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单词 Transcendence
1, It represents a heroic transcendence of the most powerful drives of men.
2, But I took on the idea of transcendence only at a personal level.
3, They long for transcendence, but their individual anguish is alleviated by the knowledge that they share their fate.
4, Who lingers at the threshold of transcendence?
5, The elements are present to support your transcendence.
6, It endows transcendence which aesthetic activities own with ultimate pursuit by eliminating theological notions in Paul Tillich's philosophy.
7, The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.
8, Through the formal content, art embodies its transcendence, criticism and the negativeness. It is the aesthetic form makes art as a self-contained whole to confront the realistic alienation.
9, He realized the theoretical transcendence from knowledge to wisdom by the theory of Rational Intuition, Dialectical Synthesis and Self-verification of Morality.
10, Transcendence is the basic attribute and inherence speciality of the human existence and its activities.
11, It is through transcendence that freedom from karmic relations is found.
12, Secondly, because Confucianism does not have the general form of religion, and it emphasizes "transcendence and immanence" and so on,[http:///transcendence.html] thus it is a special religion.
13, The biggest happiness in life is realizing self - transcendence.
14, But these lapses are far outweighed by moments of transcendence.
15, Rather - for years - he had denied himself banality, as if disbelieving in the possibility of such physical transcendence.
16, But in its third rendition, the one in charcoal on paper, the comical figure metamorphoses into transcendence.
17, It would take only a minor leap of faith, a moment of transcendence, to believe that Christine Ashdown stared back.
18, I carved my first wide turn through virgin powder, experiencing a transcendence of Buddhist proportions.
19, It is important to be clear that the Deity does not lose its transcendence by being immanent.
20, Kandinsky's writings are full of unresolved tensions between physical existence and spiritual transcendence.
21, The emergence of the information-processing capacity of the human brain is clearly a major transcendence in this sense.
22, The search for the seat of divinity in man and nature is only a prelude to the aspiration for transcendence.
23, Today it seems to evince a growing recognition that totalization can not be achieved without a movement involving the transcendence of itself.
24, In this there is a certain basic respect for the transcendence of the mystery which is quite healthy.
25, Male urination really is a kind of accomplishment and an f transcendence.
26, And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more.
27, Q's character contains two aspects: the national deep - rooted bad habits and self - transcendence.
28, He had demonstrated to all those obsessed with the tangible the transcendence of visionary.
29, The ideological emancipation is the content, requirements and needs of the reflectiveness, the transcendence and the reality.
30, The creativity is human beings' living condition, and human creation has the features of transcendence, reflectiveness and the reality.
31, Its realization needs the external rational resource regulation and the internal self transcendence.
32, Chaucer's inheritance and transcendence of the courtly love tradition lay the basis for the development of English literature and for the literary prosperity in the Elizabethan period.
33, But on account of her "egotist experience", her feminine self-consciousness was filled with "pessimistic" and gloomy color, which greatly influenced the transcendence of herself.
34, Thus, without reference to anything authentically Gnostic, Voegelin claims that Nietzsche represents a "gnosis shut off" from transcendence.
35, V. Woolf, British female writer, her world outlook of sagaciousness and broad-mindedness is formed as a result of her capricious fate and constant pursuit of self transcendence.
36, But surrender only signifies defeat in war. In life It'signifies transcendence.
37, Forget the stone barns with the dandrutty guys in suede shoes droning on about transcendence.
38, Pantheism either mutes or rejects the biblical teaching of the transcendence of God in favor of his radical immanence.
39, The author Karl Jaspers considers "communication" as a way of existence, which indicates the relationship between existence and transcendence.
40, The meaning of life reflects teacher professional development as wholeness, purposefulness, practicality and transcendence, each of which requires teachers have specific methods and strategies.
41, We ended up with limp, dime-store transcendence – e. g. , astronauts floating in space, doves in flight, and many, many smiling children.
42, We have then to find not only a simple act of transcendence but a double inversion.
43, Danburite will assist initiates in pushing forth in their ascension journey,[http:///transcendence.html] overcoming the internal demons in the act of inner transcendence.
44, The Enterprise Aesthetic Culture has some features such as transcendence, creativeness, presentness, enjoyment and conformity.
45, Surrender is the transcendence of ego and the release of control.
46, Such a transcendence, therefore, is very important to the creation of artistic conceptions in poetry.
47, Chaucer's inheritance and transcendence of the courtly love tradition lay the basis for the development of English literature and for the literary prosperity in the Elizabethan peri...
48, The absolute worship of text provides literary study with legitimacy and transcendence and divinity, but meanwhile,[] this kind of study loses validity reality and humanity.
49, The sustainable development is another transcendence of human self in his civilized progress.
50, This section interprets it from two aspects in both the natural character need poetic glamorization living and the liberty production meaning the extension and transcendence of life itself.
51, It has the characteristics of contradiction ( mixture ), motion, transcendence ( morality ).
52, And may it bring you great joy, great understanding, and great transcendence.
53, It is inexpiable because God's gift itself is of such transcendence and holiness that it cannot be paid off by finite animal beings such as we are.
54, The textual transcendence relies on interpreters'thought of and dialogue with the text.
55, And the single way of the transcendence is to return to Marx' s objective action.
56, Once again, Jung sees the transcendence of opposites as the ideal.
57, The problem with false ascension is is no legitimate transcendence possible.
58, Now, some will say the incommensurability of which I speak is simply God's transcendence.
59, But by means of dispelling everything it has solved the contradictions and cleaned the absurdities that Zhuangzi hasn t done, and has achieved an anthropologic poetic transcendence.
60, With the keen interest in shifts between time and space, the poet, as a "sightseer", has been exploring transcendence of relativism in a disinterested manner.




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