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单词 Ecclesiastic
1. Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.
2. Indications that Cnut had difficulties with some Fenland ecclesiastics can also be considered in this context.
3. High ecclesiastics were men of authority as well as of sanctity.
4. Possessing no ecclesiastic franchise, they expiate their grief by posting an InMemoriam notice.
5. A number of distinguished commentators, most of them ecclesiastics, were assembled to evaluate the programmes and their implications.
6. In consequence, a gulf has opened between ecclesiastics and their congregations.
7. The ecclesiastic universities started to merge into the Chinese society and education system.
8. The man and the ecclesiastic fought within him, and the victory fell to the man.
9. Stephen's Basilica is an ecclesiastic basilica located in Budapest and named in honor of Hungary's first Christian king.
10. Not impossibly there was a resistance movement in the Fens, as later under William the Conqueror, and ecclesiastics became involved.
11. Personal ambition was doubtless another factor which tended to enmesh ecclesiastics in politics.
12. George Fisher, chief executive officer of Kodak Company, quoted from Ecclesiastics.
13. The only witnesses had been Sarah's stepmother, and an ecclesiastic colleague who envied him his good fortune.
14. On his accession he was crowned and anointed by ecclesiastics.
15. The sounds of the church singing ceased and the voice of the chief ecclesiastic was heard,(Sentencedict) respectfully congratulating the sick man on his reception of the mystery.
16. Beethoven was extremely influential as among the first composers to work freelance rather than being employed full-time by a royal or ecclesiastic patron.
17. It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications.
18. Xiangya medical school, founded in 1914, is studied as an ecclesiastic university in many recent works, but in fact, it is not an ecclesiastic university according to its growing process.
19. The fourth chapter discussed medical education and agricultural education in the ecclesiastic universities and their social work.
20. There is, however, one side of life to which he is entirely blind, as was perhaps natural in an ecclesiastic writing before the Age of Salons.




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