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单词 Variously
1. The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
2. This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.
3. He has been variously described as a hero, a genius and a bully.
4. The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted.
5. His fortune has been variously estimated at between $1 and $2 billion.
6. The cost has been variously estimated at between £10 million and £20 million.
7. He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.
8. The shift away from isolation has been variously interpreted.
9. They are variously named coaches, carriages or compartments.
10. Thus, Reagan's early successes can be variously accounted for.
11. The channels are known variously as the grapevine, gossip and rumour.
12. The Reagans condemned the book, which was variously believed and disbelieved by critics and insiders.
13. The stories about her render her variously as victim, betrayer, seducer, and translator.
14. Berger's views relate to a specifically political motivation, variously apparent throughout the novel.
15. These fundamental rights are variously described and vindicated by a variety of philosophical arguments to which we can not do justice here.
16. This stricture is one that has been variously repeated in a large number of literary and critical theories in this century.
17. The constant is the head, variously rendered but always recognisably the same basic structure.
18. All is drawn in variously diluted glaze, and there is increasing use of washes of colour.
19. Cyclic fluctuations in vole populations have been variously interpreted as the result of intrinsic or extrinsic factors by different workers.
20. The number of demonstrators in Moscow was estimated variously at between 5,000 and 55,000.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. The single cards too were placed variously in the top half, bottom half and crossing the central strip.
22. The two lazed variously upon potato sacks, sharing a Woodbine and musing upon this and that.
23. The number of cases this year of salmonella poisoning has been variously put at 26, 46, 49 or 51.
24. It is one of a new class of electronic products variously called 'personal communicators' or 'personal digital assistants'.
25. Many varieties also have a vegetable or fruity overtone, variously described as cucumber or melon.
26. Without tampering with the deviant sentence itself, we can investigate the effects of placing it in variously elaborated discourse contexts.
27. The important question of the containment of head and shoulders within the frame is dealt with variously.
28. In another group of cases the courts grappled somewhat variously with a new institution.
29. It is a package of capabilities, which are accessed variously in different project-based situations.
30. But exactly that is true of women and men with variously caused depressions.
1. The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
2. This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.
3. The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted.
31. The alchemists observed a stage in the opus which they called variously the leprosy of the metals or the blessed greenness.
32. She has worked variously as teacher, canteen assistant, auxiliary nurse.
33. The requirements of a ballot before strike action have been variously interpreted by the courts.
34. Although the names of these principles have been variously translated, I shall rely on my own designations in explaining them.
35. From 1942 to 1961, two consecutive fields were treated variously with farmyard manure, fertilizers and sewage sludge.
36. Major workers in the field have variously described attachment in the parent-infant relationship.
37. The adversary politics thesis developed by the reformers has also been variously challenged.
38. The tribute that poured into the temple store-rooms, dedicated variously to deities and sanctuaries, had to be recorded and redistributed.
39. An important trade is concerned with the exploitation of the great grasslands variously known as prairie, pampas, savannah, etc.
40. I have been variously called a nominalist, an instrumentalist, a positivist, a realist, and several other ists.
41. He worked variously as a handyman, carpenter, and waiter.
42. Ethnology has been variously defined in different national traditions.
43. Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers.
44. I am in variously skilful hands.
45. Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants of the genus Clematis, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having showy, variously colored flowers or decorative fruit clusters.
46. To TIME, he was variously the "coffee-colored"Owens. "the world's fastest blackamoor"or "the dusky speedster . "
47. Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances.
48. Any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style.
49. The three-card trick relies on what is variously known in psychology as 'emergent norm theory' or 'crowd psychology' or what I like to call 'sheep theory'.
50. Fans of the radial - flow type include the variously designed centrifugal fans.
50. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
51. In this revised and extended edition this book reaches out to contemporary work in these broader fields, adding new material on how progression in mathematical learning might be variously understood.
52. Any of various plants of the genus Zinnia, native to tropical America, especially Z. elegans, widely cultivated for its showy, rayed, variously colored flower heads.
53. The minerals may have variously experienced reaction , resorption, and perhaps even growth, as they settled.
54. Allium in the lily family, having long stalks bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants, such as onions, leeks, chives, garlic, and shallots.
55. An abnormal condition variously characterized by stupor, stereotypy , mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs. It is most often associated with schizophrenia.
56. Hand forging tools comprise variously shaped hammers. The base on which the work is supported during forging is the anvil.
