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单词 Realistically
1. You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
2. We need to think realistically about the task ahead.
3. As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.
4. We should treat the theme realistically.
5. Kate spoke realistically about the task ahead.
6. He attacked the problem realistically.
7. How many can you realistically hope to sell?
8. Realistically, there is little prospect of a ceasefire.
9. Realistically, there is never one right answer.
10. Realistically, we're not going to get this finished this week.
11. Although there are five candidates, realistically it is a two - horse race.
12. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.
13. He was made up very realistically to look like an old woman.
14. Realistically speaking, he hadn't a hope, but that didn't stop him trying.
15. What else can he realistically do?
16. Singing was fun, but realistically, I knew I had to choose something more respectable.
17. A rain shower splatters so realistically, you almost feel wet.
18. Although technology can not realistically take a back seat, we will try to tackle concepts at a simple level.
19. You can then realistically reassure yourself that you have nothing to worry about.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. How much more can you realistically afford to charge in the meantime?
21. Charles opted, realistically, for negotiation, and sent envoys to offer a meeting at Bourges in July.
22. Rather more realistically, perhaps, the behemoth has been latterly identified as either the hippopotamus or rhinoceros.
23. Neither economic stabilisation, nor political calm, can realistically be achieved before the elections happen.
24. So let us look at 1993 realistically, but also from the perspective of our commitment to authentic communication.
25. Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one's livelihood rather than the professional association.
26. The poor themselves were presented more realistically, whether as sources of threat or as objects of pity.
27. As for tomorrow's race, Jeremy can't realistically expect to finish in the first ten first time out.
28. His main source of strength was cut off as was their mutual ability to deal realistically with the problems.
29. Once this is done, the writer should observe how realistically each study phase can be completed.
30. It is not at all clear that physical distances or times can realistically be said to have this property.
1. You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
2. We need to think realistically about the task ahead.
3. He attacked the problem realistically.
4. Although there are five candidates, realistically it is a two - horse race.
31. You can realistically expect to pay between $25 and $50 a ticket.
32. Doug prefers expensive Trojan silver fish, segmented to twist and swivel realistically.
33. Poverty should then perhaps best be seen more realistically in terms of relative rather than absolute deprivation.
34. Audio visual and special effects will allow visitors to realistically experience life at sea.
35. May and June are, realistically, the most opportune time for such projects.
36. What can realistically be accomplished by Community Economic Development strategies and what criteria can be used to determine and evaluate success?
37. Realistically, even the most loyal Raiders fans had to expect a performance like this sooner or later.
38. This becomes worse when hierarchies are made realistically complex to reflect real-world data relationships.
39. Progress along the road to Theory Y is all that is realistically possible.
40. In short, not the kind of team you realistically expect to blast into the Swell Sixteen.
41. But it is a matter of realistically weighing up the pros and cons.
42. The time schedule or calendar is another indication of how carefully and realistically the proposal has been developed.
43. Proulx's novel realistically portrays life in early 20th century America.
44. Realistically, the saving in income tax has to be shared between employer and employees.
45. That is, what can be realistically added is relatively small, in the range of ten or fifteen percent.
46. That is the one thing I have noticed about this job, you always have more things than you can realistically do.
47. Realistically, most staff never will want to plough through the manuals that come with most software.
48. Realistically, she thought, there's only one way to avoid a diet of non-stop cabbage - or worse.
49. Hopefully, it seeps down to your bones and then you can portray somebody like this accurately and as realistically as possible.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. But realistically, the best anyone can hope for in 1996 is a silver medal.
51. Years on Barbara Castle writes in her autobiography of Mrs Thatcher realistically but generously.
52. Call it yearning, or more realistically call it leching or lusting.
53. Realistically, there was not much we could do to help.
54. Minor faults to full-blown emergencies can be realistically created on screens which give a lifelike vision of dials and control room gadgetry.
55. And realistically, all 12 teams in the field should have an opportunity to medal if they peak at the right time.
56. While they are peeing, the two figures move realistically.
57. The figure was realistically painted.
58. It takes reprogramming yourself to think realistically.
59. However, realistically the public policy used to lacking the commonality, thereby effected on social harmony.
60. More prosaically, and perhaps more realistically, all British companies, whether in manufacturing or in services, would benefit from clearer, more predictable taxes and streamlined regulation.
61. But realistically, achieving high organic rankings for a broad range of multi-industry search terms is a daunting, expensive task.
62. Writing down your time budget also helps you to better see whether you realistically have time to take on that special project either in your personal life or on the job.
63. Realistically the variation of the molecular energies -- that variation is going to be comparable to the energy itself. To the average energy.
64. The only one we can realistically check is the last.
65. Realistically, amending the treaty to remove the commission's as the enforcer of competition law a non - starter.
66. Realistically, a budget accounting item for contingency allowance should be established whenever a contingency amount was included in the final cost estimate.
67. Besides, the planetary monsoon in the troposphere is also realistically reproduced.
68. Realistically, complete automated documentation is probably not achievable, but it should be the goal.
69. Numerical experiments are presented and the results show that software cost model based on the testing level reflect the consumption of the testing resources more realistically.
70. That, I think, will help elevate his game more realistically and practically.
71. Fang-fang, who has certain vanward consciousness and wrote the books realistically, portrayed the inhumane kinship of the family members and broke the moral law of traditional ethic.
72. Each rectangle is a window that at the moment shows a realistically marbled doughnut.
73. So don't let relative scale put you off your goals. Think realistically and creatively about what you can achieve.
74. Realistically, we see this all the time in other industries.
75. Realistically, you will want to transfer data to and from the modem.
76. Of, relating to, or being a style of art in which natural objects are not represented realistically; nonobjective.
77. He realistically admitted his chance of victory to be fifty - fifty.
78. The artist tried to depict realistically the Battle of Waterloo.
79. The best approach would be for China and Japan to agree to refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice, but realistically that won't happen.
80. Built into the silicone are realistically placed and sized "blood vessels" that are connected to an artificial blood source that supplies the tissue with realistic bleeding.
81. Realistically speaking, at that time my parents were really comforting me.
82. Computational results using large commercial and simulated data sets demonstrate that the algorithm can identify provably optimal, robust solutions to realistically sized problems.
83. Realistically, he's become a role player, a defensive specialist and rebounder who does the dirty work.
84. Non - smokers should also respect smokers , he already is so realistically posing there.
85. You an elite attorney very realistically . Was that ever your childhood dream?
86. You have a good imagination in love and a fairly rich fantasy life. You also have the talent to discern which fantasies can realistically be played out and which are better left in the imagination.
87. Realistically, there could be opportunities for some of the other vendors to acquire some assets at a mark-down price.
88. The next administration cannot, and a critical task will be for it to better balance what we want with what we can realistically achieve.
89. The idea of modeling transparent network simulation to users and reappearing communication network realistically by utilizing interactive network simulation technologies was advanced.
90. Is it realistically following the trend, or is it beyond the trend with undistinguishable taste at all?
91. Flesh simulations can endow computer - generated characters with realistically bulging muscles and rippling fat.
92. Comrade Nie RongZhen has written realistically about his own experiences.
93. The design of simulation scenario of missile and plane's countermine was improved for the simulation more realistically in this paper.
94. Torpedo ladle car, used for transport of liquid pig iron, model in realistically weathered condtion.




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