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单词 Laid down
1. The enemy laid down their arms.
2. Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.
3. They laid down their weapons and surrendered.
4. Ants follow a scent trail laid down previously.
5. Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.
6. She laid down strict rules for her tenants including prompt payment of rent.
7. Their lives have not been laid down in vain.
8. With a final flourish she laid down her pen.
9. I laid down 200 dollars for this TV set.
10. Several ocean-going ships are being laid down here.
11. They accepted unquestioningly the rules he had laid down.
12. Penalties are laid down in the statute .
13. He asked to be laid down in the churchyard.
14. Charles laid down his cards face up.
15. The troops submissively laid down their weapons.
16. He has laid down some excellent wine.
17. Our work must answer the specifications laid down.
18. Prices are laid down by the manufacturer.
19. The contract laid down that the work must be completed before 2025.
20. He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech.
21. Today we remember those who laid down their lives for their country.
22. He laid down 5 bottles of best wine on their wedding day.
23. The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile.
24. We have to follow the safety guidelines laid down by the government.
25. The old man has laid down his office to make way for a younger man.
26. When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained.
27. Thousands upon thousands of martyrs have heroically laid down their lives for the people.
28. I laid down the law to my wife for running up so many shopping bills.
29. He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.
30. The rules have grown up through custom and are not laid down by law.
1. The enemy laid down their arms.
2. Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.
3. They laid down their weapons and surrendered.
4. Ants follow a scent trail laid down previously.
5. Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.
6. He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.
7. She laid down strict rules for her tenants including prompt payment of rent.
8. Prices are laid down by the manufacturer.
9. The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.
31. The general laid down a few strategic targets on the map.
32. The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.
33. This is in line with the policy laid down by the management.
34. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.
35. The game will be played according to rules laid down for the 1992 Cup.
36. Road humps have been laid down to limit the speed of cars along the road.
37. She laid down only one condition : that her name not be revealed.
38. The Commission is guided by rules laid down by Parliament.
39. This track was laid down last year,but now it is in need repair.
40. He laid down his life for the cause of freedom.
41. She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away.
42. The inquiry has to stay within the parameters laid down by Congress.
43. The aircraft have to meet the strict specifications laid down by the FAA.
44. It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.
45. The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.
46. The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.
46. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
47. The correct procedure is laid down in the rules and regulations.
48. Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police.
49. He laid down ten dollars that his brother would fail in the examination.
50. If you eat too much, the surplus is laid down as fat.
51. The Confederates laid down their arms that afternoon.
52. It laid down guidelines for religious instruction.
53. There were warships to be laid down.
54. The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
55. There Philip and Richard laid down three conditions upon which they were prepared to make peace.
56. The principles of homoeopathy, as laid down by Hahnemann, are as valid today as they were in his time.
57. They must conform to the pattern and standard size laid down by the Post Office.
58. The job description shall be consistent with the contractual duties laid down in this agreement.
59. Such an approach also clearly specifies operating procedures and mechanisms laid down in a formal manual for example.
60. Octavia Hill laid down strict rules for her tenants including prompt payment of rent on pain of eviction.
61. Aims were defined, certain statutory regulations laid down and five officers elected for the first three-year term.
62. The selection criteria of children is laid down by the government department appropriate to education and health.
63. Army reforms progressed along lines previously laid down by Herrera when he had been Minister of War in 1833 and 1834.
64. It is the sort of knowledge that may be laid down in rules and can be learned from books.
65. Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536.
66. Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch.
67. The rules ought to be laid down based on common sense, not like one-way systems, things like that.
68. Or rather, they laid down specific principles that were to be more or less taken for granted by subsequent positivists.
69. Stirling may have laid down the principles, but it was Lewes who had trained the men to put them into practice.
70. What we do not want is lessons laid down by law.
71. The procedure whereby the pre-emptive offer is to be communicated to the shareholders is laid down in section 90.
72. No absolute rule can be laid down as to the way the subordinate judge should proceed.
73. Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
74. MacFarland said I would do well in his class and laid down the law about doing well in the others.
75. Their purpose is to activate local debate but on terms laid down by the dominant ideology.
76. This refers to the extent to which the organization has complied with the conditions laid down in its authority to spend.
76. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
77. The manner of enforcement was laid down by the statute.
78. The 1988 Act has made fundamental alterations to the power structure of the education system laid down in 1944.
79. The law laid down qualifications for Congressmen and electoral procedures to be followed.
80. Its roads still follow the paths laid down for - or by - oxcarts in the tenth century.
81. The boundaries laid down followed fairly closely those of the perambulation of 1300.
82. Reaffirms the objectives of Green Belt policies and related development control policies as laid down in previous Circulars.
