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单词 Excessively
1. The doctor advised him not to drink excessively.
2. He became excessively annoyed at newspaper reports.
3. She was polite but not excessively so.
4. A small minority of young people does drink excessively.
5. Mum had started taking pills and drinking excessively.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. Managers are also accused of paying themselves excessively high salaries.
7. Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life.
8. I don't drink excessively.
9. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.
10. This might seem excessively saintly and magnanimous.
11. Baldwin soiled his hands a little, but not excessively.
12. He began experimenting with different drugs and drank excessively.
13. The ambassador dismissed these views as excessively alarmist.
14. The accused gave an excessively high quotation for repairs.
15. Several of the major accounts appeared to be excessively overdue when compared with the total ledger aged debt statistics.
16. I am alone in my excessively white house with a wire-haired dachshund for company.
17. They try not to worry excessively about the uncertainties in the future or to dwell on the traumatic events of the past.
18. Rather, they were the consequence of an excessively strong state inherited from colonial Rhodesia.
19. Children with emotional problems may, for instance, be excessively afraid of strangers or of separating from their parents.
20. And my excessively tidy and authoritarian behaviour shows that I was striving to be the person the school wanted me to be.
21. I thought we had to have excessively high interest rates in order to keep sterling where it is.
22. The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively.
23. Hunt was acquiring something of a bad reputation: both for being accident-prone and for being excessively forthright.
24. The sharp rise in peasant disturbances between 1857 and 1859 underlined the dangers of an excessively harsh settlement.
25. Filamentous green algae are seldom a nuisance unless they are allowed to reproduce excessively.
26. On March 26 the prosecutors appealed to the Supreme Court because of what they considered the excessively lenient judgments.
27. They especially object to the insistence that the polling be nonpartisan, saying this will lead to chaos and excessively personalized competition.
28. Government growth projections for National Income have been notoriously unreliable, often excessively optimistic.
29. It should not be assumed, therefore, that it is legitimate to recommend excessively frequent dealing to a non-private customer.
30. When Moran eventually appeared he did not speak but fussed excessively as he put on socks and boots.
1. The doctor advised him not to drink excessively.
2. He became excessively annoyed at newspaper reports.
31. It could also be used as a means of overcoming excessively long waiting lists in some areas.
32. Perhaps his anxiety leads him to be excessively shy and almost apologise for his existence.
33. I am sorry to inform you that hair that splits excessively probably won't grow much longer.
34. The other weakness of the social contract model lies in its excessively rational and legalistic nature.
35. Their tadpoles can exploit bodies of water not excessively populated with competitors,(http:///excessively.html) and some are adapted to very restricted niches.
36. They think Vassar students are full of themselves, elite, and excessively liberal.
37. Conclusions Thus it does appear that the search space can be such that an admissible algorithm will perform in an excessively breadth-first manner.
38. But stinting excessively would probably damage his reputation more than overspending.
39. A man has been charged with causing death by careless driving after drinking excessively.
40. Pica Pica is when a child regularly and excessively eats inappropriate objects, such as dirt, coal, stones, fluffy materials.
41. We observed that you were travelling excessively slowly on a wide road, unimpeded by any other traffic.
42. His real style, they believe, is authoritarian and his policies excessively sympathetic to the armed forces.
43. If neurons fire excessively, adenosine builds up, which slows firing rates.
44. On take-off, for example, it would result in excessively high combustion temperatures and detonation.
45. She was a tall woman with a large head, a hooked nose, and an excessively large bosom and hips.
46. Excessively bizarre, loving to hold forth, but speaking with spirit.
47. It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.
48. You need to train the dog to desist from barking excessively.
49. In addition to these considerations of Layfield, the collection of the tax should not be excessively costly or present substantial new administrative problems.
50. He wore outsize glasses and talked excessively, usually about his work.
51. Offended or not, she told herself, she must thank him excessively for his indulgence in letting her go down.
52. It served to prevent the industrial and military expansion pursued during those years from becoming excessively inflationary.
53. Unless the table is made excessively large, two or more different values will eventually be sent to the same slot.
54. Children's behaviour problems become a focus of concern when the child is behaving inappropriately or excessively for their age.
