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单词 Glider
1. One glider on the curtain has gone off.
2. The glider uncoupled from the tow plane.
3. The glider was in Dutch airspace.
4. The glider was soon lost sight of in the clouds.
5. The model glider looks fine, although the only way we can really put it to the test is to see if it will fly.
6. The speed of the glider is directly proportional to the speed of the wind.
7. Each hang glider takes one set of sails.
8. It was a narrow squeak for the mahogany glider.
9. Ell looked with horror at the makeshift glider.
10. Different types of glider behave slightly differently, so explore all the gliders you fly and adapt your flying accordingly.
11. This gives the glider pilot more time to find out why his glider is semi-stalled and is sinking like a brick.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. Read in studio A glider pilot has suffered a broken leg in a crash landing at an R-A-F base.
13. Peter pulled up, but to his horror the glider chose to pull up as its method of collision avoidance.
14. The glider circled the escarpment and was carried with the warm air currents into the upper atmosphere.
15. If the glider is in a very steep climb this should be reduced slightly before yawing.
16. This helps to prevent the glider from bouncing on any rough ground.
17. The glider should not be steepened up or levelled out immediately after leaving the ground.
18. Note how this time the glider has a very pronounced inner wing-drop at the stall and tries to spin.
19. Anyone sitting in a glider must always be properly strapped in.
20. A hang glider, piloted by a gorilla playing a saxophone, made several sweeps round the Houses of Parliament.
21. He was directed towards a glider landing strip, but he appears to have clipped a tree and then crashed on farmland.
22. The film was taken by a camera mounted on a hang - glider.
23. It's useful to watch how other pilots handle the glider.
24. The pilot released the cable but could not keep the glider straight, or stop in time to prevent the collision.
25. Stop flying before it becomes too windy to move or fly the glider.
26. Thinking his number was up, Peter pushed down hard and went underneath the glider.
27. Everyone gets very wet but it is worth while getting soaked if it saves even one glider from serious damage.
28. It weighs less than 12, 500 pounds, and its ride is likened to that of a glider.
29. They were concerned that the object might have been a hang glider who'd got into difficulty.
30. Watching a buzzard in flight is very similar to watching a glider - it just seems to float effortlessly.
1. One glider on the curtain has gone off.
2. The film was taken by a camera mounted on a hang - glider.
3. The glider was in Dutch airspace.
4. The glider was soon lost sight of in the clouds.
5. The model glider looks fine, although the only way we can really put it to the test is to see if it will fly.
31. The mature glider pilot would never hesitate to make a fool of himself in the interests of safety.
32. This is when there is the greatest risk of the glider being lifted off the ground by the first strong gust.
33. But his three-second, 89-metre flight ended in disaster when his £700 glider was wrecked as it crashed into the sea.
34. The glider pilot was dazzled for a moment and lost sight of the tug.
35. At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider.
36. The weight of the glider and the woman slowed him down, but he could feel the warm air currents.
37. Gradual changes of attitude make it easier for the glider pilot to follow in position behind the tow plane.
38. If a glider was blown over with some one sitting inside it unstrapped, that person could be killed.
39. This is always dangerous because at that moment the glider has insufficient speed to allow for safe recovery and landing.
40. The glider is not secure with only one light tyre on the wing-tip.
41. Weight on the nose or in the cockpit will be sufficient to prevent the glider lifting.
42. Remember, do not hold the glider down too close to the ground, 5 to 10 feet is safer.
43. It is difficult to conceive how a glider would have been deployed.
44. If this happens, it is important to move the stick forwards sufficiently to ensure that the glider does not re-stall.
45. I used to do this with my more experienced pilots using the Falke motor glider on the runway at Lasham.
46. Thus when the glider is launched it takes a second cable and parachute up with it.
47. But it is the glider pilot who literally has the life of the tow pilot in his hands.
48. Read in studio A glider pilot is trying to popularise a new aerial sport by taking people for free rides.
49. It is possible that this has contributed to the risk of the glider zooming too high just after take off.
50. A careless daily inspection after rigging may easily leave the glider with one aileron or the elevator disconnected.
51. It will also help you to become more familiar with the glider.
52. When a glider is on the ground it does not pivot around its c.g. as it does in flight.
53. A glider pilot who's just won the right to work as an instructor, teaching others the beauty of unpowered flying.
54. The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake.
55. Do not land behind or close to another glider or obstruction.
56. The opposite rudder is then applied to hold that nose direction and to prevent the glider from turning.
57. The glider coasted down onto the landing strip.
58. Fly by means of a hang glider.
59. The glider was soaring above the valley.
60. The glider uncoupled from the two planes.
61. A glider can soar for many miles.
62. The glider put down there at noon.
63. Here in Happy Valley, hunting, snowy scene, a glider.
64. We are fixing the hang glider.
65. A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect.
66. Then, there is the glider , which contains first a called controls that has anchor tags to get to each tab, then another called scroller that contains the content for each tab.