83. Do not be misled by thinking that this is either because of strict conformity or regulations laid down.
84. The statutes laid down the maximum size of peasant land allotments.
85. Parliament has even laid down some rules for controlling the meetings of local authorities.
86. We follow the moral laws laid down by our religion.
87. But Chevenement has created a body which is better equipped to achieve the objectives laid down in the law.
88. We'd laid down on the carpet and the minute I'd put it in her I'd come.
89. He remembered the words of Izz Huett: She would have laid down her life for you.
90. As Lisa laid down the phone her hand was shaking.
91. They made a move for the piano, but we laid down the law and soon redirected their energy to sightseeing.
92. It merely reflects the implementation of a programme laid down much earlier.
93. Hastily Stevens laid down his book on Third World debt and straightened his reclining chair.
94. A shift in the weather pattern, bringing low pressure systems across the Alps in December laid down a firm base.
95. Together they laid down strict rules to keep the vital traffic moving.
96. They are largely caused by a lack of knowledge or understanding in chambers where no ground rules are laid down.
97. True, the police do at times breach the rules laid down by the law.
98. She laid down her Cosmopolitan magazine, open at fashions, loose flowing shirts in jewel colours.
99. A Committee was elected and the basic aims of the Group laid down.
100. Perhaps a long blue cloth laid down the middle of the hall represents a river - itself an important boundary.
101. No provision of Community law could justify the residence requirements laid down in the Act of 1988. 70.
102. But I've also laid down strict guidelines on how much time he can spend at the screen.
103. They are still worrying about the foundations of quantum mechanics that were laid down sixty-five years ago.
104. These priorities are also reflected in the prescriptions for teacher education laid down with an increasing degree of firmness from the centre.
105. They all produce rugs to order, with strict criteria laid down to govern the sizes, colours, designs and qualities.
106. No-one is criticising the standard specifications laid down - if they are followed.
106. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
107. Stubbornness was an early characteristic, as was the way he would call a halt to any admonishment laid down by Mud.
108. In these still pools, more of the same kind of clay is laid down.
109. Look at the decision of the Exchequer Chamber how we may, it laid down a new principle.
110. During gastrulation the front and back, top and bottom become evident, and the basic body plan is laid down.
111. To obtain this private statute it is necessary for the local authority to promote a Bill in Parliament laid down by Parliament.
112. He laid down a long series of strict rules and regulations regarding conduct.
113. There is a statutory procedure laid down for the consultation process.
114. Wim Duisenberg insisted that the yardsticks laid down in the Maastricht treaty were all that mattered.
115. The revised law laid down strict rules on the issuing of permits for demonstrations and forbade government and party officials from participating.
116. You set the scene, as it were, for your presentation and then proceed to follow the pattern laid down.
117. I don't recall having laid down either of those heavy burdens.
118. He was laid down on brittle pampas grass and then manhandled by the creatures.
119. From 1754 onwards marriages were entered on printed forms, otherwise no standard procedure was laid down until 1813.
120. All cars sold in Germany must conform to the regulations laid down by the Federal Road Safety Board.
121. The bike was sealed to make it waterproof and tracks were laid down under the water for it.
122. It is very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the handbook.
123. In addition to the statutory requirements(), the form and content of an audit report is governed by requirements laid down in auditing standards.
124. It follows, of course, that each time a gun is laid down it must first be broken and unloaded.
125. Strips of old carpet had been laid down in rows, like pews.
126. Mechanical tint a pre-printed sheet of dots, lines or patterns that can be laid down on artwork for reproduction.
127. Other market proxies have laid down rules for pricing according to marginal cost.
128. Accounts must follow a format that will be laid down in regulations due to come into force in September 1993.
129. The real estate descended to the heir in accordance with rules laid down by statutes of 1833 and 1859.
130. For certain classes of property the Government has laid down rules about the level of standard charge.
131. Job control can be ineffective if the command structure is not properly laid down.
132. Subject to limited minimum rights laid down by statute, which are explained below, there is often plenty of scope for negotiation.
133. As such our duties are clearly laid down in the Criminal Code.
134. Once priorities had been decided, the usual and almost invariable conditions were laid down.
135. Rules were laid down as to what was acceptable on the fairways.
136. The unusual, possibly unique,[http:///laid down.html] method of election was laid down in the statutes by John Dakyn.
137. Certain principles have never yet been contested in any court of law so that precedent for their consideration has never been laid down.
138. The path here can be very wet, but planks have been laid down over the worst parts.
139. He just laid down across the bed with his clothes on and died.
140. Rules laid down in a statute would be less flexible.
141. The Pentagon laid down strict conditions regarding the export of these weapons.
142. However, these rules and formally laid down procedures tell only part of the story.
143. Rich food supplies are laid down within its cells and waterproof coats are wrapped round it.
144. Where's the high-collar starchy shirt-front chin-up character that tied and retied its silk to perfection and laid down its life?
145. Nowadays thousands of different types of thermometer in use in science and industry are based on the principles he laid down.
146. In addition, all regional buyers inspect and approve all raw material stores personally to ensure they achieve our laid down standards.
147. But the general observational procedures laid down by Hubble have been followed by his successors to this day.
148. The make-up of some of the most influential quangos is laid down in law, and would require more legislation to change.
149. Sperm, on the other hand, was life and the early Church laid down penances for those who wasted it.
150. We shall continue to meet the criteria laid down by the Department of Transport.
151. Howard laid down the hose and went to turn off the water.
152. At least a bill of rights would provide standards - laid down by parliament - against which our judiciary would have to operate.
