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单词 Cooler
(1) Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
(2) Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.
(3) Stay in the shade it's cooler.
(4) As they climbed higher, the air became cooler.
(5) Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.
(6) I wish I'd worn something cooler - I'm boiling.
(7) The food in the cooler can prevent spoiling.
(8) Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.
(9) It will be cooler when the sun has set.
(10) We've brought a cooler full of beer with us.
(11) It's late summer; soon the days will be cooler.
(12) Metals contract as they get cooler.
(13) Natural fibres such as cotton tend to be cooler.
(14) The climate is cooler in the east of the country.
(15) It was getting cooler as the sun sank below the horizon.
(16) They took a cooler full of drinks to the beach.
(17) Next week will be fine but a little cooler.
(18) It's much cooler over here in the shade.
(19) The afternoon will be overcast with cooler temperatures.
(20) It gets much cooler in the evenings.
(21) The house looked cooler, clearer, its angles sharper and shadows blacker in the high summer sunshine.
(22) It was a lot cooler and windier than earlier in the week.
(23) With cooler air, more cloud, and so less sunshine, even grass grows less well than on the lowlands.
(24) Also, of course, the climate becomes steadily cooler from the equator to the poles.
(25) Meetings around the water cooler are encouraged rather than discouraged.
(26) Mike went to fetch a bottle of wine from the cooler.
(27) Three out of four Americans watched Roots, and then the next day could talk about race relations at the water cooler.
(28) At first it was very hot, but then it got cooler.
(29) How do you think that would play around the old water cooler?
(30) As the sun shrinks it rotates faster, and flings off its outer, much cooler shell when it reaches escape velocity.
(1) Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
(2) Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.
(3) As they climbed higher, the air became cooler.
(4) Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.
(5) It's late summer; soon the days will be cooler.
(31) That day, the skies had clouded and, for the first time, the weather was cooler.
(32) Two women wheeled the shopping cart into the dairy cooler for safekeeping so the Moes could go have lunch.
(33) The general principle is to circulate cooler liquids around the outside.
(34) When Dan had returned after his drink, wiping his mouth and looking cooler, she had been silent.
(35) It is hottest at the top and gradually cooler towards the base.
(36) The All-Star team is always a good topic for discussion around the water cooler or at the bar.
(37) With each warm spell tundra and forest edges have moved north, only to be forced south again during cooler spells.
(38) Marie slipped Omar a dollar to buy ice cream from a boy with a silver cooler strapped to his chest.
(39) The planter means you can conceal the cooler with bright flowers throughout the seasons.
(40) They were fairly easy to move through and were cooler than surrounding areas.
(41) But, in the privacy of the polling booth, cooler and more hard-headed calculations came into play.
(42) Pack a well-insulated cooler with perishable foods the day of the picnic.
(43) Sit down, and I'll get a couple of beers out of the cooler.
(44) I always enjoyed any operation we had in there; it was always cooler inside.
(45) Clothes made of pure cotton are much cooler than those made of mixed fibers.
(46) The day was cooler and still fresh after the night of rain.
(47) The air was growing cooler with the approach of evening.
(48) The oil cooler was by Radiatore Cohini and was fitted under the radiator.
(49) Although the days are very hot,[] it's much cooler at night.
(50) A cooler customer, it is suggested, would somehow have sought and found a diplomatic solution.
(51) And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
(52) The weather became cooler under the influences of cold breezes from the frozen north, observed my master.
(53) In the mornings Ruth Rasmussen would be ready with a cooler of sandwiches and soft drinks.
(54) Inside he found a sleepy yeoman and a cooler dispensing Stateside water.
(55) As the hot cooking air was sucked through the window, the little kitchen grew cooler.
(56) Aseptic boxes of fruit juices or plastic containers of prepared beverages can be frozen to serve double duty in the cooler.
(57) The flowers will last longer in the cooler air, too.
(58) Violet light was cooler and red light warmer than the others.
(59) South facing rooms which already appear to be warmer due to the extra light can more easily accommodate cooler shades such as pale blue.
(60) But, you also should discover, the builders did think of some ways to keep the house cooler in hot weather.