55. This may be the cause of semi-permanent structural unemployment, aggravated perhaps by excessively cautious government policies.
56. He may be judged excessively optimistic, however, if not utterly desperate, in seeking the votes of leading opposition politicians.
57. Surrounded by the most dour cast of characters known to man, Paul Merton suddenly seems excessively articulate, intelligent and well-read.
58. A 31-year-old labourer was yesterday charged with causing the death of Mr Adams by careless driving after drinking excessively.
59. Weakened by his excessively long kip, the Castle Master easily overcame him.
60. Fresh, live yogurt, without additives, can help all skin-types, particularly excessively dry or oily skin.
61. With the wisdom of hindsight the policy of Ebert and his colleagues has been condemned as excessively pragmatic.
62. And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
63. A small minority of young people does drink excessively - that has probably always been true.
64. Writer and director Luc Besson sacrifices sensibility for style in this excessively fashion-designed science fiction movie.
65. The waiter had an excessively subservient manner that made us very uncomfortable.
66. He passes away under a cloud, inscrutable at heart, forgotten, unforgiven(), and excessively romantic.
67. Such unemployment is labelled classical in the sense that its sole root cause is an excessively high real wage.
68. He charges excessively high for them ... He gets a great deal by showing his landscapes at one shilling each visitor.
69. Do you think Chinese people are excessively nationalistic?
70. Fifthly, pursue incitement excessively[], neglect diapason.
71. Where the trading volume is excessively abnormal.
72. Excessively high temperature causes formation of hemihydrate.
73. Obsessional personalities commonly ruminate excessively about death.
74. Howerer, under heavy load the shaft may deflect excessively.
75. Cynthia was brunette, her figure full, though not excessively.
76. Eyes excessively light; entropion, ectropion.
77. Haulage distances are not excessively long.
78. It is never excessively cold in winter there.
79. He was my godfather, and excessively attached to me.
80. Generally , those who excessively surf Internet are called internet geek.
81. It is therefore advisable never to use an excessively high working voltage for a multiplier cell.
82. While China has forsworn communist economics, it is still excessively favouring investment over consumption.
83. What is to keep excessively wealthy and ever-greedy corporate interests from abusing their power in the realm of gene patenting?
84. The head teacher worked excessively hard for the pupils, and fell ill.
85. Proteins perform their function at a range of their growth temperature and excessively high or low temperature will make them denature and lose their function.
86. Forth, improve the current situation of oligopsony and competing with low-levelly and excessively, structure the market pattern of effective competition of bank system of our country.
87. But they are still economists, with world views that are still excessively individualistic and rationalistic.
88. Ms. Feng selects and purchases when the floor pays great attention the achromatism and the superficial texture consistency excessively, this is an erroneous zone similarly.
89. The stabilizer bar under the wishbones of the front axle prevents trike and rider from leaning outward excessively in fast cornering.
90. Because all oil pumps are positive displacement types, a pressure regulator valve must be used as a safeguard against excessively high oil pressures in the lubrication system.
91. Must strengthen the controlled price excessively quickly rise the confidence, the stable society anticipated.
92. Still there is various reason to of excessively bite resultant force, will also make tooth excrescent to move, but make the gum shrunken back.
93. The clinical symptoms were excessively sever and were characterized by severe consciousness disturbance (semicoma to coma, 6 cases), aphasia (5 cases) and bilateral paresis (3 cases).
94. The diversification, along with a bunch of franchisee lawsuits over excessively marked-up food, forced Katz to bail out.
95. The arrestment conditions enacted by the existing law are excessively and illusive, which result in bringing about the arbitrary to the conditions of arrestment .
95. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
96. The volume recessus grows excessively causes its one to relate with frontal sinus's Xie Jian is complex and is changeable, is surgery's difficulty.
97. They may be taken therapeutically to correct the imbalance due to the overindulgence in a food excessively "hot" or "cold", or due to age or changed physiological condition.
98. But memories of her early straits had made her excessively thrifty.
99. First, this example illustrates the dangers of excessively strong intellectual property rights.
100. Conclusion: Metallothionein is excessively expressed in bladder cancer, and its expression is related with pathologic differentiation degree.
