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单词 Eroded
1. The rocks have eroded away over time.
2. Metals are eroded by acids.
3. The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.
4. Battery acid had eroded the engine.
5. By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded.
6. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
7. Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
8. The cliff face has been steadily eroded by the sea.
9. Our personal liberty is being eroded.
10. Mortgage payments have been eroded by inflation. ?
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. The rights of the individual are being steadily eroded.
12. Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.
13. Their sense of social propriety is eroded.
14. Our personal freedom is being gradually eroded away.
15. The distinction between social classes is slowly being eroded.
16. Price rises have eroded profit margins.
17. The running water eroded a gully.
18. Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.
19. This rock has been weathered and eroded.
20. The rocks have gradually eroded away.
21. Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.
22. The experience had seriously eroded his confidence in himself.
23. His behaviour over the last few months has eroded my confidence in his judgement.
24. The river bank had been steadily eroded over the years.
25. The running water from the mountain top eroded a gulley along the slope.
26. Once exposed(), soil is quickly eroded by wind and rain.
27. The ground had eroded.
28. Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.
29. Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.
30. It was to be even longer before their dominance over the party was eroded.
1. The rocks have eroded away over time.
2. The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.
3. Battery acid had eroded the engine.
4. By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded.
5. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
6. Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
7. The cliff face has been steadily eroded by the sea.
8. Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.
9. It was to be even longer before their dominance over the party was eroded.
31. The sea has eroded the cliff face over the years.
32. His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.
33. Free speech is being gradually eroded year after year by new tentacles of government control.
34. This humiliation has eroded what little confidence Jean has.
35. I recognized those haggard lineaments, those eroded temples.
36. Under Conservative rule civil liberty became seriously eroded.
37. The hard rains have eroded topsoil in the Midwest.
38. Law and order was further eroded in April 1997.
39. Purchasing power has been severely eroded.
40. Other ancient rights have been eroded away.
41. We dragged ourselves up the wide,[] eroded mess of a path that leads to Ben Lawers and up into the storm.
42. His mousy hair, on the other hand, had been eroded by the years.
43. It is from this stratum, extending under the sea, that the amber found on the shore gets eroded.
44. And in those 50 years, the ability of members to command outside income has been vastly eroded.
45. Below it is a cross section inferred from the map, with eroded portions indicated by dashed lines.
46. What's the best way to protect profits being eroded by farm-saved seed?
47. The notion that a person's home is his castle will not he eroded without explicit justification.
48. Differential erosion of the rocks has resulted in the hard rocks being left as peaks separated by deeply eroded valleys and ravines.
49. All my self-esteem, respect and confidence have been eroded away and need re-building.
50. For example, the distinction between pre-clinical and clinical studies has been eroded in some medical courses.
51. The shape and direction of the valleys have been influenced by the location of the more easily eroded volcanic material.
52. These stylistic differences have gradually eroded over the years, and today regional divisions have all but disappeared.
53. If the distinction were not acknowledged, faith would inevitably find itself eroded and embarrassed by the ineluctable facts of history.
54. Under the weight of Ranieri and his traders, investor mistrust eroded.
55. Sales of land began about 1540 and continued until Stuart times. Inflation eroded the revenue from land and commerce.
56. Are your savings being eroded by the deluge of bills that arrive every month?
57. When the yen weakens, dollar-based investors see their total return eroded.
58. Presumably this might happen due to the greater amount of material to be eroded before a cut off could occur.
59. But as the century proceeded, these rigid differences were to some extent eroded.
60. How many business plans down the road will it be before his good intentions are eroded or outmaneuvered?
61. Its stock price eroded from a 52-week high of about 39 in October to a low of nearly 15 Tuesday.
62. The land is severely eroded as a result of widespread deforestation and intensive farming.
63. As science had gradually eroded the freedom of time, so it had eroded the freedom of belief.
64. Many of the dark rocks stand on limestone pedestals, the surrounding rocks having been eroded away.
65. Accumulation through dynamic expansion would be halted when the need for more workers drove up wages and eroded profits.
66. Thus some of the benefits of deregulation had been eroded by 1990.
67. In some places the topsoil had been eroded and we had to zigzag up on loose scree.
68. The development of a market economy dependent on foreign trade has eroded the party's economic influence as well.
69. Admirable though they are, the benefit of these moves are eroded by administrative inefficiencies and distrust.
70. Secondly, it is possible that the beach gravels have been eroded away since their formation.
70. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
71. It could be argued that the long-running teachers' dispute of 1984 - 87 has eroded and undermined this trust.
72. Two particular features of the system of office-holding may have eroded royal control.
73. New ideas are often eroded by subtle discouragement rather than by explicit vetoes.
74. State power, and consequently that of the education authorities, may have been eroded, but it still controls formal education.
