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单词 Not least
1. The book caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the students.
2. Last but not least, I'd like to thank all the catering staff.
3. Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days, not least the Americans.
4. Trade has been bad, not least because of increased costs.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stress.
6. The film caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.
7. We were very impressed by the new school, not least its own swimming pool.
8. My mother was upset about his appearance here, not least because she felt it was invading her privacy.
9. Last but not least, let me introduce Jane, our new secretary.
10. And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding.
11. Last, but certainly not least, are the issues of stewardship and ethics.
12. The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.
13. The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.
14. Lastly, but not least - A Double Scotch!
15. Not least, the fact that you've deserted your fellow workers.
16. Diana enjoyed herself enormously at the birthday party not least because it brought her sister down a peg or two.
17. George was a superb dean, not least because of his capacity to listen to colleagues and then make up his mind decisively.
18. Several advantages are claimed for the guide-lines approach, not least of which is the achievement of greater consistency in sentencing.
19. Harry felt a glow of pleasure - not least because his darling Alice was making such an obvious success of her career.
20. And, last but not least, its growth and production has a huge impact on the environment we live in.
21. Illus.1 conveys this well, not least by the way the baton is shown as held some way towards the middle.
22. Nevertheless it requires separate assessment, not least because it drew on certain areas of experience not directly dominated by the monarch.
23. At a glance this seems eminently reasonable - not least if it protects us from Family videos.
24. Instead apathy reigns, not least among the young, even students.
25. Last, but not least, workers have fretted about being displaced by machines ever since the invention of the printing press.
26. I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, last but not least, my husband.
27. This major social trend has widespread implications in different kinds of geography, not least in connection with elections.
28. This turnabout is affecting the whole ski business in Britain, not least the magazines.
29. This is a favoured technique with many great players of fast bowling, not least West Indies' Gordon Greenidge.
30. These are old party bosses who believe in strong central government, not least because it confirms their own power.
1. The book caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the students.
31. Not least of these are disagreements within its own ranks.
32. Those dramatic figures reflect several things, not least the steady and progressive reform that the Government have undertaken in industrial relations.
33. Iron production in Sussex stimulated a variety of related activities, not least charcoal burning.
34. Not least of all, it is the San Diego neighborhood that many gays have long embraced as their own.
34. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
35. I didn't relish this: not least because it meant that I didn't break my silence until the cheese course.
36. And last but not least, the baby of the family.
37. And, last but not least, they might re-read the scores while listening.
38. Last, but not least, all protective equipment should be worn and safety rules honored.
39. Not least there are hints on organising your new crew.
40. Very considerable concern has been expressed about the ventilation systems, not least in relation to the lavatories on some of the platforms.
41. Last but not least, he was able to maintain contact with his counts and missi through meetings at assemblies.
42. Last but not least, let me introduce Jane, our new accountant.
43. And last but not least, I thank Begona Canup for her interest in the book.
44. Alex Ferguson will have loved this, not least because questions had started to be asked of his team and star names.
45. Not least because she hadn't the foggiest idea what they were shouting.
46. The men would have to be well trained and supervised, not least to guard against incidental damage to native Galapagos animals.
47. It merits a detour, not least for its value and there's a smashing new clubhouse.
48. Art, poetry and the new philosophy flourished not least in Ionia.
49. Perhaps he will hold back, not least for fear of the international backlash such a violation of democracy would trigger.
50. And last but not least, there are all those damn kids sharing files and scaring the media moguls shiftless.
51. Northampton were in business again, not least because Steele kicked a third penalty goal immediately before half-time.
52. Yet most countries now have rules against insider dealing, not least because it can put outside investors off securities markets.
53. But of course such differences have always been erotically invested, not least in lesbian and gay cultures.
54. Not least fascinating is the suggestion that deep breathing could render valium superfluous.
55. Such anthologies have great interest and value, not least because of their motivating appeal to students.
56. Tough decisions await the Government, not least over public spending.
57. Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife for her support.
58. And, last but not least, my cousin Bishop Malduin of Kinrimund with, no doubt, his stepson Colban.
59. It was a display which earned high praise, not least from Coventry boss Bobby Gould.
60. These are intimately bound up together, not least because of the way in which the marriage contract is defined.
61. This is an adaptation to survive predation from the many animals that hunt them - not least man for the cooking pot!
62. And it annoyed her intensely, not least of all because she still felt a long way from figuring him out!
63. The recession has obviously had an adverse effect on attractions throughout the country, not least of all steam railways.