101. People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.
102. Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.
103. Conclusion Excessively high WBC concentration in semen could affect morphology of sperm and acrosomal intactness.
104. His private demons drove him to drink excessively for many years.
105. Finished concept design of consecutively lifting excessively heavy oil production equipment without reducing viscosity.
106. After official sort management, after or hired the administrative law enforcement class official, how to carry on the system design, thought that avoids excessively tediously ?
107. It is better for China to concentrate on increasing effective investment demand and realizing the effective convertion of domestic savings to investment instead of depending on FDI excessively.
108. Is helpful in suppresses the Stock market excessively congenially, cultivation mature, rational investor.
109. Therefore, how to solve the test problem of excessively high costs to implement efficient testing of the IC become extremely important.
110. Said vigorously that oneself excessively many will not intertwine in the new rule.
111. That emphasizing economic benefits excessively, regulating the set up of pediatrics speciality and medical students unwillingly to be occupied in pediatrics is the sticking point.
112. The physique dry and hot woman does not suit in the monthly period eats the red jujube, will otherwise cause the volume of menstrual flow to be excessively many.
113. The judge dismiss from the ring any Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is excessively shy.
114. It is often easier to have intermittent manual intervention in a "full" workflow automation process than to consider the excessively complex system necessary for "hands-off" automation.
115. Some PMC were showed to expand excessively, extrude each other, conglutinate to gobbet or separate to small parts.
116. Caution two: Must the being careful investor have no plan with the risk which brings excessively congenially .
117. Motley, for his part , makes his villains excessively villainous and his heros wearisomely heroic.
118. For example, companies can have certain employee check the physical environment and prohibit those designs which are in disorder, unhealthful , or excessively eccentric.
119. If the injection rate is excessively high, the contrast medium will exosmose easily.
120. It's well known that fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when pregnant women drink excessively and causes behavioural and physical harm to the child after birth.
121. The judge shall dismiss from the ring any Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is excessively shy.
122. If the basil grows excessively, you can trim it back making your own pesto.
123. Taking him all around , he is profusely , but not excessively coated , thickset, muscular and able - bodied.
124. To emphasize the function of supervision excessively goes against the governance to financial fraudulent practice of listed companies radicand.
125. As heat yield enhancement(), steel liquid do not oxidate excessively in favour of raising steel quality.
126. How in this case to display the financial derivation imperial dangerous function, prevents excessively congenially , also becomes the question which is noteworthy.
127. The sliding window concept is introduced to solve the problem of excessively small probability value.
128. Disregarding China's realities , we set excessively high targets, with the result that progress was slowed.
129. Interestingly, left-handedness and asthma have also been linked to testosterone and it is now known that men who smoke or drink excessively have reduced levels in their blood.
130. Due to the faddish value is excessively pursued in the faddy society, it has brought strict eco-problems and social problems.
131. Because if sings loudly lastingly sings fiercely, speaks excessively many.
132. What a sigh is there! The heart is excessively charged.
133. This time principal factor is the financial innovation develops excessively, but supervises disadvantageously, thus causes the financial crisis.
134. In most offices, staff have to be excessively polite on the phone, so it can sometimes be nice, after a particularly trying conversation, to be able to put the receiver down and mutter "wanker".
135. Finally because the upset price is excessively high, causes nobody to compete buys, flows the racket finally.
136. And to turn around the adverse situation, expression in anime and more became excessively decorative.
137. Is open purchase order file checked periodically for excessively old purchase orders?
138. Price war, hindrance interconnection intercommunication, excessively building redundant project, blind competition are being one after the other.
139. Then, the dissertation analyzes the selected identification method. If unknown parameters are excessively sensitive to the noise, the selected method is not global identifiability.
140. These two aspects influence is the state-owned tree farm economy develops excessively slow.
141. Expect for especial circumstance, the belled diameter of belled pile and the diameter of equal-diameter pile should not be big excessively.
142. If we make mistakes or err in our judgements, we trust you to correct us; similarly, if others are excessively critical of our material, we hope you will come to our defence.