75. A bigger unit can take more casualties before its combat worthiness is eroded.
76. Although President Kim was not implicated in the case, the scandal eroded his authority in his final year in office.
77. Where glaciers have scraped it off or rain has eroded it, the topsoil is thin.
78. As we have seen, the civil and political elements of citizenship have been eroded in recent years.
79. The trend toward tabloidization and instant popularization has eroded the boundary lines between news and entertainment, objective journalism and advocacy.
80. The company blamed intense price-cutting in depressed markets which further eroded petrochemical margins.
81. It also caps many of the Jura box-folds, where the Cretaceous succession has been eroded away.
82. Thus their dubious loyalty to the new regime was eroded even further.
83. From its floor rose several lava pillars; eroded, contorted shapes brooding in the deep pit.
84. Philosophers and psychologists alike have eroded all our old assumptions of free will and moral responsibility.
85. At the back he eroded the once rectangular lawn into undulating islets of herbaceous beds and fruit trees.
86. Who could say how much law and order had been eroded by soup stains, a careless buttoning, an inept shave.
87. Widespread deforestation to make way for ski slopes has eroded topsoil, increasing the incidence of avalanches.
88. Salaries, eroded by inflation, are still well below 1994 levels in real terms.
89. So, too, they can be eroded by others who seek to expand their own bases of power.
90. In the same period the power of standing committee chairmen was further eroded by the institutionalization and proliferation of sub-committees.
91. Muddy heaps of soil eroded from fields are trapped in undergrowth.
92. They repeat the errors of the past, until finally their margin for error has been all but eroded.
93. Over the years, the value of our savings and investments has been eroded by inflation.
94. Very low-grade disseminated copper mineralisation may reflect the eroded deep levels of a copper porphyry system.
95. For several hours we explored the island, two humps of rock, spectacularly eroded, joined by a narrow ridge.
96. If the receipt is distributed to shareholders as dividends then the capital base of the business has been eroded.
97. Disagreement among experts about medical treatment in leprosy created confusion among patients and eroded their confidence in physicians.
98. Yet in fact the Church's power was being eroded throughout the seventeenth century.
99. This shows how far general price inflation has eroded the level of spending shown in the detailed cash figures.
100. Skyrocketing energy costs, especially in the Midwest[/eroded.html], have eroded consumers' disposable income.
101. By exterminating farm animals, the option of small organic farms is eroded.
102. Incomes policies eroded differentials, and trade union action was limited by long-term contracts.
103. The old stonework was crumbling and eroded and badly in need of repair.
104. The process of competition has, to some extent, eroded the differences between the commercial and the publicly funded television services.
105. Playing Desert Storm on my Sega console had not only eroded my morals,() it had disturbed my beauty sleep.
106. An incidental feature of the capital transactions is the implication that the capital invested in local farming is being eroded.
107. Her marriage was in trouble, her husband cold and unloving, her emotional and physical health eroded by bulimia.
108. An extended parking area has enabled the restoration or eroded downland where formerly the grass had been all but lost to cars.
109. Resultant wage levels eroded corporate liquidity and profitability, although the extent of the deterioration varied between nations.
110. To erode or be eroded by abrasion.
111. The creek had eroded deep into the little gully.
112. The narrow neck of the diverticulum may become eroded.
113. But Taiwan's competitiveness has been eroded by its relatively strong currency.
114. It was virulently attacked in Congress, and Steinbeck's subsequent success in Russia eroded his reputation from the cold war onwards.
115. Comprehensive land recovery program was applied to about 50,000 square kilometers of once eroded areas.
116. The Lao Tieshan channel is composed of eroded valleys and ridgy zones located in the north of the Bohai strait.
117. Comprehensive land recovery program was applied to over 4 million hectares of once eroded areas.
118. Empowering citizens is good, say advocates, because it will rebuild social capital eroded by the state.
119. Despite policies favorable to widespread land ownership, the Jeffersonian dream of a permanently rural Nation was eroded by the rise of large cities in the 19th century.
120. French-Canadian fur trappers and Sioux disparaged such country as "bad lands. " The term now loosely defines any hilly terrain that is severely eroded into a forbidding landscape.
121. Infection must be suspected if part of the subchondral bone of the acetabulum or femoral head is eroded or if bone has been resorbed about an internal fixation deice.