67. An integrated cockpit navigational instrument and display providing full situational awareness for glider pilots.
68. A machine or device, such as an airplane, a helicopter, a glider, or a dirigible, that is capable of atmospheric flight.
69. I'd better finish that glider before I go down there.
70. I guess it must require some skills to fly a glider.
71. But Keith feels safer on his glider than in a car.
72. Glider flights ( Aerobatic flights ) overhead Huang Cun field, radius 15 km altitude 2000 m below.
73. Moullec, 46, has spent ten years raising orphaned geese and cranes, which "imprint" on him as their parent and follow his microlight—a hang glider with an engine—the Daily Mail newspaper reported.
74. The orbiter lifts off vertically like an expendable launch vehicle but makes an unpowered descent similar to a glider.
75. A glider expert, Lorne Welch, was asked to review the stress diagrams and Goldfinch.
76. US Glider Troops During Operation Market Garden Goes Under Review...
77. If the transaction amount exceeds certain amount, the glider exclusive distributor will be rewarded with different equal value product.
78. This usually grants a hang glider a good ten-minute flight back down to Earth, even if there are no rising thermals to help keep the craft aloft.
79. He watched the plane release the glider and the glider shoot up silently above him.
80. When you know how to handle the glider well, you feel safe and in control.
81. To solve such problems, Wilbur and Orville Wright had fitted a motor and propeller on a glider.
82. As the palace collapsed, and as Xizor died high in orbit under the guns of Vader's Super Star Destroyer, Guri escaped in a parawing glider and reclaimed her vessel.
83. What airplane tows you aloft if you are in a glider?
84. If the glider is set in motion, it is observed to move at a constant speed.
85. My student hang glider was almost as low concept as Cayley's, and though I knew it could fly, control clearly remains an issue.
86. "A bird can look like a bullet, and two milliseconds later looks like a hang glider," Dr. Dial said.
87. They include Honda's boxy EV - N , Toyota's FT - EV II mini four - seater and Nissan's skinny two - seated Land Glider.
88. Skorzeny landed by glider with fifty paratroopers, stormed the hotel and freed Mussolini.
89. He put ( the glider ) down in a field.
90. Wills Wing does not recommend that any motor system be used with any Wills Wing hang glider.
91. Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.
92. The boy who posed proudly for the camera with a balsa -wood glider and a silver cup grew naturally into the inventor whose chief joy was to make wings ever lighter and ever larger.
93. Five hundred years of innovation since then had produced the hang glider I held above my head, simple and safe enough to be offered as a tourist entertainment.
94. The slinger's neck snaps forward, and its long, pointed head detaches, flying through the woods as a self- guiding venomous glider... a smart-dart.
95. If you are new to Swing, it can feel like learning to fly a Boeing 747 when what you really need is a single-engine Cessna — or a hang glider.
96. The pilot managed to land the glider on a safe place.
97. The toy glider she left him as a Christmas present was no compensation for her absence.
98. Some moms swear their glider rockers are the only thing that gets their babies to sleep.
99. Whack - Something hang glider pilots shout when they see a friend digging in the glider 's nose on landing.
100. MKS will provide the glider exclusive distributor with the most competitive products and the most favorable prices. Therefore, the profit of the exclusive distributor is the highest.
101. The old glider squeaked and sagged as it accepted his weight.
101. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
102. But this is just the start. After making the first prototype, the designer and his test pilots then test fly the glider to see if the design concept works.
103. (Games, about 90 seconds in length, involve simple things like clearing runways of asteroids). Gaming has also been added to the queue for Soarin', an Epcot ride that simulates a hang glider flight.
104. There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go.
105. Paratroops were one of my favorite units from the first CoH, but now, nothing beats calling in a glider and seeing it crash land through buildings and trees.
106. Helicopter Model – The picture taking and flying control systems are similar to that of the glider model even if the equipment's piloting is necessarily different.




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