln car and truck would be getting the new air bags.
116. The symptoms in case 2, which included gastrointestinal and autonomic disturbance, closely resembled those reported in past cases of mercury intoxication.
117. It soon became widely accepted that Mercury, like the Moon facing Earth, always kept the same side facing the Sun.
118. Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
119. The final stage of circuit board construction is to insert the integrated circuit IC1 with the identification notch next to the mercury switch.
120. He extracted their blood and their vital juices and boiled them up with mercury and potassium and other, secret ingredients.
121. Pluto's right angle to Mercury insists a bright new day is dawning.
122. A thermal imager uses detectors of cadmium mercury telluride, which detect infrared radiation when they are cooled to very low temperatures.
123. Mercury was commonly used to treat the disease syphilis.
124. The topazometer is a mercury - actuated manometer.
125. Does the new vaccine contain the mercury compound thimerosal?
126. Cinnabar is the main mineral material for polishing mercury.
127. Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.
128. Mercury poisoning: Harmful effects of mercury compounds.
129. Mercury has a much greater density than water.
130. The mercury indicated 37℃ in the shade.
131. Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer.
132. He has no mercury in him.
133. The mercury dived to ten below zero.
134. Mercury is known as a toxic and unessential element.
135. The mercury stood at nearly 90℃.
136. The experimental results showed that the modified absorbents had preferable performance of simultaneous desulfurization, denitration and mercury removal from flue gas.
137. At present, caustic soda childbirth has baffle law, mercury law and ionic membrane law.
138. "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses,[]" reads a statement that has been added to the agency's Web site.
139. That's why Mercury sets so long after sunset in the southern hemisphere.
140. The trine formed between Mercury and Jupiter shows you are likely to get a good education.
141. Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.
142. In this paper, the better measurement exactitudes of the first excitation potential of mercury atom were gotten by using the liner regression method in drawing up experiment curves.
143. Heating from the arc cause vaporization of the small amount of mercury contained in the sealed tube. The mercury when vaporized becomes ionized and in the electric arc gives off UV radiation.
144. Some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water.
145. Among the 42 neuropsychological outcomes, we detected only a few significant associations with exposure to mercury from thimerosal .
146. Relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.
147. Conditions of mercury speciation transformation and effects of sulfur and chlorine on mercury emission were analyzed for gas products derived from coal gasification and combustion processes.
148. The highest concentration of mercury was found in the antennal glands by mass spectrum analysis.
149. In March, NASA’s Messenger mission is due to become the first craft ever to orbit Mercury, and the agency’s Dawn probe will orbit one of the biggest members of the asteroid belt, Vesta, in August.
150. This clinical study also found a significant dose-response relationship between the severity of the ASD symptoms and the total mercury dose these children received from Thimerosal -preserved drugs.
151. "Despite its proximity to Earth, the planet Mercury has for decades been comparatively unexplored, " said Sean Solomon, Messenger principal investigator.
152. Week of Alchemy: Double income of Mercury and Sulfur from mines.
153. Mariner Ten showed that Mercury has a weak magnetic field.
154. There was dose-effect relationship betweenairborne mercury (Hg-A), Hg-U and intoxicant symptoms.
155. Ultraviolet Low Pressure Mercury LampNon - ozone types Quartz ultraviolet germicidal lamp has strong sterilization function.
156. This light consists of a glass tube containing argon and a droplet of mercury.
157. Mercury would not be hindered, Apollo would not be interrupted.
158. After the samples were digested by strong oxygenate acid and reduce to atomic mercury with KBH_4, determination of mercury in foods with atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry(AFS).
159. Objective: To determine whether there is any difference between the temperature reading measured by the dynamic distant thermometer and mercury thermometer.
160. Electronic thermometer readings is intuitive, easy to carry, compact novel, difficult to damage, more easy to keep than the average mercury thermometer.
161. CrownVic. net is the center of information and a forum dedicated to the Ford Crown "Victoria" and siblings: big Mercury Marquis, Lincoln Town Car " Mercury " Marauder.
162. In the approach movie, Mercury appears as a sunlit crescent.
163. In the meantime, it can absorpt the toxicity matter such as the mercury , cadmium , sour grease of phthalein , cyanide , chlorine and various bacterium etc by the water pollution.
164. Most Pisceans are the soul of tact, which is fortunate since with Mercury still retrograde and accenting those closest, at work and at home, others are in a confused state.
165. Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny : Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb.
166. Still, by January 11 sun-staring spacecraft SOHO should be able to offer web-based views as the comet heads toward a perihelion passage inside the orbit of Mercury.
167. Measuring body temperature is the primary means to prevent and control influenza, while the traditional mercury thermometer and infrared thermometer are so inconvenient in operation.
