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单词 Popping
1. She keeps popping in and out.
2. The kids were popping all the birthday balloons.
3. Flashbulbs were popping all around them.
4. Champagne corks were popping throughout the celebrations.
5. She's been popping pills for months.
6. The children were popping balloons.
7. Distant fireworks could be heard popping off.
8. They were popping away at the rabbits all afternoon.
9. She's always popping in and out.
10. Her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.
11. Champagne corks were popping .
12. The children are always popping in and out.
13. He keeps popping into my office on the slightest pretext.
14. The parrots in the zoo are popping all the time.
15. She said she had no intention of popping off for some time yet.
16. A decade of heavy drinking and popping pills ruined her health.
17. We heard the sound of popping champagne corks next door.
18. Open a drawer and eight things come popping out.
19. Blue people began popping up all over the plateau.
20. She's awfully good about popping in to see her.
21. It just keeps popping up,() again and again.
22. The producers must be popping pills too.
23. Announcement of the awards set champagne corks popping.
24. Then other mushrooms began popping up.
25. The fan's motor made a funny popping sound.
26. Simultaneous popping of corks and champagne all round.
27. New versions of Big Brother keep popping up.
28. Yet no one is popping champagne corks.
29. If you suck a sweet as the plane takes off it stops your ears popping.
30. There is a meeting tonight and I was thinking of popping along for half an hour or so.
1. She keeps popping in and out.
2. The kids were popping all the birthday balloons.
3. Flashbulbs were popping all around them.
31. The lighter popping out saved him.
32. While online commerce remains embryonic, personal service sites are popping up like dandelions.
33. Many enjoy the convenience of popping an imitation burger in the microwave or tossing a tofu dog on the grill.
34. With new Internet banks popping up like mushrooms, savings rates seem to change more quickly online than anywhere else.
35. You can also bake in small pancake-sized disks and store them for popping into the toaster later.
36. Market economic principles are popping up everywhere like daffodils in spring.
37. At the NoS offices the champagne corks had been popping.
38. But as if to allay our disappointment, teams of curious sea lions kept popping up near our kayaks.
39. Also popping up for a visit are Stephen and the twins' parents,() whose marriage has gone stale over the decades.
40. Foinavon was lunged over jumps and popping over little schooling fences became a daily routine.
41. And the champagne corks were popping as Kirkby's latest housing co-operative celebrated its success.
42. It was her pretend street voice, thicker, her lips popping out.
43. They like to see people for a cup of tea, and they like popping round to Karen's for company.
44. Then they were driving over rough ground, loose stones popping under the tyres.
45. Museums are popping up like grease spots on the blacktop.
46. That logger even believes you can hear it popping as the pockets burst.
47. A slight popping, as if she had been holding her breath.
48. Even though federal courts have declared such displays unconstitutional, the issue keeps popping up, especially in the Bible Belt.
49. I sort of noticed, Joe, how you've been absent since things started popping round here.
50. His beer gut was popping the buttons on his shirt.
51. Like a sudden, unseemly outbreak of boils on the landscape, the little concrete igloos started popping up in the 1970s.
52. It was carnival time, lights and siren, and Sorvino's migraine disappeared like a popping soap bubble.
53. Hardly a week passes without his popping up in Washington for some top Republican strategy session on budget-balancing.
54. Tucson is blessed with an abundance of restaurants and small eateries, with new ones popping up almost daily.
55. The post-exposure prevention offered through the research protocol entails more than merely popping a few pills the morning after.
56. Strange the tricks that life plays, I mused as I drove home, popping the tape of madrigals into the player.
57. You can dish up lavish meals without doing anything more than popping a ready meal in the microwave.
58. Young women came and joined in, everyone popping fingers on cheeks and clicking tongues.
59. Applications and potential applications are popping up like wildflowers after a spring rain.
60. Without Nick, they might as well sit around all day popping bubble-wrap.
61. So, if you're popping down a daily aspirin, keep the pop music down too.
62. His biceps bulged; the long muscles in his forearm popping.
63. The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
64. But the judges must have been popping the same pills as Martin Fowler.
65. Now scores of mice have begun popping out of the woodwork.
66. No sooner had the excitement died down in Coventry than champagne corks were popping at Courtaulds Fibres in Grimsby.
67. Berg responded by getting up too, saying he must go but popping in another question as he backed towards the door.
68. Tony smiled and without moving his left knee dodged the blows, his torso jinking, neck muscles popping.
69. Spinning bodies, eyes popping out of heads, hair standing on end(http://), characters morphing into strange creatures.
