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单词 Regrets
1. His regrets was stuttering to me.
2. Years of listening to us sing no regrets, sing their own tears applause.
3. She regrets that she spent her youth travelling and not studying.
4. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
5. Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it's meaningless to oppress yourself.
6. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
7. Mrs Armstrong regrets that she cannot accept your kind invitation.
8. A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams.
9. My end is no regrets, the Iraqi people to wave.
10. I have absolutely no regrets about resigning.
11. He regrets selling all his old records.
12. I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle .
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. Please accept my regrets at refusing/that I must refuse.
14. Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring.
15. The airline regrets any inconvenience.
16. She was eaten up by regrets.
17. I cannot come—please give them my regrets.
18. I have no regrets about leaving.
19. China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
20. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 
21. The secret of happiness could be as simple as remembering the good times and forgetting the regrets.
22. Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it's meaningless to oppress yourself.
23. Life is too short. Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life.
24. Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
25. Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets.
26. Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
27. A man is not old as long as he is seeking some-thing . A man is not old until Regrets take the place of dreams.
28. Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets.
29. I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.
30. The wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.
1. His regrets was stuttering to me.
2. She regrets that she spent her youth travelling and not studying.
3. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
4. Mrs Armstrong regrets that she cannot accept your kind invitation.
5. I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.
6. China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
31. Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally.
32. My father was ill and had to send his regrets.
33. Five years later she regrets having given up her home.
34. Mrs. Gottlieb presents her apologies and regrets she will not be able to attend.
35. On reflection, he says, he very much regrets the comments.
36. We did have an invitation, but we had to send Graham our regrets.
37. Henry sends his regrets - he has the flu.
38. But their parents have no regrets.
39. It's no use having regrets. You can't go back!
40. I have no regrets, none whatsoever.
41. Because we don't want you to have any regrets.
42. I knew that if I didn't make a clean break with Victor I should be filled with regrets for the rest of my life.
43. The management regrets to inform you that your contract will not be renewed next month.
44. This is a very fine work and one regrets that, in later life,[http:///regrets.html] he relinquished the oil medium.
45. Dave Devine, the author of the article, regrets this misunderstanding.
46. But I've no regrets - I don't really want to own a car.
47. Foolishly the deejay opted for cash, a one-time deal he still regrets.
48. There's another kind of breadwinner - women on their own with no regrets.
49. Fond as he is of his inactive comforts, he regrets all marriages as breaking up happy families.
50. Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets. Leonardo da Vinci 
51. Neither Bradford nor Birmingham regrets entering the tourist trade - the industry waits with bated breath to see how Swindon fares.
52. Nothing lasts forever, so live it up; drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit. Take chances and never have regrets because, at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted. Marilyn Monroe 
53. Mr Casey regrets that he will have to decline your kind invitation owing to a prior engagement.
54. I know you don't have regrets because that's not your style.
55. This means that any of those experiments in plant association which prove to be unsuccessful can be scrapped without too many regrets.
56. Meys he regrets getting caught up in the drug scene.
57. When orders came to a new appointment there were regrets all round.
58. There would be sighs of disappointment at suppertime, and a chorus of polite regrets.
59. His regrets, his apology, his talk of giving up business and his painful honesty had all been faked.
60. Lesley regrets that she can not enter into any direct correspondence with readers.
61. It read: The Governor deeply regrets you were inconvenienced by Mr Dach, a member of his advance team.
62. I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. John Lennon 
63. The counsellor must also recognize that in returning to past experiences, there will be regrets and disappointments as well as joys and successes.
64. I am a shy person and I actually get embarrassed when people compliment me for my looks. But when I think about it later, I feel good. I don't have any regrets in my life. I am happy with whatever God has given me be it personally or professionally. I get up early in the morning and do yoga to stay fit. I don't go to gym and all. Dharminder 
65. It is rich with human relationships, regrets, fantasies and dreams.
66. Regrets are about decisions that you know you should have done different. Laurell K. Hamilton 
67. At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets. Steve Maraboli 
68. There were secret caches, secret trails, secret codes, secret missions, secret terrors and appetites and longings and regrets.
69. Do you have any regrets about a relationship that recently ended?
70. I finally moved in just before Christmas 1988 and, like Edith Piaf, I have no regrets.
71. I have no regrets about the divorce - except that it didn't happen sooner.
72. The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. Helen Rowland 
73. But there were neither apologies nor regrets, and the air rang to the sound of hundreds of cheers.
74. But no one who has participated in one of these adventures in creativity and community seems to have any real regrets.
75. Later, I stole a car, and I had no regrets.
76. Theobald regrets the fashion of representing crimes on the stage perpetrated by villains with whom one can have no sympathy.
77. He asked me to find you and to offer you his apologies and regrets.
78. He communicates less and less with his wife, who now deeply regrets the entire affair.
79. It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
80. Some cloners think Sun regrets making previous Sparcstations too easy to knock off so it's putting some obstacles in the way.
