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单词 Traversing
1. The cars were traversing along the highway.
2. It suited my wandering nature, my penchant for traversing the neighborhoods of San Francisco, honing my skills as a boulevardier.
3. Imperial merchantmen traversing the warp would flee at the sighting of one.
4. Her eyes were rimmed with the price of traversing oceans, the jump of time zones.
5. But it was as if we were traversing a cafe-free zone.
6. It involved traversing, changing edge and traversing again.
7. Traversing equatorial line, it encountered strong, swift currents before passing close to Hawaii's Kauai island.
8. Concerning the familiar traversing through a program tree, people used to adopt the searching strategy, which always begins from the root of tree.
9. He traced some tiny fault lines traversing the front of the shoe.
10. The traversing algorithm for the simple graph has been researched for many years and lots of mature algorithms are developed.
11. Sherpa traversing a ladder on an ice fall Sherpa Nima Dorje Tamang traverses a ladder on the Khumbu Icefall of Mount Everest in Nepal.
12. In such arteriovenous malformations, much of the oxygenated arterial blood is shunted directly into the veins without ever traversing the capillaries.
13. The road to that decision point is a long one, traversing great expanses of science, technology, and economics.
14. Labour has been feeling its way since Major's election, as if the corridor it was traversing was suddenly plunged into darkness.
15. The software then does the calculations, using built-in data on the energy cost of traversing different kinds of terrain.
16. The unit immediately locates the nearest station, with a vertical green line traversing a gray screen until locking into a signal.
17. If the compromised system is on a backbone network, intruders can monitor any transit traffic traversing between nodes on that network.
18. But they hold no passion for fording streams, driving through mud or traversing rocky mountain paths in their pricey vehicles.
19. He looks up at the ceiling, which a gecko is slowly traversing.
20. For the moment, however, it is sufficient to reflect on the difficult terrain which we are traversing.
21. How can it be that by allowing the photon an alternative route, we have actually stopped it from traversing either route?
22. Then, explore Santa Marta, Colombia and the San Blas Islands in Panam, before traversing the Panama Canal.
23. They simultaneously will be building a pipeline from Gwadar, traversing the whole of Pakistan, then thru the Karakoram ranges moving into China thru Xinjiang.
24. The measurements can be simply made by drawing and measuring the helical line with calipers and a pencil (only applicable for the Traversing Drive of spray-painted iron housing, see Photo 1).
25. For example an electron jumps from orbit to orbit in an atom without traversing the space between orbits.
26. The adjusting mechanism for space and lap between upper and lower cutter head,(Sentencedict) cutter head traversing and locking mechanism etc. have been analyzed and introduced.
27. In addition, we add a bit string to each node in the tree to store the prefix of the items. By using the structure we can avoid repeatedly traversing the sub-tree while expanding the patterns.
28. Primarily designed for use with festoon systems for the conveyance of electrical power and control to cranes, hoists, or any equipment which travels with a lateral traversing motion.
29. This paper discusses the application of adjacency matrix at the algorithm's analysis for traversing Graph, Minimum cost Spanning Tree, Topological sort and Critical Path.
30. And don't be put off by the challenge of traversing these sands of time.
31. Usually, using SimpleParse means generating a parse tree in one function call, then traversing this tree in separate code.
32. I was afraid of avalanches and checked a slope meter before traversing open, treeless hillsides.
33. Note that in traversing a tree, at any point in the traversal, a node can be the root of a new subtree.
34. Other tidbits include basic advice regarding self-preservation, such as never traversing at night or refraining from "passing judgment" when consuming alcohol.
35. We propose a method of pre-assignment for exact algorithm of traversing clauses, and the correctness is proved in theory.
36. Mules are well suited for traversing the Grand Canyon. They are three times as strong as a horse, more sure-footed, intelligent, and trainable.
37. We use the state transition table to form oscillation rings and generate patterns by searching valid states through traversing input sequences.
38. Traversing rough and muddy terrain, a field artillery unit, pulled by a four-horse team, comes to a halt.
39. The call-and-response lines are suitably poetic, traversing the heights and depths of extreme emotional states.
40. Until that happens, though, satellites traversing the inner belt would be in danger of having their innards zapped by stray, high-energy electrons.
41. I saw the white bust of Bismarck in a small square, where so many rails of tramcar are traversing.
42. The country they were traversing gave evidence of careful cultivation.
43. Turns day after day bored, day after day waiting, day after day helpless, day like clear water traversing water cock, like this whish whish flow.
44. On the basis of the rule of traversing binary tree, a simple and convenient method to judge a fully binary tree is proposed.
45. The road levelled off at a fork, the wider path continuing to descend, a narrower one traversing the slope.
46. This is actually an ejecta field of rocks thrown about after the impact that created this huge crater where the rover is now traversing, and is an exciting region for the MER scientists to explore.
47. Unlike link encryption, where one key is applied to all data traversing a given connection, packet encryption allows keys tobeapplied selectively to designated packets.
48. No dainty traversing down green runs and stopping for hot chocolates every half hour.
49. Once the file is opened, the function begins traversing the script file once text line at a time. Each line is read in as a string.
50. Traversing a wasteland of sand, rock, and heaps of industrial rubble.
51. A traversing mechanism winds the strand on to the forming cake.
52. Some Australians simply go walkabout, traversing national parks filled with such devilish critters as koalas, sugar gliders and knee-high wallabies.
53. It would be better if traversing the data structure was a separate and generic operation.
54. That is why electrons jump from orbit to orbit without traversing the space between.
55. All these readouts belong to one linked list, so we should be able to access them all by just traversing our list structure.
55. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
56. In his early years, she would get lost traversing those spaces.
57. In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.
58. Hook: Groundhog Day meets Inception, when a government agent finds himself traversing the same time loop over and over — in someone else's body.
59. The lower construction includes the gantry, slewing ring, traversing bogie and balance girder. The electric cable winder and central electricity transmission installations are also included.
60. Because the DITA screen and uicontrol elements describe navigation controls (see Listing 1), traversing a path through the application becomes a matter of simple recursion.
61. More likely, though, traffic traversing networks would become a locally undecipherable algebraic stream.
62. My question about measuring the speed of light pertains to light traversing 'curved' spacetime - gravitational lensed light.
63. If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd.
64. I made heavy weather of traversing a series of beams, ropes and obstacles.
65. If an atom is slowed while traversing the cavity, its phase will be shifted by an angle proportional to the delay.
66. Main causes of throwing turret are: friction torque of friction clutch of turret traversing mechanism is not enough, and worm gear and worm of traversing mechanism are not self-locking.
67. Filthy, funky and addictive: imagine traversing a lapdancing club with a head full of Mogodon.
68. By careful researches of the traversal of binary tree, a new method of traversing binary tree is brought forward, which is able to solve the problem of traversal of binary tree.
69. They were not at all deterred by the physical difficulties of traversing the Ardennes.
70. All that Providence required in order to make Waterloo the end of Austerlitz was a little more rain(), and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to make a world crumble.
71. The still use traditional dugout canoes for traversing the fresh water lake.
72. To solve the problem of Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) traversing Network Address Translator(NAT), this paper describes a new method based on port detection.




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