(61) The hot oil from the vats goes to a copper cooler.
(62) We had some cans of ginger ale in a cooler, but they had gone bad, exploded.
(63) That leaves Bush, in Texas, poised to reach national prominence as a Republican advocating a cooler approach to the issue.
(64) And looking a little cooler, Emma Jesson from the weather department.
(65) Across the street on the corner of the park, Joey Seldon was stocking his red cooler with cans of soda.
(66) Campbell threw Costa into a glass cooler door and punched him in the face three times.
(67) He grabbed a full bottle of wine out of a silver cooler and tucked it under his arm.
(68) There's a second road, parallel to Main Street, up the hill because it's cooler.
(69) Once at the picnic area, store the cooler in the shade and open it only when necessary.
(70) At first it feels cooler and then it begins to feel like a greenhouse: sultry.
(71) Full-bodied, sweet or sparkling wines can be drunk at a cooler temperature.
(72) It was cooler and very quiet in the wood that was tangled with old huge trees.
(73) The light had a cold bluish tinge and the air was cooler too.
(74) The visor darkened almost to black opacity, and the suit's cooler began audibly to work harder.
(75) The heat in the air moves to the cooler liquid.
(76) One day Nockerd came to work and found tomato sauce poured all over the floor in the cooler.
(77) The hot gas is pumped to a coil in the indoor unit where cooler indoor air is blown across the hot coils.
(78) Paco and I made Bloody Marys last night in this cooler.
(79) But, if the cooler conditions persist, and Melbourne is notorious for its fickle weather, it will favour Lapentti.
(80) But as Michele had prophesied, it was already getting cooler, and Luce was glad of her light coat.
(81) Oats grow best in the wetter, cooler parts of the country and are much more tolerant of poor, acid soils.
(82) Thirty-Seven On the table was a light supper, white wine in a cooler, candles in silver candlesticks.
(83) Sealions have departed for cooler waters and in some places seals lie dying on the rocks in their fur coats.
(84) But the Tribune newspaper gave her White Paper a cooler reception than we did.
(85) The boat turned. The wind blew off the sea and it was growing cooler.
(86) Feel the warm air as you breathe out and the cooler air as you breathe in.
(87) It was cooler and grey, and a brisk sou'wester spiked with a salty drizzle met us at the crag.
(88) The living room, dining room and kitchen are toasty, but the three bedrooms are 5 to 6 degrees cooler.
(89) The moaning noise from military Land Rovers comes from the oil cooler system.
(90) It'll be cooler down by the lake, I would think.
(91) She draws back the sheet so that he stirs uneasily, feeling the cooler air and himself revealed.
(92) It is then put in a walk-in cooler set at 40 F., where at first it continues to rise.
(93) Peggy fell off the roof of their house while fixing the cooler one summer.
(94) The sudden rush of cooler air as the door was thrust open took her completely by surprise.
(95) As the climate gradually became cooler and more moist, humans again moved in, usually following river valleys.
(96) The cooler Charity's answers, the more indignant Charles's requests for an explanation.
(97) The swamp cooler beats a steady rhythm, trying its best to tame the stuffy air.
(98) And it is much cooler and drier.
(99) Let's go out. It's much cooler.
(100) How much cooler will it get?
(101) Rigorous air-cooler model Rigorous Air Cooler design and rating.
(102) Paint the background tones lighter and the colours cooler.
(103) It is then known as an evaporative cooler.
(104) Our wine cooler made of solid gel.
(105) The water was slightly cooler than a child's bath.
(106) Noctua packages their cooler in a huge box.
(106) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(107) Keep in the shade; it's cooler.
(108) Getting cooler with each autumn shower! ".
(109) The way of the mortar cooler is water cooler.
(110) State army horse, singing wine cooler in Iraq.
(111) A little cooler, say I, with false amiability.
(112) Don't forget to chug-a-lug at the water cooler!
(113) Kelly fished out another beer from his cooler.
(114) But the state has yet to pass any rules to encourage cooler pavement on its roads, which are largely coated with heat-absorbing asphalt, a cheap byproduct of oil refining.
