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单词 Littoral
1. Roxas Littoral Avenue, Banaue Rice Terrace and Taal Lake.
2. Muddy coast is widely distributed in Tianjin littoral zone.
3. We should produce the littoral advantage well.
4. Learn littoral found also carried program consequently.
5. Littoral and fluvial facies depositional soft soil distributes widely in the Zhujiang River Delta of China.
6. Littoral cities are the most developed regions in economy in our country.
7. mouth and limnetic, littoral, weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies. ...
8. The littoral zone of a sea is the part of the sea between high and low tide marks.
9. Another littoral combat ship, the Coronado, will have surface treatments of the new anti-corrosion treatment, which is designed to be more protective of the water jet tunnels.
10. China can't be the only non - littoral state weighing up its arctic options.
11. In the littoral environment, the bottom scattering is one of the most important factors for limiting the performance of active sonar.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. The Littoral Combat Ship is a key element of the Navy's plan to address asymmetric threats of the 21st century.
13. Additionally, we are boasting of the biggest synthetic littoral lido in the Huaihai Economic Zone.
14. Midsummer littoral city Qingdao, sunshine is beautiful, climate is delightful.
15. The bathyal - abyssal facies , littoral facies , neritic facies and delta facies are beneficial to and gas exploration.
16. He said this would include closer cooperation with Australia and the deployment of a littoral combat ship to Singapore.
17. The process of paleogeographic evolution in this area is from land of pleistocene epoch to ingression of holocene epoch, then to littoral circumstances of today.
18. Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation penetratethe littoral zone.
19. The Haikou Formation of Middle Devonian in Luquan contains coal bearing sediments (predominantly clastic rocks)which are of littoral origin and yield abundant fishes, fossil plants and pelecypods.
20. These subfacies are considered to represent respectively the neritic basin, the littoral tidal flat and the nearshore fluviolacustrine sedimentary environments.
21. Which are the bases of further discussion of the stainable development patterns of island and important principle for the decision-making, management and control of littoral stainable (development).
22. The question of basification which happen during desalting on littoral saline soil can resolve by using modifying agent.
23. The distributions have a close relation with bed rock property, littoral zone types, geography, water systems, hydraulic conditions and bed property of sea bottom.
24. Coast line of Davao Islands long 1,617,800 meters, 84 bays of littoral can develop port, developed 18.
25. At present, they are fighting over Poland, the Balkans and the Mediterranean littoral.
26. Service in January 2010 the second ship of the U. S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship "Independence" is the first equipment "Hai Lamu" point defense air defense system platform.
27. On the East Coast, "the big waves come in from the northeast, and they drive the littoral drift predominantly from north to south, " Dr. Holman said, referring to the longshore movement of sand.
28. Was labelled State Council 1988 open to the outside world littoral county.
29. It is the forward position region of Chinese reforming and opening littoral.
30. And this has already been an inevitable trend of history development. The question of "land deficit" exists in the littoral zone area of high density of population.
31. The present dissertation is a systemic study on marine microorganisms in plant habitats of southward and northward littoral zone.
32. The results demonstrated that the Lower Carboniferous of Chaobei area is a set of littoral facies deposit, mainly limestone, a few sandstone and mudstone, ten microfacies can be identified.
33. The paper and guides work of littoral and small cities'air quality forecast model.
34. Chenliu formation is a new established lithostratigraphic unit standing for the sedimentation type of basinal littoral facies tract of early tertiary in Guangxi.
35. Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation channels penetrate through the littoral zone .
36. The reservoir sandstone was believed to have been deposited in a littoral environment.
37. Objective To study the effect of lower temperature in winter on the development of of Anopheles sinensis in the littoral zone of Guangdong.
38. Already developed to reach inland river harbor littoral in last few years 25 run this business.
39. COBRA is a designated mission system on the Mine Warfare Mission Package onboard the Littoral Combat Ship.
40. Finally, the atmospheric boundary layer wind of south - east littoral of China was modeled by using RAMS.
41. It gives a mark to each index of sustainable development of littoral zone through the questionnaire and form visited, gets the weight of each index and the results of seven cities finally.
42. Originally part of the Army's Future Combat Systems program, NLOS-LS also is intended for the Navy's Littoral Combat Ship.
43. Climate suitability of seawater crabs culture in Jiangsu littoral was studied.
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44. The bathyal-abyssal facies, littoral facies, neritic facies and delta facies are beneficial to oil and gas exploration.
45. Therefore the construction of littoral shelter forest is important for the environment and economy.
46. Objective To discuss the nosogenesis , diagnosis and treatment of hand chronic low-toxic infections of the people in tropical littoral areas.




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