168. It is a double column, You can see, it starts with hydrogen and goes to mercury in ascending order of atomic mass.
168. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
169. They have been nominated for two Brit Awards and a Mercury Music Prize and recently released their second album, 'Pala.'
170. Mariner 10 is the only spacecraft ever to have visited Mercury ( 1974 - 75 ).
171. Yet, you never hear from a toxicologist saying there is no correlation between autism and mercury.
172. The electrochemical behavior of idinonine ( IDN ) on the hanging mercury electrode has been investigated.
173. Tracy : It's said that a middle - school student got mercury poisoning after drinking a can of Sprite.
174. Last month, in January, you were hampered with Mercury retrograde.
175. A hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometric method for the determination of trace arsenic and mercury in calcined magnesite and brucite was achieved.
176. He said that all metals were composed of mercury and sulphur in different proportions.
177. Fleck: Transmissibility aestates , chloasma , sunburn , lead mercury speckle , senile plaque , chromatosis etc.
178. "I think we're in a process of developing a program here that once we've put it all together and got it working, is just unmatchable anywhere else, " Kramer told the Mercury News.
179. In this way, the features Spartina plants exhibit in mercury accumulation and transformation from organic to inorganic mercury are valuable for phytoremediation of environment pollution.
180. The fillings "contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses, " reads the FDA warning.
181. In another Indian source, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame."
182. The air pressure is determined by the height of mercury column.
183. Mercury is a planet of travel, not always in the literal sense of the word, but in the metaphorical sense; that is, you like to be continually exposed to new ideas and experiences together.
184. The functions of the hollow cathode for electron bombardment mercury ion thruster and its requirements are described.
185. albacore tuna, which is caught while it's young and doesn't contain as high levels of mercury.
186. Triazene reagents have been widely employed in spectrophotometric determination of some metals, such as Cadmium, Mercury and Nickel.
187. In March, the agency announced a proposed rule to limit emissions of mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel and acid gases.
188. Coordination titration is used with mercury membrane electrode and wolfram as working and reference electrodes. Standard solution consists of EDTA, plumbum.
189. The sample solutions were irradiated by light from a high pressure mercury lamp(125 W). Photochromism property in solution was investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy.
190. Since Mercury is only 1 to 194 of the sun's apparent diameter, a telescope with a magnification of 50 x to 100 x is recommended to watch this event.
191. ConclusionThere was dose-effect relationship between the exposed levels of mercuric chloride and the mercury concentration in body.
192. Now Mercury is retrograde too, so you won't likely see a big shift until June, and more in mid-September, but it will be a change you like, and you will see steady progress.
193. Mercury fulminate is easy to produce, has been known since earliest times and is still widely used.
194. This consists of a capillary connected to a mercury reservoir.
195. Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish (also called white snapper), because they contain high levels of mercury.
196. Harmful levels of PCBs, chlordane and mercury can build up in your body without you even being aware of it.
197. The chromatography method is usually used in the morphological analysis of mercury.
198. Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16,[Sentencedict] but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk.
199. A lot of the mercury in oceangoing fish also hails from sources abroad.
200. The mercury wicks up the reed and wets the contacts, providing a perpetually self - renewing contact surface.
201. So if the chart is cast for noon then Saturn acts as the triplicity ruler of all the air signs; at midnight Mercury would be used instead.
202. High-pressure mercury lamps were more effective for exciting the photoreaction of naphthalene relative to sunlight.
203. The invention not only can effectively purify the oxidation state mercury in the smoke, but also can effectively purify the element state mercury.
204. Application of Geographical Information System ( GIS ) to the Study of Mercury Biogeochemistry in the Environment.
205. If you could only see the planetary pattern in the sky in mid-January! Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon will all be in your sign.
206. Absorbed mercury of electric absorption, hydrocarbon and sulphide measurement were used on known section of Hujiayu orebody.
207. Mercury is actually as bright as a first-magnitude star, but thehaz twilight e and the murkiness by the horizon often obscure the planet's luster.
208. This paper introduces self-dosing technology for the compact fluorescent lamp and control system of mercury dosing machine.
209. Dry Reed Relay. A glass-enclosed, hermetically sealed, magnetically actuated contact. No mercury or other wetting material is used.
210. UV light is produced by a Mercury arc lamp, 28 samples can be simultaneously irradiated. The times needed for irradiation are controlled automatically.
211. Mercury methylation by microbes plays a key role in mercury biogeochemical cycle, and closely related with public health.
212. Some types are mercury wetted to improve switched current rating and make contact resistance more predictable.
213. Pore structure and its effects on flowing ability, production effect and reservoir evaluation are investigated with constant rate mercury injection apparatus and maximum bubble method.