(115) EA309 is the dehydrogenating tail gas cooler in unit 300 of styrene workshop in chemical works No. 1. which inlet section is circular section vessel.
(116) The corrosion type of E6608 gas cooler included eroding corrosion, intercrystalline corrosion and overoxidation corrosion in acidic high temperature environment.
(117) Auxiliary Boiler Series: If Atmospheric thermal spray Deaerator and Sampling Cooler.
(118) AgriculturalAgriculture experts at the Ohio State University Extension say broccoli and cauliflower grow best in cooler climates.
(119) And that brings us to another point. In our Manhattan apartment, we also have a tiny wine cooler that holds just 17 bottles and cost less than $200.
(120) The bottler even installed a remote opener on the door of Ndlovu's drink cooler so the attendant, behind a small window, could open it when a customer rang a small chime.
(121) Compressed air system is the most important equipment is perhaps after cooler.
(122) Now, with a jazzman - cool, articulate, unapologetically brilliant black man on the throne won't going to school and reading and writing and speaking proper suddenly look a lot cooler?
(123) You could also buy a small wine cooler and follow the same guidelines: If you keep your wine fridge in a cool place, it won't have to work so hard, keeping your energy bill down.
(124) Completed the Utsunomiya Plant with the cutting-edge machines provided, which resulted in establishing the hydraulic oil filter and oil cooler full-scale production system.
(125) Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle.
(126) It was a cooler, packed, before we left the motel, by the other mother, the kindly, round-faced equivalent of my own mother.
(127) Moo mini - cards are cooler than regular business cards, because they're small and attention - grabbing .
(128) Check oil cooler internal anti - corrosion ( zinc ) coatings, the need to redo.
(129) Young student, he drank a draught of cooler tea to wash down his meal.
(130) Horizontal-tube primary gas cooler is an equipment of high efficiency with many featured merits.
(131) Kim opted for cooler blues and yellows in the master bedroom.
(132) I got a lot of work today, I appreciate it cooler.
(133) The Domino A.L.C cooler - of which you can expect a review soon - is being accepted by the public and the industry quite nicely.
(134) Bismuth nanomaterials with very large magnetoresistance (MR) and excellent thermoelectric properties are widely used in magnetic field sensor, thermoelectric cooler or batteries materials.
(135) Through checking the heat removal of the catalyst cooler based on running data and considering the changeable feedstock source, it was recognized that the heat removal range was rather narrow.
(136) This political tinderbox threatened to split the New Republic, but cooler heads prevailed.
(136) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(137) The principle of RFQ (Radiofrequency Quadrupole) cooler and buncher is briefly introduced and some results of simulation by using the SIMION code are given.
(138) This article establishes the mathematic model of tube evaporative cooler.
(139) Addition of chamfering shape on seating surface of joint bolt at atf cooler pipe area.
(140) However flowering plants such as azaleas and cyclamen like cooler temperatures.
(141) Currano and her colleagues found that during the comparatively cooler end of the Paleocene epoch, 15 to 38 percent of leaves showed insect damage.
(142) The measure result of cooling effect of hard line and mild line indicates that turbulent flow cooler has more effective cooling effeciency than straight spray cooler.
(143) Everyone knows about fall in New England, but what fewer people are aware of is that September is the best month for visiting Texas and the Deep South (those cooler nights are a godsend).
(144) English girls. They are stuck-up. You see. And I am primarily attractive to girls who are, you know, cooler, game for a laugh. Like American girls.
(145) Although after cooler will water vapor condensation into a liquid make temperature decrease, but for the following two reasons from after cooler out air can still see the liquid water.
(146) Simulation results show that Carnot efficiency of the PTC increase from 14% to 16 9% when the cooler change from orifice type to double inlet type.
(147) Avoid your coworkers that are constantly commiserating at the water cooler.
(148) The simulation of accelerating process for HIRFL cooler storage ring (CSR)has been performed by taking into account the ions' synchrotron oscillation.
(149) As the ocean surface warms, it mixes less with cooler, deeper waters, which contain much of the oceans nutrients, the Nature study says.