70. They therefore proposed the idea of continuous creation whereby matter was constantly popping into existence.
71. His eyes are popping and sweat stands out on his skin.
72. Or were you just popping back to see you'd left Hatton neat and tidy?
73. More like a little popping sound, a two-inch firecracker maybe.
74. Our radio really started popping with reports of what was going on.
75. My ears rang with the loud but muffled popping as my door gunners joined in with the rest.
76. Others barely notice the baskets of warm toast, the crisp bacon and popping champagne corks.
77. Volcanos will start popping off around the world throwing up tonnes of dust.
78. His switch to off-cutters from a reduced run-up suddenly had the ball popping off the wicket and the bat.
79. It will usually reduce to recession and afterwards keep popping up to plague the auditor.
80. But if you think about it,() they really do have nothing to show for it even with Banks popping Woodson.
81. Hopefully, it should see many forms of cancer treatable as simply as popping into hospital for minor surgery.
82. Hearing the sound of a cork popping, Aunt Tossie drained her glass in readiness for Twomey's round.
83. In Copenhagen, the same sorry faces kept popping up in separate incidents like rent-a-thug.
84. As the tree burned, it sighed at what happiness it had ignored, and each sigh made a loud popping noise.
85. In the harsher 1990s there will not be many corks popping at companies that fail to: Reduce costs.
86. You know how it is when you start to notice a person popping up all over the place?
87. Pamela stopped, possibly the most outrageous idea she'd ever had popping fully-fledged into her head.
88. Crepitate :To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.
89. The neighbours'children are always popping in and out.
90. They were popping away at the pigeons.
91. That's why I was popping Percocets like freaking Jujubes.
92. Popping a paint defect resembling fine blistering.
93. Spas are popping up in airports across the globe.
94. Champagne corks were popping away on all sides.
95. She keeps popping up in the most unlikely places.
96. You know who'd keep popping in my head?
97. He was a media star, posing for cheesecake publicity shoots, popping up on girlie calendars and matchbook covers.
98. How am I supposed to do that if you keep popping up everywhere?
99. As you saw in the last section(/popping.html), the server called updatePage() several times and each invocation resulted in an alert box popping up -- probably not what you intended!
100. He went through periods of being maniacally childlike, popping out of closets to surprise people -- even jumping out of moving cars when taken off hospital grounds for brief visits home.
101. But also accompanied by popping , a 2 w multi - injury in adherent quantitative low.
102. Biodiesel fuelling stations , such as those for BioWillie, are popping up around in America.
103. Did you see how she was just about popping out of the top of that dress?
104. It begins by creating a request object and then popping up an informational message box.
105. Then one day Sister Fannie went happily popping by to visit just about everybody.
106. Blumenthal's Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart was created especially for Waitrose, and features a hazelnut shortbread base with orange chocolate ganache on top.
107. Career clubs are popping up nationwide to help out-of-work job searchers.
108. Sketchbook is all about pill popping and discovering the portfolio of Martin Hughes told as a life story that runs through the entire misery of his life to date.
109. She thinks about popping out the window like a jack-in-the-box, screaming and waving her arms so they can see her, being kidnapped by the middle-aged weirdo from Hell.
110. Instead, their role was played by evanescent photons continually popping into existence around the strong pulse.
111. Often he tries to surprise herby "popping the question" in a romantic way.
112. An interactive debugger is like a little light bulb popping on above your head.
113. Many retirees are couch potatoes who like popping cold beers and relaxing in front of their $2500 wide-screen high definition television set.
114. Even creepier is the fact that many of the female characters are scantily clad, and hot (the Little Mermaid wasn't always depicted popping out of a tiny bikini top).
115. That doesn't mean that popping a COX-2 pill will become the next weight-loss treatment du jour.
116. There were children running all over the place, popping off toy guns.
117. As the top of the baby's head begins to appear, pant or blow (do not push), and apply very gentle counterpressure to your perineum to keep the head from popping out suddenly.
118. Once just an obscure statistical method, instrumental variables are now popping up all over the place.
119. For some reason, the fireworks were not popping in Beijing in celebration of Mr Tang's return.
120. Popping data with timeouts is more involved than pushing; note that the reader thread is waiting on the condition variable.
121. It made a hollow sound, like a cork popping from a bottle.
122. Large intestines popping out of the umbilicus in Chihuahuas are uncommon.
123. This will prevent the harvester from popping out of the refinery.
124. Do knee bend, and it's very likely you'll hear popping sounds coming from your knee joints.
125. I'm just popping round to he stationer's to get some envelopes.
126. Maybe, some say, the town can land a local bottling company to get business from the wineries and microbreweries that are popping up in the Ozarks.
127. After making an adjustment to Einstein's general theory of relativity, a team of physicists found a strange substance popping out of their new theory, the "ghost condensate".
128. In order to guarantee pilot when popping does not occur exhausted outside, in the powder charge the flash which lights, the canopy frame already by the small exploder blast out.
129. The others are meeting to see what they can do to shut him up. He's been popping off to the press.
130. When I drove the A7 up the California coast from Monterey to San Francisco, Google Earth was splendiferous — but nowhere near as eye popping as the real-world version all around me.
131. Slater on Tuesday was charged with two felonies — reckless endangerment and criminal mischief — for cursing at passengers over an intercom system and popping open an emergency door to flee the plane.
132. Champagne corks were popping ( away ) throughout the celebrations.
133. But it would be nice to not have to try and explain to children why the gray-haired people get all cuddly after popping blue pills.
134. I grew this almost hardy plant for many years, popping it out in spring and storing it in dryish pots inside in winter.
135. Keane was a live wire - popping up all over the place.
136. Tooltips created with the FadingTooltip widget use animation to fade into and out of view instead of popping up and abruptly vanishing, and they move with the cursor.
137. This sun is broiling me and I can just hear freckles popping out on my neck.
138. Rather like trade protection, the popping of an antibiotic offers false comfort to individuals.
139. We sit on a bench with heads tilted back to delight in the ceiling popping with muscle-bound lads and that stern finger of God ordering Adam and Eve to leave Paradise .
140. Smaller roles are also well cast with some of the best screen talent in Britain today, including my favourites Mark Benton and Montserrat Lombard,( ) each popping up for just a moment.
141. Popping frequency (11) The lowest resonance of a brass instrument mouthpiece.
142. Turning the volume up and slinging the ads within earshot of our flushing and corn - popping audience.
143. The emperor introduced him to the eye - popping splendors of life in his two great palaces.
144. All safety valves will undergo popping tests by the Licensee.




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