214. Counteraction of sample is the key step to get correct results in the determination of mercury in soil by atomic fluorophotometry.
215. Brainstorm to unlock creative ideas for your career on March 15 when Mercury and Uranus conjoin.
216. A method for determining mercury(Hg) in reprocessing process was investigated with separation by dithizone extraction and determination by cold atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
217. The electrochemical behavior of paclitaxel investigated at a hanging mercury drop electrode indicated that the electrode reduction process was quasi-reversible with adsorptive characteristics.
218. Now a new study debunks one of the major myths surrounding vaccines: that the preservative thimerosal, which contains a form of mercury called ethylmercury, causes autism.
219. The content of NaCl in soda ash is determined by colourimetry of mercury thiocyanate.
220. It was found that mercury chloride disperses to form a monolayer on the surface of active carbon whether the catalyst is new or not.
221. Inside, his Mercury train has a contemporary and flexible, open-plan design with traditional commuter seats which incorporate movie, music and games entertainment systems.
222. The mercury in thermometer mounted up [ rose ] to 35℃.
223. With Mercury, your ruler, orbiting close to Saturn in early October, you'll be deep in thought and mulling over a major relationship decision.
224. You may get an outstanding bargain, as Uranus is based in a financial house, and that good deal would pertain to your home, because Mercury will be visiting your home sector.
225. TPM played an important total deposition of mercury in a residential area.
226. What's more, with the communication planet Mercury retrograde from Monday and accenting your plans, mistakes and unexpected revelations could revolutionise your thinking.
227. This paper provide a design using a mercury relay and a external signal to control the laser source, you can control the output waveform of the laser source, as well as the parameters of the waveform.
228. Mercury products are built on strong expertise in algorithm optimization and silicon design, combined with software application knowledge and industry-standard technologies.
228. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
229. Tiny Mercury, the innermost planet in the solar system, appears to have a partially liquid core.
230. In a time-lapse film, a Saguaro grove would seem to creep across the desertscape like a pool of mercury.
231. Whether you're looking through rose-colored glasses or beer goggles, the effect of Mercury Retrograde is the same ... skewed vision.
232. On December 31, Mercury will conjoin good fortune planet Jupiter, one of the most important aspects of 2008 for you.
233. Mercury will be in your financial house, so it's a great day to talk about all things financial.
234. When attached the circumference of the penis cause changes the electrical resistance the mercury column.
235. It'supposedly stands for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging.
236. Methods The UV luminometer was used to measure the relative intensity of UVB and UVC after irradiation of 2 low pressure mercury lamps on 11 kinds of external used medicines and 2 kinds of cosmetics.
237. Discharge lamp of the low-pressure mercury type in which most of the light is emitted by a layer of fluorescent material excited by the ultraviolet radiation from the discharge.
238. Let's talk about Mercury first, because I just about to go retrograde.
239. Mercury antimony ore is widely distributed over the zone of western area of west Qinling Mt.
240. And that property could be the volume, like if you have a mercury thermometer , the volume of the mercury.
241. Meanwhile the excitation potential of mercury atom in high energy state has been measured and the measurement limitation, as well as the measurement conditions, have been discussed.
242. Sulfinert coating provides stable storage of sulfur and mercury at ppb levels in petroleum samples.
243. Topsy-turvy things happen like this all the time when Mercury is retrograde.
244. A common laboratory source of light is provided by a mercury arc.
245. The improved pararosaniline hydrochloride method not only eliminates the use of toxic mercury reagent but the experiment shows it has a better precision.
246. Equipped with incandescent lamp, mercury vapor lamp, high - pressure sodium vapor lamp, metal halide lamp.
247. A pot culture experiment with lettuce ( Lactuca sativa var. angustana) was conducted to investigate the effects of humus application on the shift of mercury from the soil to the lettuce plants.
248. Obyective For comparing effect of measuring blood - pressure with electronic sphygmomanometer and mercury sphygmomanometer.
249. There was a reason for that and the reason for that was mercury poisoning.
250. Conclusion Mercury concentrations in the liver, renal cortex, and urine of the rats increased with mercury dose increasing.
251. The capsule was part of the Mercury program, and Glenn's space flight took four hours and 55 minutes.
252. There is abroad mercury pollution in hospital for mercury sphygmomanometer and mercury thermometers , but it has not been come to attention of hospital staffs and they are short of right view to it.
253. An explosive salt of fulminic acid (), especially fulminate of mercury.
254. Silver-colored metal dental fillings contain mercury that may cause health problems in pregnant women, children and fetuses, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.
255. To remove main disturbing ion, chlorine ion in the COD potassium dichromate reflux method, silver sulfate replaces mercury sulfate as a screening agent.