64. They have had to overcome many difficulties; not least in trying to marry-up disparate computer systems.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
65. There are many positive aspects of this move, not least the fact that modern families are child-centred.
66. Unfortunately, it is more difficult to trace the Chauncys than the Blencowes, not least because they were less accomplished people.
67. There are many factors which limit productivity; not least is employee education.
68. Not least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men.
69. Like all good music it speaks of love, not least of the medium itself.
70. The demands grow ever greater, not least in terms of assorted representative fixtures.
71. It realises the tourists will return only if there is something left to see, not least in the national museum.
72. Last but certainly not least, Social Security and Medicare have been very good deals for participants.
73. Humphrey backed up Dulles, not least because of his dread of excessive government spending.
74. This provoked intense opposition, not least from her own family, in a militantly Hindu city like Kumbbakoman.
75. Her remark that she could always have stayed home and made cookies has discomfited Republicans, not least Barbara Bush.
76. Last but not least, community projects include events such as school quizzes, sheltered shopping and the annual Aberdeen Carnival.
77. And not least among his endowments is the command of a prose style which makes what he writes a pleasure to read.
78. Joe was one of the most outrageous of the gamblers, not least of all in his choice of conveyance.
79. The package has some neat additional features too, not least of which is the customizable toolbar.
80. Not least was that his presence diminished her chances of enjoying a happier relationship with some one else.
81. Most obviously this includes earnings from tourism but it also involves the image of products, not least whisky.
82. Mr. Brooke I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his remarks, and not least his closing remarks.
83. Tough decisions await the Government, not least over public spending. Tough decisions require a tough man at the top.
84. Tennis was changing rapidly, not least in the technology of its implements and the surfaces of its playing area.
85. But use of care programmes is patchy, not least because acute wards are under too much pressure to allow bed blocking.
86. Not least, it reduces the time in which the specification can be changed.
87. It was an interesting move pregnant with unforeseen circumstances, not least the concern and misunderstanding to which it gave rise locally.
88. The new government set about reversing previous policies, not least of which was agrarian reform.
89. But the study is a huge blow to the transplant programme, criticised not least because of the huge costs involved.
90. Last but not least, I would a good rest.
91. Last not least he plays the saxophone.
92. It was a harrowing journey, not least for Eliza, who reportedly was heavily pregnant at the time and wound up giving birth in the badly leaking longboat; the infant died shortly afterward.
93. As double-or-quits bets go, there cannot be many worse than that—not least because a system that provides privatised profits with socialised losses cannot be allowed to persist.
94. Woman: It certainly is , not least because he's never run a quoted company of this size before, and he's one of the youngest chief executives of a business like this.
94. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
95. As a fully-fledged global TV superstar (not least in my own mind), I've had to spend the past two years fretting about my "image".
96. The sponsors and last but certainly not least you the inspirational spectators.
97. Last but not least, this paper presents cross - check on aforementioned data and interpretation of result.
98. Modern farming is highly energy-intensive: a lot of B.T.U.'s go into producing fertilizer, running tractors and, not least, transporting farm products to consumers.
99. Last but not least, one has full control and freedom over the matter.
100. Last but not least, we must thank our host for his hospitality.
101. Last but not least, more exercises help us keep healthy and fit.
102. The whole meal was excellent, not least the fresh strawberries they served for dessert.
103. Last but not least, the ECU gets further revisions for maximum power output.
104. Last but not least, the" digressive style"which separated from principal plot, adjusts the narrative rhythm and adds appeal to the language.
105. Last, but not least, the European man-made fiber association, The International Rayon and Synthetic Fibres Committee, will discuss development strategies for the European man-made fibers industry.
106. Last but not least, the market share of the individual firm should be evaluated.
107. Distaste about the alleged architect of Lockerbie's readmission into the world leaders' club lingered in many circles, not least among the US victims' families and their supporters.
108. There are many reasons why IBM nearly went belly-up, not least the fact that Big Blue had become a bureaucratic monster.
109. Last but not least, we need to help people link freely.
110. Yet doing so will be hard, not least because of the country's well-earned reputation for pervasive academic and scientific misconduct.
111. Last but not least, more and more people are aware of the essentiality of psychological health.
112. Of course, several factors explain China's shift from a self-absorbed power obsessed with sovereignty to an influential international actor, not least of which is China's growing economic might.
