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单词 Peacemaker
1 Hill tried to play the peacemaker.
2 The US sees itself as a peacemaker in the region.
3 He was a natural fighter and a born peacemaker.
4 Should you be acting as the peacemaker in your family, or the one who breaks the conspiracy of silence?
5 Between warring kings, a peacemaker; between adoring spouses, a seducer, or a child.
6 She was constantly interceding as peacemaker between her son, Alfonso, and his father.
7 His test as a peacemaker is still ahead of him.
8 He is a poet who calls himself a peacemaker.
9 Solve conflicts so everyone wins a peacemaker.
10 He will be a peacemaker whenever a quarrel happens.
11 Daniel tried to act as peacemaker.
12 Are you a peacemaker and try to end conflict instead of starting it.
13 Blessed are the peacemaker,[] for that will be called the child of God.
14 But we also are committed to a peacemaker and a troublemaker.
15 If you are not a peacemaker, at least do not be a troublemaker.
16 Mother, ever the peacemaker, pointed her finger at my little brother and said, "See? Now stop!"
17 Last year, Obama projected himself as the global peacemaker in Cairo.
18 Like many video games , Peacemaker is based on role - playing.
19 The prime minister hopes that Mr Peres can help him persuade leftwingers and Arabs that he is still a peacemaker.
20 We asked the Secretary-General to make recommendations for a more effective role for the United Nations as peacekeeper and as peacemaker.
21 Moreover, as the third of four children, he believes he is a natural peacemaker.
22 The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.
23 Game, love has always been hands - on, he went so far as to act as a peacemaker.
24 As a believer, each one knows he is called to be a peacemaker.
25 For his part, Williams learned the Algonquian language and became renowned for his role as a peacemaker with the Narragansett and other tribes on behalf of Rhode Island and other colonies.
26 Those who dissolve two negative is strong bottle, had better be to use masculine gender to come peacemaker, ining that case is namely become the man should pay responsibility to go mediatory .
27 When things aren't going your way, do you throw a tantrum or are you the peacemaker?
28 If you want to honor God and enjoy your life, decide to be a peacemaker.




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