256. The Singer sewing machines (see photo) are said to contain traces of red mercury, a substance that may not exist.
257. The spectacular image shown here is one of the first to be returned and shows a WAC image of the departing planet taken about 90 minutes after the spacecraft's closest approach to Mercury.
258. Mercury is called an "inferior planet" because its orbit is nearer to the Sun than the Earth's.
259. Mercury in Aries gives a decisive, quick-witted, observant, sharp, original[/mercury.html], inventive and competitive mind - well-able to originate ideas and put them into practice.
260. The excess tin chloride addition produces black mercury precipitation and is about to seriously affect the determination of iron by using potassium chromate volumetric analysis method.
261. Osram said it used the latest technology employing solid mercury to maintain high standards of industrial hygiene equivalent to those in Germany.
262. The adsorption behavior of amino methylene phosphonic acid resin ( APAR ) for mercury ( II ) was studied.
263. Thimerosal is widely used to preserve vaccines and is made from a kind of mercury called ethyl mercury. It allows vaccines to be distributed in multi-dose containers.
264. Mercury, in association with The Independent, is sponsoring Britain's first major Pop Art exhibition for over 20 years.
265. Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury, set out against the Gorgon.
266. So if you are 100 times further away like Pluto compared to Mercury then the gravitational... the centripetal acceleration which is due to gravity is 10,000 times smaller.
267. Galileo used a mercury clepsydra to time his experimental falling Bodies.
268. The simplest home - related activities can go haywire during a Mercury retrograde period.
269. The yellow alert indicates the mercury is forecast to push past 37 C for at least two more days.
270. The sensibilization due to extraction preconcentration on dropping mercury electrode are discussed.
271. Jabir claimed that mercury and sulphur were'elements'like the four Greek ones.
272. I went from my short editorship of The American Mercury to The New York Times, for which I wrote most of the financial and economic editorials for the next twelve years.
273. Porous structure characteristics of coal in outburst zone was studied by pressurized mercury method and CO2 absorption method.
274. This happens around the time that Mercury arrives at that part of its orbit which places it closest to the Sun (called perihelion ), where it's orbital speed can briefly exceed its rotational speed.
275. To study the conditions of determination of mercury in chitin by cold atom fluorescence spectrometry ( CAFS ).
276. Week of Alchemy: Double income of Mercury and ulfur from mines.
277. Chunk-light tuna is preferable to albacore or sushi, because it usually contains fewer contaminants, such as mercury.
278. The leading source of mercury is pollution from coal-burning power plants, which accounts for 40% of all domestic anthropogenic mercury, according to the EPA.
279. " Another protestor, who calls himself "Mercury John" called the credit union "an honest, good local bank.
280. Methylmercury is a form of mercury – the metal which is liquid at room temperature and is better known as quicksilver.
281. Large, predatory fish — such as tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel — tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury than do smaller fish because they're higher in the aquatic food chain.
282. The Ontario Hydro Method(OHM)was used for the in-situ mercury measurement and analysis of the mercury concentration in the flue gas flowing through the ESP in a 220 MW W-type pulverized coal furnace.
283. An electronic circuit which may be applied to the control of firing angle of high voltage mercury arc current converter is suggested in this paper.
283. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
284. Now there is a electrodeless mercury lamp, and can be instantaneous switch, and UV exhibiting.
285. Light from a mercury arc lamp will produce fringes over a range of one or two centimeters.
286. "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses, " the FDA said in a notice on its Web site.
287. Typical symptoms of mercury poisoning include mental retardation loss of balance, tremors, blindness loss of hearing.
288. This time Mercury will give you license to step off the merry-go-round of life, have fun, and see friends.
289. The first manned flight of Project Mercury was a complete success.
290. Manual measuring uses mercury column type sphygmomanometer or barometric pressure manner sphygmomanometer.
291. The arsenic, mercury and alcohol, tetracycline and erythromycin equalizes enzymology material thallotoxicosis, can also cause diarrhea.
292. The developement of the sulfonation process of anthraquinone by oleum was reviewed with emphasis on the removing techniques of mercury.
293. The adsorption properties of mercury ions onto a novel copolyaniline, which is modified by m-aminobenzenesulfonic acid via chemically oxidative polymerization, were studied in a batch system.
294. This paper introduces - dosing technology for the compact fluorescent lamp and control system of mercury dosing machine.
295. So if you have a new mercury filling, an odiferous chili dog with a cup of coffee may be just what the doctor ordered.
296. The direct photolysis of Anilide herbicides acetochlor in aqueous solution irradiated by high pressure mercury lamp and sunlight was investigated.
297. The actual printing is done by a mercury quartz tube.




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