122. It is obvious that Abei region may be a eroded unconformity oil bearing area.
123. Although it resembles an impact crater, it formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock.
124. It formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock.
125. Dubbed the Badlands Guardian, the "face" is actually a valley eroded into the clay.
126. I left sulkily and wondering what was wrong with me. It was a few decades ago. The world has changed so many times. Any tracks will be eroded by time.
127. Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, the beach gets its rare color from eroded black sand particles that were created by volcanic lava flowing into the ocean and then cooling.
128. Since the poem's initial appearance, the institution of episcopacy, or church hierarchy, has been seriously eroded.
129. Aim : To prevent the fixed - orthodontic etching from acid - eroded enamel opaque spot.
130. Ideas informed by the glacial drumlin landscape where I live are combined with those gleaned from explorations of the eroded rock surfaces of local beaches.
131. Pebbles might be eroded and trans- ported from micritic limestone on far offshore regions, and mixed together with matrix in situ, such as lime mud and skeletal grains.
132. Similarly, floods and droughts are symptoms of a carbon cycle gone wrong: when soil is compacted or eroded, rain evaporates or runs off.
133. When applying the electrical discharge machining process, the material is eroded as a result of electrical discharge between tool and work.
134. But by the end of the 1960 s, economic prosperity was being eroded by persistent inflation.
135. One day, the castle will be eroded away by Midgard Serpent, and that is the start of "Ragnarok".
136. Photo and caption by Paul M. ProvencherBear Rocks Preserve is a heathland at 4000 feet, 477 acres that features sandstone and quartz rocks arranged and eroded in various ways.
137. All devices and equipments of Dushanzi Chemical Refinery are severely eroded by processing oil from Kazakstan.
138. The sediments of delta front around wave base plane are eroded by wave action and took along to redeposit below wave base plane, during which turbidite is formed.
139. Jordan said her food stamp allocation had gradually eroded to $54 a month from $180.
140. The final stage of the disease arrived when a vessel was eroded by the disease process and hemorrhage within the lungs produced the agonal death.
141. A(test):after being eroded through acid, the cavity wall was spread with EM dental adhesive, then filled with silver amalgam.
142. Photo Gallery: Rocks The Colorado River has eroded these schist formations into fudge - like shapes and shades.
143. Second(), it was eroded over 1000 meters during elevating move — ment later Eocene.
144. Rising sea levels have eroded much of the coastlines of the low-lying Carteret Islands situated 50 miles from Bougainville Island, in the South Pacific.
145. I feel concerned by the fact that Sundanese culture is now being eroded by foreign cultures, " said Achmad Mikami Sumawijaya."
146. The likeliest explanation, he argues, is that a grab bag of woes—from pollution to lingering stress— has eroded public health.
147. We present a unique case in which an infra-temporal arachnoid cyst eroded the tegmen tympani that caused conductive hearing loss, CSF otorrhea , and repeated meningitis.
148. In essence, this isopach map represents the simulated paleotopographic surface of the eroded Mississippian.
149. But profit-taking eroded earlier gains amid active trade in what analysts said was a natural reaction to rises that have seen the Nikkei climb more than 3 percent in the last week.
150. Because the height of micro tips on cathode surface can be eroded by the negative current, surface finishing is better in the micro-electroforming by periodic reverse pulse current than pulse current.
151. Seasonal dynamics and nutrient concentrations in litter fall and the annual flows of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were studied in Longan orchard systems on eroded slope orchard of Fujian.
152. This classic hoodoo—an eroded column of rock—called Balanced Rock stands nearly 130 feet (40 meters) tall in Arches National Park.
153. At the end of Pleistocene Epoch, Lingyang Gorge fault cut diagonally Lankewei Hill, one ruptured side was lashed and eroded by the front Xijiang River water.
154. When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa .
155. In experimental study, Ti powder was chosen for spraying onto eroded diamond segments made by hot-pressing sintering, fracture on which was made for microscope investigation.
156. The competitive edge of the United States economy has eroded sharply over the last decade, according to a new study by a nonpartisan research group.
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157. Flocculation and deflocculation of fine sediment play an important role in soil structural stability, agro-chemical compounds movement and eroded sediment transport.
158. The reality is that the adventurous artists are being eroded by the old rotten culture and the old systems, and we are also attacked by the self-assumed artists and fake vanguards.
159. With eroded rainfall energy increasing the cut rate of vegetation for erosion gradually weak.
160. An eroded crater in a larger plain with a scalloped appearance near Pavonis Mons.
161. That power was badly eroded in 2006, when Hizballah was able to withstand the Israeli onslaught, force a cease-fire and claim victory in the process.




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