(150) The air cooler is designed of nullity fin oval stainless steel bellows tube bank replacing conventional fin tube bank.
(151) Gas cleaning and cooling for gasifier system is accomplished by a cyclone, a gas cooler with some scrubbing action and a packed bed filter.
(152) Cooler weather past two days, also falling under the streetlight shining on the trees alone neighbors.
(153) A cold front defined as the leading edge of a cooler and drier mass of air.
(154) The space radiant cooler is one of the cryocoolers used in space technology.
(155) Movement of matter from hot regions to cooler ones will tend to decrease the thermal imbalance.
(156) But another way to keep food fresh is to use an evaporative cooler.
(157) After several years circulated, the tube bundle of external catalyst cooler was contorted and metamorphosed and should be replaced.
(158) The mechanisms, coating process and application examples of anti - corrosion coatings for water cooler are introduced.
(159) In summer, it is cooler to wear this kind of gauze cap.
(160) Bar Accessory, Gift Sets, Wine Rack , Wine Cooler Wine Set, Kitchen Ware Tableware and Cutlery.
(161) A 12-ounce wine cooler can have 190 calories and 22 grams of carbs.
(162) The rolling emulsion and oil pipe form a closed system with the cooler, filter and indicator for pressure of the main pipe.
(163) The causes of fouling of high pressure air cooler of hydrocracker in Jinlin Petrochemical Company, s refinery were analyzed. The analysis showed that the fouling was formed from polycyclic aromatics.
(164) While the arris threw a warm light, the car was lit by the cooler 8-foot Kino flo daylight fluorescent fixture.
(165) A two stage radiant cooler applied in compound - refrigerating system ( CRS ) was developed.
(166) This machine is double roller opening to be used for rubber mixing. It consists of seat, Frame, Rubber, Driving device, Lubricator and cooler,[] range adjusting device of roller. Safety brake.
(167) Results from the experiment show that there exists a maximum coefficient of performance and it depends on the evaporation temperature and outlet temperature of the gas cooler.
(168) Petal-shaped fin tubes and slotted hole corrugated screen plate will be used to improve the heat transmission property to prevent oil cooler failures caused by the high water temperature in summer.
(169) Don't use antiperspirant during cooler months alternatively on weekends when it doesn't stuff whether you sweat a tiny.
(170) This is even cooler. The passengers have to sign waivers because they might be the victims of a gang fight.
(171) When the water vapor at the mouth of a teakettle spout comes into contact with cooler air, the water vapor condenses to form a visible cloud of water droplets.
(172) Make air cooler water pressure resistance test, record water pressure, pressure time and CTD.
(173) By contrast of the new forced-air cooler in transformers to the old one, the design and effect of improvement of the old forced-air cooling system are discussed.
(174) Auxiliary machinery?Refrigerating?plant?Heat exchanger?Marine air bottle?Cooler?unit?Fire damper?Gas tight damper?Exhaust fan?Cabin fan?Engine?room?fan?
(175) Don't use antiperspirant during cooler months or on weekends when it doesn't matter if you sweat a little.
(176) Defects of iron casting tube in separating condenser and cooler for steamed ammonia are analysed.
(177) In addition, it needs more collector area than water cooler by reduce the collector efficiency in the wind cooler under the same situation.
(178) The paper describes the application of miniature dewar and cooler in infrared system.
(179) On July 17th government officials descended on one of the best-known legal research groups and took away almost everything it owned—files, desks, computers, even the water cooler.
(180) Introduction: Lucheng thin flexible braided straw hat, braided symmetry article, use it made of straw cover both wind and rain and cooler air.
(181) Cooler is fixed into the trunk of the electrical machine.
(182) After cooler out at the exit of compressed air temperature should be saturated steam, and air temperature should be pressure of compressed air condensation point.
(183) This paper deals with method of soldering thermoelectric cooler with metal dewar of infrared detector.
(184) The status and trend in development of catalyst cooler in residue fluid catalytic cracking unit (RFCCU) were introduced.
(185) Additionally, the self-aligning ball bearing has the lowest friction of all rolling bearings, which enables it to run cooler even at high speeds.