57. The arsenite reactions can be variously accelerated by the addition of aliphatic acids and hydroxy- substituted aliphatic acids.
58. He is variously described as a doctor and a monster.
59. Nuclear-winter doomsayers placed their hopes, variously, in an unverifiable nuclear-weapons "freeze, " American unilateral disarmament, or assigning control of nuclear weapons to international bodies.
60. The family has been described variously as crass, bigoted, racist and plain boring.
61. The Wrights offered to sell the airplane to, variously, the U. S. secretary of war, the French, the British and the Germans.
62. Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla.
63. The specific epithet variously did or did not repeat a key word from the phrase - name.
64. The surface of the stone was first prepared by a coating of potter's clay, mixed variously with cow dung, straw, and animal hair.
65. Any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeria, having milky sap and showy, fragrant, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers.
66. At both sites, teeth labelled variously as Australopithecus, H. erectus and Meganthropus are most likely to be the mystery ape instead.
67. Any of various plants of the genus Lilium, having variously colored, often trumpet-shaped flowers.
68. Any of several chiefly tropical American bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum grown as ornamentals for their large, showy, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that are grouped in umbels.
69. Country and agricultural issue were caused again care and take seriously variously.
70. Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.
71. Any of several plants of the genus Freesia, native to southern Africa, having one-sided clusters of fragrant, variously colored flowers.
72. A hybrid plant derived from crossing certain species of the genus Viola and having small, spurred , variously colored flowers.
73. Any of various small, short-eared domesticated rodents of the genus Cavia, having variously colored hair and no visible tail. They are widely kept as pets and often used as experimental animals.
74. Their mentality alsoimmediately took place variously within this kind of social atmosphere.
75. All parts of the tree yield products of economic value, Being used variously for timber, furniture, Basketry , fuel, rope, and packing material.
76. China aster :an annual Chinese plant (Callistephus chinensis) in the composite family, widely grown in several forms for its showy, variously colored flower heads.
77. Any of various North American plants of the genus Phlox, having opposite leaves and flowers with a variously colored salverform corolla.
78. The plaintiff usually begins civil proceedings by asking the court to issue a document. This document is known variously as a summons, a writ or a statement of claim.
79. Any of numerous usually evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Rhododendron of the North Temperate Zone, having clusters of variously colored, often bell-shaped flowers.
80. Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia.
80. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
81. Because, this may cause the market to realize variously altogether wins.
82. The automatic mechanism characteristics of an assault rifle can be accurately described by the rigid-flexible model containing clearance and considering variously actual factors.
83. The concept and definition of the sliding cutting angle of the working parts in agricultural machinery are described variously and even incorrectly at present.
84. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is a Latin phrase from the Roman poet Juvenal, variously translated as "Who watches the watchmen?"
85. Factotum initial: An initial letter surrounded by ornamentation , and can thus be variously patterned to match the content of the text.
86. Objective : Variously discussing the tactics to enhance the employment rate.
87. A late-blooming type of garden tulip having long stems and egg-shaped, variously colored flowers.
88. The rhythms are variously motorik and shambolic, Tom Waits' funkier cuban-heeled grooves and loping hip-hop manouevres.
89. A plant of the genus Delphinium, especially any of several tall cultivated varieties having palmate leaves and long racemes of showy, variously colored spurred flowers.
90. The progress of several engineering plastics variously used with noticeable importance is discussed in this article.
91. Our authors do not allow their characters simply to talk, they variously "mewl", "croak encouragement" and display "satisfied purring in her throat".
92. Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant(Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals.
93. Any of various bulbous herbs of the genus Ixia native to southern Africa and widely cultivated as an ornamental, having grasslike leaves and showy clusters of variously colored flowers.
94. A type of winter squash shaped somewhat like an acorn and having longitudinal ridges, a variously colored rind, and yellow to orange flesh.
95. The verb in question is written variously realize and realise.
96. Viewing the hoopla over him with humorous detachment, he variously referred to himself as the Jewish saint or artist's model.
97. Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genus Cattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.
98. The depth of this cave has been variously calculated at from 200 metres to 500 metres.
99. Lobster is used variously, for example in soup, bisque or lobster rolls.
100. The dynamic change of chlorophyll, carotenoid, cyanin and flavonoid of variously colored fruit sweet pepper varieties is studied.
101. In this role Dr. Hancock—Russ—is best described variously: as a civic leader, community gatherer, institution builder, social entrepreneur, and outspoken advocate for regionalism.




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