143. The air pressure at the hot value inlet does not become excessively low.
144. Inputs infiltrates the speed of solution not suitably lowly excessively quickly.
145. Chemistry high activity of free radicals can make the unsaturated fatty acid oxidation, making the cell function excessively, or recession mutations and proliferation and necrosis centralis disease.
146. One serious drawback has been the development in some instances of excessively dry and dusty litter.
147. Especially at corners and on slopes he was almost excessively careful.
148. Overlap the shaping rollers' circular arc excessively, decrease partial betweenthe shapes excessively as far as possible, it will benefit to briquette better.
149. When choosing values for R3 and R4 to set the desired trip voltage, ensure that they are large enough that the potential divider will not excessively load the supply.
150. There were still, some excessively high levels of investment, especially fixed asset investments.
151. When their governments "approached the IMF, the reserves of Thailand and South Korea were perilously low, and the Indonesian Rupiah was excessively depreciated."
152. Moreover, the system can also be used to improve the safe operation level of the transmission lines and to prevent the catastrophic fault due to excessively heavy loading.
153. The resulting picture, with excessively large eyes and features that don't quite fit together, has some of the quality of a wanted poster.
154. The article summarize that Angiogenin of classification, physiologic function and gene structural excessively expresses in microbe and applies in physic field.
155. But two guys who thought Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own.
155. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
156. The blue color clansman have not produced excessively many surprised because of ours appearance, but all reveals the plain smiling face, and makes a welcome the appearance.
157. The packages function for sales promotion and additional value expand excessively, which brought about by the excessive, costliness , and cheating packages.
158. Excessively low interest rates are also fuelling stockmarket and property bubbles.
159. They taught you how to smoke a cigarette, gamble, eat excessively, et cetera, and they may have even taught you this unaware.
160. The pectoral girdle is excessively tight or too thin possibly causes shoulders the strain.
161. Unless China, Japan and the oil exporting countries act, the Anglo-Saxon economies could contract excessively, which would deepen the trade downturn(), causing pain for everyone.
162. But because causes excessively tired the virulent myocarditis's disease incidence rate year by year also increasing.
163. Once you've set that feature, any excessively long constructs -- whether too many attributes in an element or too many characters in an element name -- will be treated as well-formedness errors.
164. With loads measured in tens of thousands kips, there is little room in the design of high-rise buildings for excessively complex thoughts.
165. Excessively high injection speed can cause high surface orientation and increase susceptibility to stress cracking.
166. Usury Illegal practice of charging an excessively high interest rate on loans.
167. For the availability factor improving KEY, under connecting up a meeting concealing a little bit , asking everybody to excuse me excessively with cable length under this station.
168. Recently, more and more practical applications show that in excessively noisy electromagnetic environment, using wavelet transform (WT) only may bring waveform distortion.
169. It is pointed out that in many textbooks, the derivation of the theorem that the ratio of heat to temperature amounts to zero in any reversible cycle is insufficiently exact and too excessively brief.
170. Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.
171. Whilst people may blame these Asian economies for borrowing excessively and '. ' imprudently '.
172. Adjust cuticle condition, effectively protect skin's cortex to prevent keratinize excessively.
173. This way the danger of self-incrimination can be removed effectively and the right of investigation by the prosecution department will not be excessively violated.
174. Suppose a moral disproportion obtains in M's case. He has been made to suffer excessively for his crimes.
175. Motley, for his part , makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.
176. The addition should be interrupted when brownish vapors are liberated to avoid excessively vigorous reaction.
177. The causes behind breakage of the catalyst are excessive sodium and vanadium content in the feed oil, excessively high regeneration temperature and excessively high steam velocity in riser pipe.
178. When extracts oil normally, must maintain feeding to be even, is sure not excessively many too few or breaks the material idle operation.
179. On February 26, 1992, Beijing worker Xu Denghai was hospitalised with a twisted intestine after playing excessively with a hula-hoop.
180. The source that city development be out of balance, consist in primarily place the competition compete with place excessively.
181. If excessively pursues urbanized the advancement, will be able to cause to the ecological environment to destroy, also disadvantageously will use the human society the sustainable development.
182. These may include frequent respiratory disease, such as pneumonia or excessively runny nose.
183. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim.
184. Second, the vagina infusorium infection causes the leucorrhea to be excessively many.




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