(186) The acid temperature was lowered down by parallelly installing a spare acid cooler to increase heat exchange area and a good econo...
(187) the office water cooler.
(188) The gas cooler for thin solution distillation is added to satisfy the demand of enlarging production scale.
(189) The researchers think the cooler night and early-morning temperatures, which would help dissipate body heat and increase oxygen availability, may be more helpful than any tailwind assist.
(190) Specifies the parameter of the hardcore parts, chooses thermoelectric cooler, designs the frame of the unit and matches the refrigeration system.
(191) Cooling water tank of glue yarn is circle well by the cooler.
(192) Check oil cooler tubing, if necessary, clean the cooling water channel.
(193) He walked to the water cooler, only to return spitting and gasping.
(194) Show conduction of heat along this metal strip from a "hot" source to a "cooler" one.
(195) After the steam superheater was connected in series with a set of flue gas cooler, not only solved the above mentioned problems, but also made full use of flue gas surplus heat.
(196) It was a story they'd shared around the water cooler.
(197) Gourmet Kitchen has everything a chef could desire as well a a view of the garden and wine cooler in the pantry.
(198) The cooler includes at least an evaporator of the refrigerating device, the entering and exiting tubes of which are communicated with the cooling agent of the air conditioner outdoor device.
(199) After cooler work principle is that use of the cooling medium (such as water or air) and after cooler the exit of compressed air temperature difference.
(200) Whatever the mechanism, the cooler the surface, the less energy there is to "puff up" the sun.
(201) The yacht is equipped with radar navigation systems, high frequency communications equipment, refrigerators, wine cooler, etc.
(202) Guangzhou COOLER Refrigeration Equipment Co. , Ltd. is a specialist in refrigeration area. Our business includes tradition, manufacture, refrigeratory engineering design and installation.
(203) Trees keep the air cooler and add moisture to the atmosphere which helps create clouds and precipitation.
(204) The air became cooler but Feliks perspired all the same.
(205) Mainly produce in cake showcase, vertical show case, stainless steel case, ice-cream showcase, ice-cream cake showcase, walk-in cooler and freezer, open display case, flower showcase.
(206) Mangosteen tea a valuable medicine, and cooler Wei Gan, functional Qingfei Runchang.
(207) After canicule, autumn will soon come and it'll be much cooler.
(208) She wished they had a cooler to hold some luncheon meat, some sodas.
(209) To some extent we're seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Ni?a — a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal.
(210) Air cooler of air compressor, end cover opened, waterside surface cleaned with brush.
(211) The system is mainly composed of single chip computer, temperature sensor, D/A converter chip and thermal electronic cooler (TEC). Fuzzy logic control is implemented through software programming.
(212) The factor evaluation sheet and 0-4 evaluation methods are used to show the advanced technique of the air cooler for power plant by HAC.
(213) While such curiosities are sure to keep physicists busy(), work is already under way to move topological insulators from the wine cooler to the laptop.
(214) When September comes, It'starts to get cooler, so after Labour Day we start classes.
(215) The design for cooling water automatic adjusting of hydrogenerator air cooler is introduced in this paper. The operation method and adjusted principle are described.
(216) And comparing the performance between the spray - type air cooler and coil air cooler.
(217) To cool these components, fans are used to move dead air away from the components and draw cooler air over them.
(218) The auxiliary coolers will include the turbine lube oil coolers, the generator air coolers, the boiler feed water pump bearing cooler, and the bed ash cooling screws.
(219) Flux of cool water should refer to the design requirement of cooler.
(220) Reducing the heat leak to the low temperature environment and gas-free cooling HTSC current lend are very important for the application of GM cooler conduction cooling superconductor system.
(221) Usually a gas cooler is used between the combustion chamber and hydrator.
(222) The temperature under the shade tree can be up to 20 degrees cooler than standing in the direct sunlight.
(223) Investing in sexy new stainless steel appliances may be a wise idea when it comes to cooking up a quick flip – be sure to add a coveted glass-front wine cooler.
