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单词 Rectory
1. Call for me at the rectory, why don't yer?
2. I've invited him to the rectory for dinner.
3. Rose was waiting for McAllister at the rectory.
4. Old Ape received his Thursday hand-out at the rectory.
5. The young priest ran into the rectory.
6. But when a camera crew arrived at the rectory, they got a hostile reception.
7. Lower down the post-war rectory replaced bombed buildings in Paradise.
8. The ugly rectory is a figment of my imagination, for there was never such a building on Wood Green.
9. Now, suddenly, the rectory, indeed the entire street,() quaked with racket.
10. Quentin Featherston cut the grass of the rectory lawns again.
11. The woods beyond the rectory garden consisted mainly of beech trees, very tall, as though sending their branches up to the light.
12. The large rectory in Staithes Road is now a private house.
13. Life in a Mayfair rectory suited her very well and she had private means.
14. He would come regularly to the rectory now, Lavinia thought.
15. We believed there was a secret tunnel between rectory and nunnery.
16. He climbed off the step stool and went to the faucet on the side of the rectory.
17. After the death of his father, Tennyson and his family continued to live at the rectory for a further six years.
18. You had better attend the closing hour of it in the synagogue in Rectory Square.
19. The stew was on and simmering, and the fragrance in the rectory was intoxicating.
20. In 1570 he resigned Dewsbury, having been presented to the wealthy Richmondshire rectory of Romaldkirk in 1569.
21. Again, when he was planting a border of lavender along the walkway to the rectory.
22. It didn't matter to her that Timothy Gedge intended to enact monstrous scenes in a rectory garden.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. With reluctance she pulled on a jacket and set out for the Rectory.
24. She had been reviewing the previous week on her walk to the rectory.
25. The thought came to him as he stopped by the rectory to change jackets for the flag-raising program.
26. Still, when the news of his passing reached the rectory the previous evening, Jim Maier had felt suddenly alone.
27. He would wait until evening and the solitude of the rectory, and the peace of his newly dug garden.
28. Another episode that gave him much reassurance was the time when Kate invited him in for tea at the Rectory.
29. How very kind of you to send that cake round to the rectory. Absolutely delicious.
30. The present Mr Richard Bethell now lives in the rectory sited behind the church, overlooking the park.
31. On Friday afternoon, he arrived at the rectory to find the house filled with ravishing aromas.
32. The Rectory drive was dank and dripping between its lugubrious laurels.
33. The twins had wandered out of the rectory garden and had been missing for twenty minutes.
34. Nor was it for Father Vic, who lived in the rectory maintained by his order in the city center.
35. As he came up the walk to the rectory he heard a booming bark from the garage.
36. After work Jozia hurried across the street to the rectory, where Howard waited on the side steps.
37. It's surveyor will inspect the rectory in two weeks time.
38. If some local traveller wanted to sleep it off in the Rectory, who was she to say he should not.
39. When he was finally delivered to the rectory nearly soaked to the skin, Puny was getting ready to leave.
40. A charming cluster of house, rectory and church, it is a perfect gem set in peaceful parkland overlooking its lakes.
41. It was here, in 1809, that Alfred Tennyson was born at the rectory.
42. The tithe barns, the Rectory, the toll bridges no longer controlled daily life, but they still punctuated the landscape.
43. Clarence is Lutheran but he sometimes drops in at the rectory for a second opinion.
44. Joan looked with pity and distaste at the mess which had once been the rectory.
45. I promise you, the village won't think you're one of them because you aren't in the proper rectory.
46. The rectory was a dour red brick house with ivy-clad walls where birds would soon be nesting.
46. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
47. The rectory burned but the church itself was spared.
48. Jeanie followed her consequential conductor towards the rectory.
49. The rectory has been sensitively restored and tastefully furnished.
50. Have you looked round this rectory? Is it not a sweet and pleasant retreat?
51. Jeanie followed her consequential and surly, but not brutal, conductor towards the rectory.
52. In the basement apartment of the rectory, Joe was sweltering.




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