113. There are plenty of things that could trip up Mrs Clinton, not least her husband.
114. As Talleyrand is supposed to have said of the Bourbons, policymakers have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing, not least about the private financial roots of the present fiscal crises.
115. Last but not least, wish the NSEC contest a splendid success with participants make the anticipated progress.
116. Cavitating torpedoes remain rare, not least because they are problematic.
117. Last but not least, a chairman may exercise his own independent influence.
118. Nobody can predict exactly how this duo will work, although Mr Putin has made it clear that he intends to be highly active, not least in foreign and defence policy.
119. Last, but not least, proprietary vendors are notorious for trying to counter Linux's free price tag with vague fears about its "higher" total cost of operation in the long run.
120. Last but not least , it would be remiss not to mention Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau.
121. It isn't exactly "Pygmalion," not least because Mr. Hooper has no intention of satirizing the caste system that is one of this movie's biggest draws.
122. Last but not least.
123. There will also be a need for international initiatives and harmonisation of regulations, not least with the sustainable production and use of and trade in biofuels, " write the authors.
124. And last not least,[http:///not least.html] you to bring some cash with to account.
125. Most of the Californians act as Mrs Pelosi's praetorian guard in the House, not least because she sometimes gives them a lift home on her official jet.
126. That spirit and drive still powers Barclaycard today, not least as we launch contactless mobile payments in the UK.
127. But indeed, at that time, putting to death was a recipe much in vogue with all trades and professions, and not least of all with Tellson's.
128. Last but not least, I'd like to emphasize the core the Five Classics is propriety.
129. Last but not least(), it will definitely benefit the citizens.
130. CHILDREN have a lot to contend with these days, not least a tendency for their pushy parents to force-feed them omega-3 oils at every opportunity.
131. Reliable statistics are hard to come by, not least because many factories operate in a legal netherworld, but the severity of the slump is plain.
132. And last but not least there is the questions of adequate funding.
133. English philistinism continues to flourish, not least when the words "French philosopher" are uttered.
134. Yier Tenet is to give "Benefit to humanity", the Yier Principle "Sincerity, solidarism, reclamation and creativity" and last but not least the Yier Spirit is "Hardworking and innovating the best".
135. Imitation of the West seemed wiser than atavism, not least among Japanese, who in the 1930s dressed pan-Asianism in wolf’s clothing.
136. He should have a certain age and last not least have been at the club for a while and he should be highly respected by his team mates, you will see this in their good relationship screens.
137. Last but not least, students'creativity tends to repressed due to the humdrum and dull homework.
138. Last not least, India.
139. That film caused public revulsion, not least among the education circles.
140. Last but not least there will be dis - play cases with backlit posters.
141. Athens has been a headache to International Olympic Committee, not least because of infighting.
142. Last but not least, some decisions are simply too trivial to spend any time worrying about.
143. Last but not least are the challenges to politics itself.
144. Last , but not least, after-sales service . That's your baby.
145. Last but not least, he should be an honest person.
146. Ladies and gentlemen, last but not least, let's welcome liyang to give us an earthshaking speech.
147. Last but not least is OpenQRM, which is categorized as a data center management platform.
148. "For centuries, really, the kitchen had been ignored by design professionals, not least because it tended to be lower-class women or servants who occupied the kitchen space," she says.
149. The Germans' second group game against the Balkan nation promises to be a fascinating encounter, not least because Friedrich's club-mate Gojko Kacar is likely to start in attack for the Serbians.
150. The meeting place was at the then African Concord House, owned by the late Chief MKO Abiola, where I had more or less established a perennial presence not least to read Nigerian newspapers.
151. For Mullah Omar to be in talks with President Karzai's western-backed government would be tantamount to suicide right now, not least from al Qaeda who don't believe in any form of negotiation.
152. And, last but not least, Breivik is antisemitic but pro-Israel, as the state of Israel is the first line of defence against the Muslim expansion – he even wants to see the Jerusalem temple rebuilt.
153. Last but not least are frequencies around a billionth of a billionth of a Hertz.
154. Last but not least, our Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) provides political risk insurance to investors and supports developmentally sound investments.
155. A: Primary health care is more urgently needed now than ever before, not least because you have to find ways of bridging what happened during the first few years after Alma-Ata and what now exists.




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