81. Their conversation soon turned to shared regrets about the large amount of money being squandered on environmental programs without commensurate result.
82. Both Mark and Tracy sacrificed professional status and money for time; neither regrets it.
83. Welcome to the sorry state of the apology, when regrets seem to come most readily when they matter the least.
84. No regrets, no hesitation; there were no false moves left in me.
85. It was a story of memories and regrets and resolutions; a story of fathers and sons trying to talk together.
86. She regrets she is so much in the way of the young people, who really should have some time to themselves.
87. I think she regrets now that she never went to college.
88. If Fred regrets offering his old car to Brian, can he withdraw his offer?
89. And no, there were never any regrets; the Princess had found her palace in Vetch Street.
90. She regrets the error, and, incidentally, is still looking for the man of her dreams.
91. She always wanted to write and only regrets that she did not sooner have the courage to devote herself to it.
92. Mr Waterfield regrets not taking more of an interest in the then-popular sport in his student days at Oxford.
93. He says he regrets with great penitence and sorrow the circumstances that led to the caution.
94. A person without regrets is a nincompoop.
95. Haunted by vain regrets, and pallid, sorrowful faces.
96. If tomorrow never comes, you'llhave no regrets about today.
97. Take a dive and there would be no regrets.
98. At the very least the Milwaukee fans have regrets.
99. He often acts impulsively and later regrets it.
100. Now it's done, regrets are of no avail.
101. "A stronger Russia now regrets such conciliatory policies because they have left the country feeling encircled," writes Russia analyst Ivan Eland.
102. And if tomorrow never comes,[] you'll have no regrets about today.
103. Study no regrets ! Consumers have for the Iraqi languish.
104. Please extend my regrets to his majesty. I bid you farewell, arrivederci , sayonara, and all that sort of jazz.
105. For me, to came, affective involvement, also no - regrets, though just passenger.
106. Because of this, the system designer and the development must explicitly the security problem take a consideration factor, afterwards regrets very difficultly to be effective.
107. Sometimes a meteor would rather do, go only a short moment, but can be docked to the heart, across the long trajectory, so that as the eternal moment, no regrets.
108. When I ask if she regrets never finding love or indulging in any of that "emotional relatedness", she says yes, but stresses she has "an exciting life".
109. His darkest hour was in the late 1990s when he confessed to being a Nazi sympathizer in his adolescence, something he deeply regrets.
110. Townsend harbours no regrets.
111. Even if all the way many regrets, we can also sew up with a benevolence.
112. The twin brothers bled for their country and died without any regrets.
113. Among her greatest regrets, says the official, is having relied on FEMA's assurances that it would provide bus transportation out of the Superdome to evacuees.
114. Get this' news, filled with a thousand regrets in my heart, same is together network known, same is same propaganda, same is same act and idea, why's our Luotian's people de react like this dumpish?
115. It is like she realizes the equal meaning of life and regrets after she shot an opossum in her garden.
116. He also regrets that the local distributors are not too keen in promoting Kazakh cinematograph .
117. All kinds of shortages and regrets of the used motorcycle seat-saddle will be overcome by using "Caiyun" special seat-cover with the function of solarization and health protection.
118. Her misgiving was such that at dusk, when the milking was over, she walked in the garden alone, to continue her regrets that she had disclosed to him her discovery of his considerateness.
119. No love in the life and soul of the woman is withered, enchase the deck is pale, leaving regrets.
120. While Sola is breaking new ground, few AV idols can expect to achieve her level of success. But retired idol Saori Tsuchiya has no regrets.
121. I wish I will look out a mirro which may flash back my soul, then get off my blank life with regrets.
122. As soon as he had felt these regrets, he realized their futility.
123. Bessie Coleman did not live to establish her own flying school. But she had said that if she could create the minimum of her plans and desires, she would have no regrets.
124. We found that highly extraverted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets.
125. Justin Bieber tweets his heartfelt regrets to all of his fans — on April Fools' Day!
126. Shall I convey your regrets, sire? " asked Darned. "
127. John Barrymore:A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
128. Saturday they regrets in Ukraine ties , Orridge has to hit the crossbeam the header.
129. Ray Spier, editor of Vaccine, declined to comment on Abalaka continuing to provide an untested vaccine in exchange for cash or if he now regrets publishing the paper.
130. Dr Beamish has a cold and regrets he cannot meet his classes today .
131. Have no regrets at loving with her , because have no hate full youth backflash.
132. It was a long bad night[http:///regrets.html], a sterile churning of regrets and afterthoughts.
133. Mum is the saintess. She is the best one who knows the exact love without regrets, complaints and repayments.
134. I called both Joe Lewis and Arnold Palmer and expressed my regrets for not attending the Tavistock Cup and the Arnold Palmer Invitational.
135. I make bold choices to choose from! To the young dream, and no regrets of youth!
136. Never got to see them live though - one of lifes regrets!
137. We can recriminate for a few episodes, their offside goal, Seedorf's free kick on the crossbar, there are a few regrets.




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