153. A possum laid down the bearded iris field.
154. Hermione sighed and laid down her quill.
155. The shipyard workers laid down a new ship.
156. The others delightedly laid down their papers.
157. She finished her eclair and laid down her fork.
158. Having delivered his remarks at the sales event for the Chicago Spire, he noted, as he laid down his brush,() "The most beautiful part of this is that the building is already under construction."
159. The procedure for the passage of Bills in Parliament is laid down in the Standing Orders of Parliament.
160. The procedure in applying for registration is laid down in the Trade Marks Rules.
161. Originalism has laid down the leading principle and policy of the Chinese design revolution as well as various detailed working and thinking principles.
162. After: bucket laid down on the floor; stool turned back over, right next end table.
163. It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers.
164. The yellowish green clay we were walking through was laid down between 4.4 and 4.3 million years ago, when this part of the CAC was a lake much like Yardi. Nothing was preserved in the clay but fish.
165. At the same year, it laid down the standard of Spiral Seam Welded Perforated Pipes and Tubes for Liquid Filter, that is unique in China.
166. The church of England is not free to change its form of worship,[Sentence dictionary] as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the co ent of Parliament.
167. As an important right of witness in modern law-and-order countries, the declining rights in civil litigation have been laid down in many countries'law of evidence.
168. Most of the monasteries and nunneries in England were supposed to follow strict rules, laid down by Saint Benedict 900 years earlier.
169. Hurstwood laid down his fifteen cents and crept off with weary steps to his allotted room.
170. of worship, as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament.
171. In the abolition of such Biblical ordinances he laid down the principle of Abrogation which forms the basis of Islamic theology.
172. These provisions are laid down in the Income Tax Act of 1964 and in the Net Wealth Tax Act of 1964, respectively.
173. Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or "capital vices" laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
174. In the past, the US military used a set of 19 approved interrogation methods laid down in the Army Field Manual 2-22.3, which explicitly prohibits threats or coercion.
175. Annular thickening Rings of thickening laid down on the inner wall of protoxylem vessels and tracheids .
176. I laid down my life so that you may live, (See II Corinthians 5:15).
177. Callaghan and the Trades Union Congress had worked out a "concordat" that laid down guidelines for wage claims and union self-discipline on wildcat strikes.
178. However the nations have laid down the different legal regulations regarding straight bill of lading, therefore the jurisdiction position to this problem varies from one to the other.
179. This is the memory trace being laid down in the brain.
180. She laid down the pipe and shook her head disapprovingly. Her face was serious now.
181. It is laid down in plain terms that any boat fishing off the coast will be apprehended.
182. It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, but now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers.
183. A new - type ocean - going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard.
184. The land is laid down with red or white clover.
185. Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line Between privateering and piracy was often Blurred.
186. The fluorine content in the residue of acid lixivium is a constant. These factors should be taken into account when the limits is laid down for fluoride exposure and fluorine levels in foodstuff.
187. If they are correct, it's possible, says Lawton, for fossils of organisms that were killed by the impact event to be reworked out on the ancient sea floor and laid down on top of (after) ejecta .
188. Any aspect of production departs from that laid down in their documentation.
189. Professor Paul Freemont, a molecular biologist at Imperial College London said: "The bacteria naturally produce these fibres of cellulose and they are laid down into a mat that floats to the surface.
190. Polycrystalline diamond coatings for tools are laid down using chemical vapor deposition.
191. The committee laid down rule about the size of tennis court.
192. This is a manhattan(whisky, sweet vermouth, bitters), that has been laid down to age forfour-and-a-half years.
193. Protection for the consumer is laid down in plain terms by statute.
194. The church of England that is moreover moreovernwit free to change its form of worship! as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliherewisent.
195. The procedure for applying for registration is laid down in the Trade Marks Rules.
196. Comply with all systems and procedures as laid down by the Central Reservations Manager.
197. The thrower had used trickery to circumvent the criteria laid down in Law 15.
198. The doctor laid down the law,[http:///laid down.html] and told the patient to keep to a light diet.
199. Only the ships had most of them been laid down in my tenure.
200. The skin's base layer is the subcutis, which includes a seam of fat laid down as a fuel reserve in case of food shortage.
201. Science has laid down the principle that the properties of an element are a periodic function of its atomic weight.
202. And "normative ethics"is characterized by its peremptoriness, that is, rules are laid down through legislation to set one's goal and norms of behavior.
203. To build ( a road ) of logs laid down crosswise.
204. She opened her purse and laid down a half dollar.
205. And "normative ethics"is characterized by its peremptoriness, that is, rules are laid down through legislation to set one's goal and norms of beha...
206. Well pleased with - himself, Tseng Tsang - hai cackled triumphantly and laid down the opium - pipe.
207. The auctioneer laid down his gavel.'I'm sorry, the auction is over.'
208. The church of England is not free to change its form. of worship, as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament.
209. Cook laid down clearly the island groups of the South Atlantic.
210. The referee laid down the law to the players during the halt in proceedings.




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