(224) As viewed from water recycle and its recycle ratio, safety of flue gas cooler was discussed. That the very first 5 days after start up its the dangerous period.
(225) A pin rack driven device for sinter circulate cooler was presented in this paper.
(226) As a new cooling equipment, vertical cooler provides a special feature by using counter current heating exchanging principle[sentence dictionary], that results desired cement cooling effect.
(227) External catalyst cooler is located between hot oil pump room, regenerator and catalyst tank, very difficult to be hoisted.
(228) Against the existing problem on the spraying system of cross tube primary gas cooler, the respective modification measure has been taken, the cooling effect and safe delivery of gas were ensured.
(229) Cooler waters usually start diminishing a hurricane's power if it reaches Cape Hatteras, North Carolina .
(230) This paper presents the operation principle of thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and the temperature-stabilization control of TEC.
(231) Heater, cooler and temperature sensor are installed in the air channel.
(232) There, cooler air condenses the refrigerant and becomes heated during the process.
(233) An electric flow-through liquid dispenser including means for avoiding retaining liquid between the dispensing outlet (9) and a heater (4) or cooler.
(234) Heater, cooler and temperature sensors are installed in the air channel.
(235) But this hot spell can't last long. Probably it will rain tonight and the weather will then be cooler.
(236) The results show that the failure of oil - cooler is bolt - like dezincification corrosion.
(237) The COP of conventional trans critical carbon dioxide air conditioning cycle depends strongly on the working fluid temperature at the gas cooler outlet.
(238) Gas cooler is one of the most important heat exchangers and has very important effect on the system performance.
(239) The invention relates to a cooler having a defrosting heater and an object storing device.
(240) The United States, which had been unusually cool in the summer of 2009, was warm this past summer, except the Pacific Northwest, which was cooler than the 1951-1980 climatology.
(241) The stable and safe operation of the ammonia plant is severely affected by the air lock ammonia cooler.
(242) Water - cooler diesel generator, they work well in all conditions.
(243) In this "one-sex" model the male body is taken as the most perfect in form and beauty, whist the female a cooler and thus less perfect version of the male.
(244) Make sure the parameter of the hardcore parts, choose thermoelectric cooler, design the frame of the unit and match the refrigeration system.
(245) Even though 2008 is cooler than the past several years, it's still likely to rank as the 10th warmest year since the beginning of climate records in the 1850s.
(246) The cooler consists of an absorber, a solution pump, a solution heat exchanger, a desorber , a evaporator, a condenser and a combustor.
(247) It shows that the main parameters of ash cooler with air and water adopted are certifiable, but some of its systems must be developed in further.
(248) The end tanks of turbocharger air cooler housings, for example, are sometimes made of plastic.
(249) A thermoelectric cooler was used as the main component of temperature controlling in hot embossing device to acquire high precision temperature control.
(250) Addition of chamfering shape on seating surface of joint bolt atf cooler pipe area.
(251) The sunken garden allows for a cooler outdoor space which promotes outdoor exercise from the interior exercise area.
(252) Thermoelectric cooler has dynamic thermoelectric performance under complex environment, an unstable heat exchange condition or a requested fast adjust time condition.
(253) As a new type device, the micro thermoelectric devices have been used as cooler, generator and sensor.
(254) We had a walk-in cooler in the bottom of the boat that was full of steaks that I had bought for the trip.
(255) The principle of RFQ (Radiofrequency Quadrupole) cooler and buncher is briefly introduced and the simulation of the buffer gas effect is discussed in detail.
(256) There is nothing cooler than a broadband hookup by satellite for your motor home or recreational vehicle.
(257) The MAX1968 is a highly integrated and cost-effective, high-efficiency[Sentencedict], switch-mode idea for driving a wide variety of the thermo-electric cooler (TEC) elements.
(258) The corrosion and corrosion causes of overhead air cooler of atmospheric distillation tower and protection measures were described.
(259) About 200 light-years distant, Mirach is a red giant star, cooler than the Sun but much larger and so intrinsically much brighter than our parent star.
(260) The process design of air cooler is recommended. Some relative problems are proposed.
