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单词 Easy-going
1, Paul's an easy-going sort of fellow.
2, Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.
3, The students considered Mrs. Smith an easy-going teacher.
4, She is an easy-going girl.
5, Her easy-going nature made her popular.
6, I wish I had such easy-going parents!
7, Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence.
8, He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.
9, In that we see Herbert's more easy-going temperament.
10, He was easy-going and good-natured.
11, In the first years he had easy-going jailers.
12, Are you kind, considerate, easy-going, or out-going?
13, William did his best to maintain an easy-going, friendly relationship with everyone at camp.
14, He is laid-back, affable and easy-going; she is more outgoing and flamboyant, continuously talking and joking.
15, Easy-going and seemingly indolent, he was in fact a prodigious worker with an obsession for his job.
16, Usually an easy-going sort, Ashley angrily threw his helmet after both at-bats.
17, Our parents are pretty easy-going, and they don't mind if we stay out late.
18, Henry was a typical Oxford man - well-mannered, easy-going, and very sure of himself.
19, Always an easy-going person, Guy had no difficulty in making friends in any situation.
20, Paul was an easy-going fellow at heart who wanted only to enjoy himself.
21, But youngsters raised with nudism have a more easy-going attitude than those brought up the standard way,(http:///easy-going.html) Michelle believes.
22, You were always so relaxed and easy-going. It was one of the things I liked about you.
23, Athenians have a very easy-going attitude to life.
24, Twelve months's credit is the easy-going custom.
25, To her, I'm an easy-going, dim-witted foreigner.
26, For a moment, she felt unusually relaxed, caught up in the lazy, easy-going atmosphere of the Sunday afternoon crowds.
27, Although the relationship is by no means an egalitarian one, it has become more harmonious and more easy-going.
28, Peter, who made his fortune in the family wallpaper business, was a generous, demonstrative and easy-going stepfather.
29, That is because sensitive children, like all challenging children, have a wider range of behavior than more easy-going children.
30, Gilli went with him, and during their stay on the island she developed a close relationship with its easy-going inhabitants.
1, Paul's an easy-going sort of fellow.
2, She is an easy-going girl.
31, There was an easy-going air about it.
32, She is always easy-going when she meets any difficulty.
33, She doesn't want to get a bad name among boys for being easy-going in the clinches but neither does she want to be looked on as an iceberg.
34, Prefer the man to have similar interests , be honest, kind - and easy-going person.
35, I've always considered myself a pretty easy-going parent, and yet here they are telling me I'm a nay-saying harridan.
36, Easy-going , Outgoing Active, Optimism , positive , with chariness and responsibility.
37, He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated it with the more easy-going native wariety to produce a new kind of bees.
38, It'seems to be much more easy-going in practice than the jealous harems of the Mohammedans.
39, She sadly missed the continual social life and careless and easy-going hospitality of her father's home.
40, Look at that clear crisp sky, just like the straightforward, easy-going people of the North.
41, He was a mild , good - natured , sweet - tempered , easy-going, foolish, dear fellow.
41, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
42, She's very easy-going. And I loved that, working with another actor who doesn't - has no airs and graces.
43, Zoikes, how I try to be more mild-mannered and easy-going!
44, A nude or flesh-colored bra denotes a personality that is natural, easy-going, down-to-earth and transparent.
45, WuZun was actually trying to say that they are easy-going .
46, In the films he is very cool and usually plays the role of ladies' man. But in realities, he is rather humble and easy-going.




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