(261) The corrosion happened on the high-pressure air cooler of the hydrocracking unit when processing sour crude was investigated, and corrosion inhibitor SYDY-101 was added for solving the problem.
(262) Oil filter can be placed in steam regenerative dryer, but the front after cooler can also reduce the amount of oil steam and prolong the service life of the molecule.
(263) The reason reason chalkiness clothes are not cooler is those them reflect the heat.
(264) Applications based on the heat exchange efficiency of the method of calculating the establishment of the surface cooler model, combined with two-phase loop thermosyphon model desiccant system model.
(265) The theory of thermo-electric cooler (TEC) using Seebeck effect is introduced, and the design of temperature control circuit based on ADN8830 is discussed.
(266) A thermoelectric cooler was used as the main component of temperature controlling in hot embossing de...
(267) Draw your curtains or pull down blinds to keep the room cooler.
(268) The inside of beneze anhydride gas cooler(W 104) catched fire caused by the leakage of bundle, and made the whole equipment failure.
(269) The main production facilities are mixing device, reactor, air cooler, water scrubber, caustic wash tower, compressing machine, condensate cooler, dissociator and distillating column and so on.
(270) Lee Hey, I only know that summer renovation to antipollution , Unexpectedly cooler, decoration pollution also can not be ignored.
(271) The paper addresses a chemical method, by which primary cooler is so washed that the temperature of washed gas meets the requirement of the process standard.
(272) The air cooler is designed of nullity fin oval stainless steel bellows tube bank replacing conventional fin tube bank. It is a technological innovation designing and manufacturing of The air cooler.
(273) It was H erectus that expanded northwards into the cooler areas of the world.
(274) The first row of test module was charge air cooler(CAC) and hydraulic oil cooler(HOC), the second row was radiator, and the third is transmission oil cooler(TOC).
(275) Move the steaks to a cooler part of grill and continue to cook until done to your liking. Serve with steak sauce and lots of beer.
(276) But another way to keep food fresh is to use and an evaporative cooler.
(277) If I Want to Buy a Wine Cooler, What Should I Look For?
(278) A complete of oxidization technology of aluminum surface air cooler is established and applied.
(279) And the flow field, temperature field and concentration field of the indirect evaporative air cooler were gained. Fluid flowing state and thermal distribution were analyzed.
(280) There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week.
(281) In Italy, the hypocaust is found only in baths, but in cooler climates, such as Britain's, not only baths also the living room and sometimes other rooms were heated.
(282) Although white surfaces are cooler, the increased sunlight they reflect back into the atmosphere by can increase absorption of light by dark pollutants such as black carbon, which increases heating.
(283) The lower part of the measuring cup houses a thermoelectric cooler.
(284) In this paper the authors first apply basic theory of equivalent heat drop on circulation heat calculating model for thermal system with outer steam cooler by mathematical derivation strictly.
(285) A Gourmet Kitchen has everything a chef could desire as well a a view of the garden and wine cooler in the pantry.
(286) Within the hospital it was cooler than outside, but not much.
(287) Everybody toasted his or her wedding guests with Hey-Song sodas. (Bottom) What could "fresh bubbles" and "cooler" be? The answer is spritzer and cola.
(288) The trebuchet is better for long range targets ( like the water cooler or networked printer ).
(289) A design and economic optimization of ammonia cooler under frosting condition is provided in this paper.
(290) Microchannel cooler, jet cooler, arrangement for diode laser, pumping structure and resonator cavity are designed. Finally, system structure of thin disk laser is designed.
(291) The scaling reduced the cooling effect of the interstage cooler.
(292) In this paper, the study was focused on plate-fin oil cooler whose heat transfer element is hackle fin, and used ANSYS software to optimize the hackle fin on the basis of optimization theory.
(293) Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, flow distribution in a gas cooler with micro-channel parallel flow is studied.
(294) Chilled water or DX coil air cooler are used for cooling chamber in automotive paint shop.
(295) In addition,[] cooler and reduces the amount of space heater defrost.
(296) The main production including large, medium and small cars, construction machinery dedicated heat sink and cooler.




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